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Posts posted by Ronald

  1. 6 hours ago, Psyz said:

    Does anyone know anything about him?
    I need this beautiful guy, I couldn't get through the forum or skype

    He is always busy but definitely he'll reach you soon. Just be patient Brother.

    • Love 2
  2. 7 hours ago, IsabelaFernandez said:

    I have difficulty deleting in SQL, some items do not disappear and the buggy remain there ... do you have any suggestions to help me?

    not to delete from the database, only from specific accounts.

    Do SQL query when your server is offline. 

  3. On 9/2/2020 at 2:16 AM, n00b said:

    Hey guys , need some help plz ... i add the script and all but he wont work , only when i change the first line witch is :

    -       script  Versus  -1,{

    and i put some information like it was a npc , he work annunce and all but not the npc located on morocc...


    can someone help me please ?


    ty ! ❤️

    Search for this one on your script 

    //Added Functions
    function broadcast { return ( ( getarg(0) ) ? bc_all : bc_map ); }

    At the bottom of that you'll find the location of the NPC.

  4. OnInit:
    	.s_idle = 1; //	ban hourly rewards from idle players ? 0 no / 1 yes {if player didn't move for x time he wont get hourly reward}  , DEFAULT = 0
    	.s_idle_time = 300; //1800	this the time for idle in secend  , DEFAULT = 1800 (30 min)


    • Upvote 1
  5. case 1: // Castle Drops
      set .@gamble1,rand(1,500);
      if ((.@gamble1 > 200) && (.@gamble1 < 205)) {
    set .@gamble2,rand(1,10);
    if	  ((.@gamble2 > 0) && (.@gamble2 <  3)) set .@item,7086; // esg
    else if ((.@gamble2 > 2) && (.@gamble2 <  5)) set .@item,7090; // ripple
    else if ((.@gamble2 > 4) && (.@gamble2 <  7)) set .@item,7091; // billow
    else if ((.@gamble2 > 6) && (.@gamble2 <  9)) set .@item,7077; // silver
    else if ((.@gamble2 > 8) && (.@gamble2 < 11)) set .@item,7078; // wov
      else if ((.@gamble1 >   0) && (.@gamble1 < 201)) set .@item,7086; // esg
      else if ((.@gamble1 > 204) && (.@gamble1 < 301)) set .@item,7090; // ripple
      else if ((.@gamble1 > 300) && (.@gamble1 < 401)) set .@item,7091; // billow
      else if ((.@gamble1 > 401) && (.@gamble1 < 481)) set .@item,7077; // silver
      else if ((.@gamble1 > 480) && (.@gamble1 < 501)) set .@item,7078; // wov

    Basically you just need to add more condition with the items you wanted to add.

  6. Been using  Functor's service as well (Gepard Shield) for quite sometime. So far he also help me although I agree that he is not able to answer 24/7 since he also needs to rest.

    • Love 1
  7. Hi, AnnieRuru actually has this script. Probably you'll want to try to check this out.


