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Posts posted by jTynne

  1. Shop Search - If you can get rA to store the data differently rather than how it's currently handled, I think this would be great for -all- servers to have, rather than a select handful.

    Integrated Chat - I can't say too much, but Ind's IRC thing + web side ability to chat with those in-game would be awesome (and configuration to be able to lock people out until they get approval from an admin to chat).

    Automated Donation Handling - Similar to Flux.

    Vote For Points - Right out the box, the same handling as the V4P in Flux would be adequate.

    Easier CMS - The currently handling in Flux is annoying to say the least.

    Account Clusters - One main login to manage multiple in-game accounts similar to iRO's system.

    As I think of others, I'll post them here. :)

  2. Instead of asking if this or that is right , why don't you try testing it? If it works then it is right. If it doesnt then that is when you start posting and start asking.


    Yes, Littlefoot, all appears to be well in your setup. The compiling, however, is not affected by files in the /conf/ folder. You can upload a new groups.conf file at any time while your server is running and use the @reloadatcommand command to refresh the command list.

    Please do let us know if you run into any issues. Thank you.

  3. I love the font on the "Register" and "Download" button-- what is that?

    All in all, for this being your FIRST design ever, I'm giving you a 7/10. Is it perfect? No, but with time and practice.. I see great things coming from you in the future. I'll tell you right now, this is a thousand times better than my first website I made (iframes and tables... circa 2003... lol). Great job!

    Try not to scrunch the image in the header so much (the faces on the right are too vertically scrunched.. just resize that entire image then put it into the header; it'll look much better).

    I like the header font color, just not keen on the effects used. Try something other than the drop shadow and I think it'll look better.

    The "Latest News And Updates" font-- try something different (whatever your main content font is for the text-- that may look better. It's too.. different in contrast to every other header section on the site)

    As for the CSS/effects used.. fabulous. You seem to have a pretty decent understanding of web development, so my hat is off to you!

    Like I said before.. I expect to see pretty amazing stuff from you in the future! Good luck and great job for your first design incorporating both HTML and CSS!

  4. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2354

    File Name: Eden by jTynne

    File Submitter: jTynne

    File Submitted: 15 Apr 2012

    File Category: Media

    Title: Eden Release

    Author: jTynne - [email protected]


    Background History:

    I originally created this region as the starting town for the second version of UtopiaRO. As the server is no longer online, I've decided to make these a public release.

    This package includes 44 Monster Sprites (Recolored), 1 Town Map, 1 Indoors Map (spl_in duplicate), 3 Field Maps, 1 PVP Map, 4 Dungeon Maps, Monster Coding (Stats/Skills), Spawns, Warp Portals, and Map Flags.

    Donations can be made via Paypal to : [email protected]

    This release is intended for pre-RE servers. You will need to adjust the experience and monster stats before using it on a RE-based server.

    You can see the maps in action below:



    In an effort to keep myself motivated to create new content packages for release, as well as to help cover the expenses of the rAthena services, I have made the choice to charge for my package releases; specifically, my Eden and Helheim releases.

    I kindly ask that those who wish to use the content, please make a donation towards my cause in the amount of $20 per package. 25% of all proceeds will go to rAthena as thanks, and the rest will go towards buying my groceries.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s), I ask that you please keep the files to yourselves, and remove any mirrors that may exist. Thank you.

    Considering the amount of time put in to each release (40+ hours, easily), $20 is a very, very small price to pay.

    I apologize should this inconvenience anyone, however, this allows me the opportunity to give to rAthena's administrative team, as well as helps put food on the table.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s) and are using them, or simply wish to say "Thanks!", I accept donations via Paypal at: [email protected]

    Thank you for your support,


    Click here to download this file

  5. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2353

    File Name: Helheim by jTynne

    File Submitter: jTynne

    File Submitted: 15 Apr 2012

    File Category: Media

    Title: Helheim Release

    Author: jTynne - [email protected]

    Background History:

    I originally created this region as a Halloween update for my players at UtopiaRO using just one map, however, it became a popular location, and they urged me to continue. It eventually became what it is today; an expansive area to explore and a wonderful leveling alternative.

    This package includes nine maps total, town map, fields 1 through 3, two event versions of field #3 (they are duplicates, with different names used for PK fields), and one small deadbranch arena map.

    You may wish to edit the fog param file to give the maps a truly ghastly effect.

    This release is intended for pre-RE servers. You will need to adjust the experience and monster stats before using it on a RE-based server.


    In an effort to keep myself motivated to create new content packages for release, as well as to help cover the expenses of the rAthena services, I have made the choice to charge for my package releases; specifically, my Eden and Helheim releases.

    I kindly ask that those who wish to use the content, please make a donation towards my cause in the amount of $20 per package. 25% of all proceeds will go to rAthena as thanks, and the rest will go towards buying my groceries.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s), I ask that you please keep the files to yourselves, and remove any mirrors that may exist. Thank you.

