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Briar Rose

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Everything posted by Briar Rose

  1. Briar Rose


    You just need to add the skills to the baby class on db/re/skill_tree.txt. Just find the advanced class and copy the skills, place it to the baby class you want, don't forget to change the first sequence of numbers, which is the class ID.
  2. It's simple to use a function. You have to put the function in like a normal NPC and don't forget to add it to your scripts_custom.conf file that it really is getting loaded. After you did that use the script Flaid posted and all will work just fine. However, you can also use this as item script: { bonus bStr,3; bonus bInt,5; if ((isequipped(itemid1)) && (isequipped(itemid2))) { bonus bMaxHpRate,100; } },{},{}
  3. Stop stalking my profile <:

    1. Flaid


      Why would I? >:

    2. Briar Rose

      Briar Rose

      Because it's rude to stalk in the first place >:

    3. DevilEvil
  4. Open up your db/skill_cast_db.txt, everything there has the following format; SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2. So all you have to do is edit the third number, that's the cool down time.
  5. Check your db/skill_db.txt file and look if the IDs got mixed up.
  6. The character status gets saved on logging out so @kickall should work just fine, but you better announce it to your players first before they start raging on you. Opening the storage saves the character status, too, if I remember correctly so you can either use @kickall or you make a source edit.
  7. I am not sure if that's a bug, it's the very same on the official servers. I don't think you can affect that by changing LUA files. If you change the skill view back to the old you'll see the skill listed.
  8. Olá Golen, algumas vezes é necessário que você entre em contato com sua companhia de host perguntando se eles permitem essa conexão no vps (se for o caso) deles, algumas companhias bloqueiam conexão com outro vps/host. (sofri com isso recentemente)
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