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Posts posted by Aerie

  1. Battle Royale

    Current version : 1.50

    Only for sql

    1) Description

    This is an event, I'll discribe it : The name comes from the eponymous movie. You start with a novice 1/1 without any object. You'll recieve a random class and also stuff. For the stuff you have sets prepared, then you'll get items by a pourcentage.

    I've added three different mods :

    - Battle-Royale Classical : Everybody get some minutes for register and preparing his stuff. Then it's a free-for-all until all opponants die.

    - Battle-Royale TvT : This time it's a Team versus another Team. Those one are balanced and random. You must eliminate the opponant team.

    - Battle-Royale PvP : The GM can activate this. It's a classical PvP with stuff given randomly. Really interesting when you coming in a new server !

    At the end of the game, your character is totally reseted, level, skills, stats and items. During the Battle Royale, you can reset stats / skills, rent a cart, a falcon, a peco, get stones for your cart, get a homunculus.

    There is 2-3 stuffs per class. Only 2-2 classes. (1-2 and extended under work)

    You can have statistics for death / kill / rounds / medals. (In SQL)

    2) Contains :

    - A script in english / french (you can set the main language in options / players can choose their language.)

    - 1 map for register

    - 3 maps for BR-classic

    - 2 maps for BR-TvT

    - 1 map for BR-PvP

    3) How set up the game ?

    All is in the top of the script :

    - Desactivate send mail from friend list (IMPORTANT !) :

    in src/map/mail.c

    Look For :

    bool mail_setattachment(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg)
     int n;

    Add after :

     if ( sd->bl.m >= 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp ) {
    	clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You are not allowed to send mail in this map!");
    	return false;

    - Update your sql database. Use for statistics (viewable IG) can be also use for your website.


    - The first NPC : Battle Royale#1 is only one to modificate. (per default at prontera)

    - In the core script, there is many configurations :

    //Choice of language - Choix de la langue (0 = french / 1 = english)

    set $BR_Langue,1;

    //Pourcentage to get an item in a stuff -Pourcentage de chance d'obtenir les objets

    set $BR_rand,90;

    //Level min for give an access to GM menu - Niveau minimal pour l'accès au menu GM

    set $GM_Minlvl,20;

    //Atcommand symbol

    set $BR_Atcom$,"!";


    set $BR_Hsty,30;

    set $BR_Hcolor,40;

    set $BR_Ccolor,99;

    //Map names - Nom des Maps

    setarray $BR_map$[1],"br_map1","br_map2","br_map3","br_map4","br_map5";

    setarray $BR_mapName$[1],"La Porte d'Arsinoé","L'Oasis","Le Temple abandonné","Nid de l'Aigle","Bois de Jacamar";

    //Name of events

    setarray $BR_Mod$[1],"Free For All","Team Death Match";

    //Name of Teams

    setarray $BR_TeamName$[1],"Napoléon","Nelson";

    //Coordinates for comeback in town

    set $BRmap$,"prontera";

    set $BRx,156;

    set $BRy,182;

    //Rewards - Récompenses 1-2-3. (4 = TvT reward for each person)

    set $BR_Recomp,671;

    setarray $BR_Recompnb[1],20,10,5,5;

    4) Download

    All is in this archive : Battle-Royale-v.1.40

    5) Notes

    Becareful, there is always some risks to use a script who gives items to players. I've tested in a live server during a month. It doesn't seems to have an exploit right now. So use it at your own risks and please report me if you find something for fixing it.





    • Upvote 2
  2. Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears

    EDIT : All scripts and wiki can be found here : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther

                  DL : https://code.google.com/archive/p/aerie-pinkpanther/downloads?page=1

    Description :

    This is a kind of Stand-Alone, a new continent, independant of the rest of Rune-Midgard (except for the access quest at Alberta). So no conflict with your own modifications.

    The aim is to increase the quest's interest in Ragnarök, by instancied quests, animated NPC, a true scenario, exploration of new horizons ... Created for a party of 4-5 players, you can't do it alone, it's more like a basic RPG. The Continent of Arsinoé is a single scenario with various quests. You have Four independant campaigns : The Goblin King, UnderWorld, Sidon and The Rana's Empire where you are leading an army in a succession of instances in differents battlefields.

    See also the second mod compatible with Arsinoé one : Schallmar Islands

    Contains :

    - 120+ Maps
    - 140+ Monsters
    - 75+ Items
    - 65+ Quests

    English Version : A new translation in English by Mirabell and TrueNoir !
    Spanish Version : Yatadaid, Racing~, darknessx, Ijct, GMKira, Destiny and Celsius !

    Players now you can change directly IG your language (French / English / Spanish), Data files must be gives by Administrators.
    Administrators choose the main language for announces, you can choose to display one or more languages. (Check Configuration.txt)

    All services are earned with your quest's level, like :

    - Savepoints (long trip before found a place for rest)
    - Teleportation (You need to unlock the map before and by a quest of course)
    - Healer (Donations to the Church for increase the % of rest)
    - Train's Stations (For cross quickly a part of the continent)
    - Shops (A big compagny hold all the commerce, if you help them, they'll give you more interesting supplies)
    - In other regions, you can found Boatmen.

    - An Arena system (Look to the screenshots), with different modes of game for won prices.
    - Integrated Mini-Games in quest.
    - Snow, Desert, Forest, Swamp Jungle, Volcano, Town, UnderWorld, different types of environnement
    - 10 Titles, With your name in a Hall of Fame !

