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Posts posted by Aerie

  1. Alright that's surely why. I'll convert the file for this emulator soon.

    EDIT :

    3CEAM version 661 is clear, but the 650 may be clear too. I think you don't increaze your max_mob limit. So check in your emulator folder : src/map/mob.h then look for :

    #define MAX_MOB_DB

    Replace the 4000 value by 5000 then recompile your server. It will allows mobs with 3000's range.

  2. I've expected this error tooo and I have never succeed to fix it. It happens without any reason, but the command @item2 can bypass this error. (The script command was defaillant too).

    Maybe by delete your data, it'll fix the issue. Personnaly, I've change my emulator version.

  3. This function is not from me but I don't remember who have created it ... It was some years ago.

    Function :

    //___________________Walk _________________________________________
    function	script	ars_walk	{
    set .CP, getarg(4);
    set .DST, rand(getarg(2),getarg(3));
    if (rand(2))
    	set .CP, .CP + .DST;
    	set .CP, .CP - .DST;
    if (.CP < getarg(0)) set .CP, .CP + .DST;
    if (.CP > getarg(1)) set .CP, .CP - .DST;
    return .CP;

    NPC :

    ars_fild41,126,87,3	script	Villageoise#ep7uru1	77,4,4,{
    set @name$,"^FF00CCVillager^000000";
    mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; 
    mes "Hello ^33CC00" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, well good morning to you!";
    set .inUse, .inUse - 1;
    set .minX,0;
    set .maxX,0;
    set .minY,0;
    set .maxY,0;
    set .minD,0;
    set .maxD,10;
    set .maxLock,30;
    npcspeed 200;
    if (.inUse) {
    	set .curLockT, .curLockT + 1;
    	if (.curLockT > .maxLock) set .inUse, 0;
    } else {
    	getmapxy .map$,.x,.y,1;
    	set .curX, callfunc("ars_walk",.minX, .maxX,.minD,.maxD,.x);
    	set .curY, callfunc("ars_walk",.minY, .maxY,.minD,.maxD,.y);
    	npcwalkto .curX, .curY;

  4. Right, many errors ;D

    1- First error comes from the mob_db ... Do you use a mod or rAthena emulator ? Surely a problem with fields (too much or not enough) the answer should be in upper error messages (not avaible in your post). This problem occures most of errors.

    2- For "attempting to hide npc" errors, this seems comes from the configuration.txt, you surely copy/paste the whole from Arsinoé. And it contains some commands for npc only avaible in Arsinoé. So replace your configuration.txt by this :

