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Everything posted by Xtremist

  1. Hey guyz, as the topic says, I want to have monster on every map on hourly basis if they die. Permanent monster spawn will have too much of redundant code as we will have to copy paste all the things for all maps. This is what I tried but it aint worked! http://pastebin.com/aWjUWGe2
  2. Hey guyz, Its been a lot of time I have been watching that brAthena is doing really good with its progress. The only bad thing is theres no good international support over there and its purely br Just saw the talks between @Rytech and @Protimus , How if they start contributing the renewal updates to rAthena as well? It will really fasten the progress of rAthena
  3. I think its good.It should not be removed.... Even if it is removed, we have in our mind what was the last rev no. and we can do check the svn log thread for the new updates.
  4. Suggestion : Release them seperately like Yestuki used to do.
  5. Detective Conan's Character ? xD anyway, my name doesnt have meaning at all ^^ it look like "Chemistry" without the "Ch" someone might think of i love Chemistry because of my name..but...i am not... some of them even though it come from the name of RO's Homunculus ( Amistr ) as you can see...there are some "Similarity" O.O not...sorry...no !! xD my name was just a nickname given by my friends out of a sudden.... xD and seem that they love to call me using this name... so ....i have to get use to it haha~ lol @Chemistry Epoque is really unique... i dont think we can find out these 3 words from anywhere
  6. Can you post some screenies? That would be better! and Credits to IDK doesn't look good :|
  7. Hey guyz, was just eager to know.... what does your nick/display name mean? and when did you keep it? Coz many a times I see weird and unique nicks and don't get what could be their meaning Starting from my self... I kept it long back when I started playing cs 1.6... like 12 yrs back when I was in 6th grade. I had it in my history subject something called The Xtremists and the moderates and had something kewl things in them... Whats your story?
  8. This is kinda old pic. My current internet package gives me 600kbps download and I have access to 400tb of city lan share where I get everything and the download speed = lan speed ... I get 6mbps on an avg there.
  9. Looks good. It would be more kewl if you add an english version of video next time
  10. Hey guyz, watching the request for woe status, I thought of making a simple script for it: It has 3 files 1.sql table for keeping track of status and time 2.script to update table. 3.php file to view the status online. For version2 please go through Readme file too. WOE STATUS V2 Woe status V1
  11. Theres nothing you can do to stop it, I have seen some of my noob templates waving around and I couldn't do anything... But it doesn't matter for me as long as people know that it is yours and they have faith in you.
  12. Hey guyz, This is one of my earliest flux integration attempt, Yea its very immature... It was lying around so I thought of sharing it. Heres the download link : Mediafire Donno but I couldn't upload it as an attachment .
  13. It would be good to see the 1st option integrated in the same script. Thanks Brian
  14. Hii guyz, today after I logon to eA.net I saw IRC Host: irc.rizon.net Channel: #RAthena irc://irc.rizon.net/RAthena So, I couldn't stop myself from asking if the new name is RAthena
  15. Hmm, good... only thing we will have to calculate if it is a leap year or not //checks for leap year bool checkLeapYr(int year) { return year%4 == 0 && (year %100 != 0 || year%400 == 0); }//end function check leap year//checks for leap year Will this function work with vc++? or we will have to add a header file or what?
  16. eA.ws Reference SQL create table hourly_announcer ( id tinyint(4) unsigned primary key, message varchar(211) ) engine = myisam; eA script prontera,154,188,5 script announcera 100,{ if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; set .@nb, query_sql("select * from hourly_announcer order by id", .@id, .@msg$); if ( .@nb == 0 ) mes " "; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i +1 ) mes "^FF0000"+ .@id[.@i] +". ^000000"+ .@msg$[.@i]; next; set .@i, select("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:test"); if ( .@i == 10 ) goto OnMinute00; do { set .@tmp, .@tmp +1 ; input getd(".@tmp"+ .@tmp +"$"); } while ( getstrlen( getd(".@tmp"+ .@tmp +"$") ) > 50 && .@tmp < 3 ); if ( .@tmp1$ == " " ) query_sql "delete from hourly_announcer where id = "+ .@i; else query_sql "replace into hourly_announcer values ( "+ .@i +", '"+ escape_sql(.@tmp1$) + escape_sql(.@tmp2$) + escape_sql(.@tmp3$) +"' )"; close; OnMinute00: announce "The Server Time is Now "+ gettime(3) + gettimestr(":%M %p",10), 16; sleep 2500; set .@nb, query_sql("select message from hourly_announcer order by id", .@msg$); for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { announce .@msg$[.@i], 16; sleep 2500; } end; } Problem is : While I use the "Test" the window remains there. I m not getting how to get the close button on it. More enhancement to this if possible
  17. Hey guyz, I request for a script which will automatically calculate if its the last 3 day of the month...using the system time... and then just make it double exp for those 3 days. Thank you.
  18. If I remember back then vBulletin had some settings in forums which will limit the signature and avatars... So, while uploading you get the error and come to know what the constraints are... I think there should be an option in IPB too for the same.
  19. Xtremist

    2012 Topic

    Lol I will have a rocking party with all my friends and die along with all my lovables
  20. My first every mail id was made 10 years back on yahoo... Then days changed I was attracted to MSN but then no... yahoo mail was still kewl... unless I saw Gmail... It was rocking and then from around 5 years or more wait ... lemme see my first mail in the mailbox...err theres no option to see the last page
  21. You can get the latest eA from here For a clean data folder hmm, 1. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=279640 2. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=230035
  22. Hey, Today I saw one members signature... http://eathena.net/board/user/297-diconfrost-vanz/ Sorry to point it out specifically, But it is too wide and looks bad on proffessional forums. So I suggest we have some standards and limitations on keeping the signature.. size n all. Thank you.
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