    - A New Kind of WoE, a mix between GvG and PvE.
    - Questlog system and also emoticons for help you in your adventure !
    - An Introduction for your server who takes place in Arsinoé
    - Fishing system
    - A Marathon
    - Many others games, accessible without quest requierement.

    Guide :

    The Guide is done, you can report here : http://code.google.com/p/aerie-pinkpanther/wiki/Sommaire?wl=en
    Now it's avaible in the svn, you can found here images for put in your website the Guide : Arsinoé Guide - Images Pack v.1.00

    Configuration :

    - Easy system for configurate rewards, for adapting them to your server. (check npc/arsinoe/Configuration.txt) and minimum requiered players in Arena and Instances.
    - You can choose between local or global annunce when an Instance began.
    - Easy to install, no source modifications, all explications for install in script archive.
    - You need a client with the episode 14 (some textures and models used)
    - For using Introduction just change char_athena.conf by [start_point: ars_fild41,30,54].

    The Continent :

    Map by Elandor.


    Download :

    - Scripts files : Here the SVN for scripts : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther

    - Maps files : Download(Current version 2.00)

    For get the last upgrade without download the full archive, use this patch list : Download (only for Map Pack version more than 1.50). You'll recieve separate upgrades in *.gpf format.

    - BGM files : Download (Current version 1.40)

    Changelog :


    v. 1.00 = Public version
    v. 1.10 =
    - ars_fild04 (gat revision)
    - ars_dun13 / ars_dun14 / ars_dun15 (add map)
    - ars_in02 (New Zone)
    - ars_fild22 (gat revision)
    v. 1.20 =
    - Fix cliping effect
    v. 1.30 =
    - Lightmaps fix for all maps / New Mini-maps
    - Add ars_dun16 / ars_in08
    v. 1.40 =
    - Add Soulavein's War, Hylarheim and UnderWorld Extension. (+15 maps)
    v. 1.45 =
    - Add Introduction maps (+5 maps)
    v. 1.50 =
    - Add Sidon, Kargah extension maps (+15 maps)
    - Add Alberta Modification
    - Modification of : ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 / ars_fild17 / ars_fild33 / ars_fild36
    v. 1.55 =
    - ars_fild01 / ars_fild04 / coppa / tantale_ile = complete revision
    v. 1.56 =
    - ars_fild05 / ars_fild06 / ars_in01 = complete revision
    - Add ars_dun31
    v. 1.57 =
    - Add quest illustrations and icons
    - Reduction of mini-maps size
    v. 1.60 =
    - ars_in02 / ars_fild51 = revision
    - Add Neraka maps extension : (+15 maps)
    v. 1.65 =
    - ars_fild01 / ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 = fix freezing effects
    - Add ars_fild56 / ars_fild57 = Gondar extension
    - ars_dun25 / ars_fild09 / ars_fild23 = complete revision
    - Water texture change on many maps
    - Missing minimaps added
    v. 1.66 =
    - ars_dun01 / ars_dun02 / ars_fild16 / ars_fild20 / ars_in08 / ars_in10 = complete revision
    - new models / textures (some from Arcturus)
    v. 2.00 =
    - Add ars_fild58 / ars_fild59 / ars_fild60 / ars_fild61 / ars_fild62 / ars_in15 / ars_in16 / ars_in17 / ars_dun40
    - ars_fild07 / ars_fild08 / ars_in10 / ars_dun30 = complete revision
    - new models / textures (some from Arcturus)
    v. 1.00 = Public version
    v. 1.10 = Add Introduction BGM
    v. 1.20 = Add Sidon and Kargah BGM
    v. 1.30 = Add Neraka BGM (and some fix)
    v. 1.40 = Add Abysses BGM (and some fix)

    How configure the multi-language ? If you have use a previous version, they're compatible but take care all will be in french, you must talk to a Tyr Order member and choose your main language. No problems if the introduction is installed.




    //Cette section est pour activer les langues (au niveau des annonces globales)
    //This part is for activate different language (for global announces)

    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|1; //Français
    set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|2; //English
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|4; //Español
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|8; //Tagalog

    //Cette section est pour désactiver les langues (au niveau des annonces globales). Il vous suffit de décommenter la ligne de la langue que vous souhaitez désactiver.
    //This secton is for desactivate languages (global announces). You only need to uncomment the line of the language you want to disable.

    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-1; //Français
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-2; //English
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-4; //Español
    //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-8; //Tagalog

    //Choisir la langue pour les WaitingRoom : (0 = Français / 1 = Anglais / 2 = Espagnol / 3 = Tagalog)
    set $EP7_LANGUE,1;





    ~ I hope you'll appreciate my work ! ~






    Screenshoots :



    • Upvote 13
  3. Aerie's Guide for BrowEdit

    HTML version

    The aim of this guide is to help BrowEdit users, and novices, to realize a good map. There are already a number of guides on mapping for Ragnarok, especially for BrowEdit, I don't wish here to make here a simple overview of the steps, but add a real value.

    I will present, but briefly, the major steps for creating a map. I will focus in each part on advices, tips and possible difficulties. Many links, programs, methods, images are also available for you to build up tools for a good mastery of BrowEdit. I will also detail the addition of textures, models, water and effects.