    //	....... if your server has { Overwriting user function [rand__] } please be happy .......... :D
    function	script	rand__	{
    	.@range = getarg(0);
    	.@count = getarg(2, 0);
    	.@count = ( .@count == 0 || .@count > .@range )? .@range : ( .@count > 128 )? 128 : .@count;
    	while ( .@i < .@count ) {
    		.@r = .@save = rand( .@i, .@range -1 ) ;
    		if ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@i ) == 0 ) {
    			.@r = ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@r ) )? getd( ".@tmp2_"+ .@r ) : .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@i, .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@save , .@i;
    			setd ".@tmp1_"+ .@save , 1;
    			set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@i ), .@r;
    			if ( .@save < .@count )
    				set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@save ), .@i;
    	return .@count;
    //===== eAthena Script ============================================
    //= Portal Event
    //===== By: =======================================================
    //= ~AnnieRuru~
    //===== Current Version: ==========================================
    //= 1.0c
    //===== Compatible With: ==========================================
    //= rAthena 17092 SQL
    //===== Description: ==============================================
    //= keep guessing the correct portals to win
    //===== Topic =====================================================
    //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=77115
    //===== Additional Comments: ======================================
    //= Izlude -> Alberta -> Morocc -> Payon -> Prontera
    //= pvp_y_8-2 -> pvp_y_8-4 -> pvp_y_8-5 -> pvp_y_8-3 -> pvp_y_8-1
    //	========= Edit the Location of Starting Portal ======= Don't change the name !!! ===============
    prontera,161,184,5	script	starting_portal_event	45,2,2,{
    	for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize( getvariableofnpc( .winnerid, "portal_event" ) ); set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( getvariableofnpc( .winnerid[.@i], "portal_event" ) == getcharid(3) ) {
    			dispbottom "Portal Event : You have completed this round, please try again next time.";
    	warp "pvp_y_8-2", 128,110;
    -	script	portal_event_timer	-1,{
    //	how long the event will last
    OnTimer2400000: // 40 minutes
    	donpcevent "::OnPortalEvent_Reset";
    //	set the time to start automatically
    OnMinute00: // every hour
    	donpcevent "portal_event::Onstart";
    -	script	portal_event	-1,{
    	set .@n, strnpcinfo(1);
    	if ( .@n == 0 ) {
    //	==============================================
    //	==== Global settings =========================
    	// set the total rounds for this event
    	// if your server has too few players and wanna end this event fast, make it fewer rounds
    	// if your server has too many coorperative players and they end the event too soon, make it more rounds
    	// min - 3, max - 5
    	set .maxround, 5;
    	// set the minimum GM level to allow start/end the event manually
    	// to start, say "start" or "on"
    	// to end, say "end" or "off"
    	set .mingmlevel, 60;
    	// set the minimum GM level to get the answer/debug for this event
    	// to prevent some noobie event GM login normal account to cheat the answer
    	// to get the answer, say "debug" or "answer"
    	set .mingm_ans, 90;
    	// how many winner for this event
    	set .winner_amount, 3;
    	// when event ends, all the players still inside the map need to warp to starting town. Note: "SavePoint" do not work
    	setarray .event_end_warp$, "prontera",155,184;
    //	==== Global setting end =======================
    //	===============================================
    		disablenpc "starting_portal_event";
    		if ( .maxround < 3 ) set .maxround, 3;
    		if ( .maxround > 5 ) set .maxround, 5;
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    //	===============================================
    //	==== Configure how the prize give out =========
    	// 1. normal method
    	//	announce strcharinfo(0) +" has finish the Portal Event !", bc_all | bc_blue;
    	//	getitem 501, 10;
    	// 2. Race Method
    	// 1st position
    	if ( .win == 1 ) { 
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" won 1st prize in Portal Event !", bc_all | bc_blue;
    		getitem 501, 10;
    	// 2nd position
    	else if ( .win == 2 ) {
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" won 2nd prize in Portal Event !", bc_all | bc_blue;
    		getitem 501, 5;
    	// 3rd position
    	else if ( .win == 3 ) {
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" won 3rd prize in Portal Event !", bc_all | bc_blue;
    		getitem 501, 3;
    	else { // the rest, 4th and so on
