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Everything posted by Wise

  1. So I tried to make a walking npc in an instance and it doesnt walk =\ 1@test,151,112,4 script Walking NPC::walkingnpc1 84,{ mes "[Walker]"; mes "It's fun walking around in circles."; close; OnInit: startnpctimer; npcspeed 200; end; OnTimer1000: npcwalkto 140, 116; end; OnTimer6000: npcwalkto 133,111; end; OnTimer11000: npcwalkto 137,101; end; OnTimer16000: npcwalkto 147,101; end; OnTimer21000: npcwalkto 151, 112; end; OnTimer26000: stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } if I go to the map without party which is just (1@test), it walks in circles. and when I go to my instance with party which will look like (0011@test), it stays there. =\
  2. Just realized it was your Fall Season Prontera XD I got it from a forum where they showed off a lot of different pronteras
  3. I followed your guide but I still don't get how this works. It kind of worked but its not enough light =\ If I put my global light to Diffuse RGB(0.87, 0.60, 0.3) Longitude 45 Latitude 45 Ambient RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) Intensity (0.5) Sun RGB(0,0,0) Range 5000 Intensity 100 Light Increment 256 Fall off 0.01, it ends up with Sunset/Sunrise color Screenshot: If I put my global light to Diffuse RGB(0.27, 0.34, 0.9) Longitude 45 Latitude 45 Ambient RGB(0.45, 0.4, 0.7) Intensity (0.3) Sun RGB(0,0,0) Range 5000 Intensity 100 Light Increment 256 Fall off 0.01 It ends up with a good night prontera but its already the @day of it. @night doesnt do a thing. nightenabled mapflag is already on because this is a default prontera. My goal is this:
  4. I am having a hard time how to fix the Day/Night of my map Day should be this: Night should be this: Something like this DustNoNo's Map: TO
  5. tried it and its good xDfeels like vindictus but still a good game too
  6. just wondering what you guys play besides RO I'm pretty sure some of you can't just play RO for the rest of your life so maybe some of you guys play 3 or more mmos.. What MMOs? And are they good? I played Tera, Aion, RO2( Which disappointed me =\ ), Grand Fantasia, FlyFF, Cabal, Eden Eternal. Never really tried WoW because it's too mainstream for me. Aion is one of the games I played for so long and got addicted and completed my PVP Set (too bad it's kind of gear based. but still good.) imho, Classes are balanced on PvP RO2 really disappointed me because of its generic features like FlyFF combined with Aion or w/e. ITS NOTHING LIKE RO! D: Tera- so far, I'm trying this one out in europe server and imho, its one of the best combat mmos i've played (Although it's totally gear based mmo. You have weak armor, they kick you out of team.). Yeah Vindictus online has good combat skills as well but its not a free-roam mmo. Same thing goes to Dragon Nest. =\ (Pedobear mode with Elins ) FlyFF- kinda ok with it XD Grand Fantasia- Same thing I felt playing with FlyFF. (feels like a copy of each other except for skills) Eden Eternal- confused about how gameplay works lol. You get to change w/e job you want whenever you want. max all of them in one single char. and change them even when you're pvp-ing. Cabal- Most BS game I ever played *Sims3 is better D:*. Combo w/ hp/mana pots automatically heals you. It's like spamming a skill without even walking lmfao. Although I like how the gears look like especially black mithrils or w/e they're called now. So, what other games do you guys play? And any comments about that game ( Just starting some topic cus of boredom xD )
  7. prontera,150,150,0<tab>script<tab>blabla<tab>-1,2,2,{ OnTouch: if(AlreadyDead == 1) { atcommand "@die"; dispbottom "You are dead."; end; } else {end;} OnPCDieEvent: dispbottom "You are dead. There is no way to revive you except for Resurrection Skill by Yggdrasil Seed or Priest."; set AlreadyDead,1; save "prontera",150,150; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(AlreadyDead == 1) {atcommand "@die"; dispbottom "You are dead."; end; } else {end;} } lol this is the best solution i thought without src XD
  8. hey this is really great! except one thing, this includes assassin's cloaking =\ is there a way to make it only for the card? such as only exclusive for level 3 or lower?
