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Everything posted by Chiaki

  1. this screenshot was taken from a private server I wonder how he make it. someone can tell me?
  2. wkwkwkwkwkwk sharing cendol with Indonesian
  3. Nothing Exciting

  4. have u check your subnet_athena.conf? what about your port forwarding?
  5. maybe your ragexe read data folder before grf, or lua before lub, then he copied your client data to another server data, and got mixed
  6. got a budget. ? it cheap miss. no need run on your laptop. I'm not sure that my server will be good, so I wont buy a VPS
  7. Hamachi doesn't give an IP, but a virtual IP that just exist in Hamachi networks.
  8. pake tortoiseSVN ga om? kalo pake tinggal klik kanan foldernya trus pilih svn update ini bener jg, kadang file2 revisi ama file2 yg g direvisi gara2 udah kena edit tu bisa error
  9. LOL In Indonesia, wkwkwkwkwk means hahahaha
  10. nice, I'll wait for it with a wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk....
  11. and renewal skins are hard to get. will u add another color? magenta maybe?
  12. so u create your ragnarok skin manually? what a clever boy...
  13. Nice skin, and thanks btw, do u have a renewal skin template?
  14. Chiaki

    Add Custom DLL

    if I delete the WDGDisableMultipleWindows.dll, will your server let me open more than one window? just asking, idk about dll files
  15. I see some private server use a custom skin as a default skin, I wonder how to configure it. rename the custom skin into "default"?
  16. AWESOME! it works! thanks Patskie!
  17. aww, sorry, ehehehe /sorry I just copy and paste it so, I need to change the space to tab right? and this section too? if ( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" ) { if (attachrid(getcharid(3, strcharinfo(0)))) { if ( Hp && ( Hp != MaxHp ) ) percentheal 100,100; } } } sorry, I;m new at this
  18. I got error * w1=- script Sample -1,{
  19. Some one can give me a script for an NPC that will automaticaly heal someone who kill someone in PVP map?
  20. Looking for a Malaysian server...

    1. mrlongshen


      come play my server xD

    2. Chiaki


      give me your link

  21. Thats awesome! maybe better u add some plugin like how many players online, top player, etc
  22. no, about items in your server are not depend on the KRO, its depend on your version of your server emulator, but without the latest KRO, the latest items wont show, and maybe will caused GE. I think data v4.0 is the latest, so maybe the latest items are available.
  23. Awesome! that PVP teleporter looks cool
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