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Everything posted by x13th

  1. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5663-amplify-magic-power-not-showing-information-in-the-correct-moment/page__st__20 Same here. In pre-re its not showing
  2. x13th

    Custom cash shop

    Are you using different currency?
  3. It's already fix? which revision?
  4. x13th

    Custom cash shop

    Actually i did not use this, i made my own code :3
  5. Watch this video anyone have a solution?
  6. x13th

    Custom BG

    Thank you Annie. I forgot that i post this topic. I'll try it later. Thank you!
  7. Its a cash shop. You need to hex your client in order to change the 'C' or whatsoever ♥
  8. Thank you for your suggestion but I want the goto L_shop; to be there.
  9. Hello. What's wrong with my script? I can't move after clicking the cancel button in cash shop. mes @npcname$; mes "Choose your Shop"; L_shop: next; switch (select ("Headgear:Armor:Armor2:Weapon:Weapon2:Accessory:Cards:Etc")) { Case 1: switch (select ("Upper:Middle:Lower:*^808080Go Back^000000")){ Case 1: callshop "Shop1",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 2: callshop "Shop2",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 3: callshop "Shop3",1; goto L_shop; break; case 4: goto L_shop; break; } Case 2: callshop "Shop4",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 3: callshop "Shop41",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 4: callshop "Shop5",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 5: callshop "Shop51",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 6: callshop "Shop6",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 7: callshop "Shop9",1; goto L_shop; break; Case 8: callshop "Shop8",1; goto L_shop; break; }
  10. x13th

    Custom BG

    Hi. Can I request a custom battle ground like this: http://rathena.org/b...r-me-thank-you/ but instead it will pick a random player to be the captain, and when the captain get killed the score will be minus 2 and there will be a new captain thank you in advance ♥
  11. Hello :3 Just have one question. How to select a random player in a map? without query?
  12. EDIT: Wrong section. sorry. lol
  13. cool prontera christmas it will be cooler if you release it for free
  14. I also experienced that kind of stuff. I just wait for 5 minutes i think, then its back to normal
  15. Here, use Emistry multi currency shop http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2504-multi-currency-shop/
  16. x13th


    What's the problem with that script? please post your errors. clarify what's your problem
  17. I think it will trigger all GM Level => 3 so you don't need to add
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