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Everything posted by Aureon

  1. Hello! Did you try removing that .registered_aid at getitem line? Try this one prontera,150,138,5 script Run Or Die 461,{ if ( !.start ) { mes "no event atm"; close; } if ( .start == 2 ) { mes "event is running"; close; } if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) { mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations"; close; } percentheal 100,100; warp .map$, 0,0; .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3); .register_count+++; end; OnCommand: OnClock1230: // put all your start timer here OnClock1430: OnClock1630: OnClock1830: if ( .start ) end; announce "Run or Die event registration start", bc_all; .start = 1; sleep 50000; // registration timer here announce "Run or Die event registration close", bc_all; .start = 2; sleep 3000; mapannounce .map$, "Survive as long as you can !", bc_map; if ( .register_count < .register_min ) { announce "Not enough participants for Run or Die event", 0; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1; mapwarp .map$, .@map$, .@x, .@y; goto L_reset; } while ( .start == 2 ) { monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0; monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1; monster .map$, 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2; sleep 5000; } end; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( !.start || strcharinfo(3) != .map$ ) end; while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++; if ( .@i == .register_count ) end; deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1; .register_count--; warp "SavePoint", 0,0; if ( .register_count > 1 ) end; killmonsterall .map$; announce "Congratulations ~ the winner of Run Or Die event got 3 TCG Card. - "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), bc_all; getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount; // winner prize warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) ); L_reset: deletearray .register_aid; .start = .register_count = 0; end; OnInit: .map$ = "guild_vs5"; .register_min = 1; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event .reward_item_id = 7227; // reward item id .reward_item_amount = 3; // reward item amount to the sole winner bindatcmd "runordie", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand", 99,99; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs5 mapflag nowarp guild_vs5 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs5 mapflag noteleport guild_vs5 mapflag nomemo guild_vs5 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs5 mapflag noicewall //guild_vs5 mapflag nobranch
  2. i can't find anything wrong in the script ... maybe some buffs are not in your db
  3. put .exe at the end of your patched RagExe so it goes like this
  4. diff and patch your ragexe with nemo patcher or xdiffpatcher and check "disable hallucination wavy screen" diff and save
  5. I really don't know whats happening.When I created my first server, everything was alright. But now, I've repeated all the steps and i'm still having the same error. Well i guess, you entered something wrong in your loki.ini... Btw, can you show to us your loki.ini? Maybe i can help
  6. announce strcharinfo(0)+"has joined server RO! Welcome to the server!",0,0x00ff00; try this one
  7. @Phenomena : Thank you for extending your patience Atlast! my first rathena sql client
  8. I already created an account using username_M and password as password before... same prob sir :-(
  9. >.< i dunno what to do know... i followed the guides and used those rag versions according to the guide on how to properly use them ... still, im having the same problem
  10. Still the same error sir >.< Is it possible that my lub files are the problem why i can't connect?
  11. i received this error after changing everything and recompiling...
  12. i can no longer find 2012-04-10aRagexe in this links - http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/ >.<
  13. i already configured that sql prob sir but i encountered another prob what should i do with this?
  14. Hello! Can someone help me with my problem? i already did all the steps posted on the first page ... but it only give me this kind of prob... what should i do?
  15. i guess you forgot to use TAB on your script - script dualclientkicker -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: set .@charmap$, strcharinfo(3); query_sql("SELECT FIND_IN_SET('"+.@charmap$+"', '"+.maps$+"');",.@q); if(.@charmap$!=.tmp$[(.@q-1)]) end; set .@len, query_sql("SELECT DISTINCT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` IN (SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = (SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`="+getcharid(3)+")) AND `online` <> 0;",.@a); if(.@len-1) { for(set(.@d,0);.@d<.@len;set(.@d,.@d+1)) { getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,rid2name(.@a[.@d])); if(.tmp$[(.@q-1)]==.@map$&&rid2name(.@a[.@d])!=strcharinfo(0)) { dispbottom "Dual accounts not allowed in HERE."; warp "prontera",156,173; } } } end; OnInit: set .maps$ ,"bat_a01,bat_room,guild_vs3,pvp_y_5-1"; explode(.tmp$,.maps$,",") ; set .lens , getarraysize(.tmp$); for(set .a,0;.a<.lens;set .a,.a+1) setmapflag .tmp$[.a], mf_loadevent; }
  16. Hello! i made a simple quest script as what requested... Is this what you are looking for? prontera,155,176,4 script Random 100,{ if (quest1 == 0) { mes "Want random Quest?"; next; switch(rand(1,3)){ case 1: mes "Requirements:"; mes "500 Apples"; mes "Come back when you're done"; set quest1,1; close; case 2: mes "Requirements:"; mes "2000 Bananas"; mes "Come back when you're done"; set quest1,2; close; case 3: mes "Requirements:"; mes "1500 Grapes"; mes "Come back when you're done"; set quest1,3; close; } } // countitem(itemID) < itemquantity ) // delitem itemID,itemquantity; // getitem rewarditemID,itemquantity; if (quest1 == 1) { if(countitem(512) < 500 ) goto NotEnough1; delitem 512,500; getitem 5119,1; set quest1,0; mes "You completed the task!"; mes "Congrats~"; close; } if (quest1 == 2) { if(countitem(513) < 2000 ) goto NotEnough2; delitem 513,2000; getitem 5120,1; set quest1,0; mes "You completed the task!"; mes "Congrats~"; close; } if (quest1 == 3) { if(countitem(514) < 1500 ) goto NotEnough3; delitem 514,1500; getitem 5121,1; set quest1,0; mes "You completed the task!"; mes "Congrats~"; close; } NotEnough1: mes "Sorry but you forgot to bring the exact requirements i told you"; mes "Requirements:"; mes "500 Apples"; close; NotEnough2: mes "Sorry but you forgot to bring the exact requirements i told you"; mes "Requirements:"; mes "2000 Bananas"; close; NotEnough3: mes "Sorry but you forgot to bring the exact requirements i told you"; mes "Requirements:"; mes "1500 Grapes"; close; }
  17. like i said, follow the guide image and try to use the script which i posted above
  18. Here's the script --> http://rathena.org/board/pastebin/1oxx63if8r7n3/ I reconfigure the script so all you need to do is to segregate them according to their right categories just follow the guide image which i made below
  19. ooohhh!! that's what i am looking for THANKS A LOOOOT!
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