    I recommand you the YukiTsuki guide for know how use BrowEdit : http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/?a=viewtopic&id=533

    And another, really important for get all keys with a nice interface, made by Steph81 : http://mappingro.prauds.fr/ (Click on BrowEdit, I'll refer to other sections too) If you want to know all possibilities (with keys) of each section.

    I wanna render thanks to Borf and his team for have create this program. (I'm still talking about BrowEdit ;D)

    Let me know if you want me to develop another part in this guide or to discuss another concept. (If a moderator thinks, it's not in the right section, please move it in the proper one. I've choose to put this guide here because it's for mappers or interested people, I hope they won't miss it ;D).

    Table of Contents :

    • Configuration of BrowEdit
    • I - Create a map and Apply textures.
    • II - Relief
    • III - Models
    • IV - Gat
    • V - Walls
    • VI - Editing Water
    • VII - Lightmaps
    • VIII - Effects
    • IX - Finishes
    • X - Add Custom Textures
    • XI - Add Custom Models
    • XII - Tips

    Configuration of BrowEdit.

    Open data/configs/rocheaptop.xml per default in some versions or look for your configuration file, you must open and follow the link given in config.txt in the BrowEdit folder. Let's see what we can see in :

    <ro directory="c:\program files\gravity\ro\">
       	<grf>c:\program files\gravity\ro\sdata.grf</grf>[color="#FF0000"] //You must configure it for link your grf, the program'll only read ressources linked[/color]
       	<grf>c:\program files\gravity\ro\data.grf</grf>
       	<models> [color="#FF0000"] //Change it, if you want use alternate list of items, check [url="http://mappingro.prauds.fr/"]http://mappingro.prauds.fr/[/url] , you can get alternate list, classed by theme[/color]
    <graphics>[color="#FF0000"] //You can choose the resolution of BrowEdit to fit it to size of your screen[/color]
       	<fullscreen>false</fullscreen> [color="#FF0000"] //write true for fullscreen mod[/color]
       	<font>tahoma</font> [color="#FF0000"] //check other font in data/fonts[/color]
       	<skin>data/skins/hamvista.xml</skin> [color="#FF0000"] //Checl skins in data/skins[/color]
    <undo size="50" />
    <water> [color="#FF0000"] //Check water section of the guide[/color]
    <wm> [color="#FF0000"] //Here for a modification of some windows, don't need to be detailled[/color]


    I - Create a map and Apply textures.

    - Under the version 600, create a map by File/New/ occure some problems. You can use File/Open From Grf/ save the map and with Tools/Clear Map, clear it.

    - An important things too, is the border of the map. If you don't let 2 tiles, you'll have dirty borders after when you'll add lightmaps. So, I always using a black border like that :


    It'll really usefull for make clean borders. Players won't see under the map when they approching sides :


    I don't have many things to say about this part, for know keys and opportunities, please refer to Steph81's work : http://mappingro.prauds.fr/


    II - Relief :

    Some Maps are particularly flat monotone, you must use the terrain, here in two parts, I'll show you how to make a single mountain, and then show you how to use the inclined surfaces and walls while using the copy / paste in BrowEdit.

    1) Make Mountains :

    Place textures :


    With F2 mod chosse the height of the upper part :


    F3 mod and F key for link texture, soft it with S key after.


    2) Tilt & Walls :

    This is an important part, you can make many things with it and it'll done a complexe relief to your map.

    How tilt textures :


    Then like the previous step for keys :


    The aim is to alternate tilts, flat textures and walls, for doing something like that :


    You must use copy/past system who is really usefull for make. With F2 mod select a part of your map or a tile and past where you want. It breaks the monotony of flat maps with a few simple walls. With some try you should obtain more complexe forms, like that :



    III - Models :

    1) Choose the right size :

    Always check the size of your models, you don't need to wait for a test IG, you can use Edit Mode/ Sprite Edit. Once selected make ctrl + Left Click :


    A Random character'll appears, and'll serve of scale.

    Another advice is the utilisation of different Scales, turn them, also use different rotations. It'll adding a new kind of variety in your models :


    Only one model used.

    2) Using Object Group Edit:

    This is an important part to know for be faster. (F11 mod)

    Use different models and size like that :


    Select them and press D (for Duplicate), you can rotate them too.


    It's the better way for make maps with different models, a huge vegetation and a variety of situations.


    IV - Gats :

    It's an easy part, you'll not have difficulties. But some notes : If you can't move in your map IG, it can be due to the creation of map in BE versions under 600, who don't support New Maps option. If you modify an original map, becareful with the priority read of gat files by the emulator (if use grf enable) and to rebuilt your mapcache if you're using it.

    In the gat mod, you can use the key I in the tile choosen for get exacts coordinates. (Usefull for place NPC on not walkable tiles)

    1) Different type of Gat :

    Let's see what we get in src/map/map.c :

    inline static struct mapcell map_gat2cell(int gat)
    struct mapcell cell = {0};
    switch( gat )
    case 0: cell.walkable = 1; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 0; break; // walkable ground
    case 1: cell.walkable = 0; cell.shootable = 0; cell.water = 0; break; // non-walkable ground
    case 2: cell.walkable = 1; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 0; break; // ???
    case 3: cell.walkable = 1; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 1; break; // walkable water
    case 4: cell.walkable = 1; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 0; break; // ???
    case 5: cell.walkable = 0; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 0; break; // gap (snipable)
    case 6: cell.walkable = 1; cell.shootable = 1; cell.water = 0; break; // ???
    	ShowWarning("map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '%d'\n", gat);

    Walkable : Where players and monsters can walk

    Not Walkable : Unvaible part of the map (but you can place npcs)

    Not Walkable (no snipe) : You can't walk and can't snipe too

    Not Walkable (snipable) : You can't walk but you can snipe.

