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Posts posted by Kirito

  1. try this?

    1567,Hardback_C,Refined Hardcover Book,4,1,,0,168,,1,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,2,4,0,0,15,{ bonus bStr,5; bonus bDex,2; bonus bMatkRate,20; },{},{}

    0xFFFFFFFF = Every Job? I hope it's help, :)

  2. So I need to download the 12 parts. ok I'll try it thanks! :D

    While I'm downloading the 12parts I tried the Rytech's Decompiled Lua Release 2011-11-22 V2 and 2011-11-22aRagexeRE and I'm having 1 lua file error "Lua FilesChatWndInfoChatWndInfo_F [string "buff"]:10: attempt to call global 'Iter_getTable' (a nil value). " What could be the problem?

  3. I suggest you to use this instead so people won't lose the coins if they get too much zeny, this is set to 1billion, you can of course change it to 2billion if that's your settings, anyways, here's the script.: 674,Mithril_Coin,Mithril Coin,0,5000,,40,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if((Zeny+(1000000))<(1000000001)){set Zeny,Zeny+(1000000);}else{dispbottom "Your zeny would go above 1,000,000,000 if you use this!"; getitem 674,1;} },{},{}

    Thanks! It's really work. :)/no1

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