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" has finish the Portal Event !", bc_all | bc_blue;
    		getitem 501, 1;
    //	==== Configure ends ============================
    //	================================================
    	announce "Portal Event has started", bc_all | bc_blue;
    	announce "Portal Event has ended", bc_all | bc_blue;
    L_final_portal_4gm: // gm should not steal the prizes from players
    	dispbottom "Portal Event : This is the final portal";
    	set .win, 0;
    	deletearray .winnerid;
    	callsub L_announce_start;
    	enablenpc "starting_portal_event";
    	initnpctimer "portal_event_timer";
    	mapwarp "pvp_y_8-2", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	mapwarp "pvp_y_8-4", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	mapwarp "pvp_y_8-5", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	mapwarp "pvp_y_8-3", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	mapwarp "pvp_y_8-1", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	sleep 1; // round 1
    	setarray .@c1, 111,150; setarray .@c2, 147,147; setarray .@c3, 128,225; setarray .@c4, 104,231; setarray .@c5, 85,216;
    	setarray .@c6, 136,227; setarray .@c7, 64,182; setarray .@c8, 116,224; setarray .@c9, 115,209; setarray .@c10, 135,208;
    	setarray .@c11, 58,175; setarray .@c12, 66,172; setarray .@c13, 84,177; setarray .@c14, 86,152; setarray .@c15, 88,141;
    	setarray .@c16, 51,139; setarray .@c17, 48,130; setarray .@c18, 63,122; setarray .@c19, 62,138; setarray .@c20, 87,120;
    	setarray .@c21, 94,84; setarray .@c22, 85,91; setarray .@c23, 90,106; setarray .@c24, 111,87; setarray .@c25, 96,167;
    	setarray .@c26, 109,175; setarray .@c27, 188,195; setarray .@c28, 172,186; setarray .@c29, 198,181; setarray .@c30, 128,116;
    	setarray .@c31, 158,175; setarray .@c32, 161,162; setarray .@c33, 137,175; setarray .@c34, 134,160; setarray .@c35, 148,39;
    	setarray .@c36, 125,37; setarray .@c37, 53,81; setarray .@c38, 29,77; setarray .@c39, 50,68; setarray .@c40, 77,67;
    	setarray .@c41, 96,72; setarray .@c42, 137,77; setarray .@c43, 119,84; setarray .@c44, 160,84; setarray .@c45, 168,95;
    	setarray .@c46, 147,99; setarray .@c47, 214,129; setarray .@c48, 212,138; setarray .@c49, 220,115; setarray .@c50, 204,122;
    	setarray .@c51, 165,144; setarray .@c52, 145,107; setarray .@c53, 114,97; setarray .@c54, 136,84; setarray .@c55, 116,129;
    	setarray .@c56, 119,174; setarray .@c57, 121,155; setarray .@c58, 107,140; setarray .@c59, 104,119; setarray .@c60, 116,110;
    	setarray .@c61, 134,106; setarray .@c62, 136,93; setarray .@c63, 138,134; setarray .@c64, 155,121; setarray .@c65, 121,97;
    	setarray .@c66, 128,139; setarray .@c67, 155,138; setarray .@c68, 139,123; setarray .@c69, 97,123; setarray .@c70, 166,124;
    	set .@totalnpc, 8;
    	set .@total_location, 70;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@totalnpc, $@r1;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@total_location, $@r2;
    	deletearray .round1answer;
    	set .@i, 0;
    	while ( .@i < .@totalnpc ) {
    		set .@r1, $@r1[.@i] +1 ;
    		set .@r2, $@r2[.@i] +1 ;
    		enablenpc "1_portal_event#"+ .@r1;
    		movenpc "1_portal_event#"+ .@r1, getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		if ( .@i < 0 +2 ) { // 2 portals to next round
    			setarray getd(".m_1_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-4", 0,0;
    			setarray .round1answer[ getarraysize(.round1answer) ], getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		else if ( .@i < 2 +6 ) // 6 portals randomly warp to round 1
    			setarray getd(".m_1_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-2", 0,0;
    		set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	sleep 1; // round 2
    	setarray .@c1, 15,234; setarray .@c2, 23,243; setarray .@c3, 28,221; setarray .@c4, 41,254; setarray .@c5, 41,224;
    	setarray .@c6, 65,233; setarray .@c7, 41,190; setarray .@c8, 63,187; setarray .@c9, 64,147; setarray .@c10, 59,133;
    	setarray .@c11, 32,141; setarray .@c12, 33,102; setarray .@c13, 45,93; setarray .@c14, 63,95; setarray .@c15, 70,126;
    	setarray .@c16, 64,114; setarray .@c17, 46,115; setarray .@c18, 66,82; setarray .@c19, 41,67; setarray .@c20, 34,41;
    	setarray .@c21, 26,25; setarray .@c22, 60,21; setarray .@c23, 48,30; setarray .@c24, 60,33; setarray .@c25, 67,57;
    	setarray .@c26, 71,35; setarray .@c27, 79,55; setarray .@c28, 90,80; setarray .@c29, 96,116; setarray .@c30, 87,131;
    	setarray .@c31, 99,154; setarray .@c32, 100,222; setarray .@c33, 119,222; setarray .@c34, 119,206; setarray .@c35, 93,205;
    	setarray .@c36, 119,190; setarray .@c37, 87,188; setarray .@c38, 119,180; setarray .@c39, 79,160; setarray .@c40, 123,148;
