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Posts posted by karazu

  1. Hello Rathena community I hope u can give me a help with this problem.

    Everything works fine in the custom weapon in game, No sprite error etc.

    I am using (rASpriteNameGen114) in generating them and yes everything is ok, at 1st i generate all the MALE sprite weapon and they are working perfectly in game.

    Sprites and Textures stored here:




    the problem exist is when I start to generate the female sprite, in the (rASpriteNameGen114) the default is they are in the same folder I mean is that the male and the female sprite are in same folder which make the "FAULT" in-game.

    what happen is the MALE SINX now has the same weapon/attack animation with the FEMALE? the weapon is  just flying behind me because the weapon is using the animation of the FEMALE sprite?

    can u guys tell me what shoud i do? do i need to put male and female sprite in diferent folder?

    NOTE: THIS IS NOW the animation when i generated the sprite of the female (working fine before)


    can anyone help me on this 1?

  2. look at the script that i posted its only like that

    Link number 1 only requires level, its good but it doesn't suit for what i need.

    Link number 2 is ok! but i need some guide to change the requirements to TCG

    Link  number 3 doesnt suit my needs.

  3. TCG

    My friend before made a script like a rent item

            case 6: //halter lead
              if (countitem(12622) > 0) {
                mes "[Universal Rental Npc]";
                mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", but you already have a halter lead.";
              } else if (countitem(7227) < 1) {
                mes "[Universal Rental Npc]";
                mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", but you need one TCG Card to rent one halter lead for one day.";
              } else {
                mes "[Universal Rental Npc]";
                mes "How many days do you intend to rent a halter lead?";
                input @days;
                if (countitem(7227) < @days) {
                  mes "[Universal Rental Npc]";
                  mes "I'm sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", but you need " + @days + " TCG Card to rent a halter lead for " + @days + " day(s).";
                } else {
                    delitem 7227, @days;
                    rentitem 12622, @days * 86400;
    its something like that
  4. Hello I've been searching all over in the forum about a Rental that ive been looking for but seems to be i cannot find one.

    Its only like this, the NPC requires a certain Item to let the players rent an item

    like for example :

    10TCG for 1DAY  Slipner/Megs  etc..

    I saw alot of post here about rental NPC but they dont have payments. can anyone help/give/show me please?

  5. do it in your own pc and then only upload to your server using WinSCP ..

    I figured it out lol. thats why its not opening because it only 2kb, what i did whas i re downloaded the file in the trunk and open it weemapcahche and its working now. XD 5 new maps in my server. thank you

  6. Yes any armor can be enhanted,if ever what u mean includes headgears i think if it will be to imbalance.. As long as its an armor (cloth, valk armor, diablos armor. Etc,)then yes u can slot am orb with it.

    But if its possible then its ok.... Maybe troll will just put an option to disable the other feature.. That might be great.

  7. Hello i don't get this part


    //GRF List
    // grf: C:\path\to\RO\data.grf
    // You may add more in this format
    // grf: <data file path>
    grf: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\data.grf
    grf: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\rdata.grf

    //------ Others ---------------------------

    // Data Directory (without the actual data\ though)
    // the below example would use C:\path\to\RO\data\
    //data_dir: C:\path\to\RO\
    data_dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\


    Can someone explain it to me?
    I mean how can the grf.txt find my "grf" if its been viewed via remote "VNC"?

    its ok if I will said that 
    D: Program Files\my.grf   if the grf.txt is in my computer because of-course he can trace it. but what if its vied via REMOTE?

  8. Hi, i want to make use of this items "


    AGI+10 [Armor]   Item ID# 4739 (Agility10)"
    Archer Lv1 [Armor]   Item ID# 4832


    by default they are just like cards. if u click them they will be slot in to a slotted Armors.

    -But what i want to make is an NPC which the NPC will slot this ORBS even though the Armor is already compound with card(only 1 ORB) per armor.


    -The NPC will only detect orbs like those because i dont want a double tao gunka in the armor (if u get what i think)..

    that only..

    thank you.



    these items are donation items in my server. thats why i want the NPC when clicked find this items in the inventory of the player so that they can slot it.


    If armor is slotted [1]



    If armor is non-slotted [0]



    @Emistry cause I want to make player fight each other. So you can kill or push others out of area :3

    Haha..players is going to Rampage !! biggrin.png Kill for Survive !!


    haha :) Suggestion: Player will get the 5 pcs usable item that enable to use palm push strike so the 5 pcs usable item is limited to push the other player, i think this is best and funny event than killing each other.

    GOOD IDEA! just give the player a limited PALM push strike scroll  because if killing it might be the strongest will always win..

  10. open weemapcache.exe ... select your mapcache.dat .....add your custom map file save...and done...

    The problem is the interface in the VCN is different im my PC

    i dont know but every time i click the weemapcache.exe in my VNC its only like a notepad


    all is already there just dont knwo what to do since when i click the weemapcache its only like a notepad.

    the new.grf is the invek in the grf form.

    ok i copied my map_cache.dat in my desktop via WinSCP but every time i OPEN the map_cache via weemapcache.exe it says failed to open mapcache file

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