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Everything posted by Tupac

  1. Tupac

    Callfunc "vip";

    Mas como funciona? Porque possuo outros npcs para group id lv 2. Ex: curandeira paara player comum da alguns buffs e o msm noc para vip da muito mais buffs. E possível adicionar tickets vip para este vip?
  2. Help ticket vip, when I run @reloadscript or restart the server to stop working. Npc: //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 15 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip1 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 1; set $verificaVip, 1; //if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; if (getgmlevel() > 0) { getitem 30015,1; mes "[Sistema VIP]"; mes "Você já é um Jogador VIP."; mes " "; mes "^696969(Ticket VIP devolvido)^000000"; close; } table sql: ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `dt_vip` INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; Item_db2_re: 7711, 'Ticket_VIP[1]', 'Ticket VIP[30]', 0, 10000, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4294967295, 7, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'callfunc "vip";', NULL, NULL); 7712, 'Ticket_VIP[7]', 'Ticket VIP[7]', 0, 10000, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4294967295, 7, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'callfunc "vip7";', NULL, NULL); 7713, 'Ticket_VIP[30]', 'Ticket VIP[30]', 0, 10000, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4294967295, 7, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'callfunc "vip30";', NULL, NULL);
  3. My config.ini: [Config:Main] RootURL='' RemoteConfigFile='main.ini' TimeOut=0 StatusFile='patchfile.dat' DefaultGRF='data.grf' ClientEXE='NWPRO.exe' ClientParameter='-1sak1' FinishOnConnectionFailure=false [Config:Window] AutoResize=true Style='none' Width= Height= DragHandling=true Background='images/bg.bmp' FadeOnDrag=false [Config:BGM] File= Loop=true Volume=20 Directory= [Config:Misc] Title='DemoRO Patcher' HideProgressBarWhenFinish=true [Label:Status] AutoResize=true Width=455 Height=13 Left=9 Top=550 Alignment='center' FontColor=$ffffff FontName = 'Trebuchet MS' FontSize =9 Text='Patch process completed.' Hook='StatusChange' [ProgressBar:bar1] Width=532 Height=13 Left=9 Top=569 BackColorStart= BackColorEnd= FrontColorStart= FrontColorEnd= FrontImage='images/frontprogress.png' BackImage='images/backprogress.png' Hook='ProgressChange' [NoticeBox:Box0] Width=212 Height=140 Left=562 Top=334 URL='http://nwpro.site/patch/notice.html' [NoticeBox:MainSlide] Width=528 Height=449 Left=11 Top=25 URL='http://nwpro.site/patch/slide2/slide.html' [NoticeBox:SubSlide] Width=528 Height=57 Left=11 Top=486 URL='http://nwpro.site/patch/slide1/slide.html' [Button:Start] Default='images/start.png' OnHover='images/starthover.png' OnDown='images/startdown.png' Left=558 Top=490 Hook='Start' [Button:Exit] Default='images/Exit.png' OnHover='images/Exithover.png' OnDown='images/Exitdown.png' Left=773 Top=2 Mode=5 [Button:Community] Default='images/community.png' OnHover='images/communityhover.png' OnDown='images/communitydown.png' Left=558 Top=210 Mode=1 Action='http://nwpro.site/forum/' [Button:Register] Default='images/register.png' OnHover='images/registerhover.png' OnDown='images/registerdown.png' Left=558 Top=169 Mode=1 Action='http://nwpro.site/account/create/' [Button:Website] Default='images/website.png' OnHover='images/websitehover.png' OnDown='images/websitedown.png' Left=558 Top=251 Mode=1 Action='http://nwpro.site/' [Button:Guide] Default='images/gettingstarted.png' OnHover='images/gettingstartedhover.png' OnDown='images/gettingstarteddown.png' Left=558 Top=127 Mode=1 Action='http://nwpro.site/gettingstarted/' main.ini: //Thor Patcher remote config file [Main] //Allow patching or not? allow=true //Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately? Force_Start=false //if not, what message should appear? policy_msg=Server is taking a nap. //file_url - patch files should ALL put here. // This config entry will override the one in embed config. // o HTTP: // http://domain.com/dir/ // o FTP: // ftp://domain.com/dir/ // o With <Username> [Password] [Port] // ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir/ // o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional. file_url=http://nwpro.site/patch/data/ [Patch] //use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher // used to make sure exe is up to date // (leave empty to disable this feature) ClientSum= PatcherSum= //This is compressed file for patcher & client update // To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty // Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config) //Relative address, not FULL URL! ClientPath= PatcherPath= // Patch list file PatchList=patchlist.txt [Stars] // Shining o.O (Anyways, its for start button clones) // Since orignal client has check sum.. why not for clones? XD //How many? (it should same as amount of start button clone, but of course it's your choice) clients=0 // _sum - checksum, use CheckSum tool. //client1_sum= // _Name - Filename of exe //client1_Name= // _Path - Path for file [Compressed] //client1_Path= [Misc] //Set a limit for fragment, when reach this limit, patcher will ask user to defrag FragmentLimit=50
  4. Tupac

