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Posts posted by Kirito

  1. gnomeo,

    Try this?

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================================
    //= Dota Allstars announcement ( TXT & SQL )
    //===== By: ==================================================================
    //= ~AnnieRuru~
    //===== Current Version: =====================================================
    //= 1.11
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================================
    //= eAthena 14279 Trunk
    //===== Topic: ===============================================================
    //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=237765
    //===== Description: =========================================================
    //= Dota Announcement script
    //= plus anti-sit-killer feature
    - script DOTAPVP -1,{
    // Config
    set .sound, 1; // soundeffect : 0 - disable, 1 - play soundeffect to all players on map, 2 - play soundeffect to an area around the killer, 3 - play soundeffect to killer only
    set .ownage, 2; // ownage announcement : 0 - disable, 1 - party owns, 2 - guild owns
    set .announce, 0; // make announce to : 0 - global, 1 - map
    set .announcemap, 0; // announce the map name in the announcement ? : 0 - off, 1 - on
    set .announcekill, 1; // announce who pawn who's head : 0 - off, 1- on
    set .msg_die, 1; // show message who kill you when die : 0 - off, 1- on
    set .msg_kill, 1; // show message you kill who when killed someone : 0 - off, 1- on
    set .gmnokill, 1; // GMs are not suppose to kill players. A GM with <this numbe level or higher will do nothing. IF set to 60, GM60 and above kill any player will not get anything : 0 - off
    set .killingspree, 3;
    set .dominating, 4;
    set .megakill, 5;
    set .unstoppable, 6;
    set .wickedsick, 7;
    set .monsterkill, 8;
    set .godlike, 9;
    set .holyshit, 10;
    set .continue, 1; // after beyond-godlike, every <this numbe kills will make announcement again
    set .owned, 5; // how many times the party/guild has to kill to announce ownage
    set .owncontinue, 1; // after ownage, every <this numbe party/guild cumulative kills will make ownage announce again
    setarray .maptrigger$, // only these maps will trigger this script
     "all", // comment this line to only trigger this script on these listed maps
    // anti-sit-killer system
    // a player must kill another player with this minimum <this numbe level to get the announcement and in the ladder.
    // Otherwise only have streak ended announcement and killed player's streak reset.
    // Its possible for a level 1 novice to kill a level 55 player and he/she will still get in the ladder
    // but a level 55 kill a level 1 player will get nothing
    // 0 - off this system ( default is 55, pk setting )
    set .lvltokill, 0;
    // when a player kill another same player <this numbe times in a row, the player is warp back to save point.
    // and the player's streak and ownage count will deduct accordingly
    // 0 - off this system
    set .counttopunish, 3;
    // minimum level range to kill another player
    // eg. when set to 20, player level 99 needs to kill another player with minimum level of 79 to get announcement and increase the kill rank.
    // but a player with base level 50 kills a level 99 will also get the announcement
    // higher base level cannot kill lower level, but lower level can kill higher level
    // 0 - off this system
    set .minlvlrange, 0;
    // Config ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // to prevent bug happen
    if ( .ownage < 0 || .ownage > 2 ) set .ownage, 0;
    if ( .announce < 0 || .announce > 1 ) set .announce,0;
    if ( .continue < 1 ) set .continue, 1;
    if ( .owncontinue < 1 ) set .owncontinue, 1;
    if ( .gmnokill <= 0 ) set .gmnokill, 100;
    if ( .lvltokill <= 1 ) set .lvltokill, 0;
    if ( .counttopunish <= 1 ) set .counttopunish, 0;
    set .maptriggersize, getarraysize(.maptrigger$);
    // script start
    if ( getgmlevel() >= .gmnokill ) end;
    getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;
    if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) {
     for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .maptriggersize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
      if ( .@map$ == .maptrigger$[.@i] ) break;
     if ( .@i == .maptriggersize ) end;
    attachrid killedrid;
     if ( killerrid != getcharid(3) && ( .msg_die || .msg_kill ) ) {
      if ( .msg_die ) message strcharinfo(0),"You have been killed by "+ rid2name(killerrid);
      if ( .msg_kill ) message rid2name(killerrid),"You just killed "+ strcharinfo(0);
     if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit )
      set .@streakname$,"Beyond Godlike";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .godlike )
      set .@streakname$,"Godlike";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .monsterkill )
      set .@streakname$,"Monster Kill";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .wickedsick )
      set .@streakname$,"Wicked Sick";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .unstoppable )
      set .@streakname$,"Unstoppable";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .megakill )
      set .@streakname$,"Mega-kill";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .dominating )
      set .@streakname$,"Dominating";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree )
      set .@streakname$,"Killing Spree";
    if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree && killerrid == getcharid(3) )
     announce strcharinfo(0) +" has ended "+( (sex)?"him":"her" )+" own "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),0|.announce;
    else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree )
     announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has ended "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),0|.announce;
    else if ( .announcekill && killerrid != getcharid(3) )
     announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has pawned "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s head "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),0|.announce;
    set @PlayersKilledStreak,0;