    The Yellow wakable seems be used for skills who requieres water. (Holy Water)

    Use them in PvP / GvG maps or for your scenari. Here an, attack of a lime :


    2) Tilt Gats :

    When you have finished your map relief, you can started the gat editing. First you are gats aren't at the good level if you have using F3 mod and a big pencil.

    You have different tools proposed for automatic gat editing :

    - Edit / Set Gat Height : You must use it each time you arrive at this step. All tiles will become similar in level and angle to the ground under them.

    - Edit / Set Gat Collision : Make walkable all flat ground and non-walkable all section inclined. (like mountains).

    - Edit / Set Gat Collision 2 : This option will calculate all models and make non-walkables tiles under them. But It's not perfect and you must verifiy everywhere.

    So I recommand you to use Gat Height, then increaze the size of the pencil and make all your map non-walkable, then only use walkable option. It'll be faster.

    Becareful for suspended tiles, when done don't use Set Gat Height option or you'll be ready to restart all again ;D

    You can make tilt gat, copy and past them, ... refet to the Relief section for get some keys.


    3) Using Scripting for more type of gat :

    As we have see, we're limited in the choice of gat. Only use detailled one.

    Now, I'll present you some new cell type and a basic script for using them :

    -	script	Chat-Vending Zone	-1,{
    setcell	"prontera",0,0,360,360,cell_novending,1;
    setcell	"prontera",137,268,147,235,cell_novending,0;
    setcell	"prontera",163,267,172,235,cell_novending,0;
    setcell	"prontera",0,0,360,360,cell_nochat,1;
    setcell	"prontera",139,173,147,153,cell_nochat,0;
    setcell	"prontera",163,267,172,235,cell_nochat,0;

    (Here the 1 = means activate)

    Here, I'm forbidden the using of vending and chat in the City of Prontera, but i'm giving some exceptions on specific zones. Can be use in temporary scripts, for non-walkable per example.

    List of avaible cell : (db/const.txt)



    V - Adding Walls :

    Here, we'll see how set a wall. Really interesting to put some walls, you'll get less limitations, it's open you new possibilities of complexe maps.

    First, you must select a texture, you're permitted to use a part of the texture.

    You got upper and lower part of the wall, apply textures depending of your orientation in the map.

    1) Automatic mod :

    Press : or ; touch for set walls, one click and it'll be one part who'll be set :


    Let this touch press then you'll get the texture fit along the entire wall. (Sometimes, this function doesn't work, depending of version of program and the loading of the program ... try to relaunch it, 3-4 times)


    Now, you can apply a texture well sized. Press Z touch (or Z and sweep along the purple wall indication OR alt + Z). Depending of position of the wall.


    You can also set a part of a texture and fit it automatically to the wall : (Same keys)


    2) Manual mod :

    With F4 mod you can open the WallTexture window.

    You can flip to horizontal or vertical.

    And also selecting with a square the part of the texture, you can move each sommet for get original part of the selected texture.



    VI - Editing Water :

    1) Configure water in my map :

    This part is kinda easy to understood : Windows/Water


    You got 6 options, I'm gonna present them :

    - Amplitude : (0 = none) means the movement of the water, for a rough sea or a calm one.

    - Height : (0 = default height of map) positive figures = the water goes deeper under default height / negative figures = the water goes upper the default height.

    - Phase : the speed of the amplitude resolution.

    - SurfaceCycle : The speed of the texture moving (a water type is composed of 32 frames)

    - Type : Change the texture of Water

    - Speed : ...

    2) Create new water type :

    A water is composed by 32 frames in *.jpg format. They are read continuously for make an animation. An automatic transparency effet happens too.

    Create a folder data/texture/¿öÅÍ/ It'll be in this folder that you'll put all your water files.

    All files must be in this format :

    waterXX00.jpg to waterXX31.jpg

    So you have to make 32 textures for an entire water cycle. XX means the number type of your water (Check step 1 / Type option). I've created 8 new waters type, you can get them here : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=253679

    3) Adding new water type :

    Make a grf in 0x200 format with your data.

    You must configure BrowEdit so the program can read the addition : Go to BrowEdit folder : data/configs/rocheaptop.xml

    (Don't forgot to link the grf, open data/configs/rocheaptop.xml per default in some versions or for nom your configuration file, you must open and follow the link given in config.txt in the BrowEdit folder.)

    Now take your configuration file :






    And modify your water count. Water count must be equal to latest XX + 1 (previous step).


    VII - Lightmaps :

    Generally, it's the most dfficult part to configure, many mappers asking for it in support section. You have two parts to configure a global one who gives the ambiance of your map, and lightmaps for make some touches of colored lights in parts of your map. I'll also present you how make shadows and some tools. Don't forgot, lightmaps looks generally pretty with Browdit but IG you'll have some dirty apply, if it's your first time, take time for check them before know exactly what you're doing.

    1) Global Lighting :

    Windows/ Global Lighting :


    Diffuse Light gives you the light of shadows cast by the position of the sun. (In models and in textures). You can choose with the longitude and latitude angle for the basic sun. Colors should never be upper 1, it's in RGB colors (check tools in the last part).

