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Vincentore last won the day on March 28 2016

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  1. Where could I find an updated Ragexe? The latest I could find was 2022-04-06_Ragexe on the NEMO site. I have the same problem....
  2. I had the same issues with photoshop aswell. With gimp I was able to make it work: Since there was no answer to this question I post this here... maybe someone else will find that usefull. The Images are in german.. I try my best to translate the buttons. 1. First load your image into gimp. 2. Change your image into Indexed mode. In the top menu: Image>Mode>Indexed 3. In the "index" menu make sure to check the first option "optimal palette" and underneth that "maximum colors 256" (Not more!) 4. Now your image is indexed. Now click rightclick on the image in gimp. In the right-click-menu: windows->dockable dialogues->colortable 5. now on the top right the color table should show up. First click it with one leftclick. Then do a right-click and select the option on the bottom. Should be something like "resort colortable". 6. In the next window make sure that your background color is the first one. find it and drag and drop it into the first position and hit "OK". Your background color which will be transparent in Ragnarok Online should be the first color. (For my image it was the green color) 7. Now click "file" in the top menu and then "export to" (or maybe export as...) 8. the export will notify you that the alpha channel will be lost. thats okay... In the export menu make sure to check "kompability mode" and beneth that "dont wirte color space information" -- don't know if this translation is correct... At last hit "export". You have to do this to all images like that.. or else the colors will be rendered wrong... Hope that helps someone : )
  3. I had the same issue after I did a setup myself. I fixed the issue by setting the correct packetversion in the defines_pre.hpp file. Like Akkarin stated bevore me. Seems to be the same issue I had,make sure to set your packet version correctly! Find your defines_pre.hpp file and make sure to add the correct client packet verision: For me (Im using the 20.06.2018 EXE/CLIENT) it looks like this: // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP */ #define PACKETVER 20180620
  4. Hello Vince

    I'm using you release "Random Group Generator". But i have a question.

    How exaclty works the "Step" parameter


    "I want that the Item option roll 1000 or 2000 HP and 100,200 or 300 SP."

    "That is 2x(HPin 1000Steps) times 3x(SP in 100Steps)"


    1. Vincentore


      It is simply the value to how big the steps are:

      Maybe another exemple:

      You set the min max value of one option from 1 to 10.

      The steps will now create the options values: 1+2*x = 1,3,5,7,9

    2. drarex


      Thanks for the help.

      i'm just thinking if is possible to use all this "options" to cover all chances like:

      1-5 option chance item


      i known this is insane, but increment a lot you tool.

      Nice work btw

    3. Vincentore


      Since the generated options have a chance to become true on an Item you could add as many as your server can handle. This tool just helps you creating the possible outcomes.

  5. Da hast du recht. Aber genau das mit den übernehmen wollte ich mit der Vorlaufzeit aussagen. Wenn ein Server nach 2 Wochen hier angekündigt wird, ist dieser im Normalfall nicht ernst zu nehmen. Ich habe das schon zu heufig gesehen: Ein Server wird angekündigt (Teamsuche usw.). Nach 2 Wochen wird plötzlich die live-schaltung bekannt gemacht (Also der Server als Vollendet deklariert). So ein Server ist eine Langzeit Aufgabe die es gilt unter einen Hut zu bringen und gleichzeitig genug daran zu arbeiten sodass die Spieler den Eindruck bekommen das es erst gemeint wird.
  6. Meine Erfahrung ist das die meisten Teams überhaupt nicht korrekt einschätzen was ein Server an Aufwand bedeutet. Die Meisten glauben der Server wäre super nachdem Mann es geschafft hat paar NPC's einzubinden. Falsch! Ein Server benötigt ein Konzept und eine bestimmte Zielrichtung: Mann muss überlegen was das Hauptziel ist, sozusagen der "Rote Faden". Die Meisten verzetteln sich in irgendwelchen Custom-Items die keinen wirklich was bedeutet. Der Server muss den drang haben das Beste zu liefern. Nur das ist gut genug. Wieso? Wie Anubis schon sagte: Die Glanzzeiten von RO sind längst Geschichte. Wer nicht mit Konstanter Verbesserung und Tatendrang an den Server geht wird das alte Eisen nicht begeistern können auf einem Server neben NovaRO oder ähnlichem aufzusatteln. Mittlerweile würde ich davon ausgehen das ein Server rund 1 Jahr Vorlauf braucht um so rund zu laufen das es Spieler bei der Stange hält. Was macht z.B. NovaRO? Die Event sind so gut gemacht das allein das reicht um Spielen zu behalten. Gleichzeitig ist der Server fair und selbst nicht Donater können ohne weiteres viel in dem Server machen. Für mich ist NovaRO zurzeit die Messlatte die es gilt zu übertreffen um überhaupt erst Bemerkt zu werden. Dies ist jedoch nur eine Meinung von jemanden der kläglich Gescheitert ist : )
  7. You are missing the path to output the files. Create the folder in windows.. Right Click -> New Folder..... Follow the path and add any missing folder...
  8. Would you want a function to check individual files for hashes? Example: data.grft - Hash: 123456789 Now a user manipulated the grf file: Hash would be a new one (4123456789). The patcher would inform the server owner about the manipulation (account name of the manipulative) by e-mail or directly into an log file.
  9. As soon as I find some spare time I will make your suggetions happen. There is a small Bug in the Patch Generator. The PatchList.XML created contains a /OUTPUT/ in all Filenames. Bevore using your PatchList.XML delete the /OUTPUT/ part in your Filenames. This will be fixed soon.
  10. View File Ergo Patcher Ergo Patcher Guide Setup the Patcher Extract the patcher. Open the Config File (/ErgoPatcher/System/Config/PatcherConfig.XML) with Notepad++ or any other text Editor. Edit the Black parts. (Value Settings) Required are: <HTTPLink_Patcher_List> - The PatchList.XML file should be directly reachable. (On your website/server). It requires the complete patch to this file. "http:" is also required. <HTTPLink_Patches_Directory> - The remote folder where your patches will be downloadable. <RagnarokEXEName> Is required for the "Start" Button. Your client belongs into the /RO/ Folder. <MetroColor> The Patcher uses MahAppsMetro for thr window design. Possible colors without any further changes in this application are: “Red”, “Green”, “Blue”, “Purple”, “Orange”, “Lime”, “Emerald”, “Teal”, “Cyan”, “Cobalt”, “Indigo”, “Violet”, “Pink”, “Magenta”, “Crimson”, “Amber”, “Yellow”, “Brown”, “Olive”, “Steel”, “Mauve”, “Taupe”, “Sienna”. A tip: Keep the standard config around. So that you know where a number, a string or an bool (true/false) is requested. The rest is self explaining I guess. If there is a problem setting up the patcher feel free to ask. (PM me or ask for me in discord) Here is a Video for Starters: ErgoPatcher_Starter_Guide.mp4 Currently Working on: Crypted-Config: [IIIIIIIIII] ~ 0% Done. Hash-Checking Files: [IIIIIIIIII] ~ 0% Done. Submitter Vincentore Submitted 07/03/2017 Category Patchers Content Author  
  11. Version 0-13


