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Everything posted by Chickz

  1. i dunno if this the right place or not.. i hav problem with recompiling my server after using harmony... before using harmony it recompile smoothly... but after using harmony, it showed no errors, char login map servers are online, but i cant login.. is there any solution?? im using eathena btw sry for bothering thanks before for any good response sorry my bad.. of course i cant login.. i compiled n i run my old data.. very sorry for bothering... pls close this thread
  2. @emistry aha my mistake for add && not || i just make it quickly as i see this request hehe
  3. something like this? prontera.gat,150,184,5 script Healer#h1-1::Healer 834,{ skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,600000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,600000,5; sc_start SC_GLORIA,600000,5; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,600000,3; sc_end sc_curse; sc_end sc_silence; sc_end sc_confusion; sc_end sc_blind; sc_end sc_bleeding; sc_end sc_poison; sc_end sc_hallucination; sc_end sc_stripweapon; sc_end sc_striparmor; sc_end sc_striphelm; sc_end sc_stripshield; sc_end sc_orcish; percentheal 100,100; if (getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) && getcastledata( "prtg_cas02", 1) != getcharid(2)){ sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,600000,5; end; } } so if u own valkyrie 1 or 2 it will give bonus asumptio & impo dont forget to use <tab> on npc position
  4. emergency call make them bypass the script perhaps
  5. how to input background on starsgames control panel? please help.. thanks before ^^
  6. @Euphy: Sorry For The late reply.. thank you very much ^^ it work smoothly no errors
  7. this npc will allow u to warp if you own certain castle e.g kriemhild/prtg_cas01... if the guild owner change and u still in that room e.g quiz_02 than u will be kick from that room all guild member of castle owner can enter this room... i try to make it but it's too difficult for me >.<
  8. M_crystal: if(countitem(7539)<50 || countitem(7309)<100 || countitem(969)<150 || Zeny <15000000) goto M_insufficient; delitem 7539,50; delitem 7309,100; delitem 969,150; set zeny,zeny-15000000; getitem 20207,1; close;; // << Change it to close; M_cygnus: if(countitem(7539)<50 || countitem(7309)<100 || countitem(969)<150 || Zeny <15000000) goto M_insufficient; delitem 7539,50; delitem 7309,100; delitem 969,150; set zeny,zeny-15000000; getitem 20208,1; close;; // << Change it to close; M_dark: if(countitem(7539)<50 || countitem(7309)<100 || countitem(969)<150 || Zeny <15000000) goto M_insufficient; delitem 7539,50; delitem 7309,100; delitem 969,150; set zeny,zeny-15000000; getitem 20209,1; close;e; // << Change it to close; M_dragon: if(countitem(7539)<50 || countitem(7309)<100 || countitem(969)<150 || Zeny <15000000) goto M_insufficient; delitem 7539,50; delitem 7309,100; delitem 969,150; set zeny,zeny-15000000; getitem 20210,1; close;e; // << Change it to close; M_elemental: if(countitem(7539)<50 || countitem(7309)<100 || countitem(969)<150 || Zeny <15000000) goto M_insufficient; delitem 7539,50; delitem 7309,100; delitem 969,150; set zeny,zeny-15000000; getitem 20211,1; close;e; // << Change it to close; npc will read it as errors and would not response even u click it a hundred times " I_animated: next; atcommand "@changelook 000"; mes "50 Poring Coins"; mes "100 Crow Wing"; mes "150 Gold"; mes "15.000.000 zeny"; menu "Make",M_animated,"Return to Menu",H_top; 22125,Fury_Tail,Fury Tail,5,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1598,{},{},{} // << 1598 is changelook number change it fit with your custom item changelook i dunno if u can understand coz my english is very bad...
  9. sir emistry, can u set that item just drop when MVP killed?
  10. haha my mistake.. i don't read Autovendor things... >_<
  11. not too sure... how does ur script work?
  12. if ( agitcheck() ){ disablenpc " npc "; disablenpc " npc "; } OnAgitEnd: enablenpc " npc "; enablenpc " npc "; end; dunno if it'll work.. but i think it's something like this..
  13. what's doom, & sandwitch? i don't even understand just try this one then.. prontera,155,180,5 script PVP Warp 730,{ mes "[ ^0065DFPVP Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Welcome To PVP Warper"; mes "I Can Help You Warp To PVP Room"; mes "This NPC Just For While PVP Room Only"; next; mes "[ ^0065DFPVP Warper^000000 ]"; mes "You Ready For Warper PVP Room?"; menu "^008000- ^000000 Izlude ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_y_8-2.gat"))+ "]^000000",Q_1, "^008000- ^000000 Doom ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat"))+ "]^000000",Q_2, "^008000- ^000000 1 Vs 1 ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("guild_vs4.gat"))+ "]^000000",Q_3, "^008000- ^000000 Sandwitch ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("pvp_n_1-1.gat"))+ "]^000000",Q_4, "No",-; Q_1: set zz_point,zz_point+1; set my_point,zz_point; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Izlude, " + zz_point + " Times ",bc_all; //announce and end warp "pvp_y_8-2" ,0,0; close; Q_2: set zz_point,zz_point+1; set my_point,zz_point; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Doom, " + zz_point + " Times ",bc_all; //announce and end warp "guild_vs3" ,0,0; close; Q_3: if (getmapusers("guild_vs4")==2){ mes "Just 2 player can join this room"; close; } set zz_point,zz_point+1; set my_point,zz_point; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room 1 Vs 1, " + zz_point + " Times ",bc_all; //announce and end warp "guild_vs4" ,0,0; close; Q_4: set zz_point,zz_point+1; set my_point,zz_point; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Sandwitch, " + zz_point + " Times ",bc_all; //announce and end warp "pvp_n_1-1" ,0,0; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Pvp Room",0,0; end; } pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nosave pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nowarp pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nowarpto pvp_y_8-2 mapflag noteleport pvp_y_8-2 mapflag noreturn
  14. Chickz