    set @dota_multikills,0;
    if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) ) {
     setd ".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage), 0;
     set .@killedgroup, getcharid(.ownage);
    if ( killerrid == getcharid(3) || baselevel < .lvltokill ) end;
    if ( .minlvlrange ) set .@killedlvl, baselevel;
    attachrid killerrid;
    if ( .minlvlrange && .@killedlvl + .minlvlrange < baselevel ) end;
    if ( .counttopunish ) {
     if ( @sitkillminute != gettime(2) ) {
      deletearray @sitkillid, 128;
      deletearray @sitkilltimes, 128;
      set @sitkillminute, gettime(2);
     set .@sitkillsize, getarraysize(@sitkillid);
     for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@sitkillsize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
      if ( @sitkillid[.@i] != killedrid ) continue;
      else {
       set @sitkilltimes[.@i], @sitkilltimes[.@i] +1 ;
       if ( @sitkilltimes[.@i] >= .counttopunish ) {
     warp "SavePoint",0,0;
     announce strcharinfo(0) +" , Stop killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) + " !!!",0;
     debugmes strcharinfo(0) +" is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] + " times";
     logmes "is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] +" times";
     set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak +1 - .counttopunish;
     set PlayersKilled, PlayersKilled +1 - .counttopunish;
     if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) )
      setd ".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage), getd(".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage) ) +1 - .counttopunish;
     if ( .@i == .@sitkillsize ) {
      set @sitkillid[.@i], killedrid;
      set @sitkilltimes[.@i], 1;
    set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak + 1;
    set PlayersKilled, PlayersKilled + 1;
     if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .killingspree )
      setarray .@streakname$,"killingspree.wav","is on a KILLING SPREE","!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .dominating )
      setarray .@streakname$,"dominating.wav","is DOMINATING","!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .megakill )
      setarray .@streakname$,"megakill.wav","has a MEGA KILL","!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .unstoppable )
      setarray .@streakname$,"unstoppable.wav","is UNSTOPPABLE","!!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .wickedsick )
      setarray .@streakname$,"wickedsick.wav","is WICKED SICK","!!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .monsterkill )
      setarray .@streakname$,"monsterkill.wav","has a MONSTER KILL","!!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .godlike )
      setarray .@streakname$,"godlike.wav","is GODLIKE","!!!";
     else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit && ( (@PlayersKilledStreak - .holyshit) % .continue == 0 ) )
      setarray .@streakname$,"holyshit.wav","is BEYOND GODLIKE",". Someone KILL "+( (sex)?"HIM":"HER" ) +"!!!!!!";
    if ( .@streakname$[1] != "" ) {
     announce strcharinfo(0) +" "+ .@streakname$[1] +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):"") + .@streakname$[2],0|.announce;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect .@streakname$[0],0;
    set @dota_multikills, @dota_multikills + 1;
    deltimer "DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset";
    addtimer 18000,"DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset";
    if ( .ownage ) {
     set .@sideid, getcharid(.ownage);
     if ( .@sideid != .@killedgroup ) setd ".dotaown_"+ .@sideid, getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid ) + 1;
    set .@dota_multikills, @dota_multikills;
    set .@origin, getcharid(3);
    sleep 1500;
    if ( .@sideid && .ownage && .@sideid != .@killedgroup && getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) >= .owned && ( ( getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) - .owned ) % .owncontinue == 0 ) ) {
     if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, "The "+( (.ownage == 1)?"party":"guild" )+" ["+( (.ownage == 1)?getpartyname(.@sideid):getguildname(.@sideid) )+"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) +"] !!!",0;
     else announce "The "+( (.ownage == 1)?"party":"guild" )+" ["+( (.ownage == 1)?getpartyname(.@sideid):getguildname(.@sideid) )+"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dotaown_"+ .@sideid) +"] !!!",0;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 && attachrid(.@origin) ) soundeffect "ownage.wav",0;
    sleep 1250;
    if ( !attachrid(.@origin) ) end;
    if ( .@dota_multikills == 2 ) {
     if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Kill !",0;
     else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Kill !",0;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "doublekill.wav",0;
    else if ( .@dota_multikills == 3 ) {
     if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Triple Kill !!!",0;
     else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Triple Kill !!!",0;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "triplekill.wav",0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "triplekill.wav",0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "triplekill.wav",0;
    else if ( .@dota_multikills == 4 ) {
     if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Ultra Kill !!!",0;
     else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Ultra Kill !!!",0;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "ultrakill.wav",0;
    else if ( .@dota_multikills >= 5 ) {
     if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Rampage !!!",0;
     else announce strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Rampage !!!",0;
     if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0,.@map$;
     else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0;
     else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "rampage.wav",0;
    dispbottom "Your current Streak : "+ @PlayersKilledStreak;
    dispbottom "Your total Kills    : "+ PlayersKilled;
    if ( .ownage && getcharid(.ownage) )
     dispbottom "Your "+( (.ownage ==1)?"party":"guild" )+" Own  : "+ getd(".dotaown_"+ getcharid(.ownage) );
    set @dota_multikills, 0;

