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Everything posted by serakh00

  1. NP man, any suggestions to improve? make 1 more array to define how many item will be given..for instance, first day player will get 1 yggberry, second day, 3 yggberry and maybe 20 yggberry on 14th day. i like your script and i am using it right now with some edit
  2. suggestion : player need login at least several hours before redeem reward. or they can abuse this system by making many accounts. thanks for nice release
  3. so everytime player gain exp, they will lost 1 item?
  4. Yeah you're right. Praying in front of statue of holy person will look great i think you should comment this line : if (.bless_needs == 1 && .bless_need != 0){delitem .bless_need,1;} or player will lose 2 item upon Blessing started. Well im planning some rare item earning while Blessing (lowlowlow chance)
  5. I think it will be better to talk (click) an NPC rather to whisper to npc:blessme Overall I like your script, thanks for sharing (I rate 4 stars for this) I want to make player easily start Blessing anywhere as long as they are inside the map. Clicking NPC require player to walk to NPC then click it. Wow thanks for rate.
  6. updated.. glad to see your feedback. OK edited.. thanks for advice
  7. Hello rAthena, this is my first script sharing. I made this script for my little home server. To the point, this script let your player earn EXP while afk AKA Praying/Blessing (i prefer to call it Blessing). SCREENSHOOT DESCRIPTIONS -To start Blessing, you must be inside defined map, then whisper to npc:blessme. -Exp earned every 10 second and calculated based on Level, Blessing Exp Rate, and your setting in "quest_exp_rate". -Additionally you can set item to make double exp earning while Blessed. Just put in your inventory and it will be consumed every 10 second of Blessing. -Changing map/log off will make Blessing stopped. -Normal class earn half exp than advance class. -Good for Low-Mid rate server. CONFIGURATION //=========================SETTING============================ OnInit: set .bless_need, 523; //Require item to start Blessing. Default 523 (Holy Water) 0 to disable. set .bless_needs,0; //Item require setting, 0 = only need it in inventory 1 = consumed every time Blessing started. set .bless_item,607; //Item for double exp earning. Consumed 1 item/10 seconds, 360/hour, 8640/day set .bless_map$,"prontera"; //Map require for Blessing set .bless_mname$, "Prontera City"; //Map name that will be told to player set .bless_adj,2; //Normal class will earn exp/2 while advance class not set .bless_rate,1; //Blessing exp rate set .server_rate,getbattleflag("base_exp_rate")/100; //Your server exp rate. Needed to for dispbottom part. end; //============================================================ DOWNLOAD blessing v1-2.txt -fix multiple player blessing -add level restriction,player below level 20 is not available for Blessing blessing v1-3.txt -add end; on OnInit -add item requirement support CREDIT Capuche goddameit
  8. will try soon as i'm at home.. clean and simple.. EDIT : working nice..thanks annie this is my full script... any suggestion?
  9. i'm done with maximum pvp_point limit this is part of my script which check point number 1 OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy($@mapname$,$@x,$@y,0); set .@killer, getcharid(0); set .@victim, killedrid; if (.@killer = .@victim) end; query_sql "SELECT `kill_status` FROM `pvp_data` WHERE `killerrid` = '"+.@killer+"' AND`killedid` = '"+.@victim+"' AND `serverday` = '"+$server_day+"'",@killed; //kill_status return 1 if already killed at same day if (@killed = 1) end;
  10. I have a pvp script that will give player pvp point for each kill. now i want some modification which are below : 1. You only earn PvP point if you never kill that character today. This limitation won't dissapear even if you were logout or server was restarted. 2. You are limited to earn PvP Point at maximum "x" point per day. So let say you have earned 2300 pvp points today, you are still able to earn (x-2300) pvp points. Currenty i have sql script which checks every PvP event occur. (It has killerrid,killedrid,killed,servertime table to recognize if player A had killed player B, or not) I'm looking for more optimize way to represented this system. Hope some script master read this thread. Thanks..
  11. mora enchants work well... thanks akinari..
  12. I am sure they didn't higher the exp gained from monsters but lowered the exp needed for each level. if so,why must level 100+ monster while job level is at level 50 cap? if they lowered exp needed for each level,a monster with level below 100 will affected.
  13. my map server truncated some NPC name coz exceed max npc name length..how to fix this?
  14. sure there is It must be declared before you use equip[num] , so BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipexpiretick){...} must be put after that array declare OK its work now.. sorry for my fool Thanks QQ and Emistry for fast respone.
  15. i got this error when compiled with the diff (getequipexpiretic) 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6531): error C2065: 'equip' : undeclared identifier 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6531): error C2065: 'equip' : undeclared identifier 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6531): error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6538): error C2065: 'equip' : undeclared identifier 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6538): error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type 1>d:\installer\kro\client_full\svn area\server 2012 04 10\src\map\script.c(6538): error C2198: 'pc_checkequip' : too few arguments for call
  16. i found 2 bugs on this command : 1. When an item expired while being equiped,it didn't dissapear, it is just moved to inventory and not equipable. But the item dissapear when character logout or changing map. (Not critical) 2. Adding card to rentitem is abusable, The slotted card can easily extracted by card remover. Player will get "Free" card from this method. (This is absolutely critical) Hope fixed soon..
  17. sorry a bit off topic how about making this setting : exp_multiplier : 1000 will multiply all exp earning (mob,quest) 10*current rate
  18. as said by GmOcean,it is not practical..
  19. thank you.. it works with some edit.. now i have to find way to edit exp from quest..
  20. is there mapflag quest_exp_rate? i never know that.. @darristan yah some quest use "set" method to give exp reward.. could you make me example script of party distribution exp?
  21. then thats the point why i made this thread... i'm a baby in src edit >.<
  22. thanks for answering. i used this script before,but it doesnt calculate exp from party member. and how bout quest exp? i dont like to add some script into each quest script..
  23. This is what i want : Player A has Group ID 0 and he gain (100% * exp_rate * mob exp ) from killing monster and (100% *quest_exp_rate) from completing quest. Player B has Group ID 1 and he gain (200% * exp_rate * mob exp) from killing monster and (200% *quest_exp_rate) from completing quest. player C has group ID 3 etc.... is this possible via source edit? if this is possible via npc script,please move this topic to script request section. thanks..
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