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Posts posted by Critica

  1. Hi iM trying to make my WoE fun and more challenging, so i kinda though of some idea...
    so this >
    ` Everytime a guild conquered a castle / break emp. all 
     guildmembers will gain 500 woe points.
    ` Every 5 Mins, if the castle isnt still conquered by other guilds
     all guild castle owners / guild members will automatically gain 500 WOE points.
     ( and this will continue every 5mins if castle is stil not conquered, these includs all the castle
    ex. Kriem and Swan if it is coquered by the same guild they will gain 1000 WP" )

    well thats kinda my idea, if thats possible 
    can someone help me do this... thanks!

  2. well if u think about it, the effect is still in there, it wont end unless you unequip all the items with the bonus. *logic*

    Go to item_combo_db @ re_

    do this

    (​your custom id) : (your custom id),{effect}



    nvm my post., its stupid. on capuches post make sure u changed the item id on the bonus with your custom item iD

    if( isequipped(5074)



    bonus2 bHPAttackRatio,n,x;		Deal more damage depending on HP of race "n"
                                            x: Percentage increase (50 = +50% damage at 100% HP

    so its gonna be like this right? bonus2 bHPAttackRatio,7,50; ?

    yea, but u need Epoque Epansion Pack tho..

    search mo lng, mdami syang bago dun like this list

  4. Thank you, it all works as i wanted hehe!

    1 thing a added is this ( delitem .@itm,1; ) on failing

    	if(rand(100)>.perc) {
    		mes .npc$;
    		mes "I'm sorry but I've failed you!";
    		misceffect 155; emotion e_sob,0;
    		set Zeny,Zeny-.pric;
    		delitem .@itm,1;


    and i just wana ask, whats causing this to  show up? not really a big deal, 
    i just wana know, can i take it off? if not its ok...



    thanks for doing it apriciate the help!  /no1

  5. If possible yes, 
    its kinda like this

    it let you chose what slot u want to be enchanted, with a success rate,

    but i just need a simple enchanter
    1. Ask what equipment you want to slot

    2. Where you want to slot the orb(enchantment) 1st to 4th slot

    3. NPC check what orb(enchantment) you have and use that for slotting / and maybe add some price? (zeny/item)
    4. Success rate on enchanting
    5. I think thats about it.

    ive tested it, i got the orb, and full equips, 
    but on here nothing shows


  6. //v1.4
    new_1-2,95,71,4	script	Bling	100,{
    //Character Variables
    	set .@geid,	getequipid(9);
    	set .@cout,	countitem(.item);
    	set .@gin$,	getitemname(.item);
    	set .@gerf,	getequiprefinerycnt(9);
    	set .@crd1,	getequipcardid(9,0);
    	set .@crd2,	getequipcardid(9,1);
    	set .@crd3,	getequipcardid(9,2);
    	set .@crd4,	getequipcardid(9,3);
    	set .@itm,	4700+((rand(5)*10)+rand(3));
    	mes .npc$;
    	mes "I can endow your glasses with mystical powers, but It'll cost yah "+.pric+" "+((.pric-1)?.@gin$+"s":.@gin$)+"."; next;
    	if(!.@cout) { mes .npc$; mes "Sorry come back when you have "+.@gin$+"(s)."; close; }
    	if(select("Yes:No")&2) { mes .npc$; mes "Alright, thanks anyways!"; close; }
    	if(.@cout<.pric) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry you don't have enough "+.@gin$+"(s) to for me to endow your specticals, please come back later."; close; }
    	if(rand(0,((100/.perc)-1))) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry but I've failed you!"; misceffect 155; emotion e_sob,0; delitem .item,.pric; close; }
    	mes .npc$;
    	if(compare(.uit$,""+.@geid)) {
    		delitem .item,.pric;
    		delitem2 .@geid, 1, 1, .@gerf, 0, .@crd1, .@crd2, .@crd3, .@crd4;
    		getitem2 .@geid, 1, 1, .@gerf, 0, .@crd1, .@crd2, .@crd3, .@itm;
    		misceffect .efet;
    		mes "All done!";
    		equip .@geid;
    	mes "I'm sorry but you need to equipped a slotted mid-range headgear before we can continue.";
    //NPC Constants
    		set .npc$,	"[^0000FFBlinger^000000]";			// NPC Name
    		set .pric,	1;						// Price
    		set .efet,	154;						// Effect Number
    		set .item,	6242;						// Item Number
    		set .uit$,	"5074,5401,5104,18507,5068,2204,2260,5085,2202";// Item List
    		set .perc,	rand(50,80); // Percent
    		/*18603(Black Devil Mask), Not included because it wasn't in my DB*/ 
    		/*2286 Unslotted version of 18507*/
    		/*2203 Unslotted version of 2204*/
    		/*2201 Unslotted version of 2202*/


    Do you mean like my script if in that case why didn't you just message me?

    Oh wow, didnt kno you have that script, ive been searching a lot and i cant find any,

    thanks anyways! ima try it now  /no1



    Well my idea of script is kinda like this,

    but i need this ff

    1, can choose to slot 1-4th with succes chance

    2. required an orb(enchantments) before enchanting

    3. can enchant Head/Armor/Garment and Shoes.


  7. Hi guys,
    can anyone here do me script like that?
    just a simple enchanter that can enchat through slot 1st to 4th slot
    with the required orb(enchantments) and success rate like 80% to 50%

    there is a script like this, the custom echanter, but the script is too complicated

    for me to edit it...



    so if anyone could do this, that would be great! thanks!

  8. Is it working with latest rev? I tried and get some error.. Then when i recompile wil ecounter problem at atcommand.c and recomplie failed with 1 (map)

    try to patch it manually, its not that hard, and i think there;s only 3 notepads to edit

  9. on your inter_athena.conf 

    look on this

    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: ragnarok
    log_db_pw: ragnarok
    log_db_db: ragnarok
    log_login_db: (< edit this where you log table is, >)
  10. that works... now the problem is the same as i have, it doubles the bonus when you have both equipped.. even tho the other
    one doesnt have the bonus (card)


    for example.

    I have garment, slotted with this effect.

    4002,Fabre_Card,Fabre Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,789,,,,,{ if (getequipisequiped(EQI_ARMOR)) { bonus bVit,5; } if (getequipisequiped(EQI_GARMENT)) { bonus bAgi,5; } },{},{}

    i get the + AGI only but...

    when i equipped any armor i get the "Armor bonus" too ( +VIT )

    now i noticed that as long as you have something equipped on the equipment slot (for ex Armor)
    it will also read the bonus effect for the armor even tho the "card bonus" is slotted on the garment.





    Can somebody here make this item bonus script stackable???


    { if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_ARMOR),5)==16 && @bgiven == 0) { bonus bAgi,5; set @bgiven,1;} if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_GARMENT),5)==4 && @bgiven2 == 0) {bonus bVit,5; set @bgiven2,1;}  },{},{set @bgiven,0; set @bgiven2,0;}
  11. Gems.png

    the idea is, to create a custom card type item that can be slotted to Helm/Armor or Garment
    but will have different effect depending where it is slotted...

    for now, i have this item bonus working 

    { if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_ARMOR),5)==16) { bonus bAgi,5;} if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_GARMENT),5)==4) {bonus bVit,5;}  }

    but the problem is that, when you equipped both Armor and Garment instead of giving only
    +5 AGI and VIT, it gives you double so +10 AGI and VIT.... 

    so if anyone here whos good enough pls help ? :<

    im using custom card script btw, to be enable to slot on Head/Armor/Garment 

    bump.. T_T

    any good custom scripters here?

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