    -	script	EP7_Configuration	-1,{
    //Choix des langues :
    //Cette section est pour activer les langues (au niveau des annonces globales)
    //This part is for activate different language (for global announces)
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|1; //Français
    set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|2; //English
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|4; //Español
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|8; //Tagalog
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|16; //Russian
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|32; //Portuguese
    //Cette section est pour désactiver les langues (au niveau des annonces globales). Il vous suffit de décommenter la ligne de la langue que vous souhaitez désactiver.
    //This secton is for desactivate languages (global announces). You only need to uncomment the line of the language you want to disable.
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-1; //Français
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-2; //English
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-4; //Español
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-8; //Tagalog
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-16; //Russian
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-32; //Portuguese
    //Choisir la langue pour les WaitingRoom : (0 = Français / 1 = Anglais / 2 = Espagnol / 3 = Tagalog / 4 = Russian / 5 = Portuguese)
    //Choose the language for WaitingRoom
    set $EP7_LANGUE,4;
    //Attention : Le nombre de joueurs maximum pour une Waiting Room ne change pas lors d'un simple Reloadscript. Il faut soit
    //relancer le map-server, soit lancer au moins une fois l'instance. Mais le changement de nombre de joueurs est effectif avec
    //un simple reloadscript.
    // Note: The maximum number of players for a Waiting Room does not change during a single Reloadscript. You must
    // restart the map-server, or run at least once time the instance. But the change of number of players is effective with
    // a simple reloadscript.
    //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour lancer une instance (Quêtes). [Defaut : 5]
    //Set the number of players required to launch an instance (Quests). [Default: 5]
    set $EP7_InstJoueurs,1;
    //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour l'Arène (Mode MvP et Assaut). [Defaut : 4]
    //Set the number of players required for the Arena (MVP mode, and Assault). [Default: 4]
    set $EP7_AreneJoueurs,3;
    //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour les Quêtes Zombies. [Defaut : 4]
    //Set the number of players required for Quests Zombies. [Default: 4]
    set $EP7_ZombieJoueurs,3;
    //Commenter cette ligne pour activer le NPC qui donne toutes les variables (Alberta 218,35) [Defaut : Uncomment]
    //Comment this line to activate the NPC who gives all variables (Alberta 218,35) [Defaut : Uncomment]
    disablenpc "Testeur#ep7";
    //Annonce des instances : 0 = Local / 1 = Serveur
    //Announce for the coming on the server : 0 = Local / 1 = Server
    set $EP7Annonce,1;
    //Annonce pour l'arrivée sur le Serveur : 0 = Local / 1 = Serveur
    //Announce for the coming on the server : 0 = Local / 1 = Server
    set $EP7DAnnonce,0;
    //Pour introduction, régler le Nom du Serveur :
    //For the Introduction, fix your name server :
    set $EP7ServName$,"Sacre de Lunedor";
    //Pour introduction, régler le Nom de la Capitale du Serveur, Nom de la carte et coordonnées (Pour l'arrivée après l'intro) :
    //For the Introduction, fix the Capital Server, Nme of the map and coordinates (For come to the capital after the Introduction) :
    set $EP7CapiName$,"Prontera";
    set $EP7map$,"prontera";
    set $EP7x,156;
    set $EP7y,202;
    //Il faut une monnaie globale à Arsinoé, par défaut Arsinois. Attention de pas mettre un objet pouvant être droppé.
    //Global Current of Arsinoé, per default Arsinois Coins. You can change it but be careful don't use common items
    set $ep7_Tcoins,29180;
    //Nombre de personnes affichées par Titre : Ne doit pas dépasser 127.
    //Choose the size of Title Board. Don't go upper 127 (Array limit)
    set $EP7_TitreNbP,30;
    //Configurer l'heure de la Guerre du Soulavein. [Defaut : Mercredi 21-23 Heures]
    //Configure Soulavein's War Horairs. [Defaut : Wednesday 9-11 pm]
    		if ((gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23)) {donpcevent "EP7_WoESoulavein::onstart"; end;}
    		if ((gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)==23)) {donpcevent "EP7_WoESoulavein::onstop"; end;}
    -	script	EP7_ConfigurationSchall	-1,{
    set $Ep7_BoatID,1002; //Boat Sprite ID / ID du sprite de bateau
    //Number of names saved per Title / Nombre de noms sauvegardés par titre
    set $EP8_TitreNbP,50;
    //Allow items / maps
    setarray $@allowedmaps1$[0], "tantale_ile","ars_phare","ars_fild01","ars_fild02","ars_fild03","ars_fild04","ars_fild05","ars_fild06","ars_fild07","ars_fild08","ars_fild09","ars_fild10","ars_fild11","ars_fild12","ars_fild13","ars_fild14","ars_fild15","ars_fild16","ars_fild17","ars_fild18","ars_fild19","ars_fild20","ars_fild21","ars_fild22","ars_fild23","ars_fild24","ars_fild25","ars_fild26","ars_fild27","ars_fild28","ars_fild29","ars_fild30","ars_fild31","ars_fild32","ars_fild33","ars_fild34","ars_fild35","ars_fild36","ars_fild37","ars_fild38","ars_fild39","ars_fild40","ars_fild41","ars_fild42","ars_fild43","ars_fild44","ars_fild45","ars_fild46","ars_fild47","ars_fild48","ars_fild49","ars_fild50","ars_fild51","ars_fild52","ars_fild53","ars_fild54","ars_fild55","ars_fild56","ars_fild57","ars_fild58","ars_fild59","ars_fild60","ars_fild61","ars_fild62","ars_fild63","ars_fild64","ars_fild65","ars_fild66","ars_fild67","ars_fild68","ars_fild69","ars_fild70","ars_fild71","ars_fild72","ars_fild73","ars_fild74","ars_fild75","ars_fild76";
    setarray $@allowedmaps2$[0], "ars_dun01","ars_dun02","ars_dun03","ars_dun04","ars_dun05","ars_dun06","ars_dun07","ars_dun08","ars_dun09","ars_dun10","ars_dun11","ars_dun12","ars_dun13","ars_dun14","ars_dun15","ars_dun16","ars_dun17","ars_dun18","ars_dun19","ars_dun20","ars_dun21","ars_dun22","ars_dun23","ars_dun24","ars_dun25","ars_dun26","ars_dun27","ars_dun28","ars_dun29","ars_dun30","ars_dun31","ars_dun32","ars_dun33","ars_dun34","ars_dun35","ars_dun36","ars_dun37","ars_dun38","ars_dun39","ars_dun40","ars_dun41","ars_dun42","ars_dun43","ars_dun44","ars_dun45","ars_dun46","ars_dun47","ars_dun48","ars_dun49","ars_dun50","ars_dun51","ars_dun52","ars_dun53","ars_dun54","ars_dun55","ars_dun56","ars_dun57","ars_dun58","ars_dun59","ars_dun60","ars_dun61","ars_dun62","ars_dun63","ars_dun64","ars_dun65","ars_dun66","ars_dun67","ars_dun68","ars_dun69","ars_dun70","ars_dun71","ars_dun72","ars_dun73","ars_dun74","ars_dun75","ars_dun76","ars_dun77","ars_dun78","ars_dun79","ars_dun80","ars_dun81","ars_dun82","ars_dun83","ars_dun84","ars_dun85","ars_dun86","ars_dun87","ars_dun88","ars_dun89","ars_dun90","ars_dun91","ars_dun92","ars_dun93","ars_dun94","ars_dun95","ars_dun96";
    setarray $@allowedmaps3$[0], "ars_in01","ars_in02","ars_in03","ars_in04","ars_in05","ars_in06","ars_in07","ars_in08","ars_in09","ars_in10","ars_in11","ars_in12","ars_in13","ars_in14","ars_in15","ars_in16","ars_in17";
    setarray $@itemsdenied[0],29170,29171,29172,29173,29174,29175,29176,29177,29178,29179;
    //Atcommand symbol (Used for Aerie's Call)
    set $ep7_Atcom$,"!";
    //Rewards / Récompenses
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[14],150; //Brynnlaw : Rajckam
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[15],100; //Brynnlaw : Majere
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[16],50; //Coppa : Ta Phrom
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[17],200; //Brynnlaw : Main Noire Negoce
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[18],400; //Main Noire : Final
    setarray $ep7silvercoinnb[19],150; //Julius : La Pierre Rouge
    setarray $ep7recompense[42],2358; //Brynnlaw : Milice
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[42],1; //Brynnlaw : Milice
    setarray $ep7recompense[43],5489; //Brynnlaw : Milice
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[43],1; //Brynnlaw : Milice
    setarray $ep7recompense[44],2780; //Coppa : Ta Phrom
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[44],1; //Coppa : Ta Phrom
    setarray $ep7recompense[45],2779; //Coppa : Cortes Farganhi
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[45],1; //Coppa : Cortes Farganhi
    setarray $ep7recompense[46],5379; //Brynnlaw : Moines Disparus
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[46],1; //Brynnlaw : Moines Disparus
    setarray $ep7recompense[47],5377; //Schallmar : Final
    setarray $ep7recompensenb[47],1; //Schallmar : Final
    setarray $ep7recompense[48],5261; //Elu : Rumble

