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Everything posted by Mabuhay

  1. I had this craaaazy idea of mine. I wonder if someone could do this script not just for me but for everyone. The mechanics will be so simple. Somewhat a WoE but only that everyone is a team. The map will be at guild_v1. The EMP (Which what the players will protect will be at the center.) There will be 4 guardians that will help them protect the emp in each corner. When the event starts, players will be warped into the center where the emp is located. THe announcer will say that all players should get ready. count down from 10 when it reaches 1, first wave of monsters will be spawned. the waves of monsters will get harder has they pass through them. 1 wave = porings 2 wave = Undead skeletons 3 wave =etc.. Last wave will be MVPs. During the event, if the player dies, he will be warped into the town and he cant enter again. Winners will be identified after the last wave has ended. who ever survives the last wave, a reward NPC will appear then after they claim the prize, they will be automatically be warped in the town. Winners will be announced too. reward NPC will disappear after all the winning players have claimed their prizes. I know this is kinda too much but i just wanna give idea to the great scripters out there Thank you
  2. Oww yeah, thanks Euphy!
  3. I think you lack to set the names of the players. Perhaps something like this: look for this: and add these lines?: One more thing, what if i want to give 3 or more items? How could this be? Just correct me if im wrong As I Said, i myself is trying to learn too Thanks for the reply Anubis, help really appreciated btw. haven't tried it yet but i just cant find the list of players XD Actually, we can use the one Mootie posted. Package one and stuff codes! Thanks mootie D:
  4. i will take care of the reward. just make 607 has example thank you
  5. I was thinking if this topic: http://rathena.org/board/topic/76617-gunslinger-and-ninja-stat-points/page__pid__168652#entry168652 is possible via NPC script? Hoping for some good hearts to help :3
  6. This is how it will work. Listing these players: player1, player2,player3. Theses are the winners. i need an NPC that will do like this: Please enter your name: player1 1. If the named entered is not player1, the npc will not give the reward. ex: player4 types in player1, the npc will not give the reward. 2. if the reward has been claimed by the player, the npc wont give it to that player anymore. ~ you know that i mean hehehe My purpose for this script is that my GM wont have to trade/give the rewards anymore. the players themselves will claim it via npc already. actually, i have an idea in making the script but im not sure if anymore. XD im quite confused in using arrays and stuffs but im learning :3 please help :3
  7. How do i make gunslinger and ninja stat points to increase just like the rebirth classes? because they can't catch up with other classes because they dont have enough stat.
  8. How do i reset the owner of the castle? i tried to delete the lines at sql guild_castle table then i reset the NPCs but nothing happens. Please reply, i have a WoE tonight 8pm i need to reset it ASAP.
  9. So i have my own script here long ago. Lol - script cool -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: dispbottom "OMG! you got PAWN! Ressurect and PAWN him back!"; close; end; if(getgmlevel() < 10) { OnPCLoginEvent: mes "^ff0000[Welcome]^000000"; mes "Hello ^ff0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000,"; close; } end; } I wanna mod it a little bit. i wanted that part to be like this: It will display the player who killed you :3 I know its just a noob request but i really dont know lol im a noob scripter so i really need help lol Thanks in advance :3 Edit: If the player killed him self, it will say "You've committed suicide :3"
  10. Bump* @annieruru: it's 1 week now @Goddameit, yes it working now but when players get in the map, they cant click the flag.
  11. If a player uses cranial+immune it is already like gr for the whitesmith. CT damage is as low as 15-20 only literally on any weapon except Combat knife and Icepick which makes its damage to 2-3k. How do i fix that?