    	setarray .@c41, 138,142; setarray .@c42, 169,142; setarray .@c43, 170,169; setarray .@c44, 208,174; setarray .@c45, 178,165;
    	setarray .@c46, 199,151; setarray .@c47, 223,116; setarray .@c48, 247,115; setarray .@c49, 247,91; setarray .@c50, 223,68;
    	setarray .@c51, 247,67; setarray .@c52, 247,43; setarray .@c53, 206,31; setarray .@c54, 190,31; setarray .@c55, 134,37;
    	setarray .@c56, 116,38; setarray .@c57, 90,35; setarray .@c58, 117,73; setarray .@c59, 150,84; setarray .@c60, 141,73;
    	setarray .@c61, 150,57; setarray .@c62, 116,57; setarray .@c63, 170,26; setarray .@c64, 205,75; setarray .@c65, 185,83;
    	setarray .@c66, 193,108; setarray .@c67, 205,55; setarray .@c68, 211,83; setarray .@c69, 206,90; setarray .@c70, 206,98;
    	setarray .@c71, 206,106; setarray .@c72, 33,82; setarray .@c73, 26,59; setarray .@c74, 63,120; setarray .@c75, 73,85;
    	setarray .@c76, 127,85; setarray .@c77, 163,57; setarray .@c78, 236,27; setarray .@c79, 235,101; setarray .@c80, 196,131;
    	setarray .@c81, 79,125; setarray .@c82, 88,239; setarray .@c83, 113,174; setarray .@c84, 79,27; setarray .@c85, 118,27;
    	setarray .@c86, 71,204; setarray .@c87, 69,239; setarray .@c88, 70,178; setarray .@c89, 71,154; setarray .@c90, 83,98;
    	setarray .@c91, 119,160; setarray .@c92, 118,126; setarray .@c93, 177,102; setarray .@c94, 230,52; setarray .@c95, 233,74;
    	setarray .@c96, 85,176; setarray .@c97, 48,169; setarray .@c98, 45,145; setarray .@c99, 195,54; setarray .@c100, 197,64;
    	set .@totalnpc, 12;
    	set .@total_location, 100;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@totalnpc, $@r1;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@total_location, $@r2;
    	deletearray .round2answer;
    	set .@i, 0;
    	while ( .@i < .@totalnpc ) {
    		set .@r1, $@r1[.@i] +1 ;
    		set .@r2, $@r2[.@i] +1 ;
    		enablenpc "2_portal_event#"+ .@r1;
    		movenpc "2_portal_event#"+ .@r1, getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		if ( .@i < 0 +2 ) { // 2 portals to next round
    			setarray getd(".m_2_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-5", 0,0;
    			setarray .round2answer[ getarraysize(.round2answer) ], getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		else if ( .@i < 2 +7 ) // 7 portals randomly warp to round 2
    			setarray getd(".m_2_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-4", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 9 +3 ) // 3 portals randomly warp to round 1
    			setarray getd(".m_2_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-2", 0,0;
    		set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	sleep 1; // round 3
    	setarray .@c1, 23,296; setarray .@c2, 49,289; setarray .@c3, 71,288; setarray .@c4, 68,270; setarray .@c5, 50,259;
    	setarray .@c6, 79,256; setarray .@c7, 103,260; setarray .@c8, 120,288; setarray .@c8, 133,288; setarray .@c10, 151,278;
    	setarray .@c11, 125,272; setarray .@c12, 160,296; setarray .@c13, 185,296; setarray .@c14, 198,290; setarray .@c15, 206,288;
    	setarray .@c16, 222,284; setarray .@c17, 259,288; setarray .@c18, 288,258; setarray .@c19, 272,269; setarray .@c20, 275,238;
    	setarray .@c21, 281,220; setarray .@c22, 299,207; setarray .@c23, 288,186; setarray .@c24, 247,251; setarray .@c25, 223,268;
    	setarray .@c26, 173,267; setarray .@c27, 179,232; setarray .@c28, 189,270; setarray .@c29, 235,230; setarray .@c30, 249,218;
    	setarray .@c31, 160,225; setarray .@c32, 143,249; setarray .@c33, 121,248; setarray .@c34, 116,220; setarray .@c35, 87,230;
    	setarray .@c36, 80,206; setarray .@c37, 57,217; setarray .@c38, 41,241; setarray .@c39, 30,246; setarray .@c40, 30,232;
    	setarray .@c41, 30,217; setarray .@c42, 26,199; setarray .@c43, 54,199; setarray .@c44, 55,183; setarray .@c45, 23,164;
    	setarray .@c46, 41,162; setarray .@c47, 55,149; setarray .@c48, 102,148; setarray .@c49, 78,139; setarray .@c50, 82,109;
    	setarray .@c51, 52,120; setarray .@c52, 34,130; setarray .@c53, 46,146; setarray .@c54, 74,95; setarray .@c55, 45,108;
    	setarray .@c56, 23,108; setarray .@c57, 49,89; setarray .@c58, 37,87; setarray .@c59, 46,46; setarray .@c60, 100,85;
    	setarray .@c61, 96,66; setarray .@c62, 133,127; setarray .@c63, 141,103; setarray .@c64, 140,85; setarray .@c65, 116,54;
    	setarray .@c66, 106,33; setarray .@c67, 92,31; setarray .@c68, 75,33; setarray .@c69, 22,22; setarray .@c70, 84,54;
    	setarray .@c71, 117,39; setarray .@c72, 121,31; setarray .@c73, 145,38; setarray .@c74, 128,59; setarray .@c75, 155,60;
    	setarray .@c76, 153,71; setarray .@c77, 171,76; setarray .@c78, 167,52; setarray .@c79, 160,117; setarray .@c80, 119,95;
    	setarray .@c81, 159,18; setarray .@c82, 188,33; setarray .@c83, 207,34; setarray .@c84, 197,66; setarray .@c85, 231,30;
