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Posts posted by michaelsoftman

  1. Run this command.


    pecl install pdo


    Or if it's already installed, do this:


    Open /etc/php.ini

    Type this in a new line:  extension=pdo.so

  2. Just have the NPC take the item 7227, and in return you


    set #EPOINTS, #EPOINTS+1;


    And then when you're going to buy an item, just check the points and subtract them.  Like this.


    if (#EPOINTS > 49) {
        set #EPOINTS, #EPOINTS-50;
        getitem 509,1;
    else {
        mes "You don't have enough points.";

    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{

    set .@ItemID,7420;

    set .@BoxID,7539;

    mes "Exhchange 500 "+getitemname( .@ItemID )+" into "+getitemname( .@BoxID );

    if( countitem( .@ItemID ) >= 500 ){

    mes "How many will be traded into "+getitemname( .@BoxID )+"?";

    input .@Count,0,countitem( .@ItemID );

    if( .@Count < 500 ) close;

    set .@Amount,( .@Count / 500 );

    delitem .@ItemID,( .@Amount * 500 );

    getitem .@BoxID,.@Amount;

    mes "Done.";




  4. Hello, there is no TXT version of rAthena.

    You will need to setup mySQL.


    Download MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE and set it up.

    Make a database called 'ragnarok' with the password 'ragnarok'.

    Execute main.sql and logs.sql into it.


    Then, in the source, edit mmo.h to put the correct client date in, and compile.


    You should be good to go!  If you need more help, there are more guides for the steps I listed, I just kind of simplified it.

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