  2. I try to make a RagexeRE Client that read grf and then when I'm trying to open the client (2010-07-30aRagexeRE) and I'm using 3ceam r677 and then it's always show Lua FilesChatWndInfoChatWndInfo_F [string "buf"]:10: attempt to call global 'Iter_getTable' (a nil value). Is there any problem with my Lua Files?

    bump? When I try to use that exe in miruku it's work but for my friend still having a same problem? help pls?

  3. Eto try mo yung script ni emistry. yan ung gngamit q na item restriction sa ibat ibang map. :)


    - script Limited Items -1,{
    function LimitItems;
    function CheckItems;
    // GM Level to Bypass
    set .GMLevel,80;
    // Check Every X Seconds
    set .Seconds,5;
    // Apply on Which Maps and what Zone No.
    setarray .DisableMap$, // "<mapname>","<zone numbe",
    for( set .i,0; .i < getarraysize( .DisableMap$ ); set .i,.i + 2 )
    setmapflag .DisableMap$[.i],mf_loadevent;
    if( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel ) end;
    set @Exceed,0;
    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .DisableMap$ ); set .@i,.@i + 2 )
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .DisableMap$[.@i] )
     LimitItems( atoi( .DisableMap$[.@i+1] ) );
    function LimitItems {
    switch( getarg(0) ){
    // Case <zone>: CheckItems( <Item>,<Amount>,<Item>,<Amount>,.....,<Item>,<Amount> ); break;
    Case 0: CheckItems( 607,1 ); break;
    Case 1: CheckItems( 607,5,608,1 ); break;
    Case 2: CheckItems( 607,2,608,3,4002,1 ); break;
    Case 3: CheckItems( 607,5,608,1,4002,1,5022,1 ); break;
    Case 4: CheckItems( 607,1,608,15,5022,2,7227,10 ); break;
     debugmes "[NPC : "+strnpcinfo(0)+"] - Invalid Zone:"+getarg(0);
    function CheckItems {
    for( set .@i,0; getarg( .@i,0 ); set .@i,.@i + 2 ){
    set .@Limit,0;
    for( set .@eq,0; .@eq <= 10; set .@eq,.@eq + 1 )
     for( set .@slot,0; .@slot <= getequipcardcnt( .@eq ); set .@slot,.@slot + 1 )
      if( getequipcardid( .@eq,.@slot ) == getarg(.@i) )
       set .@Limit,.@Limit + 1;
    set .@Limit,.@Limit + countitem( getarg(.@i) );
    if( .@Limit > getarg(.@i+1) ){
     set @Exceed,1;
     mes "[ ^FF0000Limit : ^0000FF"+getarg(.@i+1)+"^000000 ] "+getitemname( getarg(.@i) );
    if( @Exceed ){
    mes "Please ensure all the Items above didnt reach the Limit as stated above.";
    warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLoadMapEvent";
    addtimer ( .Seconds * 1000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPCLoadMapEvent";

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