    Ambient Light, it's a kind of filter on your textures and models. It's in RGB system too.

    Intensity'll be another way of configure darkness / brightness.

    2) Lightmaps Configuration :

    Light windows :


    Color stil works in RGB system.

    Intensity : Generally I'm using 127, upper it's really to pronounce (depends of your idea)

    Max Light Increment : It's for make priority between different lightmaps. (Just becareful for the shadow light, 4) section).

    Casts Shadows : recommand you to desactivate it, except for the one who'll serve for make global shadows.

    3) Favorite Lights :

    It's very helpful, for be faster, you won't configure each time a light with same properties. Configurable in Windows/ Favorite lights.

    Here, I'll share my lightmaps, you'll have some colors and well configured. In your BrowEdit folder : data/lights.txt (replace lines)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
       	<name>ambient light</name>
       	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
           	<color r="0.5" g="0" b="0" />
           	<color r="0" g="0.5" b="0" />
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="0.5" />
           	<color r="0.5" g="0" b="0.5" />
           	<color r="0.5" g="0.2" b="0.2" />
           	<color r="0.6" g="0.4" b="0.2" />
           	<name>Jaune Sombre</name>
           	<color r="1" g="1" b="0" />
           	<color r="1" g="0" b="0" />
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="1" />
           	<color r="0" g="1" b="1" />
           	<color r="1" g="0.9" b="0.9" />
           	<color r="0.5" g="1" b="0.5" />
           	<color r="0.5" g="0" b="0.5" />
           	<color r="0.6" g="0.4" b="0.2" />
           	<name>Orange (mine)</name>
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
           	<name>Orange leg</name>
           	<color r="1" g="0" b="1" />
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
           	<color r="0" g="0.3" b="0.3" />
           	<name>cyan dark</name>
           	<color r="0.3" g="0" b="0.3" />
           	<name>rose dark</name>
           	<color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
           	<name>rose dark</name>

    4) How make Shadows ?

    It's really simple, when you put all your lightmaps for color, you'll adding the two last one for create shadows. It should seems like that :

    First Light :


    Second Light :


    The first'll cast shadows and the second one mitigate the previous one. (Without it's really too dark, but if you prefer don't put the second one).

    Color 0,0,0 is the perfect light (you can of course modificate it for get another color but Global Lighting is generally enough).

    The Second light must be always inferior to the first or you'll not have shadows.

    Once calculate, use Generate/Smooth lightmaps. (2-3 times is enough)

    5) Tools :

    For RGB colors : http://www.drpeterjones.com/colorcalc/


    VIII - Effects :

    1) How Using an Effects ?

    Easy to use, but difficult to make them useful, why ? Because the loop time still don't work under BrowEdit, so with many effects (more than 4 seconds of duration)'ll be flooded IG and your game'll become really slow (or Freeze).

    Thats why, I'm using some of them directly by Script :

    -	script	EP7_lightanim	-1,{
    donpcevent "#ep7effectAby1::OnAction";
    sleep2 1000;
    donpcevent "EP7_lightanim::OnLight";
    ars_fild58,95,103,0	script	#ep7effectAby1	139,{
    OnAction:specialeffect 14;end;

    Place the npc on the coordinates you wish and choose the loop with the sleep2.

    Here for the list of effects and images : http://mappingro.prauds.fr/

    2) Testing Effects :

    For make an effect avaible, you need to have ressources in your client and also them hexed in your launcher.

    BrowEdit list effects can be updated in data/effects.txt, just add in this format some lines :


    Tested them until you get a Gravity Error ;D

    3) Tips for set the Loop Time :

    This method have been report by Akira-Toriyama : http://board.frathena.net/index.php?showtopic=1453&hl=

    Put your effect, then open the window Effect. For each change in each case you must press Enter touch before click on ok button.

    Re-open the window and your Loop Time have been changed ;D


    IX - Finishes of a Map :

    This is an important part of this guide, you should apply this method for each maps, don't do it will occure problems, like black textures (cliping effect) and missing models. I recommand you to work on the version 586 of BrowEdit, available here : http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/release/ (Use svn tool) for his stability and his saves function.

    1) What is a Quadtree ?

    Quadtrees are a division of the map in small square for make a faster loading of the map. The map'll be loading gradually when the player walk onto, but the problem is the reading speed of the client, it never goes enough fast so many black textures (cliping)'ll appears.

    2) Why I've got missing models when I'm IG?

    This happens when you use the quick save. The quick save don't calculate each models per quadtree but make a whole one, fatest yes, but occure some random vanish models. You should always use the classical Save, by the way take of your BrowEdit version, some of them only does quick save (like version 620). For be sure about your version, check your console during the save :

    info [hour] Quadtree: looking at model 0 out of XXXX (0.00%)

    info [hour] Quadtree: looking at model 10 out of XXXX (7.19%)

    If you got this, change your BE version :

    info [hour] World: XXXX models written

    3) How fix the Cliping Effect ?

    Operation to make each time you modify your maps when done.

    You'll need a hexadecimal editor for realize this. Example : http://www.pspad.com/en/ (freeware)

    Select your *.rsw files and open it with your hexadecimal editor :


    Look to 3rd column, first line. Here 0201, modify to 0109 and save !

    0x109 : Who don't use Quadtree.

    0x201 : Who use Quadtree.

