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Everything posted by Ai4rei

  1. *.inf is also a bad thing to do. You'll delete patch progress (last patch id in patch*.inf) of official GRFs. msvcp90.dll + msvcr90.dll are needed by the VC9 clients, unless you have then installed as VC++ redistributable. Skin will kill all client interface skins, including user-added ones. tipOfTheDay_e.txt is customized by some servers.
  2. WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation should work for all pre-themida clients, where applicable.
  3. You should not put AI (homunculus/mercenary AI) and dbghelp.dll (needed for the exception handler aka. Gravity Error) on the list.
  4. No, they are defined by Microsoft. They cannot be arbitrary invented.
  5. Thanks you two! Namine210: There is no SUBLANG_SPANISH_LA, please pick an existing one.
  6. WDGEnableAuraOverLvl99AndLvl150 In process of being updated. WDGAllowMultipleWindows Does not apply for that client, multiple windows are always allowed. WDGEnable127Hairstyles Replaced by WDGEnable64kHairstyles.
  7. Used 2013-03-13cRagexeRE as reference, which imports msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll, so apparently only RE clients do for now. I guess I'll have to figure out how to split the first section into .text and .rdata .
  8. Clients are now compiled with MSVC 10 (2010) and the section table of the unpacked clients is messed up, so only old constant-hunting plug-ins will work. Edit: Only RE clients are MSVC 10 for now.
  9. Randoms: The section table is messed up, will render most WDG plugins unusable. It's MSVC 10.
  10. It's still time-consuming I assume. In non-offensive way, I cannot make out the sense of your questions, sorry. So far I know the inventory has been replaced, so there should be no restore possible aside from pasting heaps of code from old client, which is a no-go (see rain). Rain is in slow progress, I'm a bit lacking on time recently. Looks like <passwordencrypt/> to me, maybe the langtype does not support it. WDGEnableAsciiInText allows you to send non-English characters, but that does not mean, that they display properly in Korean langtype.
  11. I think so. Try and see.
  12. To support mix-gender accounts you have to make the server distribute the information through the char-select (packet modification), which in turn requires the client to be able to read it, which is the first problem. The character-select packet is read right into an array of CHARACTER_INFO structures; there is no space to expand the structure unless you want to edit all character related client functions; something you "do not want". Work-around for this is to recycle an another field, that does not utilize the whole data size. Writing a plug-in for such a thing would probably equal something twice as hard as the pending rain plug-in, it would not be for free either, at least not from me. make the server deal with gender information on per-character basis. This includes data storage and in-memory structures. Probably the easiest part, anyone dealing with eA/rA source should be able to do that. make the client function CSession::GetSex deal with gender information on per-character basis during char-select.
  13. Cash button is enabled by the server at the request of the client. If the client does not ask for the button state, it usually does not implement the button at all.
  14. Since the update, stuff related to the edit box is broken. Like this light gray font (used to be black) or random breakage of the editor (BBCode Mode off) when using "Quote" or "MultiQuote"; the editor vanishes or quote buttons no longer react. Edit: Attachments apparently do not work (at least here) either.
  15. In process of moving to different hosting services, as mediaon stopped it's business apparently. For the time being replace nn.nachtwolke.com with nn.ai4rei.net in links you intend to use.
  16. Some great mind suspended the website, so the links are not available until it's up again.
  17. Maybe. Both use same code base, the feature set might be different.
  18. Works fine for me with R2.
  19. Client date? I can't get any other crash out of the diff.
  20. Sorry, had forgotten to fix the VC6 part as well, try again.
  21. Try to download in an hour again.
  22. Client date? Fixed (probably). It can take a while for sourceforge to reflect the update on all mirrors though.
  23. Works fine for me, even all Korean strings miraculously turn into English with lt12 (without custom data).
  24. Define "never works", quick test on a 2012-07-02aRagexeRE shows no objections to langtype 12.
  25. Added: WDGEnableCustom3DBones Enables the use of custom 3D monsters (Granny) by lifting hardcoded ID limit. WDGEnableProxySupport Ignores server-provided IP addresses when changing servers. binary builds, sources As always, untested. Bink: 50%, Rain: 30%.
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