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Everything posted by Ciar

  1. View File Clock Tower Nightmare Mode Expansion Do you wish the nightmare version of Clock Tower was more than just an identical version of the original map? More than just darkened elder or clock tower manager sprites? Well if you so desire, you can now apply a fresh coat of paint to the Nightmare Clock Tower maps and sprites, or expand it to include the entire clock tower! The download includes the following: - Clock Tower Maps (1@ctf1, 1@ctf2, 1@ctf3, 1@ctf4) - Clock Tower Dungeon Maps (1@ctb1, 1@ctb2, 1@ctb3, 1@ctb4) - Minimaps (Taken from the original maps) - New Sprites for Clock Tower Nightmare Mobs (Mimic, Rideword, Drainliar, Arclouse, Brilight, Penomena, Bathory, Joker) - Retouched versions of the less-than-stellar official sprites (Big Ben, Big Bell, Time Keeper, Arc Elder) - Untouched versions of the official sprites in case your GRF happens to not have them (Owl Marquis, Owl Viscount, Timeholder) Submitter Ciar Submitted 12/07/2020 Category Maps & 3D Resources Video Content Author Gravity, Map and sprite changes by Ciar  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Do you wish the nightmare version of Clock Tower was more than just an identical version of the original map? More than just darkened elder or clock tower manager sprites? Well if you so desire, you can now apply a fresh coat of paint to the Nightmare Clock Tower maps and sprites, or expand it to include the entire clock tower! The download includes the following: - Clock Tower Maps (1@ctf1, 1@ctf2, 1@ctf3, 1@ctf4) - Clock Tower Dungeon Maps (1@ctb1, 1@ctb2, 1@ctb3, 1@ctb4) - Minimaps (Taken from the original maps) - New Sprites for Clock Tower Nightmare Mobs (Mimic, Rideword, Drainliar, Arclouse, Brilight, Penomena, Bathory, Joker) - Retouched versions of the less-than-stellar official sprites (Big Ben, Big Bell, Time Keeper, Arc Elder) - Untouched versions of the official sprites in case your GRF happens to not have them (Owl Marquis, Owl Viscount, Timeholder)
  3. View File Starry Space and Cage Arena Description: • event_01 is a fairly small, simplistic map. It has a walkable area of 63x63 cells, with colorful starry effects that give players the feeling of falling or descending. • event_02 is a simple small map with a 30x31 walkable area inside a spinning cage of chains. The zip file contains the following: • event_01.gat, event_01.gnd, event_01.rsw • event_02.gat, event_02.gnd, event_02.rsw • event_01.lub (to apply special lub effects) • particle_rainbow01a.bmp, particle_rainbow01b.bmp, particle_rainbow01c.bmp, particle_rainbow01d.bmp, particle_rainbow01e.bmp, particle_rainbow01f.bmp The maps were tested with 2014-04-16aRagexe, therefore they are recommended to use with similar or newer clients. These can be used in quests, events, PVP matches, or just about anything with enough creativity. Please note that the preview gifs can be slightly choppy and is not representative of the actual product's animation. Submitter Ciar Submitted 11/01/2020 Category Maps & 3D Resources Video Content Author Ciar  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Description: • event_01 is a fairly small, simplistic map. It has a walkable area of 63x63 cells, with colorful starry effects that give players the feeling of falling or descending. • event_02 is a simple small map with a 30x31 walkable area inside a spinning cage of chains. The zip file contains the following: • event_01.gat, event_01.gnd, event_01.rsw • event_02.gat, event_02.gnd, event_02.rsw • event_01.lub (to apply special lub effects) • particle_rainbow01a.bmp, particle_rainbow01b.bmp, particle_rainbow01c.bmp, particle_rainbow01d.bmp, particle_rainbow01e.bmp, particle_rainbow01f.bmp The maps were tested with 2014-04-16aRagexe, therefore they are recommended to use with similar or newer clients. These can be used in quests, events, PVP matches, or just about anything with enough creativity. Please note that the preview gifs can be slightly choppy and is not representative of the actual product's animation.
  5. View File Blazering Modified NPC sprite as a monster sprite. In addition to the normal monster animations, it also has one pet performance animation. Note: the preview gifs don't exactly look great, but it's due to the transparency of the flame effects. It looks normal on the ACT editor and ingame. Submitter Ciar Submitted 11/12/2019 Category Monster Sprites Video Content Author Edited by Ciar of HeRO  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Modified NPC sprite as a monster sprite. In addition to the normal monster animations, it also has one pet performance animation. Note: the preview gifs don't exactly look great, but it's due to the transparency of the flame effects. It looks normal on the ACT editor and ingame.
  7. Recently, kRO patched a new version of the monster "gran_papilia" and "silva_papilia", and I lost the original ones, which look like the gif below. I don't suppose anyone has the old act/spr version of these two mobs around that they can share? To avoid having to redownload the whole game and sift through countless .gpf for it. Update: Someone already helped with this issue. Thanks!
  8. Are there any .str file viewers and editors, aside from "ROSTRViewer"? If so, is there a download link somewhere? ROSTRViewer is nice since there's nothing else around, but it's not very intuitive, or downright complicated at times. Something more like ACT Editor would be a godsend. Thanks in advance!
  9. I don't remember if it works the same in 586, as I use 620, but if you hold the Ctrl key and press . or , it does the same. "W" also aligns the wall texture on the whole wall so it doesn't go randomly diagonal etc., though sometimes it doesn't work and you have to close and reopen your map.
  10. I have never seen that message before... Are there any "lightbulbs" outside the actual map by any chance? Or perhaps you somehow copied lightmaps or lightbulbs from a bigger map to a smaller one?
  11. Hello! After posting in Herc and rAthena to ask about the effect tool files in the various official GRFs, it seemed no one knew how to edit them for usage in custom maps, so I gave up until a few days ago when i started tinkering again and finally figured it out. Turns out it wasn't as annoying as it seemed, so I decided to write a guide in hopes that others can use these in their maps to make them even more fabulous. I've put the guide here to prevent from having to update it twice: https://herc.ws/board/topic/16720-guide-effect-tool-usage/
  12. View File Abyss F4 & Past Odin Mobs Mobs from the Abyss Dungeon F4 and "Past" Odin Temple updates. Submitter Ciar Submitted 01/14/2019 Category Monster Sprites Video Content Author Gravity  
  13. Uploaded it to rAthena just now for you, waiting on approval. My first time uploading anything here I think, so hopefully I didn't screw up or forget a mob. ;o Edit: Here it is https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3940-abyss-f4-past-odin-mobs/
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Mobs from the Abyss Dungeon F4 and "Past" Odin Temple updates.
  15. Damn, was hoping there was just some easy trick to it. :< And yeah, I already use Browedit to add effects, I just wanted to use ones only available with the lua files (Like the shiny lasagna dun crystal effect).
  16. Heyo. I want to add effects to maps such as the ones seen in Lasagna Dungeon. These are controlled by EffectTool files, IE: data\luafiles514\lua files\effecttool\lasa_dun01.lub Anyone know how these work, and maybe how to edit 'em too? Simply renaming the map names didn't work last time I tried (which was long ago anyway). Thanks in advance.
  17. http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/npclist/?q=10270&amp;qq=search I've downloaded kRO and jRO but can't seem to find the adorable ball of flame from the link above. Anyone happen to know where it can be found, or happen to have the act/spr to share if you don't mind? Thanks! If this is in the wrong section, let me know please!
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