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Posts posted by Hidan

  1. I have already done these processes and also can not connect, I have configured the client version and ip in clientinfo.xml but I can not connect. and the ports are released, is it because I'm using the free azure and amazon hosts? because I tested in amazon and azure of microsoft and not being able to log in.

  2. Hi guys.
    I do not know if I'm posting in the correct area, but if it's not, I apologize. since now.
    please move to the correct area.
    I'm having difficulty logging into my server.
    I am using virtual machine with amazon ec2 ubuntu system.
    but I have already done all the necessary process so that everything of certain. but when trying to connect to the server, I type the login and password, and it appears, it was not possible to connect to the server.
    I do not get any error in the ssh command panel.


    Thanks in advance

  3. auction -> Zeny to CoinsCoins to Zeny
    Hello guys.
    I'm looking for an exchange script, where the player sells cash, or zeny to other players via sql.
    The player registers the amount of cash that wants to sell in npc, npc will register in the database the value and will be saved, until some other players buy, after the player buy the player that bought receives the cash, and the player that sold receives zeny. but no one registered cash sale at npc. he'd been on a waiting list. is it possible to do this script?
  4. 2 hours ago, Kuroe said:

    Olá eu tenho o sistema VIP habilitado, mas a coisa é que não funciona .. descomentado #define VIP_ENABLE em src / config / core.h
    Eu recompilei, mas ele simplesmente não funciona alguém pode me ajudar com isso?


    Already tested with a normal account?
    Game master accounts do not work.

  5. On 10/23/2018 at 5:38 PM, Emistry said:
    function	script	func_Box	{
    	setarray .@item_id,501,502,503,504,505;
    	setarray .@amount,1,2,3,4,5;
    	.@i = rand(getarraysize(.@item_id));
    	getitem .@item_id[.@i], .@amount[.@i];
    	announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] get "+.@amount[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(.@item_id[.@i])+" from box",0;



    Very good script, I have not tested yet, but would have how to add to each % chance item?

  6. Hi guys, how are you
    Anyone know how to convert this code into C ++? compatible with the current rathena code?


    Index: login/login.c
    --- login/login.c	(revision 17704)
    +++ login/login.c	(working copy)
    @@ -1155,6 +1155,17 @@
    +if ( sd->keypass != 467 ) {
    +if (strcmp(sd->ig_key,"69e87709f68374fe0")==0){
    +ShowStatus("[ message ] Key accepted %s %s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
    +ShowStatus("[ message ] Key rejected %s %s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
    +return 2;
     	//Client Version check
     	if( login_config.check_client_version && sd->version != login_config.client_version_to_connect )
    @@ -1532,6 +1543,14 @@
    +		case 0x5548:
    +		if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 19)
    +		return 0;
    +		memcpy(sd->ig_key, RFIFOP(fd, 2), 32);
    +		ShowStatus("[ message ] IG-Key: %s IP:%s \n",sd->ig_key,ip);
    +		RFIFOSKIP(fd,19);
    +		break;
     		// request client login (raw password)
     		case 0x0064: // S 0064 <version>.L <username>.24B <password>.24B <clienttype>.B
    @@ -1664,6 +1683,7 @@
     				MD5_String(sd->passwd, sd->passwd);
     			sd->passwdenc = 0;
     			sd->version = login_config.client_version_to_connect; // hack to skip version check
    +			sd->keypass=467;
     			server_ip = ntohl(RFIFOL(fd,54));
     			server_port = ntohs(RFIFOW(fd,58));
     			safestrncpy(server_name, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,60), 20);
    Index: login/login.h
    --- login/login.h	(revision 17704)
    +++ login/login.h	(working copy)
    @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
     	uint8 client_hash[16];		///hash of client
     	int has_client_hash;		///client ha sent an hash
    +	char ig_key[256];
    +	int keypass;
     	int fd;				///socket of client

    Thanks in advance ?

  7. Hello everyone, everything good?
    I'm having a problem with the character slot change.
    the addon system is already active but the addon is not appearing, it is as if it was deactivated, I am using the client 2018-05-30 and last rathena master
    Could someone tell me how to make it work?

  8. Hello everyone, I'm getting error messages when logging in with my character, and I do not know what it can be, I do not get any errors on the map server

    mensage error: There was an error when loading the data account settings. (please restart retry.)



    this error is really bothering me, thanks.

    • Upvote 1
  9. On 7/30/2018 at 2:29 AM, crazyarashi said:

    this is a herc script :)) try this one i tried to make it for rathena


    prontera,155,183,5	script	Items Seller#tax_shop	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{
    mes "[ Dealer ]";
    mes "-Currency Used-";
    mes "- ^00FFFF"+getitemname(.currency)+"^000000 -";
    if(select("Open Shop:Information") == 2){
    	mes "[ Dealer ]";
    	mes "I collect your money and give it to others.";
    callshop "tax_shop",1;
    npcshopattach "tax_shop";
    	set .@TotalCost,0;
    		for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); .@i++)
    		for(.@i = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.item); .@j++)
    		if(.item[.@j] == @bought_nameid[.@i])
    			.@TotalCost = .@TotalCost + ( .price[.@j] * @bought_quantity[.@i] );
    				if(countitem(.currency) >= .@TotalCost ){
    					delitem .currency,.@TotalCost;
    					getitem @bought_nameid[.@i],@bought_quantity[.@i];
    					$collectedtax += .@TotalCost * 10;
    			} else {
    					dispbottom "Your "+getitemname(.currency)+" is not enough";
    				deletearray @bought_quantity, getarraysize(@bought_quantity);
    				deletearray @bought_nameid, getarraysize(@bought_nameid);	
    	.currency = 673;
    	setarray .item[0],501,502,503;
    	setarray .price[0],1,2,3;
    	npcshopdelitem "tax_shop",501;
    	for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .item ); .@i++)
    	npcshopadditem "tax_shop",.item[.@i],.price[.@i];
    -	shop	tax_shop	-1,501:10000
    prontera,144,321,6	script	Tax Collector#1	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{
    if(select("View Collected Tax:Collect Tax") == 1){
    	mes "[ Tax Collector ]";
    	mes "You have collected [ ^00FFFF"+$collectedtax+"^000000 ]";
    if($collectedtax >= 0){
    mes "[ Tax Collector ]";
    mes "Here you go.";
    .@TotalCollected = .@TotalCollected + $collectedtax;
    Zeny += .@TotalCollected;
    dispbottom "You have collected a total of "+.@TotalCollected+"z Taxes";
    $collectedtax = 0;
    mes "[ Tax Collector ]";
    mes "You don't have anything to collect!";


    I can not buy the item, it appears that the item was purchased, but I do not receive it in the inventory and gold is not discounted either.

  10. Hello, I'm trying to use this script on the test server, but I'm experiencing this error on the map server





    here is the script

    //===== Herc Script ==========================================
    //= Shop With Tax Collection
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= ADM Floki (SARO - Sword Art Ragnarok Online)
    //===== Versão Atual: ========================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= Herc WS
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= An NPC selling Red Potions in exchange for a coin worth 100 Zenys.
    //= The Defined Item is Copper_Coin (ID: 673)
    //= At the end of the transaction with the NPC will be stored a tax amount (Amount of Coins * 10)
    //= In this way each Red Potion purchased by any player in the amount of 1 coin of 100 Zenys will yield 10% in tax, that is to say 10 Zenys.
    //= The idea for the script is to put the tax collector NPC for the clans that dominate the regions collect the taxes.
    //===== Additional comments: ==============================
    //= 1.0 First version
    prontera,155,183,5	trader	Itens Seller	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{
    	sellitem Red_Potion,1;
    // Here you configure the item you will need to purchase
    // Pays the value in bronze coins
    	dispbottom "Hello: Price="+@price+" And Points="+@points;
    	if( countitem(Copper_Coin) < @points || countitem(Copper_Coin) < @price-@points )
    	delitem Copper_Coin,@points;
    	delitem Copper_Coin,@price-@points;
    	// Stores the amount of tax the clan can withdraw.
    	set $taxes1, $taxes1+@price*10;
    	set $taxes2, $taxes2+@price*10;
    prontera,144,321,6	trader	Tax Collector#1	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{
    	mes "[Tax Collector]";
    	mes "You have: "+$taxes1+" Zenys to collect";
    	mes "Would you like to collect that amount now?";
    	if(select("Collect","No") == 2) close;
    	mes "Tax collected successfully";
    	set Zeny, Zeny+$taxes1;
    	set $taxes1, 0;
    prontera,144,340,6	trader	Tax Collector#2	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{
    	mes "[Tax Collector]";
    	mes "You have: "+$taxes2+" Zenys to collect";
    	mes "Would you like to collect that amount now?";
    	if(select("Collect","No") == 2) close;
    	mes "Tax collected successfully";
    	set Zeny, Zeny+$taxes2;
    	set $taxes2, 0;


    Thanks in advance.

  11. I do not receive any error, but when completing the quest, I put to redo the quest in 90 seconds, but I can not do it again, because it appears: You are still in cooldown, wait 90 seconds.
    I wanted to do a daily quest, but I could not, I put 90 seconds to test if it was working.


    aqui esta o meu quest_db

    7122,60,1002,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Primeira batalha - caçando os Poring's"

    Note: I used this just to test, please if anyone can help me, and explain where I went wrong. Thanks in advance

  12. Hello guys. AND
    I'm having difficulty creating a daily quest script, I've tried in several ways, I've been successful in quest's, but the team does not work, I wanted to use the time setting from within db / re / quest_db
    can anybody help me?
    And if possible explain the code, because I want to seize too.
      Thank you
    Att: Hidan

    prontera,150,170,5	script	Testing	98,{
    //set .@i,3;
    set .@quest,checkquest(7122,PLAYTIME); // 4 hours
    	case -1:
    	mes "[Testing]";
    	mes "Want to do some quest?";
    			case 1:
    			mes "Mission accepts";
    			setquest 7122;
    			case 2:
    			mes "Bye bye";
    	case 1:
    	mes "[Testing]";
    	mes "Oh !! It seems like you did well.";
    	getexp 150,150;
    	dispbottom "You have been rewarded with 150 EXP";
    	//erasequest 7122;	// remove the user's quest log.
    	completequest 7122;	// Sets quest status to "complete.
    	case 2:
    	mes "[Testing]";
    	mes "You are still in cooldown, wait 90 seconds";
    	//dispbottom "You are still in cooldown, wait 90 seconds";
    if( strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4) )	
    	showevent 0,0;
    	showevent 1,2;
    prontera	mapflag	loadevent




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