    Ergo Patcher Guide Setup the Patcher Extract the patcher. Open the Config File (/ErgoPatcher/System/Config/PatcherConfig.XML) with Notepad++ or any other text Editor. Edit the Black parts. (Value Settings) Required are: <HTTPLink_Patcher_List> - The PatchList.XML file should be directly reachable. (On your website/server). It requires the complete patch to this file. "http:" is also required. <HTTPLink_Patches_Directory> - The remote folder where your patches will be downloadable. <RagnarokEXEName> Is required for the "Start" Button. Your client belongs into the /RO/ Folder. <MetroColor> The Patcher uses MahAppsMetro for thr window design. Possible colors without any further changes in this application are: “Red”, “Green”, “Blue”, “Purple”, “Orange”, “Lime”, “Emerald”, “Teal”, “Cyan”, “Cobalt”, “Indigo”, “Violet”, “Pink”, “Magenta”, “Crimson”, “Amber”, “Yellow”, “Brown”, “Olive”, “Steel”, “Mauve”, “Taupe”, “Sienna”. A tip: Keep the standard config around. So that you know where a number, a string or an bool (true/false) is requested. The rest is self explaining I guess. If there is a problem setting up the patcher feel free to ask. (PM me or ask for me in discord) Here is a Video for Starters: ErgoPatcher_Starter_Guide.mp4 Currently Working on: Crypted-Config: [IIIIIIIIII] ~ 0% Done. Hash-Checking Files: [IIIIIIIIII] ~ 0% Done.
  12. Well, then I was missguided by the tag of this section .. Im sorry.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Hello rAthena! Today I release this little tool: It allows you to quickly populate new groups. Small Guide: 1. Download and unzip the tool. 2. Copy your item_randomopt_db.txt into the unzipped path. (Replace the File inside) 3. Run the Tool. 4. Insert your GROUP_ID to use in the First textbox. 5. Select any option in the first box 6. Add the minumum and maximum value. 7. Click Generate. 8. Now the bottom box will output the combination of all your options chosen and it will min/max the values. Example: I want that the Item option roll 1000 or 2000 HP and 100,200 or 300 SP. That is 2x(HPin 1000Steps) times 3x(SP in 100Steps)
  14. Hello rAthena! Today I release this little tool: It allows you to quickly populate new groups. Small Guide: 1. Download and unzip the tool. 2. Copy your item_randomopt_db.txt into the unzipped path. (Replace the File inside) 3. Run the Tool. 4. Insert your GROUP_ID to use in the First textbox. 5. Select any option in the first box 6. Add the minumum and maximum value. 7. Click Generate. 8. Now the bottom box will output the combination of all your options chosen and it will min/max the values. Example: I want that the Item option roll 1000 or 2000 HP and 100,200 or 300 SP. That is 2x(HPin 1000Steps) times 3x(SP in 100Steps)
  15. Hello, I tried the script command getitem3. But I can't make it work. I also tested the example from script_commands.txt setarray .@OptID[0],RDMOPT_WEAPON_ATTR_TELEKINESIS; setarray .@OptVal[0],0; setarray .@OptParam[0],0; getitem3 28705,1,1,9,0,0,0,0,0,.@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam; This also throws "Error - no option ID listed". What do I do wrong?
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