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Pink Guy

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Posts posted by Pink Guy

  1. 2 hours ago, Kakaroto said:

    Do not use eAmod, it is outdated and full of absurd bugs.


    18 minutes ago, Haziel said:

    You're talking about two different things.
    KamiShi made palettes & sprites to simulate different races.
    eAmod has a inbuilt Faction System, which is meant to make rivalry among groups of players, giving them different status, auras, text colour and such.

    Agreed, avoid using it.
    To achieve what you seek, try using the Faction System by Lilith:


    Thanks for the advice. Well, I purchased eAmod for the sole purpose of utilizing the BG system. Unless there is an alternative for me to be able to use that feature with the latest rAthena revision (with hopefully less bugs).

  2. Hello guys, can someone help me modify this script? I haven't tried this script yet so I can't tell if it's working or not. But I also want some modifications on top of it.

    What I want to happen right now is that I want this script to run almost 24/7 no need for a GM to start it and I want the king of the hill holder (the guild that controls the square / circle) to be able to talk to an npc that warps them somewhere (any warp for now since I want to change it). So pretty much I want this script to be running all the time and the only thing people fight for is the ability to access that warp npc and every time the holder changes, so does the guild members that are allowed to access that warp npc and if possible guild members of the previous koth holder should be warped if the holder is also changed. I would appreciate any help. But also can I disable both koth and warper at 0:00 server time and 22:00 server time? I don't want it running during WoE.


  3. Hello, I'm not sure if this is possible but can I make guild skills have separate cooldown? It's really a waste since most of the time Guild Leaders just use Emergency call and not use other guild skills. Also, can someone tell me how to show guild skill cooldown in the chat box? I remember seeing it in a server I used to play. Thanks to whoever can help.

  4. Ok I want to clarify. I want a exchange NPC that gives me few options and I don't want it in shop form.

    1st option: 3 poring coin = 1 pod

    2nd option: 3 tcg card = 1 pod

    3rd option: 3 mithril coin = 1pod.

    Having some dialogues would also help. Thanks!

  5. Hello, I want an item trader npc that you can trade an item for another item. You can trade either item you want from the list to that specific item.


    1st option:

    1 poring coin or 1 tcg or 1 mithril coin = 1 proof of donation

    2nd option:

    1 bronze coin or 1 silver coin or gold coin = 1 proof of donation


    Thanks to whoever can help me.

  6. I am using rAmod trunk and I would like to enable the extended vending properly. Can someone please help me fix this problem that I am having? I already put the item id of the item that I want (7227). It looks like it's working but when I try to buy something let's say for 1 TCG, even if I don't have the item needed to buy it, I am still able to buy it because it uses zeny instead. Can someone please help me? I would really appreciate if someone can guide me through fixing this. Thank you in advance.



    Please, show a screenshot of your edited file and the folder you're including the .mp3.




    Here's a SS of my BGM folder. I just renamed my songs to  "01.mp3" and "08.mp3" to replace the login and prontera theme but it's not working.





    Try to reduce the audio bit-rate, this will work  http://www.mp3smaller.com/  /ok





    Please, show a screenshot of your edited file and the folder you're including the .mp3.




    Here's a SS of my BGM folder. I just renamed my songs to  "01.mp3" and "08.mp3" to replace the login and prontera theme but it's not working.





    Try to reduce the audio bit-rate, this will work  http://www.mp3smaller.com/  /ok


    I changed it to 80 bit rate like the official RO ones but it's still not working. :(


    Please, show a screenshot of your edited file and the folder you're including the .mp3.




    Here's a SS of my BGM folder. I just renamed my songs to  "01.mp3" and "08.mp3" to replace the login and prontera theme but it's not working.

  9. Hello, I recently changed to 2013 Client and it's really confusing for me. I got one question because there's 2 things that pretty much do the same thing. Is there any way I can just use itemnum2desctable item descriptions instead of having to add iteminfo.lua as well? Because it's really time consuming to put descriptions on both files and not to mention, it's more harder to add in iteminfo because you will need to add those quotation marks and shit for new lines. I would really appreciate if someone can answer my question. :)

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