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Posts posted by michaelsoftman

  1. It's pretty much the same as it's always been.


    Set up MySQL, download the server and config it to your client and local IP (assuming you wanna run it on your computer locally.)


    There are plenty of tutorials already, but if you've done it before, you should know how with no problem.

  2. Just lower some of the numbers depending on how low you want it to go.  Here, this is lowered slightly.


            //[{( Hell Plant Skill Level x Casters Base Level ) x 10 } + {( Casters INT x 7 ) / 2 } x { 18 + ( Casters Job Level / 4 )] x ( 5 / ( 10 - Summon Flora Skill Level ))
            md.damage = ( skill_lv * status_get_lv(src) * 5 ) + ( sstatus->int_ * 5 / 2 ) * ( 15 + (sd?sd->status.job_level:0) / 4 ) * ( 5 / (10 - (sd?pc_checkskill(sd,AM_CANNIBALIZE):0)) );
  3. More than just that spot :P


    prontera,183,215,3	script	Broadcaster#1::BC	894,{
    	set @npcname$, "Broadcaster";
    	set @header$,"[^0000ff" + @npcname$ + "^000000]";
    	set broadcastfee, 1000000;
    	if (agitcheck()){mes @header$; mes "War of Emperium is ongoing!"; close;}
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Hi, I'm the Broadcaster";
    	mes "I can Broadcast a message for you";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "It costs ^ff0000"+ broadcastfee +"^000000 zeny ";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Would you like to Broadcast?";
    	switch (select("yes","No")){
    	case 1:
    		if(#Broadcast> gettimetick(2)) {
    		mes @header$;
    		mes "Sorry you have to wait for 3min.";
    		mes @header$;
    		if(Zeny<1000000) goto $nozenybc;
    		set Zeny,zeny - broadcastfee;
    		mes "Please input your message.";
    		input broadcast$;
    		announce "Message from "+strcharinfo(0)+": "+broadcast$+"",0,0xFFCC00; // Edit FFA500 to green color code
    		set #Broadcast, gettimetick(2)+180;
    		dispbottom "Broadcaster: Please wait for 3min until next broadcast to avoid flooding.";
    	case 2:
    		mes "Suit yourself";
    	mes "I have to check that you have";
    	mes "enough money";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Im sorry but you dont have ^ff0000"+broadcastfee+"^000000 zeny";
    	mes "Go get it if you want to Broadcast";
    louyang,213,45,6	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#2	894
    hugel,102,153,3	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#3	894
    gonryun,161,126,4	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#4	894
    morocc,148,102,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#5	894
    payon,164,216,2	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#6	894
    geffen,111,64,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#7	894
    turbo_room,94,120,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#8	894
    • Upvote 1
  4. I did a huge websearch for this just now.  It was posted on the Aegis forums years and years ago and the attachment is gone, so are the backup links.  It was requested there and no one has it.


    DaisukiRO went down in 2007 or 2008, nothing of their site exists, their files are gone, nothing on the forums either.


    It was also posted on RUNE but that site is gone.


    Unless someone has these sprites still from years ago, I think we're outta luck.

  5. Use a program to extract the sprites from the GRF.  Then, use something like SPRConview to dump the sprites into their individual frames.  Then just edit in paint / photoshop etc.  Put them back together in sprite form, edit the ACT file (if necessary) and there you go.

  6. In status.c


    			val2 = 300;
    			if (val1 > 10) //For boss casted skills [Skotlex]
    				val2 += 20*(val1-10);


    Change what val2 is equal to.  But you should note that One Hand Quicken and Two Hand Quicken share the same code, so it would also change One Hand Quicken.  You can change this by copy-pasting the code into One Hand's case as a separate entry.

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