    NPC Buffer

    1 click buffer prontera,150,150,5 script Healer 834,{ skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,0,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,0,10; percentheal 100,100; }
  15. i think i see it somewhere but it cannot be found.. it like setarray .mvp$,"mvp_id","mvp_id"; onnpckillevent: if( rand(100) > 5 ) end; if( ){ getitem 501,1; } so when u kill MVP, you'll get 1 red potion by 5% chance...
  16. try this... http://pastebin.com/PJbkDy41 if bot fail to answer, then it'll get back to save point, mute, & cannot pick any item. it can continue kill mobs without skill, but it's just a waste since it cannot pick item.
  17. maybe like this? aldebaran,150,147,6 script Toji 766,{ if (!isequipped(5009, 2406)) { mes "Please use Safety Helmet[0] & Boots[1] Before Talk."; close; } set .@n$,"^0000FF[Toji]^000000"; mes .@n$; mes "You have 200 Bacillus and 150 Mould Powder?"; menu "Yes",-,"It's Hard",end2; if (countitem(7119) < 200 || countitem(7001) < 150) goto L_NOTENOUGH; next; delitem 7119,200; delitem 7001,150; next; mes .@n$; mes "Oh my God,you got it all."; mes "thanks for helping older guy."; mes "here is your reward."; next; getitem 5131,1; mes .@n$; mes "Take it...it's such a nice"; mes "item..."; close; end2: next; mes .@n$; mes "Too bad...You are too lazy"; mes "to do this job."; close; L_NOTENOUGH: next; mes .@n$; mes "You still miss some items"; close; }
  18. try this... i just combine 4 script that i have.. let me know i u got some bug or error... http://pastebin.com/U8unk94q here is the credits: platinum skill by : Keichii and edited by DarkChild breeder by : eAthena Team card remover by : TyrNemesis^ Optimized by Kisuka reseter by : eAthena Team Optimized by Kisuka Script Headear is too long if i combine all the "Credits"
  19. dont use @battleignore atcommand "@option 2 0 3"; // it'll frozt, Hide, & Sight status so Insect or MVP cannot attack sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; // Berserk status (LK skill) Disable Chat & Command too sc_end sc_berserk; // this is for release berserk atcommand "@option 0"; // this is for release status.. OnNPCKillEvent: if( rand(100) > 5 ) end; // It's random chance to activate antibot after killing mob. 5 is 5% chance, just change it to 30 to get 30% chance or 50 for 50% if u use antibot will activate when u kill 100 mobs, then botter just set a macro trigger that if it kills 90 or 99 mobs than relog.. i hope u can understand ^^ haha
  20. @Lelouch That announcement just on first and second minute right? so if i want it broadcast every 5 minute it'll be like this OnMinute00: OnMinute05: OnMinute10: OnMinute15: OnMinute20: OnMinute25: OnMinute30: OnMinute35: OnMinute40: OnMinute45: OnMinute50: OnMinute55: CMIIW..
  21. atcommand "@option 2 0 3"; sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; sc_end sc_berserk; atcommand "@option 0"; i think it's better to use OnNPCKillEvent: rather than OnPCLoginEvent: it's like allow all bots except hunting bot i've been using this.. and work smoothly
  22. @Euphy if (killedrid == getcharid(3)) end; is it mean that if suicide than it wont give cashpoint/item? e.g grand cross... if (.NoFarm) { if (killedrid == @last_kill) end; set @last_kill, killedrid; } this, if u kill 1 person twice or more, than the 2nd 3rd 4th kill will not count?
  23. i think it'll work smoothly... I'm not test it yet... thank you hurican dooders ^^ @yanji that's not the point for my question... but thanks for comment ^^
  24. http://pastebin.com/L0xAjgd4 try this... u can change getitem 501,1; to set #cash,#cash + 1; // << i dunno if it's working or set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS + 1; then setarray .Map$[0],"pvp_y_1-2","pvp_y_2-2","pvp_y_3-2"; // change the pvp map here
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