    Don't forget : BrowEdit always saves your map in 0x201 version. Each time you'll save your map, you must restart this manipulation.

    4) How fix vanish models ?

    Tips from Angst. The first way can works but you will sometimes get some vanish models (with 0x201 version). The 201 version seems to don't accept objects to high. Please follow the process if you get vanish models :

    Angst :

    I use v620 to build and then when I'm done I save, open it in 586.



    I generate before saving to make sure the quadtree is done correctly, as a double assurance..

    Works like a charm and no need to do the hex edit 0109 with my maps that have really high height.

    [Highest] -190

    [Lowest] -1

    [Water] always set to -1

    5) Make a Minimap :

    It's really simple, when your map is done, just click on View/Top Camera.

    Then press Alt + Print Screen, and paste it on Paint (or another program, if you have). Save in *.bmp format / 256 colours.

    Name your file with the same name as your map, and put it in :


    Should look like that :


    You can resize it for save some Ko. (I'm using 400*400 generally)


    X - Adding new textures :

    Note before, you must respect the original format : *.bmp / 256*256 / 24 bits / 71 ppp, or it won't be read by the program.

    1) Where put them in the client side ?

    Make a folder "data", open it, inside create a one "texture" called, open it, then another called "event" (for example, if you decide to use another one, you must change the adresse in the step 2) and put all your custom textures in. (TEXTURENAME.bmp)


    2) How adding them to BrowEdit ?

    In your BrowEdit folder : data/texturescustom.txt

    Open it and write with this format for each textures added :


    3) Link textures to BrowEdit

    You must repack your data folder in 0x200 grf format for be read by BrowEdit.

    (Don't forgot to link the grf, open data/configs/rocheaptop.xml per default in some versions or for nom your configuration file, you must open and follow the link given in config.txt in the BrowEdit folder.)

    4) Add transparency effect to a model or texture :

    You can apply some transparency effect on your models / textures. You must have a program using layers like photoshop :

    (explanations from Angst)

    TGA format(Photoshop):

    File>Save: (In the save dialogue make sure "Alpha Channels" is Checked. A popup will ask :

    Targa Options


    []16 bits/pixel

    []24 bits/pixel

    [x]32 bits/pixel

    []Compress (RLE)

    Also on the Alpha 1 channel I find the client can't read anything below 15-25% transparency. (Black/white value)

    IG it shows up as fully invisible if the transparency is set below the values stated above..

    Also I've found you can use larger textures for better resolution IG (Less pixelation)

    Common size: 256x256

    Higher res: 512x512

    Even Higher res: 1024x1024

    Note: these sizes are for custom models using textures you create, not ones used with the RSM Editor.

    Wall images can be any size, though I generally do not go less than 256 wide.

    Please follow instructions in Adding texture part for adding it to your browedit / client.

    Here some examples of works on : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=269326 / http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=272164

    You can also get examples of TGA files in those map packs.

    5) Add new water type :

    You can get here my new water pack : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=253679

    How install them ?

    - Go to BrowEdit folder : data/configs/rocheaptop.xml

    - You must link the grf first (water.grf) in <grf></grf>

    - Change the count of water type like this (depending of the total of water type : officials + customs) :






    For make a new one, look to texture/¿öÅÍ/ . There is 32 images in jpg format per water type. So texture/¿öÅÍ/water800.jpg means 8th type frame 00 (00 to 31). You can go upper like 15th type frame : it will looks like texture/¿öÅÍ/water1502.jpg


    XI- Adding new models :

    I recommand you first to create a database of models (and also textures who are very usefull for editing them or get the good format of models's textures). You should decompress all your grf and keep only "model" & "texture" folders (make this operation for all your grf with this kind of stuff). Then apply Unbollox to get the right names, like those one uses in BrowEdit.

    I'll not speak about 3ds models here, just show how add a new model and retexturing it. (For a custom one, it's the same schema). I'll also show you how use Arcturus models separately.

    1) How find a model and isolate it ?

    Choose a model :


    It's this link in my database :


    Make a folder "data", open it, then a folder called "model", open it, then another called "event" (for example, if you decide to use another one, you must change the adresse in the step 3) and put all your custom models in. (MODELNAME.rsm)

    Copy and paste in :


    2) Editing your model :

    Select Windows/RSM Editor, and select your custom model (or the copy in your data/model/event/)


    As you can see, you can modify the used texture (here only one), just double click in the mini-texture and a new windows'll open then choose a new texture. (For adding a custom texture check the previous chapter.)


    Save it. (Sometimes the mini-texture don't change until a save or reboot program).

    *You must replace and repack the grf used by this model each time you editing it.*

    3) How adding your model in BrowEdit ?

    In your BrowEdit folder : data/romodels.txt

    Open it and write with this format for each models added :


    4) Link models to BrowEdit :

    You must repack your data folder in 0x200 grf format for be read by BrowEdit.

    (Don't forgot to link the grf, open data/configs/rocheaptop.xml per default in some versions or look for your configuration file, you must open and follow the link given in config.txt in the BrowEdit folder.)

    5) Using Arcturus Models :

    Here a special note for Arcturus model a previous game of Gravity using the same client mechanisms and formats.

    Link to the pack : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?show...amp;hl=arcturus [by Akayoo] Check his indications for know how adding this pack, all have been already preparate in BrowEdit for those models.