    Considering the amount of time put in to each release (40+ hours, easily), $20 is a very, very small price to pay.

    I apologize should this inconvenience anyone, however, this allows me the opportunity to give to rAthena's administrative team, as well as helps put food on the table.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s) and are using them, or simply wish to say "Thanks!", I accept donations via Paypal at: [email protected]

    Thank you for your support,


    Click here to download this file

  6. When Arc brought the command to my attention, I've used it ever since. With a little tweaking to work alongside Harmony, it's ridiculously helpful in combating cheaters who multi-client during events by adding in a last_mac field, but it also allows me to search account information so much faster than entering either into SSH to do queries or phpmyadmin. Two thumbs up on the tool itself. Not really sure what can be done from a technical aspect to improve the feature, but from a user's standpoint, I'm thoroughly pleased. <3

  7. script {

    mes "Type the map name from which players will be warped.";


    input .@mapnamefrom$;

    mes "Now, type the map name to which players will be warped.";


    input .@mapnameto$;

    mapwarp .@mapnamefrom$,.@mapnameto$,100,50;




    Do one of two things, make the above into a function, or be lazy (and messy) and just place it in the script field for an item. Untested, but should work.

  8. Update:

    In an effort to keep myself motivated to create new content packages for release, as well as to help cover the expenses of the rAthena services, I have made the choice to charge for my package releases; specifically, my Eden and Helheim releases.

    I kindly ask that those who wish to use the content, please make a donation towards my cause in the amount of $20 per package. 25% of all proceeds will go to rAthena as thanks, and the rest will go towards buying my groceries.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s), I ask that you please keep the files to yourselves, and remove any mirrors that may exist. Thank you.

    Considering the amount of time put in to each release (40+ hours, easily), $20 is a very, very small price to pay.

    I apologize should this inconvenience anyone, however, this allows me the opportunity to give to rAthena's administrative team, as well as helps put food on the table.

    If you have already downloaded the package(s) and are using them, or simply wish to say "Thanks!", I accept donations via Paypal at: [email protected]

    Thank you for your support,


  9. File Name: RO Seta (Crash Dump Viewer)

    File Submitter: jTynne

    File Submitted: 07 Dec 2011

    File Category: Client Tools

    This tool was recently sent to me by a friend, that converts crash dumps/error handlers into readable content.

    For example, from one of my Support Tickets I'd received on my server, the following error handler was provided:

    0012F46C : 58 61 D9 20 50 B1 C2 2A 58 61 D9 20 73 70 72 69
    0012F47C : 74 65 5C BE C7 BC BC BB E7 B8 AE 5C B3 B2 5C B3
    0012F48C : B2 5F BF E4 C1 A4 C0 C7 B1 CD 2E 73 70 72 00 7F
    0012F49C : 80 F4 12 00 38 31 14 00 00 00 14 00 A4 45 76 73
    0012F4AC : 90 F5 79 73 50 F5 AB 25 0D 44 76 73 C8 F4 12 00
    0012F4BC : 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C D8 3E A5 25 94 F5 12 00
    0012F4CC : 41 00 91 7C E8 09 14 00 5D 00 91 7C 00 00 00 00
    0012F4DC : 20 33 A5 25 E0 3E A5 25 A8 CE 90 25 00 00 00 00
    0012F4EC : 0D 9A 80 7C 00 00 00 00 C8 B8 AE 25 00 00 00 40
    0012F4FC : 00 00 00 00 10 F5 12 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C
    0012F50C : F0 F4 12 00 DC F5 12 00 68 FA 12 00 D8 9A 83 7C
    0012F51C : 10 9A 80 7C FF FF FF FF 0D 9A 80 7C 44 0F 78 73
    0012F52C : 70 3F A5 25 D0 F5 12 00 90 00 00 00 20 00 00 00
    0012F53C : C8 B8 AE 25 A8 B9 AE 25 C8 B8 AE 25 EC F5 12 00
    0012F54C : 2B 45 76 73 D0 F5 12 00 A8 B9 AE 25 00 00 00 00
    0012F55C : 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 90 F5 79 73 08 B0 82 25

    And when entered into RO Seta, it converts to:

    XaÙ P±Â*XaÙ sprite\¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®\³²\³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr.‚¬Ã´.81...¤EvsÂõysPõ«%
    DvsÈô..¸.€˜|Ø>Â¥%€õA.€˜|È	.].€˜|.. 3Â¥%À>Â¥%¨ÎÂ%..
    š‚¬|Dxsp?Â¥%ðõ.Â.. .ȸ®%¨¹Â®%ȸ®%ìõ+Evsðõ.¨¹Â®%......Âõys°€š%



    Brings notice to the male version of Elven Ears.

    Some errors will remain garbled, but for the most part, this is an invaluable tool that allows server owners the ability to better pinpoint what's happening in their player's crash dumps.

    Credits to Skipper, though I have no idea where the file originally came from as again, it was literally sent to a short while ago.

    Click here to download this file

    Was wondering when this was going to get approved, haha.

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