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Pink Guy

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Posts posted by Pink Guy

  1. Can someone please give me the sprites of these items?

    Elf King Ear , Queen Elf Ear, Dark Black Glasses(modified sunglasses), Red Sunnies(red sunglasses), heart glasses, Maya Hat, Shining Pirate Dagger and if possible can you tell me the "usual" effects they have in other servers because I am trying to make a server for a friend and he said he wants it to be "like" the other low rate servers.

  2. Here....

    // Thor Patcher Internal Config File
    // Note: any entry leaves as blank will use default value
    // True = 1
    // False = 0
    // Note that true or 1 both works fine (that's why I put "=")
    //base_url - everything except patch files will read from here
    //The address should point to a directory with / at end
    // example:
    //  http://domain.com/patch/'>http://domain.com/patch/
    //    NOT
    //  http://domain.com/patch
    //notice_file - [Relative Address]
    //You should able to access this file by combine base_url & notice_file
    //core_file - [Relative Address]
    //this internal config file only store whats required,
    //but core_file is a remote config file that stores on your web host
    //TimeOut - timeout of connection in seconds
    //0 is default setting, leave it as 0 unless you know what you are doing!
    // File below is on local disk
    //status_file - [Relative Address]
    //It used to store information such as last patch id etc,
    //grf_file - [Relative Address]
    //client_file - [Relative Address]
    //It's GAME EXE not patcher's
    //client_parameter - [Self Explained]
    //  Below are advanced settings, it is not required for patcher to work
    // Custom Skin controls
    //windows_autosize - if set to 1, window size will automatically change depend on content size
    //windows_mode - How should windows presented?
    // None - Borderless window
    // Single - Window cannot resized
    // Sizeable - ... what it says, however it can not resize when windows_autosize set to true / 1
    // Width and Height of window
    //windows_autosize set to 0 for this to work
    // Min: 1 Max: 10000 (I don't think you would need that big)
    // If set to true, user able to drag window by click images (background)
    // recommended to true especially for boarderless window
    // Image for background (DOES NOT READ FROM DIRECTORY OF PATCHER, the config packer will put image inside patcher too)
    // Support  : jpg bmp
    // Note     : patcher determine image format by filename extension, use with care!
    //New style of progress bar, it used image.
    //Image of progress bar(only when ProgressBar set to true, currently only BMP & JPG supported)
    // how big is progress bar? (only when NewProgressBar set to false)
    // Position of progress bar
    //Custom progress bar color
    //Use hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #4C7D7E]
    //Color for back of progress bar.
    //Color for front of progress bar.
    // Status message width (the one shows what patcher currently doing)
    // no height
    // Text alignment
    // Left , Center , Right
    // Position
    //Color for status, in hexadecimal of RGB [eg. #123456]
    // control notice (News box? Mini web browser? you name it)
    // For start button
    // For Exit button
    // for cancel button
    // How many custom buttons you want to create?
    // Can create up to 255 buttons (Plenty enough)
    // - Custom buttons -
    //As you can see below, it's not that hard to make custom buttons
    //the number after "button" is id(depends on how many you set in buttons)
    // Again, note that all image files will be embed into patcher.
    // _normal - image file when button is in normal status
    // _hover - image file when user hover on it
    // _down - image file when user mouse down on it
    // _left/_top - position of button
    // _mode - mode for button
    // 0 = open URL
    // 1 = Launch file/program
    // 2 = Message box
    // 3 = Reserved
    // _action - depend on what you set in _mode, this may vary
    // ex. _mode = 0 , _action=http://google.com
    // which makes user open that URL address after click that button
    [Star Clone]
    //Start button clone, I name it star clone because it's better name XD
    // How many buttons you wanted?
    // Again, up to 255
    // very similar to custom buttons
    // _normal - image file when button is in normal status
    // _hover - image file when user hover on it
    // _down - image file when user mouse down on it
    // _left/_top - position of button
    // _file - Client file
    //_parameter - Client parameter
    //Background music, leave empty to disable (mp3/mid)
    //Side note: Personally, I don't like background music in this kind situation, so think about players.
    //Loop play backgroun music? (play over and over)
    //Does not work for MIDI
    //Change volume XD (1-100) [No 0.. pointless] [MP3 ONLY]
    // Recommended value: 40-60 [Respect player's ears please]
    // Default: 100
    //Note: This will override "bgm" entry when set!
    //When set, patcher will scan all mp3 in specific directory (use relative path)
    //It will random choose one when launch
    //eg. ./BGM/
    //Set to true if you want patcher allow to start game when unable to connect webserver
    Continue On Connection Fail=False
    //What will the window title called?
    Title=Cataclysmic RO Patcher






  3. So I just decided to make a patcher and followed this guide -> http://rathena.org/board/topic/79394-setup-thor-patcher/

    I did everything fine but when I run the patcher there's something wrong with zymic. I used zymic for web host.. and also when you try to access the page, it says the same thing in the patcher. Can anyone help me? or can you suggest any good alternate website?

    It looks like this.. http://i.imgur.com/mCnewfm.png

  4. Can someone please help me with a usable item script when you use that item, it ignores the 5 minutes delay of Emergency Call skill and Ecall will have the same cooldown...

    Example.. I used Ecall at 3:03, and used the usable item that ignores Ecall delay at 3:05 .. I can still use the Ecall on 3:08.. so it just continues.. Thanks for the help...