    It can provide an interesting quantity of models and textures really useful for made original maps. But be careful you must relink all models and textures by adding them separetly. So use the Adding textures / Adding custom sections. Please don't use the whole pack for your map, it'll be really useless, nobody wants a maps with a grf of 200 Mo ;D


    XII- Tips :

    I'll put here some tips for BrowEdit, you can of course prupose yours.

    1) Two Maps in one window

    Launch your program, then open a map, then another one. Now you can press the tabulation touch and switch from a map to another. You can pick an object and put it in the other map. You can also copy/paste entire parts of the map.

    If you copy a part of a map on another becareful of Global Lighting they must be the same. When you paste, save, you'll get a Sanitary Lightmap : Boundary Light map. After saved, just relaunch the programm and it'll be done ;D

    2) Added Blue Sky

    This question frenquently remains. It's possible to make it but you're really limited. So, I'll explain you 3 differents method for make this effect.

    First method : Replace an existing map with this effect. I list here all maps :

    5@tower / bif_fild02 / bif_fild01 / bif_dun01 / 1@mist / thana_boss / sky1 / que_temsky / ra_temsky / gon_dun02 / gonryun / 2009rcw_07 / 2009rcw_03 / bat_b02 / bat_b01 / que_qaru05 / que_qaru04 / que_qaru03 / que_qaru02 / que_qaru01 / que_qsch05 / que_qsch04 / que_qsch03 / que_qsch02 / que_qsch01 / bat_fild02 / sch_gld / airplane_01 / airplane / himinn / rwc01.rsw / valkyrie / yuno / comodo / 6@tower / moc_fild22b / moc_fild22 / einbroch / mjolnir_01 / gef_fild07 / xmas / xmas_fild01

    Second method : Use a Hexadecimal editor, open your executable with it then search for a map with sky effect. Replace the name found by the name of your map :


    Third method, use a blue texture around your map and use mapflag clouds / clouds2. (Check Arcturus grf for get some sky textures.)

    When you're creating your map, you must put per default yellow texture and let it empty. I'll do some tests for get other effects maps like bilfrost or thanatos one.


    • Upvote 8
  4. Aerie PinkPanther's Works

    All downloads are avaible here : http://code.google.c.../downloads/list

    • Schallmar Town
    • Milin Kerroc'h (2 maps)
    • Menez Mikael ar Mor (4 maps)
    • Baldur's Gate (7 maps)
    • Arsinoé Oldies (22 maps)


    Schallmar Town

    It's the principal town for Schallmar extension : Main Topic

    So this is a map with gold tons, all models have been reworked (+30 news) and also 80 new textures used.

    I hope you'll enjoy it ;D

    Screenshots :





    In game view :





    Mini-map :



    Milin Kerroc'h

    This is a couple of maps created for an extension of Schallmar. There is some try with transparency effects and colours.



    Screenshots :

    Minimaps :



    Screens :






    Menez Mikael ar Mor

    This a new town for Schallmar extension : Main Topic

    Contains : +15 new models / +30 new textures

    This map is an interpretation of the Menez Mikael ar Mor (Mont Saint-Michel / Saint Michael's Mount), a medieval city in Brittany, a rocky tidal island with a monastery on the top and a village under.

    So I've tried to make a look like medieval town, but still difficult to make rounded walls for Ragnarok ;D

    Added in ver.1.10 : 3 indoor maps (A Big tavern, 10 Houses / Shops / Castle)

    Screenshots :



    In Game View :





    Indoor :



    Mini-Map :


    //Menez - Guilde
    ars_fild73,157,219,0    warp    EP7Sw162    1,1,ars_dun90,182,162
    ars_dun90,182,159,0    warp    EP7Sw163    1,1,ars_fild73,160,222
    //Menez - Forge
    ars_fild73,167,246,0    warp    EP7Sw164    1,1,ars_dun90,128,26
    ars_dun90,125,26,0    warp    EP7Sw165    1,1,ars_fild73,170,246
    //Menez - Fruits
    ars_fild73,191,253,0    warp    EP7Sw166    1,1,ars_dun90,26,12
    ars_dun90,26,9,0    warp    EP7Sw167    1,1,ars_fild73,191,256
    //Menez - Fruits 2
    ars_fild73,240,295,0    warp    EP7Sw168    1,1,ars_dun90,204,26
    ars_dun90,201,26,0    warp    EP7Sw169    1,1,ars_fild73,243,295
    //Menez - Divers
    ars_fild73,234,277,0    warp    EP7Sw170    1,1,ars_dun90,80,12
    ars_dun90,80,9,0    warp    EP7Sw171    1,1,ars_fild73,234,280
    //Menez - Wind
    ars_fild73,255,225,0    warp    EP7Sw170    1,1,ars_dun90,102,78
    ars_dun90,102,75,0    warp    EP7Sw171    1,1,ars_fild73,253,228
    //Menez - House 1
    ars_fild73,313,240,0    warp    EP7Sw172    1,1,ars_dun90,156,72
    ars_dun90,156,69,0    warp    EP7Sw173    1,1,ars_fild73,316,238
    //Menez - House 2
    ars_fild73,135,229,0    warp    EP7Sw174    1,1,ars_dun90,176,116
    ars_dun90,176,113,0    warp    EP7Sw175    1,1,ars_fild73,138,229
    //Menez - Div1
    ars_fild73,237,208,0    warp    EP7Sw176    1,1,ars_dun90,212,60
    ars_dun90,212,57,0    warp    EP7Sw177    1,1,ars_fild73,233,208
    //Menez - Palais
    ars_fild73,220,166,0    warp    EP7Sw132    1,1,ars_dun83,17,18
    ars_dun83,14,18,0    warp    EP7Sw133    1,1,ars_fild73,224,166
    //Menez Intérieur
    ars_dun83,64,18,0    warp    EP7Sw134    1,1,ars_dun83,21,74
    ars_dun83,17,74,0    warp    EP7Sw135    1,1,ars_dun83,61,18
    ars_fild73,200,165,0    warp    EP7Sw160    1,1,ars_dun83,38,85
    ars_dun83,38,88,0    warp    EP7Sw161    1,1,ars_fild73,197,165


    Baldur's Gate

    This pack contains :

    - 5 maps based on Baldur's Gate I maps.

