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Everything posted by kiros

  1. thanks for the release i just wanna get to my home and test it to see it live
  2. yeha using nod32 and giving a alert also can't go to the link =\
  3. what a nice concept, it looks cool and the model fit in to the ro theme from my point of view - the background its amazing a +10 very cool map felicitaciones tu experiencia y dedicación sobresale
  4. humm well someone hit the button first than me xD any way i made a loading for this maybe is useful for u
  5. i think a the moment you can only replace a existing job class not add a new one on the RE clients you need to find information about that if you want about the hairstyles and the custom items you should read judasbible
  6. a mi me funciona perfectamente y estoy usando windows 7 64bits browedit es el mejor y mas facil editor de mapas a el momento si no te funciono puede ser por que no editaste bien tus archivos de configuracion regularmente el problema es cuando no configuras bien el lugar de tus data.grf de ro original eso lo modificas en browedit\data\configs\rodesktop.xml busca estas lineas <ro directory="C:\Ragnarok_Online\Ragnarok_Online\"> <grf>C:\Ragnarok_Online\data.grf</grf> <grf>C:\Ragnarok_Online\rdata.grf</grf> </ro>
  7. if you are doing the data.ini modification correctly chances are the map is not named like the one you want to replace in this case prontera you need to extract the custom data.grf and see the correct name of the map and rename the files to prontera and put that in your data folder or rebuild the custom grf after that if the custom prontera have model or paths modifications you need to rebuild your map cache you can easily do that with WeeMapCache just open you map cache with that and the add the custom map and rebuild the map cache
  8. wow great it just work like a charm, Thank you btw i test this with 2012-04-10a
  9. Good day, l leave eA at the time the 3 jobs or something like that start pooping out in kro something like that now i just got some free time back again, i start reading the ea forums again and i find this board on the posts of eA and i have a few days lurking and reading trough rA and i been amazed of all the work here. i get curious again and i start testing out this new branch i successfully got my client and the server working but i was messing around with the clients and find some new exes like 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J.exe (omg navigation interface) and i made it work but that can't read data folder and is kind of a pain to add stuff to the grf if i am going to just test stuff, i currently use 2011-11-16a and i think it's fine but i'm just asking if some know a new one that can be diffed with the read data folder first option btw. amazing new tools ShinsDiffPatcher WeeMapCache gryff WeeThumbnail <-- finally i can get thumbnail sprite view in my win7 64bits rAthena <-- of curse xray <-- i miss a lot this thanks for reading all this mess
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