  5. My server is currently hosted with Asura Hosting and it's linux. I use WINSCP to add/get/edit files on my server. What I wanna ask is there any way I can get all my trunk files from my host to my desktop faster? it takes a whole lot of time to just drag-drop my trunk files to my desktop. Before I had a server with a different host, they have a command thing where you can transform your trunk folder into a zip file so I can just get that zip file from my host. So I wanna ask if you guys can help me I really need help ASAP. :(

  6. I recently created this server and it's been working fine but I dunno why but after I put 1 custom item and saved item_db2.txt and item_db.txt then restarted the server, after logging in, I can't move or do anything.. there's no name when you put the cursor in my character and I can't see the npcs in the map. Also, when I alt+f4, and try to log in.. it says "still recognize.." and can't connect. I tried recompiling and restarting and still the same.. anyone can help me? I might have done something wrong but I can't remember what. Please help me :((

  7. I need help with changing card drop rate.. I want normal cards to be 1% while mvp card drop rate is 0.10% but somehow I'm not getting it right.

    here's my drop.conf

    // The rate at which cards are dropped
    item_rate_card: 1000
    item_rate_card_boss: 100
    item_drop_card_min: 1
    item_drop_card_max: 100000


    and as for gm.conf

    // requires RENEWAL_EXP or RENEWAL_DROP to be enabled (src/map/config/renewal.h)
    // modifies @mobinfo to display the users' real drop rate as per renewal_drop formula
    // modifies @iteminfo to not display the minimum item drop rate (since it can't tell the mob level)
    // modifies @whodrops to display the users' real drop rate as per renewal_drop formula
    atcommand_mobinfo_type: 1



  8. Oh.. btw, I tried to do follow the guide in the wiki in hexing that includes diffing... I encountered a problem where I wanna change the title screen of my game using "HxD" I can't search my title which is "2012-05-25aRagexeRE" even if I search it using ctrl+f. Anyone can help?

  9. Thank you very much for your replies. Especially for you, Emistry. Btw, how can I make a latest/semi-latest client that's compatible with the data folder that you gave above? I can't really fully understand the guides I've viewed before so if there's an easier one or even a video, can someone please tell me? Thanks in advance.

  10. I used to have a server last year and it runs on eAthena. Now, I am trying to use rAthena but I got a few questions.

    • Why are there two types of db? (pre-re and renewal)

     • How can I choose from the two? (How can I make one as default / use it)


    • How to add commands to players? I used to do the thing where you just put "0" on the commands you want normal players could have.


    • Where can I get updated/semi-latest clients and compatible data folders for my rA server? I don't know how to diff so if there's a place where I can download actual clients, please give me the link. I am begging you :(


    • How to add maps? (Unrelated question about the topic but I do want to add maps with updated data folder and client)


    To whoever sets aside their time for this and help me, thanks a lot. You are not just helping me, but you are also helping other people who might stumble upon these questions/issues so by just helping me, you are actually helping a lot of people. Thanks in Advance.

  11. Ms. AnnieRuru, what does these functions do?

    sleep2 .sleeploop;
    	end; // doesn't read
    	set .sleeploop, 30000; // every 30 seconds
    	set .tick, 120; // loop 120 times of 30 seconds == 1 hour
    	set .afk, 10; // loop 10 times of 30 seconds = 5 minutes


    Sorry, I don't understand what it does :(

    Also, is it possible to put the consecutive hours thing? Thanks in Advance.

  12. What does the "common npc header,{" does? Can I just remove it or??

    anyway.. here's my example from the syntax you gave.

    set .@your_item_id, 7227;
    warp "Save",0,0;

    Also, I want to put the function to a certain map.. let's say prontera..

  13. I seen this script that Mr. TrojanWorm posted. link

    But I want to "slightly" modify the script and it's map.

    Here are the modifications I like you people to help me.

    • The NPC can only be activated by a GM lvl 60 above. He/She can end it too.

    • The map will be in "bat_b01" (or is it possible to make a copy of the map and call it "bat_b03"? If it's possible, can you please teach me. :)

    • The Flags(one each team) will be in bat_b01 328 150 and the other one will be in bat_b01 61 150

    • Just like Flavius battlegrounds, the teams will have a symbol on top of their heads so they can know if someone is on their team and also show their hp bars (and if you type anything in guild-chat, the color of the text will be pinkish and only your team members can see it).*If what I am asking for between the bracket is difficult, then it's alright, the HP bar and symbol on top should be fine.

    • When the NPC is enabled, the NPC will announce "The CTF has started, talk to the CTF NPC to join. After 2 minutes, the CTF will stop accepting registration".

    • Those who joined, will be on random team, either team 1 or 2, (The team assignment should be like this 1 - 1 | 2 - 1 | 2 - 2, So the number difference between the teams won't be that much.)

    • After 2 minutes, the teams will be set and team 1 will be warped in bat_b01 87,75 ,while team 2 will go to bat_b01 311,225.

    • When you die, you will be warped to the Battle Therapist and after a few seconds, you will be warped back to where you first warped and you can capture the flag/defend.

    • If you are in team 1, your cloth color will be changed to #374 and if you are in team 2, your cloth color will be changed to #406.(This wouldn't be changed even if the CTF is over)

    • The team who can get the opposing team's flag for 3 times will win and there will be no time limit, so there will be no draw.

    • The prize for the winner will be temporarily be 10 jellopy and @cash 10. For the Losers, they will get 3 Jellopy and @cash 3. (Can you please put a note like //This is the prize just change it to whatever you want... so I can change it easier.)

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