  12. So this script has ladder style, but the players doesnt get any + kills or + deaths and stuffs, can someone at least make this to SQL? thanks. pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_1-5 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nomvploot pvp_n_1-5 mapflag loadevent pvp_n_1-5 mapflag pvp_noparty pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_2-5 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nomvploot pvp_n_2-5 mapflag loadevent pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nobranch pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nomemo pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_y_1-2 mapflag noteleport pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nowarp pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nowarpto pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nomvploot pvp_y_1-2 mapflag loadevent prt_are01 mapflag nobranch prt_are01 mapflag nomemo prt_are01 mapflag nosave SavePoint prt_are01 mapflag noteleport prt_are01 mapflag nowarp prt_are01 mapflag nowarpto prt_are01 mapflag nomvploot prt_are01 mapflag loadevent prontera,150,150,5 script PvP Warper#2 843,{ if (getgmlevel() > 65) goto gmbeginmenu; beginnplayer: if(Class == 0) goto nonovice; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-1")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-2")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-3")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-4")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-5")) +"]",0; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Hello, ^0000CD"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "Welcome on the PVP Battle Rooms!"; mes "Where do you want to battle?"; mes " "; mes "?What happens in the PvP Room"; mes "stays in the PvP Room."; menu "- Battle ground ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")) +"]^000000",battle, "- The Arena",arena, "- Guild vs. Guild ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_2-5")) +"]^000000",gvgor, "- Party vs. Party ^FF0000["+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+"]^000000",pavpa; battle: if (getgmlevel() > 1) goto leise; if(countitem(607)>0) goto L_Noberry; if(countitem(13517)>0) goto L_Noberry; npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered the Battle ground! "; atcommand "@size 3"; atcommand "@undisguise"; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+PVPKills+" Kills and "+PVPDeaths+" Deaths) entered the Battle Ground!",0; leise: warp "pvp_n_1-5", 0,0; close; arena: if (getgmlevel() > 1) goto GMundsowas; npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered The Arena! "; mapannounce "prt_are01",""+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+PVPKills+" Kills and "+PVPDeaths+" Deaths) entered The Arena!",0; GMundsowas: warp "prt_are01", 0,0; close; pavpa: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; if (getcharid(1) == 0) { mes "You're not in a party."; } else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { mes "You are not the party leader."; } else { getpartymember(getcharid(1)); if ($@partymembercount < 2) { mes "You need at least 2 party members for me to warp you."; } else { warpparty "pvp_y_1-2",0,0, getcharid(1); } } close; nonovice: mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "You are to weak to go in PvP!"; close; L_Noberry: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "No Berrys please."; close; gvgor: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "please insert your ^0000CDGuild name^000000"; input .@guildname$; if (.@guildname$!=strcharinfo(2)) { next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Sorry, but I don't think I heard"; mes "you correctly"; close; } next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Where you want to Begin Battle?"; menu "North",gvgnorth,"East",gvgeast,"South",gvgsouth,"West",gvgwest; gvgnorth: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 99,133; close; gvgeast: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 133,99; close; gvgsouth: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 100,65; close; gvgwest: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 66,99; close; gmbeginmenu: menu "Normal Player View",beginnplayer,"Warp Player Out of Batlleground",outwarp; outwarp: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","I am Sorry..But GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has warped all players out of this map!",0; close2; sleep2 3000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",156,184; end; OnPcKillEvent: if((@glvl == 1)) goto glvln; set @killer$, rid2name(killedrid); if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+"") != 0) goto Cancel; if (@mapname$ != "pvp_n_1-5") end; if (strcharinfo(0)==@killer$ || "(null)"==@killer$) { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has suicided.",0; } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" killed "+@killer$+".",0,0x0000FF; } close; glvln: set @gglvlt, rand(1,3); if((@gglvlt == 3)) goto gglvlt; end; gglvlt: atcommand "@glvl +1"; end; OnPcLoginEvent: set @glvl, 0; end; OnPcDeadEvent: set @glvl, 0; end; OnInit: finalstrikeropresents: delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; goto finalstrikeropresents; }
  13. So i have this warper long ago in eathena. i dont know who owns this but for sure he is a great one . here is the problem. if the player gets killed, the weapon he is wearing gets dropped. Specially in pvp_n_1-5 WHYYY? Here is the script: pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_1-5 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_1-5 mapflag nomvploot pvp_n_1-5 mapflag loadevent pvp_n_1-5 mapflag pvp_noparty pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_2-5 mapflag noteleport pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_2-5 mapflag nomvploot pvp_n_2-5 mapflag loadevent pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nobranch pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nomemo pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_y_1-2 mapflag noteleport pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nowarp pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nowarpto pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nomvploot pvp_y_1-2 mapflag loadevent prt_are01 mapflag nobranch prt_are01 mapflag nomemo prt_are01 mapflag nosave SavePoint prt_are01 mapflag noteleport prt_are01 mapflag nowarp prt_are01 mapflag nowarpto prt_are01 mapflag nomvploot prt_are01 mapflag loadevent prontera,150,150,5 script PvP Warper#2 843,{ if (getgmlevel() > 65) goto gmbeginmenu; beginnplayer: if(Class == 0) goto nonovice; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-1")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-2")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-3")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-4")) +"] ["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-5")) +"]",0; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Hello, ^0000CD"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "Welcome on the PVP Battle Rooms!"; mes "Where do you want to battle?"; mes " "; mes "?What happens in the PvP Room"; mes "stays in the PvP Room."; menu "- Battle ground ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")) +"]^000000",battle, "- The Arena",arena, "- Guild vs. Guild ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_2-5")) +"]^000000",gvgor, "- Party vs. Party ^FF0000["+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+"]^000000",pavpa; battle: if (getgmlevel() > 1) goto leise; if(countitem(607)>0) goto L_Noberry; if(countitem(13517)>0) goto L_Noberry; npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered the Battle ground! "; //atcommand "@size 3"; ----- Kinda annoying because players get so large hehehe atcommand "@undisguise"; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+PVPKills+" Kills and "+PVPDeaths+" Deaths) entered the Battle Ground!",0; leise: warp "pvp_n_1-5", 0,0; close; arena: if (getgmlevel() > 1) goto GMundsowas; npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" entered The Arena! "; mapannounce "prt_are01",""+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+PVPKills+" Kills and "+PVPDeaths+" Deaths) entered The Arena!",0; GMundsowas: warp "prt_are01", 0,0; close; pavpa: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; if (getcharid(1) == 0) { mes "You're not in a party."; } else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { mes "You are not the party leader."; } else { getpartymember(getcharid(1)); if ($@partymembercount < 2) { mes "You need at least 2 party members for me to warp you."; } else { warpparty "pvp_y_1-2",0,0, getcharid(1); } } close; nonovice: mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "You are to weak to go in PvP!"; close; L_Noberry: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "No Berrys please."; close; gvgor: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "please insert your ^0000CDGuild name^000000"; input .@guildname$; if (.@guildname$!=strcharinfo(2)) { next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Sorry, but I don't think I heard"; mes "you correctly"; close; } next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Where you want to Begin Battle?"; menu "North",gvgnorth,"East",gvgeast,"South",gvgsouth,"West",gvgwest; gvgnorth: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 99,133; close; gvgeast: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 133,99; close; gvgsouth: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 100,65; close; gvgwest: mapannounce "pvp_n_2-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" of the "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild has entered the Guild Battle Ground!",0; set @glvl, 1; warp "pvp_n_2-5", 66,99; close; gmbeginmenu: menu "Normal Player View",beginnplayer,"Warp Player Out of Batlleground",outwarp; outwarp: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","I am Sorry..But GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has warped all players out of this map!",0; close2; sleep2 3000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",156,184; end; OnPcKillEvent: if((@glvl == 1)) goto glvln; set @killer$, rid2name(killedrid); if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0,""+strcharinfo(0)+"") != 0) goto Cancel; if (@mapname$ != "pvp_n_1-5") end; if (strcharinfo(0)==@killer$ || "(null)"==@killer$) { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" has suicided.",0; } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",""+strcharinfo(0)+" killed "+@killer$+".",0,0x0000FF; } close; glvln: set @gglvlt, rand(1,3); if((@gglvlt == 3)) goto gglvlt; end; gglvlt: atcommand "@glvl +1"; end; OnPcLoginEvent: set @glvl, 0; end; OnPcDeadEvent: set @glvl, 0; end; OnInit: finalstrikeropresents: delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Battleground - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Guild vs. Guild - "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "Party vs. Party "+getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2")+" Player ",0; sleep2 1000; goto finalstrikeropresents; }
  14. I found some coupon npcs scripts but i want to have something more new. So example, i have 2 players, i will send them 2 different coupons and these coupons will give different items. how can i do that? sample coupon code: abcd will give 2 607 while coupon code: 1234 will give 2 608 and so on. I will make my own coupon codes. this is intended to reward beta testers in my server but i will only choose those who played longer. you know what i mean thanks
  15. @AnnieRuru: Thanks I will Im not in rush too. actually the map Goddameit is already good to go. I just wanted to optimized it a little but i know it's not easy =O anyways im willing to wait if i must @Goddameit: Ohh, so you mean when a GM Clicks, players just needed to register? thats all? I'll try it thanks
  16. So, this one was working great, but i was thinking that this script will announce every time the MVP is killed and not just every time when the player receives rewards in 40% chance.
  17. Mabuhay

    @go abuse

    how do i disable @go when in pvp
  18. Thanks, took me a bit while to get what you meant
  19. prontera,158,184,5 script Item Maker 123,{ mes "[item Maker]"; mes "Hi, i'll create items for you..."; next; mes "Input item number:"; input .@try; next; mes "Amount?"; input .@tyr; next; mes "Here you go"; getitem .@try,.@tyr; close; end; } Item maker that will restrict from making Angara Manyu and Ahura Mazdah please thanks in advance
  20. Can someone modify this that when the player gets the flag, the player will be slowed down. Perhaps he will be inflicted with the skill curse? and then can it be Party based? it is really hard to modify this since there are no instructions given by goddameit. and lastly, instead of limiting the skills, i wanted it to be purely mute. i mean the capturer of the flag will be muted. thanks sorry to bother EDIT 2: The npc just keep on saying CTF, i cant click it >.< Bump? bump anyone? please? none? *bump
  21. yteah just found out that eveymonster killed dropped yggdrasil hahaha thanks emistry
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