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Posts posted by Kirito

  1. Deck The Halls Prontera Christmas

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    Like my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps

    First and only one Prontera Christmas edition made by me in all this time!

    It was the 2011 year when someone requested a prontera christmas edition to me. Now a year later I take that work and Imake a completely revamped version available to all.

    Deck the Halls Prontera is a prontera edition with a christmas style with a lot of "life" and "happiness" around. A very great work of patience and now comes at its second version.

    A big santa holding a poring on the center of Prontera, Giant Gingerbread man shaped cookies, Jingle Bells Angels, Giant Xmas Cards customizables with your server logo, enormous ribbons, real shaped winter style trees.... Is just a taste of what this prontera has to offer to your server!.

    Map Includes:

    * BGM used in video

    * Prontera Christmas Edition

    * Minimaps

    * All files ready to be patched in your data folder or GRF.


    -- To use your custom server logo in the cards:

    Look for data/texture/jz_xmas/xmas_card1b.bmp file and edit photoshop, save it .bmp format 24 bits.... IMPORTANT: save it Flipped Horizontaly just as how the original file is and done.

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  2. it's already in your /trunk/npc/custom if your usins rathena svn.

    but anyway here's the script from rathena svn



    btw, if you're talking about the third class in menu you can edit so they can only choose the rebirth only like what i did in my jobmaster

    line 46

    set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); //"+((.ThirdClass)?" ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000":"")+":

  3. Yea, para safe ang mga nilalaman nang grf mo and intindihin mo nlng mabuti ung instructions dun. /heh

    Secure GRF (includes GRF Encryptor and Game Client Decrypt Library) Written by Realanan


    1. System requirements

    1) .NET Framework 2.0 required to run "SecureGRF.exe" file.

    2) Game client don't need any other environment.

    2. Encrypt grf/gpf files:

    1) Execute "SecureGRF.exe".

    2) Click "Encrypt GRF Files" button.

    3) Click "Add GRF Files" button and add the grf/gpf files which you want to encrypt. The grf/gpf file must be the version 2.00, any other versions not support.

    4) You can click "Remove from list" button to remove the grf/gpf files from the file list.

    5) Enter the output path to put the encrypted grf/gpf files.

    6) Enter the password to encrypt and the password to validate.

    7) Click "Do Encrypt!" button to encrypt the grf. 3.

    Configure and export the client profiles and librarys:

    1) Execute "SecureGRF.exe".

    2) Click "Configure Client Profile" button.

    3) Select the game client executable file, such as "sakexe.exe", "ragre.exe", "xray.exe". You must do anything to this file, because after configure, this file can't be modified, except to change the filename.

    4) Enter a filename of the kernel library. This file is the "SecureGRFLib.dll" file, you can rename it with any style of name. But the name only can be shorter than 7 bytes.

    5) Enter a password which uses to decrypt the grf/gpf files.

    6) Select an output directory to export the profiles and librarys.

    7) Click the "Configure" button to do configure.

    8) Open the output directory and copy all the files in the directory to your client patch directory.

    4. About the auto-patch tools:

    There is nothing problem offical online patcher to patch the encrypt grf/gpf files. So Secure GRF don't include the auto-patch tools. You can use any other compatible patcher to patch the encrypt grf file. However, I'm afraid that this problem haven't been verified yet. So if it won't work with patcher, you can contact me.

    Thank you a lot. Realanan, May 28, 2010

  4. try mo iedit yung sa skill_cast_db mo


    SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down
    //-- AS_CLOAKING

  5. A NPC that a level 99 GM will input the name of player and then the item code and then how many item will give to the player.

    the normal player will talk to that npc to get their item.

    As i know someone already make this something here or old eathena forum but I can't find so i request here.

    I hope someone can help me, Thank you!

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