    - 2 maps based on Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn maps.

    Add maps :










    map: bal_dun01

    map: bal_dun02

    map: bal_dun03

    map: bal_dun04

    map: bal_fild01

    map: bal_fild02

    map: bal_in01

    Screenshots :

    Copper Coronet:




    The Gnoll Fortress :


    The CloackWood mines


    Minimaps :



    Unused Map Pack

    This is a map pack with various maps, some are from Arsinoé, but no more used one, and some for others projects.

    Some of those maps looks a kinda old, can be easily improve (what I've done in Arsinoé main pack ...), but they can be used for your own servers or quests.




    map: ars_old01
    map: ars_old02
    map: ars_old03
    map: ars_old04
    map: ars_old05
    map: ars_old06
    map: ars_old07
    map: ars_old08
    map: ars_old09
    map: ars_old10
    map: ars_old11
    map: ars_old12
    map: ars_old13
    map: ars_old14
    map: ars_old15
    map: ars_old16
    map: ars_old17
    map: ars_old18
    map: ars_old19
    map: bg_lune
    map: intro_01
    map: mall_lune

    Screenshots :



    • Upvote 1
  5. Schallmar Islands

    Presentation :

    It's a new stand-alone, independant and complementary with Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears [Main Topic]. I've made this time a gameplay who is like a Zelda : The WindWaker, oriented single player / small team for some quests.

    You must meet the Brittany Compagny in Tantale Island for start the scenario.

    This is the first part of the adventure who contains :

    - 75 Maps

    - 80 New Mobs

    - 50 New items

    - 20 Quests


    ~ Downloads ~

    You need the map-pack and need to get the svn with scripts and data files. Also avaible BGM pack :

    ~ Schallmar MapPack : Version 2.00

    ~ Schallmar BGMPack : Version 1.00

    ~ Scripts svn adress : http://aerie-pinkpan.../svn/Schallmar/


    Story :

    This is the 8th episode, called Schallmar Islands who takes place in the southern sea of Arsinoé. The adventure begins in the Tantale Island (if you got Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears too, you can choose what compaign vou want), then you can sail threw seas of Schallmar.

    The story is an investigation about Grey Magius who is an illegal Society of Arcanes who try to raise Fenrir for the Ragnarök, Shandalar is their Chief.

    Gameplay :

    So I've tell that I've made something who borrow many aspects of Zelda : The WindWaker. You can sail threw water (Really in the water / No sprite Boat avaible for now) and you get your original form when you are in land. You can direclty trasform yourself in harbors. You got many small islands to explore, quests, collecting items, secret caves, treasure maps, found items in the sea with your boat ...

    - Pirates Attacks on the sea and in some towns. (No monsters in normal fields when you are sailing.) When a player is attacked in the sea, he is warped in a special area (boat or under the sea), others players can help me during the attacks and be warped near him. When the fight done, you can return to your initial position. Same princip for attacks in cities.

    - Wars between differents Factions of the Games (Only NPC in thoses fictives guilds, players can choose to join some of them for get new quests / treasure / areas). Each factions gets his own abilities, they can help you for hunt pirates, collect treasure, make money, ...

    - Dynamics shops with the Current of Arsinoé. Prices depends of the number of avaible quantity. You can also sell / buy quests items into those new shops ;D

    - You can rent different kind of boat who will give you differents speed.

    - You can found treasures in the sea, they appears like in WindWaker, a yellow circle.

    - Collect treasure maps (16 differents).

    - Prayers to Goddess for get some bonus (Buffs / Minions / Warp / Raise)

    - Custom Stuff over-powered only usable in Schallmar / Arsinoé.

    - Humanoïd Monsters :


    - Many colours have been added in the text ! For an easier reading. (For sex character / Actions / Item names / Quantity / Monsters / ...)


    - Indications in mini maps :


    - Questlog always avaible, you can have access directly to a huge part of quests so it's really usefull :


    Yellow for Arsinoé Quests and Red for Schallmar Quests.

    Some maps :

    Brynnlaw :


    Gwened Cavern :


    Croizic Inn :


    Spicies Island :


    Jacamar Woods :


    Defense Fortress :


    Schallmar :



    Menez Mikael Ar Mor :


    Dragon Island :


    Shinaere Temple :


    Mishna Temple :



    Iiahaw Atoll :


    Abyss :


    • Upvote 5
  6. Really strange law ... All arcade and mmorpg are closed between midnight to 6 a.m. for youngers. This law comes from many death after game abuse (over 60 hours of play) in the country. But I don't think we can really forbid something in internet ... Some koreans will have to bought some stolen ID numbers.

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