    	setarray .@c86, 270,23; setarray .@c87, 254,55; setarray .@c88, 289,63; setarray .@c89, 288,84; setarray .@c90, 288,97;
    	setarray .@c91, 288,110; setarray .@c92, 288,129; setarray .@c93, 267,80; setarray .@c94, 243,73; setarray .@c95, 248,97;
    	setarray .@c96, 240,113; setarray .@c97, 225,113; setarray .@c98, 204,88; setarray .@c99, 186,99; setarray .@c100, 266,111;
    	setarray .@c101, 268,123; setarray .@c102, 278,134; setarray .@c103, 244,152; setarray .@c104, 284,171; setarray .@c105, 268,188;
    	setarray .@c106, 232,170; setarray .@c107, 233,190; setarray .@c108, 230,128; setarray .@c109, 35,68; setarray .@c110, 74,132;
    	setarray .@c111, 70,153; setarray .@c112, 78,185; setarray .@c113, 79,239; setarray .@c114, 210,249; setarray .@c115, 234,212;
    	setarray .@c116, 285,285; setarray .@c117, 254,198; setarray .@c118, 202,219; setarray .@c119, 214,161; setarray .@c120, 198,133;
    	set .@totalnpc, 14;
    	set .@total_location, 120;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@totalnpc, $@r1;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@total_location, $@r2;
    	deletearray .round3answer;
    	set .@i, 0;
    	while ( .@i < .@totalnpc ) {
    		set .@r1, $@r1[.@i] +1 ;
    		set .@r2, $@r2[.@i] +1 ;
    		enablenpc "3_portal_event#"+ .@r1;
    		movenpc "3_portal_event#"+ .@r1, getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		if ( .@i < 0 +2 ) { // 2 portals to next round
    			if ( .maxround == 3 )
    				setarray getd(".m_3_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "give prize", 0,0;
    				setarray getd(".m_3_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-3", 0,0;
    			setarray .round3answer[ getarraysize(.round3answer) ], getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		else if ( .@i < 2 +7 ) // 7 portals randomly warp to round 3
    			setarray getd(".m_3_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-5", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 9 +3 ) // 3 portals randomly warp to round 2
    			setarray getd(".m_3_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-4", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 12 +2 ) // 2 portals randomly warp to round 1
    			setarray getd(".m_3_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-2", 0,0;
    		set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	if ( .maxround == 3 ) end;
    	sleep 1; // round 4
    	setarray .@c1, 227,330; setarray .@c2, 218,306; setarray .@c3, 253,308; setarray .@c4, 257,285; setarray .@c5, 276,282;
    	setarray .@c6, 215,283; setarray .@c7, 276,248; setarray .@c8, 237,252; setarray .@c9, 217,229; setarray .@c10, 273,228;
    	setarray .@c11, 239,201; setarray .@c12, 253,204; setarray .@c13, 237,176; setarray .@c14, 203,183; setarray .@c15, 195,180;
    	setarray .@c16, 270,152; setarray .@c17, 270,135; setarray .@c18, 257,127; setarray .@c19, 243,159; setarray .@c20, 223,116;
    	setarray .@c21, 211,120; setarray .@c22, 219,100; setarray .@c23, 202,108; setarray .@c24, 261,110; setarray .@c25, 268,89;
    	setarray .@c26, 248,63; setarray .@c27, 263,65; setarray .@c28, 238,53; setarray .@c29, 207,41; setarray .@c30, 206,68;
    	setarray .@c31, 144,65; setarray .@c32, 182,84; setarray .@c33, 139,41; setarray .@c34, 121,27; setarray .@c35, 106,47;
    	setarray .@c36, 128,80; setarray .@c37, 91,78; setarray .@c38, 65,67; setarray .@c39, 78,48; setarray .@c40, 88,105;
    	setarray .@c41, 56,113; setarray .@c42, 14,143; setarray .@c43, 24,133; setarray .@c44, 64,157; setarray .@c45, 96,89;
    	setarray .@c46, 89,122; setarray .@c47, 125,115; setarray .@c48, 94,143; setarray .@c49, 72,182; setarray .@c50, 70,189;
    	setarray .@c51, 101,190; setarray .@c52, 72,224; setarray .@c53, 72,326; setarray .@c54, 83,335; setarray .@c55, 92,305;
    	setarray .@c56, 107,327; setarray .@c57, 155,328; setarray .@c58, 124,272; setarray .@c59, 168,287; setarray .@c60, 133,323;
    	setarray .@c61, 156,247; setarray .@c62, 126,204; setarray .@c63, 190,233; setarray .@c64, 166,188; setarray .@c65, 135,158;
    	setarray .@c66, 127,168; setarray .@c67, 131,146; setarray .@c68, 151,125; setarray .@c69, 175,139; setarray .@c70, 205,143;
    	setarray .@c71, 194,136; setarray .@c72, 203,90; setarray .@c73, 195,84; setarray .@c74, 140,86; setarray .@c75, 155,107;
    	setarray .@c76, 220,132; setarray .@c77, 229,157; setarray .@c78, 175,156; setarray .@c79, 155,266; setarray .@c80, 139,260;
    	setarray .@c81, 134,238; setarray .@c82, 115,183; setarray .@c83, 179,251; setarray .@c84, 248,226; setarray .@c85, 219,262;
    	setarray .@c86, 242,133; setarray .@c87, 265,170; setarray .@c88, 212,108; setarray .@c89, 183,298; setarray .@c90, 199,305;
