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  1. well i think u should ask this in ramod forums because both emulators are different. and to get you right, ramod is not merged by rathena. they both are different. and u wont get any kind of support for ramod here.
  2. agreed but my main aim was to ask what would be the role of that person as an admin
  3. hello every one i was just wondering..... some people hire admins for their server so that they can handle it for them. so i wanted to know, if you are hiring some one as an admin for your server, what would be the role of that person as an admin?? by hiring an admin, u r giving complete serve access to some unknown person. how safe is that???
  4. any rates would do as far as it is not corrupted and there is no use of wpe/rpe softwares.
  5. Thanks but I cant Thanks a lot! olrox!!! if u not gonna share stop tempting us !!!
  6. fbrulz

    emp problem

    euphy's controller
  7. fbrulz

    emp problem

    hey there please help me out with a situation here woe was going on and the castle was empty and was not occupied by any guild. so a wizard entered in and tried breaking it himself. mean while i on gm char by mistake clicked on the emp and i broke it. then an announcement was made that the gm guild has captured the castle. now i am trying to start the woe but the emperium doesn't come!! and worst part is the woe is on and players can kill each other but there is no emperium to break!! please help me out with this!! is this a script problem?
  8. fbrulz

    Zeph Control Panel

    ea mod cp is available only in ceres cp or it is available in flux cp also?
  9. @olrox stop making so many design together!!! its becoming difficult to choose!!!!
  10. yes... this is a very good thing made. can rA devs please implement this in rA please?
  11. well.. buddy she said she only designed the palette that is only the appearance changes not the race!!
  12. hello every one this is with respect to kamishi's post on http://rathena.org/board/topic/60702-kamishis-palette-services-give-your-server-fresh-colors/ no doubt she has done a wonderful job. after having a chat with her, i came to know that she has made only the palette which changes the *appearance only * . I requested her for some change but since she is busy and cannot take out time for it, i am posting here so that other talented devs could help me out. as we can see here in her video its an amazing piece of work done by her in which the appearance changes according the the respective race equipment. My Requirement well, what i want is along with the change in appearance, i want the character to change the race also. I think instead of wearing the equip in the above video, i want to develop a scroll on the same lines of stat foods which last for 30 min. As soon as the scroll is consumed, a players change his race and so as soon as the 30 minutes period is over, the character returns back to demi-human.
  13. fbrulz


    Waiting for some help here!!!
  14. fbrulz


    any here can help me please???
  15. fbrulz


    hello every one this is with respect to kamishi's post on http://rathena.org/board/topic/60702-kamishis-palette-services-give-your-server-fresh-colors/ no doubt she has done a wonderful job. after having a chat with her, i came to know that she has made only the palette which changes the *appearance only * . I requested her for some change but since she is busy and cannot take out time for it, i am posting here so that other talented devs could help me out. as we can see here in her video its an amazing piece of work done by her in which the appearance changes according the the respective race equipment. My Requirement well, what i want is along with the change in appearance, i want the character to change the race also. I think instead of wearing the equip in the above video, i want to develop a scroll on the same lines of stat foods which last for 30 min. As soon as the scroll is consumed, a players change his race and so as soon as the 30 minutes period is over, the character returns back to demi-human.
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