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Everything posted by telles0808

  1. Hello folks! I'm eager to know how much bandwidth a user consume while playing Ragnarok? This is a question to know if my internet will be stable with its 40/40mbps when opening the server.
  2. Na verdade, essa limitação dele foi correta, já que ele checa se o player é lvl maior que 70, e caso seja, ele pede desculpas e o manda embora, lol
  3. Hello, I would like know if is possible to make any mob act like that green bug on the Prontera Sewer? His comportment is like a swarm, if you atk one, every other bug near will start to attack you! I'm willing this to make some mobs using the player templates, to make an arena, where they will not attack the player if the player doesn't atk first. If possible, can you give me the direction? What file and documents I have to change and learn?
  4. hi @ossi0110, using this client I can login in the rAthena and it work very well, I did the ragexe using the diff and nemo, but, the sever drop the user every time you "buy" something, or in some special circumstances. While dropping, it say on the server console about the unknown packet received, dropping the user, etc.
  5. Hi themon, Where is supposed to implement in the src? mmo.h? Still not working here =\
  6. Hello, I want share this client, found on the Hercules Forum http://hercules.ws/board/topic/3768-2013-12-23-full-client-download/: Credits: Yommy, Neo and Ossi0110. This client is already supported by rAthena? I'm receiving this error while trying to login (right after selection the character) - [info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x06 8a,l:19).
  7. Thank you, at least, your post was the most helpful for noobs like myself. I was having hard times trying to figure out why the hell my rag was not launching, and now I know, that because of all the DLLs and data/system folders.
  8. Hi reigneil, I'm having several troubles to launch my client because: * LUA / LUB files are giving many errors when launching the client; * My noobish is too much, making me feel too lazzy to understand why the hell I could not found any ragexe with the DLLs and data/system folders ready to use for offline purposes; So, trying the NeoMind executable, how I should configure the packet_db and mmo? How it will be recognized by the server?? Thank you buddy!
  9. I think without the properly lua / lub files and data, this client won't work =( I tried everything and followed strictly the guides, but still giving error messages and dropping the client down.
  10. And my mmo.h So ... I created my data folder, using the kRO, the files are .Lub both in the data/luafiles folder as the system folder. Plz help me ;-; I have the same issue, and suspect about the lua files. I tried everything, and it only works after ripping resources of a local server, but giving tchau to any customization on the client. Anyone know why whose lua problems are happening?
  11. Utilizando somente o data.grf já é possível rodar o básico sem precisar do rdata.grf? Não irei utilizar custom ou algo do gênero, e pelos tutoriais que vi até agora, provavelmente não irei precisar criar um GRF (por falar nisso, existe algum tutorial para iniciantes, falando das vantagens de usar um GRF? Porque precisaria dele quando não vou customizar o RO a ponto de mudar arquivos dentro do jogo?) Lembro que antigamente eu colocava alguns chapéus, itens e as traduções dentro de um GRF para rodar meu cliente, além das configurações do servidor. Valeu!
  12. Oi pessoal, tudo bão com vocês? Estou aprendendo muito aqui no fórum, mas algumas vezes não consigo achar respostas, então me sobra perguntar, manja? Muito obrigado à aqueles que puderem me ajudar! Bom, a princípio, li tudo que foi possível achar aqui no fórum a respeito de criar a parte do cliente. E não deu para concluir se preciso necessariamente utilizar um GRF do sakray ou posso usar o do bRO, além disso, se utilizar o do bRO, não faltaria a parte do renew? Como fica tudo isso? Pois a maioria dos servidores BR usam o cliente do bRO como base, tanto que você pode copiar o GRF do bRO. Então estou começando a desconfiar que vou precisar mudar algumas configurações para isso funcionar, ou até mesmo partir para o brAthena, é isso mesmo?
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