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Everything posted by Aureon

  1. Okay sir, uhmm first of all im made an npc named "Event Point Giver.txt which is a GM access npc that gives points to a player whenever they won an event ... the problem is, i don't know what variable i will use ... i have this one set eventpoints, eventpoints+1; we all know that this variable will only give points only if the player talked to the npc, but like what i said, only gms should have access to this ... btw, thanks sir Patskie for replying to my thread
  2. @sanbox: thanks for the idea but is there no other possible way on making a script like what i was asking?
  3. Don't forget to put the x,y location before that script that you have.
  4. no sir, i created an npc which i named it as my event point manager the function of it is to give point to a player and i used this variables: set eventpoints, eventpoints+1; but sadly, it only give points only when the player clicked the npc ... is it possible to create an npc which give points to player? so it goes like this ... Playername + 1 i really don't have any idea what to put sir
  5. Hello! Good day scripters! I just want to know if how to give points to a player? what are the variables i need to put in my script? thank you and have a nice day~
  6. Thank you ma'am but i don't know why i don't have that line.
  7. Hello! Can someone show me a script that restricts players from making a pub near npcs?
  8. Hello rAthena~ Since, Halloween is near, can someone share a Halloween Prontera Map w/o Payment? that can be downloaded as free Thanks a lot and have a nice day everyone~
  9. Hello and Good day everyone~ I just want to ask if someone have a script for enabling and disabling walls in just one click having a menu like this menu "Disable Walls",DISABLE,"Enable Walls",ENABLE; If you have, can you share your script? Thank you and have a nice day
  10. Have you tried using this one? " + strcharinfo(0) + "
  11. Aureon

    Hide NPC

    How can i use that one sir? Can't understand the link that you provided can you please give me example of a script? for the hide npc w/o seeing through maya P and how to hide npcs with duplicates? thanks in advance already configured it out ... btw,
  12. Aureon

    Hide NPC

    still, i can see the hidden npc through maya P using disablenpc "<NPC OBJECT NAME>"; =( can i ask again? how to disablenpc / hideonnpc having duplicates? my script at the top my script at the buttom part i noticed that only one npc is disabled and its on this part Please help me how to duplicate all this ... im still newbie
  13. Aureon

    Hide NPC

    Good day!~ I just wanna ask how to hide NPCs without detecting it with maya purple card ... coz i noticed when i use this it can be detected with maya purple card... Your comments / reply is highly appreciated, thanks~
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