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Everything posted by Meister

  1. Is this script command resource hungry? Upon reading on the scripts_command. It says "Imagine the server load with 1,000 players (oh the pain...)", will this really be a problem? I plan to implement a script wherein it checks all map with mf_pvp flag and announce to Player how many players are in the map via message. And also announce by map if the player has entered the map. Regards
  2. Hi Sir @Stolao, tried the auto-event but somehow when setting multiple events at any day. The schedule is messed up. Let's say I entered it on Sunday, it shows on Monday. While doing it on Wednesday, it shows on Thursday.
  3. Like you need to pay a zeny for the NPC to reset your instance cooldown. Like OGH it has 23 hours cooldown after completing, once you talk to NPC you choose the instance you want to remove cooldown.
  4. Hi, Would like to request a simple Instance Cooldown NPC (like OGH, Facework, rA Instances). This NPC is usable if you are player that has flag 1 (any #globalacc_reg). Regards
  5. Where can I change the rebellion item switching wherein you can still change/equip other weapon even you're using wrong bullet but you won't be able to attack since it will have a check that wrong bullet is used. Where to find it in src?
  6. I just want an identifier script NPC that works like itemskill MC_Identify
  7. I tried using @identify command via atcommand in script but only 1 item has been identified. How to do multiple items?
  8. Is this command needed to be used by unitskillid or atcommand?
  9. Hi, Requesting for Identifier NPC that can identify crimson items normally. Using the script below: It identify crimson items as neutral and no random option. Thanks in advance! Regards,
  10. Oh thanks, I made it work in 2013-08-07. removed the sliding effect. May i know how did you managed it? Through hexing or source? sorry for the late reply. It was based on source code.
  11. Hi all, How to modify @warp for normal players wherein they are not allowed to put coordinates. Example: @warp prontera 150 150 - They are just being warped randomly Even they have specific coordinates that they want to go they will be warped randomly Regards!
  12. Already removed them in my clientinfo. it's on the char server. I think resetting the server will do it. but let me try it ty!
  13. Hi, I have tried creating a multiple map and char server with single login server and it was successful. Somehow after creating account#2 and removing it because it was just for testing purposes its not removed in the server selection. See attached After creating such multiple map and char. I just want them to be removed in the current setup but can't seem to remove it. How to do it? Just want to retain Iris only. Regards!
  14. you could try to use other server grf that has multi lang , i tried to use one and it worked with me on client 2012 Example of it? Are there other ways? i just simply did copy the server grf, and made a 2012 client then used it and it worked. this is only for items and UI btw Which server are you talking?
  15. you could try to use other server grf that has multi lang , i tried to use one and it worked with me on client 2012 Example of it? Are there other ways?
  16. Q> How to Enable multi-language client? Or is there a way to support multiple language client? Like English/Arabic/Indonesia? Regards! Would I use the select service?
  17. Hi, Experiencing abnormal damage display in GvG Mapflag enabled maps. But for PVP mapflag or normal mapflag. Just normal damage is being displayed. What could be the reason for this? Regards! up
  18. I'll this. Thanks! I'll feedback later. Happy New Year!
  19. Can you add ischeckvending for your script? rather can you modify it? Thanks!
  20. Hi, Requesting for a script that will use the mechanics of floating rates via player count excluding vending. I can somehow get the script by getusers(1) but can't check the isvending --------------------------------------- *getusers(<type>) This function will return a number of users on a map or the whole server. What it returns is specified by Type. Type can be one of the following values, which control what will be returned: 0 - Count of all characters on the map of the invoking character. 1 - Count of all characters in the entire server. 8 - Count of all characters on the map of the NPC the script is running in. ---------------------------------------
  21. Hi folks, I applied basic nemo patches in the client but somehow experiencing some errors. The errors I have encountered: When using slot_card = item 12786 after moving the character it will experience crash/error When logging in to the server and when the player is still online (E.G. Auto Vend) it will have an error. If the map server is closed or login server is closed and account group is 0, trying to login it will have an error. What could be the patch that make this error? Regards!
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