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Everything posted by issid

  1. I've been looking for this answer for many weeks (not found) found in "clif.cpp" "clif_map_property" in it (set true) example (mapdata->flag[MF_FVF] = true) but this applies to the whole map. how to define only one player and disable / ns for him I did not find maybe someone has ideas where to look?
  2. you are need add 'nullpo_retv(g = sd->guild);' in 'clif_guild_belonginfo'
  3. it works if you press shift. how to make an attack right away? I searched for a long time in clif.c how to make an enemy. not found =( can someone tell me how to send a packet to a client about an enemy? (I've been trying to figure out how to make factions hostile for 2 weeks) npc menu if (select(.@menu$) == 1) { set faction, 1; }else{ set faction, 2; } \src\map\battle.cpp int battle_check_target( struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target,int flag) int64 s_fvf = pc_readglobalreg((TBL_PC*)src, add_str("faction")); int64 t_fvf = pc_readglobalreg((TBL_PC*)target, add_str("faction")); if (s_fvf > 0 && t_fvf > 0 && s_fvf != t_fvf && mapdata->flag[MF_FVF]) { return 1; }
  4. if you enable the "skip service selection screen" option, then when you try to connect, a disconnect window appears. using the program "hex editor" I found the IP address "" and replaced it with my ip. this section is "31 31 32 2E 31 37 35 2E 31 32 38 2E 33 30 00 00 31 31 32 2E 31 37 35 2E 31 32 38 2E 31 33 37 00 31 31 32 2E 31 37 35 2E 31 32 38 2E 33 37 00 00 31 31 32 2E 31 37 35 2E 31 32 38 2E 31 33 38 00 31 39 32 2E 31 36 38 2E 35 2E 35 32 00 00 00 00 "
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