    	setarray .@c91, 177,177; setarray .@c92, 110,201; setarray .@c93, 248,278; setarray .@c94, 173,242; setarray .@c95, 92,215;
    	setarray .@c96, 104,157; setarray .@c97, 133,124; setarray .@c98, 132,194; setarray .@c99, 90,286; setarray .@c100, 156,230;
    	setarray .@c101, 156,209; setarray .@c102, 275,144; setarray .@c103, 186,113; setarray .@c104, 119,60; setarray .@c105, 141,335;
    	set .@totalnpc, 14;
    	set .@total_location, 105;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@totalnpc, $@r1;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@total_location, $@r2;
    	deletearray .round4answer;
    	set .@i, 0;
    	while ( .@i < .@totalnpc ) {
    		set .@r1, $@r1[.@i] +1 ;
    		set .@r2, $@r2[.@i] +1 ;
    		enablenpc "4_portal_event#"+ .@r1;
    		movenpc "4_portal_event#"+ .@r1, getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		if ( .@i < 0 +2 ) { // 2 portals to next round
    			if ( .maxround == 4 )
    				setarray getd(".m_4_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "give prize", 0,0;
    				setarray getd(".m_4_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-1", 0,0;
    			setarray .round4answer[ getarraysize(.round4answer) ], getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		else if ( .@i < 2 +7 ) // 7 portals randomly warp to round 4
    			setarray getd(".m_4_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-3", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 9 +3 ) // 3 portals randomly warp to round 3
    			setarray getd(".m_4_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-5", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 12 +2 ) // 2 portals randomly warp to round 2
    			setarray getd(".m_4_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-4", 0,0;
    		set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	if ( .maxround == 4 ) end;
    	sleep 1; // round 5
    	setarray .@c1, 185,108; setarray .@c2, 155,25; setarray .@c3, 135,40; setarray .@c4, 143,63; setarray .@c5, 140,82;
    	setarray .@c6, 133,107; setarray .@c7, 119,40; setarray .@c8, 91,45; setarray .@c9, 71,37; setarray .@c10, 60,42;
    	setarray .@c11, 41,67; setarray .@c12, 41,44; setarray .@c13, 79,67; setarray .@c14, 134,92; setarray .@c15, 52,90;
    	setarray .@c16, 98,74; setarray .@c17, 84,89; setarray .@c18, 74,90; setarray .@c19, 72,99; setarray .@c20, 29,110;
    	setarray .@c21, 223,230; setarray .@c22, 115,178; setarray .@c23, 40,117; setarray .@c24, 38,134; setarray .@c25, 32,156;
    	setarray .@c26, 37,170; setarray .@c27, 40,181; setarray .@c28, 23,204; setarray .@c29, 40,104; setarray .@c30, 69,123;
    	setarray .@c31, 225,160; setarray .@c32, 85,126; setarray .@c33, 68,142; setarray .@c34, 58,157; setarray .@c35, 139,151;
    	setarray .@c36, 183,144; setarray .@c37, 36,226; setarray .@c38, 65,228; setarray .@c39, 34,241; setarray .@c40, 42,268;
    	setarray .@c41, 40,280; setarray .@c42, 50,293; setarray .@c43, 58,294; setarray .@c44, 74,270; setarray .@c45, 58,249;
    	setarray .@c46, 50,227; setarray .@c47, 71,284; setarray .@c48, 80,294; setarray .@c49, 34,303; setarray .@c50, 45,346;
    	setarray .@c51, 124,152; setarray .@c52, 89,333; setarray .@c53, 105,335; setarray .@c54, 156,360; setarray .@c55, 108,144;
    	setarray .@c56, 121,144; setarray .@c57, 259,339; setarray .@c58, 94,167; setarray .@c59, 99,150; setarray .@c60, 94,158;
    	setarray .@c61, 238,318; setarray .@c62, 227,283; setarray .@c63, 92,184; setarray .@c64, 263,279; setarray .@c65, 273,257;
    	setarray .@c66, 280,236; setarray .@c67, 270,219; setarray .@c68, 239,267; setarray .@c69, 289,203; setarray .@c70, 280,195;
    	setarray .@c71, 248,229; setarray .@c72, 263,228; setarray .@c73, 256,192; setarray .@c74, 272,187; setarray .@c75, 269,160;
    	setarray .@c76, 281,136; setarray .@c77, 270,127; setarray .@c78, 272,107; setarray .@c79, 273,95; setarray .@c80, 272,78;
    	setarray .@c81, 37,353; setarray .@c82, 271,42; setarray .@c83, 256,40; setarray .@c84, 237,39; setarray .@c85, 220,40;
    	setarray .@c86, 205,28; setarray .@c87, 188,48; setarray .@c88, 165,41; setarray .@c89, 131,56; setarray .@c90, 167,83;
    	setarray .@c91, 165,99; setarray .@c92, 186,94; setarray .@c93, 200,98; setarray .@c94, 216,100; setarray .@c95, 197,57;
    	setarray .@c96, 195,72; setarray .@c97, 208,73; setarray .@c98, 257,102; setarray .@c99, 256,123; setarray .@c100, 241,142;
    	setarray .@c101, 221,116; setarray .@c102, 236,108; setarray .@c103, 180,77; setarray .@c104, 183,130; setarray .@c105, 209,153;
    	setarray .@c106, 220,181; setarray .@c107, 204,191; setarray .@c108, 180,183; setarray .@c109, 184,158; setarray .@c110, 165,167;
    	setarray .@c111, 204,216; setarray .@c112, 178,222; setarray .@c113, 186,248; setarray .@c114, 219,227; setarray .@c115, 215,247;
