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Everything posted by Nullifier

  1. Is it possible for us to use Renewal Instances that are available on our current emulator like OGH that will be implemented on pre-renewal ?
  2. Fixed sorry for my post the problem was the iteminfo.lua
  3. Any ideas why is this happening? im using 2015-11-04 and i already tried 2015-09-16 and i have the same result..
  4. i already did what you said same error XD i tried making a new logs table same error
  5. does anyone here know how to this this error?
  6. Ano ba rates ng server mo? actually napaka dali lang naman solusyonan nyang thanatos card na yan kayang kaya ng mga players mo yan diskartehan if every na high rate ka they just need to don't put vit and don't upgrade their items and using grimtooth is good too what i mean grimtooth is the dagger it has -DEF.
  7. Thanks for this @Tokei great release!
  8. Nullifier

    Item Setup

    So you mean it'll be permanent addition? @.@ i guess its not possible xD or else you will make it like a card... that can be put on items..
  9. You can't connect with that client if it uses gepard shield you need to diff that client with gepard.dll and only @Functor can do that, only with his client and you can't please him to do it with your client lolz
  10. Yes the topic says it all but do we have the rA's update timeline? im not talking about kRO's update timeline since we can easily find it on google what i was asking is rA's update time line like for example: 2008 march implemented this episode and so on lol im just wondering.. Thanks. Best Regards,
  11. I want to know if it is possible to have a cinematic inside the game client itself? Because i saw some server in the past have this and if i recall correctly iRO has this thing way back 2014 or 2015 well this is interesting stuff to add on client
  12. @joinbg isn't supported here in rA yet @.@
  13. I already conduct a several tests and see that the problem was in the channel system im trying to get that mod again will update here on what will happen thanks! I already conduct a several tests and see that the problem was in the channel system im trying to get that mod again will update here on what will happen thanks! My internet sucks that's why i did double post sorry for this.
  14. Update: I tried to make a new autotrade vendor and still the same results.. Update 2: I tried to do the same things on my local server and it is the same but in my local server there is no error shown up on MAP SERVER, only the map server crashes, unlike on the hosted one it has errors so... maybe someone can help me here. Update 3: The saddest part the server seems not saving data's example a player got apple after we restart the server the apple is missing. Thanks!!
  15. Hello there! I was encountering this error since we transferred to a new host whenever i open a autotrade vendor in the server how can i remove those from my SQL? So the server wont load them anymore? or is it related to this errors below? [Error]: Server received crash signal! attempting to save all online characters! [Error]: pc_eventtimer: no such event timer Earlier this week i download a copy from rathena's git and install a localserver to my laptop then after that it seems im already have a problem on saving datas (NO MOD APPLIED ) i didn't expect that to be more complicated since its only a test server after that i installed the channel system by cydh and gepard shield of functor and the server went live we detected this problem because i tried to make an autotrade in my gm account and those errors pop up, whenever i tried to make an autotrade in my local server it seems to crash the map server and the datas are not being saved again.. this is odd right? I already tried running my old emulator and yet i get the same results.
  16. Did you make some changes on atcommand.c? it seems that was the problem try getting a fresh copy of it.
  17. Okay it's fixed. Thank you @Aleos for helping me. This was the fix. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/afa880ebd6bd55c2ecaa479cf00697db568ab353
  18. Can someone help me here? whenever i do compile this 2 errors pop up
  19. @Sryx, I really don't know where this error came from XD
  20. buildin_warp: moving player 'name' to "malaya",242,211 failed Source (NPC): FAKE_NPC (invisible/not on a map)
  21. Nullifier


    change your prontera file inside your grf..
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