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Everything posted by Wise

  1. how about visionary_tab, idnum2resnametable?
  2. can't seem to find this. Its name appears to be Deathbringer in this site: http://rosprites.sim...wPictures_Asrun But still can't find it XD
  3. Maybe sprite error ;o or somewhere in accessoryid.lua/accname.lua
  4. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=266121&hl=synthesis
  5. After I buy the item from my fluxCP, I can't seem to receive any items. ._. Is it supposed to be automatically added to my inventory? Or do I need to make an NPC for it? ._.
  6. do you mean that when the player equips an item, he can able to manually type @afk? im sorry if im the only one using eathena in rathena... but if you are, then use @adjgmlvl and change your @afk level. example, ..............,{},{ atcommand "@Adjgmlvl 1"; },{ atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0"; } then in conf/atcommand_eathena.conf change your afk lvl to 1,1
  7. its piracy lol not sure if i can post pirated stuff in here. just search it in google lol
  8. im sorry. i think yours is easier
  9. pay? ok u havent lived on the internet for that long lol. i think paint tool sai also supports psd files
  10. ok relax it works the same ._. and not really much of a difference, i guess?
  11. You don't need the labels... if he's just processing what item they want all he needs to do is place the code he'd put under those labels after the correct 'Case'. i know. i think he might want to use a looping kind of style thats why he decided to use goto; ._.
  12. ..... open the psd file with photoshop and edit it?....
  13. mes .@n$; mes "Which Item would you like?"; next; switch(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")) { case 1: // Your script for buying Cygnus Helmet. goto M_Twos; break; case 2: // Your script for buying Diamond Dust. goto M_Once; break; case 3: goto M_Leave; break; }
  14. menu "Cygnus Helm",M_Twos,"Diamond Dust",M_Once,"Bye",M_Leave; just this will work
  15. input @playername$; input @itemid; input @amount; atcommand "#item "+@playername$+" "+@itemid+" "+@amount; hope that works lol
  16. i dont get what ur trying to say about the 1 click enable ._. this will show a menu with 3 options. then choose one. and it will redirect u to that option. same as case in if select. but this one is more of a looping menu or skipping-kind of menu.
  17. Wise

    Item Stacking?

    if (isequipped(watercharm id, watercharm id)) { dispbottom "2 watercharm has been detected"; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; end; } ps. not sure if it will work lol
  18. just change all the first numbers in ur exp.txt and exp2.txt
  19. then make a simple script like this alberta,15,134,0<tab>script<tab>npcwarpname<tab>45,1,1,{ warp "pay_fild03", 388, 63; end; } ps. only use this if warp isnt working and or desperate mode xD
  20. u mean like this? menu "Cygnus Helm",chelm,"Diamond Dust",ddust,"Bye!",bye; chelm: blabla ddust: script here bye: mes "Bye"; close;
  21. oh but the thing i dont get in this is unitwalk .GID,3; which basically means going to alberta. How would the unit go to alberta? or does it mean that it will only work if you're in alberta, the unit will randomly walk anywhere in alberta?
  22. About the Unitwalk script command: *unitwalk <GID>,<mapid>; Can someone explain me this AND this one (mobattach): http://ea.dj-yhn.com...php?c=mobattach
  23. Wise

    mob's GID

    monster "prontera",153,177,"Poring",1002,1,0; Is it possible that when the script summons this mob, you will get the mob's GID? so that I could use it like monster "prontera",153,177,"Poring",1002,1,0; unitwalk "poring's gid", x, y; so maybe something like: monster "prontera",153,177,"Poring",1002,1,"getmobGID or setmobGID",0; o.O and the poring will automatically go to that place once it is summoned PS: Not sure if easily used as script or src. Ok solved this part by using set .GID,mobspawn("Poring",1002,"prontera",154,171); and unitwalk .GID, x, y; New question. Can u make the unitwalk search the coords of the entire map? because it doesnt really go to a far place
  24. Wise


    http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=230124 Anyone got a copy of this? edit: NVM. found a mirror ;o just delete the topic?
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