    	setarray .@c116, 210,265; setarray .@c117, 192,268; setarray .@c118, 125,251; setarray .@c119, 120,268; setarray .@c120, 102,266;
    	setarray .@c121, 96,255; setarray .@c122, 85,248; setarray .@c123, 95,223; setarray .@c124, 133,222; setarray .@c125, 107,213;
    	setarray .@c126, 107,191; setarray .@c127, 105,167; setarray .@c128, 132,182;
    	set .@totalnpc, 14;
    	set .@total_location, 128;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@totalnpc, $@r1;
    	callfunc "rand__", .@total_location, $@r2;
    	deletearray .round5answer;
    	set .@i, 0;
    	while ( .@i < .@totalnpc ) {
    		set .@r1, $@r1[.@i] +1 ;
    		set .@r2, $@r2[.@i] +1 ;
    		enablenpc "5_portal_event#"+ .@r1;
    		movenpc "5_portal_event#"+ .@r1, getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		if ( .@i < 0 +2 ) { // 2 portals to victory
    			setarray getd(".m_5_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "give prize", 0,0;
    			setarray .round5answer[ getarraysize(.round5answer) ], getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[0]"), getd(".@c"+ .@r2 +"[1]");
    		else if ( .@i < 2 +7 ) // 7 portals randomly warp to round 5
    			setarray getd(".m_5_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-1", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 9 +3 ) // 3 portals randomly warp to round 4
    			setarray getd(".m_5_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-3", 0,0;
    		else if ( .@i < 12 +2 ) // 2 portals randomly warp to round 3
    			setarray getd(".m_5_"+ .@r1 +"_$"), "pvp_y_8-5", 0,0;
    		set .@i, .@i +1 ;
    	deletearray $@r1;
    	deletearray $@r2;
    	if ( atoi( strnpcinfo(1) ) == 0 ) {
    		stopnpctimer "portal_event_timer";
    		callsub L_announce_end;
    		disablenpc "starting_portal_event";
    		sleep 8000;
    		mapwarp "pvp_y_8-2", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    		mapwarp "pvp_y_8-4", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    		mapwarp "pvp_y_8-5", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    		mapwarp "pvp_y_8-3", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    		mapwarp "pvp_y_8-1", .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    	deletearray getd(".m_"+ strnpcinfo(1) +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$");
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	if ( getgmlevel() < .mingmlevel ) end;
    	else if ( compare( @whispervar0$, "on" ) || compare( @whispervar0$, "start" ) )
    		goto Onstart;
    	else if ( compare( @whispervar0$, "off" ) || compare( @whispervar0$, "end" ) )
    		donpcevent "::OnPortalEvent_Reset";
    	else if ( getgmlevel() >= .mingm_ans && ( compare( @whispervar0$, "debug" ) || compare( @whispervar0$, "answer" ) ) ) {
    		for ( set .@j, 1; .@j <= .maxround; set .@j, .@j +1 ) {
    			dispbottom "Round "+ .@j +":";
    			for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize( getd(".round"+ .@j +"answer") ); set .@i, .@i +2 )
    				dispbottom "    x = "+ getd(".round"+ .@j +"answer["+ .@i +"]") +", y = "+ getd(".round"+ .@j +"answer["+( .@i +1 )+"]");
    	for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.winnerid); set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( .winnerid[.@i] == getcharid(3) ) end;
    	set .@n, strnpcinfo(1);
    	if ( getd(".m_"+ .@n +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$[0]") == "give prize" ) {
    		if ( getgmlevel() >= .mingmlevel ) {
    			callsub L_final_portal_4gm;
    		set .win, .win + 1;
    		callsub L_prize;
    		warp .event_end_warp$[0], atoi(.event_end_warp$[1]), atoi(.event_end_warp$[2]);
    		set .winnerid[ getarraysize(.winnerid) ], getcharid(3);
    		if ( getarraysize(.winnerid) == .winner_amount )
    			donpcevent "::OnPortalEvent_Reset";
    	else if ( getd(".m_"+ .@n +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$[0]") == "" )
    		warp getd(".m_"+ .@n +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$[0]"), atoi( getd(".m_"+ .@n +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$[1]") ), atoi( getd(".m_"+ .@n +"_"+ strnpcinfo(2) +"_$[2]") );
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#1	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#2	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#3	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#4	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#5	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#6	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#7	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	1_portal_event#8	45,2,2
    //	this is needed because there is a short passageway at right down corner of izlude town
    pvp_y_8-2,177,56,5	warp	#portal_event_debug	2,2,pvp_y_8-2,128,110
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#1	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#2	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#3	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#4	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#5	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#6	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#7	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#8	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#9	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#10	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#11	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-4,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	2_portal_event#12	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#1	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#2	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#3	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#4	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#5	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#6	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#7	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#8	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#9	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#10	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#11	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#12	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#13	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-5,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	3_portal_event#14	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#1	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#2	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#3	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#4	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#5	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#6	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#7	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#8	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#9	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#10	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#11	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#12	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#13	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-3,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	4_portal_event#14	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#1	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#2	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#3	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#4	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#5	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#6	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#7	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#8	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#9	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#10	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#11	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#12	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#13	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-1,0,0,5	duplicate(portal_event)	5_portal_event#14	45,2,2
    pvp_y_8-2	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_8-4	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_8-5	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_8-3	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_8-1	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_8-2	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_y_8-4	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_y_8-5	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_y_8-3	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_y_8-1	mapflag	nowarpto
    pvp_y_8-2	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_8-4	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_8-5	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_8-3	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_8-1	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_8-2	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_8-4	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_8-5	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_8-3	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_8-1	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_8-2	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_y_8-4	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_y_8-5	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_y_8-3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    pvp_y_8-1	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint


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