    Ticket vip

    Script: //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 15 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip15 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 15; set $verificaVip, 1; if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `level` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `level` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip inserido com sucesso! Relogue seu personagem para ativá-lo."; end; estender: query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `level` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `level` = "+$nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip estendido por mais "+$diasVip+" dias! Relogue seu personagem para ativá-lo."; end; } //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 30 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip30 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 30; set $verificaVip, 1; if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `level` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `level` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip inserido com sucesso! Relogue seu personagem para ativá-lo."; end; estender: query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `level` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `level` = "+$nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip estendido por mais "+$diasVip+" dias! Relogue seu personagem para ativá-lo."; end; } //========================================================================================================================== // Função que controla a data de término da conta vip e anúncios ao logar //========================================================================================================================== - script GerenciadorVip -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: set @site$, "www.sitedoseuservidor.com.br"; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `level`= 0 WHERE `level` = "+$nivelVip+" AND (`dt_vip` IS NULL OR `dt_vip` < CURDATE())"; query_sql "SELECT (`dt_vip` IS NULL OR `dt_vip` < CURDATE()) FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @verificaVip; if (@verificaVip) { dispbottom "Torne-se um(a) jogador(a) Vip e tenha benefícios esclusivos!"; dispbottom "Acesse "+@site$+" e saiba mais!"; end; } query_sql "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt_vip`, '%d/%m/%Y') FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @dataVencimento$; dispbottom "Sua conta Vip é válida até o dia "+@dataVencimento$+""; end; } if the player has the ticket in their inventory and the server is restarted the ticket stops working
  5. Addon: https://github.com/darrensapalo/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints Fluxcp: rAthena Error log: [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-03-01 20:25:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist My tables "cp_vfp_logs, cp_vfp_sites" : -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.6.6deb5 -- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ -- -- Host: localhost:3306 -- Tempo de geração: 01/03/2019 às 23:27 -- Versão do servidor: 10.1.37-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 -- Versão do PHP: 7.0.33-0+deb9u1 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- Banco de dados: `ragnarok` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Estrutura para tabela `cp_vfp_logs` -- CREATE TABLE `cp_vfp_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `sites_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `timestamp_expire` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `timestamp_voted` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `ipaddress` varchar(155) NOT NULL, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Fazendo dump de dados para tabela `cp_vfp_logs` -- INSERT INTO `cp_vfp_logs` (`id`, `sites_id`, `timestamp_expire`, `timestamp_voted`, `ipaddress`, `account_id`) VALUES (8, 4, '2019-03-02 08:23:53', '2019-03-01 20:23:53', '', 2000000); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Estrutura para tabela `cp_vfp_sites` -- CREATE TABLE `cp_vfp_sites` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `votename` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `voteurl` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `voteinterval` int(11) NOT NULL, `votepoints` int(11) NOT NULL, `imgname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `imgurl` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `datetime_created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Fazendo dump de dados para tabela `cp_vfp_sites` -- INSERT INTO `cp_vfp_sites` (`id`, `votename`, `voteurl`, `voteinterval`, `votepoints`, `imgname`, `imgurl`, `datetime_created`) VALUES (4, 'Topragnarok', 'https://topragnarok.com.br/vote/22420', 12, 1, NULL, 'https://topragnarok.com.br/topragnarokbrasil.gif', '2019-03-01 20:10:04'); -- -- Índices de tabelas apagadas -- -- -- Índices de tabela `cp_vfp_logs` -- ALTER TABLE `cp_vfp_logs` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Índices de tabela `cp_vfp_sites` -- ALTER TABLE `cp_vfp_sites` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabelas apagadas -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `cp_vfp_logs` -- ALTER TABLE `cp_vfp_logs` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=9; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT de tabela `cp_vfp_sites` -- ALTER TABLE `cp_vfp_sites` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=5; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;
  6. Tupac

    Addon VoteForPoints

    edit names in filles addon ? vfp_sites_sql => cp_v4p_sites.sql vfp_sites_sql => cp_v4p_votelogs.sql acc_reg_num => cp_v4p_voters.sql
  7. Tupac

    Addon VoteForPoints

    has been double ragnarok ? 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs'
  8. Tupac

    Addon VoteForPoints

    <?php exit('Forbidden'); ?> [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:47:58] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 19:48:00] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist I have table
  9. Tupac

    Addon VoteForPoints

    i have only one table cp_vfp_logs and cp_vfp_sites in mysql View log: [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42000] Err 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'key = '#CASHPOINTS' AND account_id = '2000000'' at line 1 edit: <?php exit('Forbidden'); ?> [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.acc_reg_num_db' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:34] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42000] Err 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'key = '#CASHPOINTS' AND account_id = '2000000'' at line 1 [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.acc_reg_num_db' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.acc_reg_num_db' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:25:36] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:04] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist [2019-02-28 22:29:05] [SQLSTATE=42S02] Err 1146: Table 'ragnarok.ragnarok.cp_vfp_logs' doesn't exist
  10. Tupac

    Addon VoteForPoints

    Its been tested and the same erro occurred
  11. click site vote: unable to vote for the server. Err no. 4
  12. fluxcp rathena addon: Click vote site error. [pt-BR] Quando clico para votar.
  13. Galera, algum de vocês usa o Google cloud? Centos ou debian. Estou tentdo dificuldades para instalar e utilizar o phpmyadmin sigo os passos da wiki do rathena porém quando dou HTTP://meuip/phpmyadmin não abre nada.
  14. Hi, how install rathena in Google vm.
  15. Error import sql: Comando SQL: #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,10000,0,0,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','attack',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,10000,0,5000,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','attack',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL); #REPLACE INTO `mob[...] Mensagens do MySQL : Documentação #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db_re` VALUES (1399,'Event Baphomet@AL_TELEPORT','idle',' at line 86
  16. Compativel com ROenglishRE Hexed 20180620 Aparentemente esta tudo ok, sem erros. msgstringtable.txt
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