  9. Sorry for reviving this topic but how do I implement a Flux Registration with this. I think this is the reason why I get error when registering in my Flux CP ok nevermind, fixed it
  10. I thought this would be a source mod because of @duel so i posted it here. I know how the PVP Arena works because you will only have to use the restrict mapflag but this one is @duel, so yeah. hope someone could figure this one out
  11. btw, another question, i think i made my map kinda big... is it also possible to crop it? lol
  12. Is it possible to have more than 1 water type in a map? I want this to happen: inside of my map, i will have this kind of water Outside of my map, I will have this kind of water And is it also possible to change the height of the water inside of the map and outside of the map?
  13. I'm sorry if i did it wrong but i manually patched it because i don't have a favorite mod. then i didn't really got a lot of error except for unidentified definition for bound when i check it, it says char bound; =O
  14. yes a card or a custom skill, can you move this to Source Mod?
  15. Cloak only lasts for 5 seconds? and the cooldown for the cloak will be 4 seconds
  16. instance for guild without having to get into the same party and those who are in the same party cannot enter the instance if they're not in the same guild of the player who created the instance? same goes to player who doesnt have a party but could create an instance
  17. announce strcharinfo(0)+" just obtained the item " + getitemname(.@ItemID) + " after breaking the Seal of Valkyrie!",0;
  18. thanks but i just solved it again by using RID instead of GID xD but just kinda confused with RID and GID though.. isnt RID the account ID and GID is the game ID? then for RID, why cant i use set @RID,getcharid(0) instead of getcharid(3) because 150003 is my target character ID and not the account ID which is something like 2000001 and it wouldnt make any sense for rid2name because there's like 9 characters for each account and it will translate the account ID to character name >_< but anyways it worked so thanks for the time though XD
  19. rachel,172,93,4 script Test 85,{ set testID,getcharid(0); mes strcharinfo(0)+" is my name"; mes getcharid(0)+" is my ID"; mes $testID+" is the target ID"; mes "Getting target's name..."; set myNam$,rid2name(testID); mes myNam$; close; } edit: it returns null =\
  20. oh you're right. just for the character, it should be starterkit not #starterkit unless you want to make it as an account - script starterkit -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(starterkit == 1) goto L_Done; getitem 5055,1; getitem 2393,1; getitem 2112,1; getitem 2510,1; getitem 2414,1; set starterkit,1; L_Done: end; } this is just for each character XD so what this does is if your starterkit is 0, then you will be given those 5 items and sets them that you already got them for that character
  21. "#" - A permanent local account variable. They are stored with all the account data in "save\accreg.txt" in TXT versions and in the SQL versions in the 'global_reg_value' table using type 2. "##" - A permanent global account variable stored by the login server. They are stored in "save\account.txt" and in the SQL versions in the 'global_reg_value' table, using type 1. The only difference you will note from normal # variables is when you have multiple char-servers connected to the same login server. The # variables are unique to each char-server, while the ## variables are shared by all these char-servers. #name - permanent local account integer variable #name$ - permanent local account string variable ##name - permanent global account integer variable ##name$ - permanent global account string variable
  22. yeah like this: - script StarterKit -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(#starterkit == 1) goto L_Done; getitem 5055,1; getitem 2393,1; getitem 2112,1; getitem 2510,1; getitem 2414,1; set #starterkit,1; L_Done: end; }
  23. is it possible to do this? instance map name: 1@test a script that would show all the list of the player's names who are inside the instances (even in different zones of instances like 0011@test and 0021@test) i tried getmapusers but didn't work =\ EDIT: Okay i made it working with this: L_Loop: set @addition,@addition+1; set @startnum$,"00"+@addition; set @map$,@startnum$+"1@test"; set @maxmap$,"0061@test"; set @totalpeak,getmapusers(@map$); if(@map$ == @maxmap$) { mes "Nobody is inside the instance."; close; }else{ mes @startnum$+" and "+@totalpeak+" - "+@map$; goto L_Loop; end; } not sure how to use getusersname for a specified map though because i want it to return the names of the players instead of the count =\
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