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Pink Guy

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Posts posted by Pink Guy

  1. Does anyone know how to do the !market/@market command from Talon RO? it's like a modified @main but your messages should start with Trade/T> Sell/S> or Buy/B>. Also, how to make multiple ones because I am planning to add another one specifically for recruiting guild members. And how to make them "on" all the time unless the player types "@market off" "@main off" and etc? I hope someone can help me.

  2. oh.. I forgot about the inter.conf... anyway, why would I compile my server? I haven't ever run it even once :(

    Also, do I need to change these...

    sql.db_username: ragnarok
    sql.db_password: ragnarok

    with my username and password in char,map,login .conf? (not sure which one has it)

    and do I need to change sql.db_database: ragnarok? no, right?

  3. I bought a server IP host from Asurahosting and had a new, clean rAthena server setup'ed. I changed the IPs in char conf, map conf and checked if I needed to change IP in login conf but wasn't necessary so I didn't do anything. I tried to run my server but after 2-3 secs, the 3 windows would disappear. I checked the log folder and in the logs of map server it says "http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/diff_patcher.php" can someone help me with this? I haven't encountered this problem before and apparently, asurahosting doesn't offer client side support so they can't help me. If you can help me, I would appreciate it.

  4. Sir, I tried using my old client and data folder that I used for my server which was an eAthena server. My current server is rAthena, I changed the IP and tried to login but it says "Failed to connect to server". Is it because I need a new client which is compatible for rAthena? or it doesn't matter?

  5. I recently began to use rAthena instead of eAthena and I noticed there are quite a lot of difference, I thought there are just little changes with rAthena but I was wrong. Anyway, I needed help with some of the basic stuffs like "why is there two more folders in db folder and what does each do and which one should I use? pre-re or re?"

    Also, why does at_command.conf looks different? How can I add commands for ppl/GM then?

  6. I made a Falcon Ring item that gives you a falcon and some skills. I want it to be the Sniper's Falcon(the violet/purple one) not the normal Falcon.

    Here's my Script I hope someone can help me.

    22108,falcon_ring,Falcon_Ring,5,30000,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{ skill "HT_FALCON",1; },{ setfalcon; },{ setfalcon 0; }

    bump still need help :(

  7. I bought a harmony account before and I didn't know how to use it, so I refunded the harmony. Then, I backup'ed my SVN and re-installed it to a new host provider. But I didn't delete/remove the harmony files. So how can I disable the harmony(I don't have the account anymore)? I have the harmony folder and harmony.conf. Can I just simply delete these files? (Note* I wasn't the one who installed harmony.)

  8. Here's my script.

    //BTS Script
    prt_in,225,25,4 script Break the Seal 999,{
    if ( countitem(909) < 1 ){
    mes "I am the Break the Seal NPC";
    mes "[Reward System]";
    mes "5% - Vendor's Ring[2], Elite Clip[2], and Falcon Clip.";
    mes "10% - Romantic Leaf";
    mes "20% - Gold";
    mes "50% - Chewing bubble gum and Dark Randgris Helm";
    mes "80% - Jellopy, Jellopy, and Jellopy";
    mes "[Required Items]";
    mes "1 Jellopy";
    delitem 909,1;
    mes "So you have all the items needed...and in exchange I will give you a nice item";
    // This is the reward system..
    set .@Random,rand( 100 );
    if( .@Random < 5 ) setarray .@ItemID,5374,5013,5072;
    else if( .@Random < 20 ) setarray .@ItemID,969;
    else if( .@Random < 10 ) setarray .@ItemID,2270;
    else if( .@Random < 50 ) setarray .@ItemID,5597,5373;
    else if( .@Random < 100 ) setarray .@ItemID,909;
    //90% - wala pa e 
    //else if( .@Random < 90 ) setarray .@ItemID,5528,7086,7090;
    else end;
    set .@Random,rand( getarraysize(.@ItemID) );
    if( getarraysize(.@ItemID) )
    //getitem v change the 1 to how many items you want to get...
    getitem .@ItemID[.@Random],1;
    announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" just obtained the item " + getitemname(.@ItemID) + " after breaking the Seal of Valkyrie!",0;

    What happens if you get all the items needed is the npc just gives you the item and goes to the mes saying "So you have all the items needed... in exchange I will give you a nice item"

    What I want to happen is the first 2 messages still appears and after the Required items message, there will be a menu of options. 1st option: Exchange items(This will proceed to the script) 2nd option: close(just close the npc).

    Thanks in advance~

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