    3- Last error is from the map "tantale_ile" who is an error from me, I've forgot to add it per default. (It's an Arsinoé one used for start the adventure). SVN updated.

  5. You can use this one or make a copy of it and add restrictive mesures for avoid teleportation. You can also copy/paste it with BrowEdit and just keep the selected area.

    I've made several pack wher you can found that kind of maps : http://rathena.org/board/topic/53280-collection-aeriepinkpanther-works/ // http://rathena.org/board/topic/53304-collection-mapping-ressources/

    Also the DL section : http://rathena.org/board/files/category/3-maps-textures/ there is many waiting room and PvP area that you can reuse.

  6. Everybody can modificate the client is there is no protection so you can add your own palettes. Here you seems have enable another palettes grf so for get same palettes shared by every players you have to enable same grf. Here you surely add the second grf read first so as Lordamax says you have to change priority reading in your data.ini.

  7. They may be already in your client but latest shortcuts don't have them. You can use this command for your server for enable all commands :


    * @emo by OnNplay
    * inspired by Anarchist
    * => Displays the emotions without delay
    int atcommand_emo(
      const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd,
      const char* command, const char* message)
      if (!message || !*message) {
    clif_displaymessage(fd, "usage: @emo 1-81");
    return -1;
      clif_emotion(&sd->bl, atoi(message));
      return 0;

    { "emo",		  0,99,	 atcommand_emo },

    Then recompile your server. IG you'll get an new command : @emo and 81 emoticons avaible (maybe more now ... never try to increaze the limit ...)

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