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Everything posted by Sehrentos

  1. Sure thing, merged Hmm yeah hints not working. Would be nice thou Function list next in todo: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/features/function-list.html
  2. @@nanakiwurtz: Yes you are doing it right. Both ways work just fine. Make a new theme by copying stylers.xml in (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming) and rename it for your theme and edit it. Save it in themes folder. Import a theme by using notepad++'s import theme tool at settings menu.
  3. And you could use custom database editors made by users or rathena syntax highlight for text editors.
  4. This looks nice. Thanks for the info @nanakiwurtz Yeah, sorry for slow reply on this. When using other themes you need to create a new theme for each one. styler.xml at "AppData\Roaming\Notepad++" But it seems you already did that on your forked version.
  5. Thanks for the replies! PucaRo - haven't played on it :< AeRo - played for few months but didn't had much free time, so i stopped.
  6. Hey, I first started playing at Light-side Legend RO known as legendro.net back at 2005 i think... but as i checked it out today. The web site have not been updated for long time and forums keeps saying that it's dead and not going to recover nor update. I also noticed a new servers using the same name legend-ro.net & legendro.com.br so.. are these any way related to the old server or just using the same name? If any one knows I would appreciate the info What was your first server played and how is it doing today? Cheers
  7. Like these script commands? setcell "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<type>,<flag>; - setcell "schg_cas05",114,51,125,51,cell_walkable,0; - setcell "schg_cas05",114,51,125,51,cell_walkable,1; setwall "<map name>",<x>,<y>,<size>,<dir>,<shootable>,"<name>"; disablenpc "<NPC object name>"; enablenpc "<NPC object name>";
  8. Hey, I think you should use instance_mapname("<map name>"{,<instance id>}) function for the map name. instance_enter("Dragon Nest"); close2; warpparty instance_mapname("1@uns"),56,263,.PartyID; Or try warping one by one using instance_enter function. // Check party exists if (getcharid(1)) { // Attach all party members to this script addrid(2,0,getcharid(1)); // Check party member is not AFK if (!checkvending() && !checkchatting()) { // Do your stuff for each active party member... instance_enter("Dragon Nest"); } }
  9. Hey, I have this old script that is probably pretty close that you are looking for? Feel free to edit it as u please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/97r64c893sy811w/enchanter.txt?dl=0
  10. Hmm... at line 59 the if statement: set @CID,getcharid(0);set @name$,""; query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `mvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@name$; if ( @name$ == "" ) { How about changing the if statement like this? - Because the query_sql sets array variables @name$ set @CID, getcharid(0); query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `mvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID,@name$); if (getarraysize(@name$) > 0) { query_sql("UPDATE `mvp` SET `mvps` = `mvps` +1,`pontos` = `pontos` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID); } else { query_sql("INSERT INTO `mvp` (`char_id`,`account_id`,`name`,`mvps`,`pontos`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+getcharid(3)+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1,1)"); }
  11. Thanks for the tip! Tested it out. Works perfectly thank you.
  12. Hey, I'm not quite sure if this is the correct way to calculate the sleep time for the npc to move to another location. Lets think it will move straight line with no blocks in its way to keep it simple. Explained: NPC will remove waiting room, do a map announce and starts to walk to another location. After it's finished walking it will disappear leaving the room for players. Any suggestions or corrections? OnStart: .@speed = 100; .@distance = distance(150,150,153,127); .@sleep = (.@distance * (.@speed * 10)); kickwaitingroomall instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); delwaitingroom instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); mapannounce instance_mapname("prt_are01"),"Event will start. Get ready!",bc_map,"0x7799ff"; npcspeed .@speed; npcwalkto 153,127; sleep .@sleep; donpcevent instance_npcname("TestTimer#1_1")+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnDisable"; end; Here is the full test script (if you need to take a closer look): https://www.dropbox.com/s/lacve3srhsf53qh/instance-test.txt?dl=0 Thanks
  13. You need to edit status.c find " for (i = 0; i < EQI_MAX; i++) " some where around line 2959 and edit: if (i == EQI_AMMO || i == EQI_COSTUME_TOP || i == EQI_COSTUME_MID || i == EQI_COSTUME_LOW) This should disable bonus stats to effect player from all costume gear. + I'm not sure but you might also need to disable equipment autobonus edit pc_delautobonus and pc_exeautobonus in pc.c havent tested it. Edit: This is updated in my previous post: http://rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/?p=272111
  14. Hey, Just managed to get it work! I had some of the issues others had because the .diff was old. After manually editing few lines, it worked for me. These days you could just use/make the costume items in the item_db. Just like normal headgear except equipment's placement is different. 1024 = Costume Top Headgear 2048 = Costume Mid Headgear 4096 = Costume Low Headgear But its nice functions for making just a quick costume change. My commits at GitHub: * https://github.com/Sehrentos/rathena/commit/92676a4f7440f0e87e221615612b0700aedeaa14 Here is my diff file: rAthena commit hash: 1325e6889199aa3c4d89ade090398d225ab0147b My commit hash: 92676a4f7440f0e87e221615612b0700aedeaa14 Date created: 29-30.4.2015 Link to diff: http://pastebin.com/T5Fqeyb1 How to apply a diff file in git? 1. Put the diff file in rathena root folder 2. Check what will be changed: git apply --check my_file_name.diff 3. Apply the changes in diff file: git apply my_file_name.diff Remember to recompile when done. I hope this helps -- A small update (19.03.2016): After about one year I made a merge with the upstream.. a freaking monstrous pile of changes had taken place. After merge I only had to do a small edit on status.c but it seems to be working just fine. if (i == EQI_AMMO || i == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP || i == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID || i == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) // Costume item edit
  15. Defined rAthena NPC scripting language for Notepad++. Link: https://github.com/Sehrentos/rAthena-syntax-highlight Keywords contents NPC script commands. Constants from db/const.txt How to add to Notepad++? Open your Notepad++ and go to the Language > Define your language... > Import. Use default styles in the Settings > Style Configurator > Select theme: Default. Or you can download example style theme /themes/rAthenaWhite.xml and import it Settings < Import < Import style theme(s).... Restart Notepad++ after changing language or styles. Make a new style theme or edit existing one: Make a new theme by copying stylers.xml in %APPDATA%\Notepad++ and rename it for your theme and edit it. Save it in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes folder. Restart Notepad++ after edit. Auto-completion Copy APIs/rathena.xml to Notepad++ installation folder APIs/rathena. Open menu Settings > Preferences... > Auto-Completion tab, check "Enable auto-completion on each input". Restart Notepad++. Sources: rAthena Script Commands rAthena Constants Happy editing Image: Thanks, @Cydh for auto-completion
  16. Here, u go https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21611185/pictures/illust-2013_summer_fish.rar
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