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Everything posted by ayennnnnnn

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH . as other say. your the best !
  2. hi asura, okay thanks i ll try that. after im ready for this. i'll try your hosting to make it 24hours online.
  3. Hi Sir Asura, can you give me some steps to do it? im way newbie on that. Thank you in Advanced!
  4. as the tittle said. need help someone?
  5. TULONG SA FLUXCP error. Critical Error An error was encountered during the lifetime of the application. This could be due to a variety of problems, such as a bug in the application. However, normally it is caused by misconfiguration. Exception Details Error: PDOException Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) File: C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php:81 File Line Function/Method C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php 81 PDO::__construct() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php 94 Flux_Connection::connect() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php 159 Flux_Connection::getConnection() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\modules\install\index.php 17 Flux_Connection::getStatement() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Template.php 337 include() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php 168 Flux_Template::render() C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\index.php 177 Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch() Exception Trace As String #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php(81): PDO->__construct(*hidden*)#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php(94): Flux_Connection->connect(Object(Flux_Config))#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Connection.php(159): Flux_Connection->getConnection()#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\modules\install\index.php(17): Flux_Connection->getStatement('SELECT VERSION(...')#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Template.php(337): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...')#5 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\lib\Flux\Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()#6 C:\xampp\htdocs\fluxcp\index.php(177): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)#7 {main}
  6. omg. xD sorry for being newbie. can you explain it? 1. @aura command do i use it ingame ? 2. take a very short time to work and endless loops this sound crucial XD ( if i change aura this will change all including gm and players ending up to same aura i change right? ) 3. let say i just change a custom aura for gm only and the player will have the normal aura still will have effects that take a very short time, like no longer than 2 seconds because it loops endlessly? sorry for being stupid here. xD please bare with me.
  7. is it possible to have custom aura to a certain character only? or job? or GM only?
  8. Please Update your LuaFiles514 for the shadow table try this http://www.mediafire.com/download/lbiajz3i7cavtbb/quest_function.lua
  9. what client do you use? 2012 or 2013?
  10. the problem is whenever i click the NPC " Versus " nothing happens. no options to warp on PVP maps. but LOKI is working and i configure it well. i test it in normal pvp ., like yoyo mode. it works but not the Versus Npc nothing happened -.- and please add waitingroom on it like " PVP WARPER " BUMMP HELP PLEASE! here's the PVP script by ghost pvp_ladder.txt
  11. Question : whenever i click the NPC " Versus " nothing happens. i cant warp to PVP maps. but LOKI is working and i configure it well. i test it in normal pvp ., like yoyo mode. it works but not the Versus Npc nothing happened -.- BUMMP HELP PLEASE!
  12. hi can someone edit this script with food buffs on it like +10agi +10vit +10int +10dex +10str and add a waitingroom on it. cause im putting this but not working. HERE's the script : /* Author : 2essydev NPC Name : Healer+ Description : An in-game configurable Healer. Level 99 GM can configure the buff list. Version : 1.0 */ prontera,151,189,6 script Kuya Elly Healer 899,{ goto hscript; OnInit: waitingroom "Kuya Elly Healer",0; end; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- NPC Configuration -- // !! DONT TOUCH THIS WHEN YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO !! // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //Arrays //[0] = Blessing [7] = Shield CP [14] = Kaupe //[1] = Increase Agi [8] = Armor CP [15] = True Sight //[2] = Suffragium [9] = Helm CP [16] = Wind Walk //[3] = Aspersio [10] = Concentration [17] = Poem of Bragis //[4] = Weapon Perfection [11] = Assumptio //[5] = Over Thrust [12] = Kaizel //[6] = Weapon CP [13] = Kaahi // //Default Buff is Blessing and Increase Agility setarray .buffstr$[0],"Blessing","Increase Agility","Suffragium","Aspersio","Weapon Perfection", "Over Thrust","Weapon CP","Shield CP","Armor CP","Helm CP","Concentration", "Assumptio","Kaizel","Kaahi","Kaupe","True Sight","Wind Walk","Poem of Bragis"; setarray .buffcode[0],30,32,36,37,44,45,72,73,74,75,110,115,147,148,149,120,121,175; setarray .bufflevl[0],10,10,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,3,10,10,10; if($gmconfiguration == 0) setarray $buffconf[0],1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Basic Configuration -- // This is the basic configuration // --------------------------------------------------------------------- set .npcname$,"[ ^3a68ffHealer^000000 ]"; set .gmlevel,99; // Min GM Level to do in-game configuration (See conf/groups.conf for group_id's lists) set .buffduration,5; // Buff Duration in minute end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- hscript: // The script starts here... if(getgmlevel() >= .gmlevel) { mes .npcname$; mes "Good day, GM "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "What kind of change you want to make today ?"; menu "~ Add / Remove a Buff",h_addbuff, "~ Set all back to Default",h_default, "~ Turn on all the buff",h_all, "~ Give me Heal and Buff",h_skip; h_addbuff: do { set @bufflist$,""; set @finish,0; for (set @i,0; @i <= (getarraysize(.buffstr$)-1); set @i,@i+1) { if ($buffconf[@i] == 0) set @color$,"^FF0000"; if ($buffconf[@i] == 1) set @color$,"^49b01c"; set @bufflist$,""+@bufflist$+":"+@color$+.buffstr$[@i]+"^000000"; } set @bufflist$,delchar(@bufflist$, 0); next; set @skillon,(select(@bufflist$) - 1); if ($buffconf[@skillon] == 0) { set $buffconf[@skillon],1; set $gmconfiguration,1; } else { set $buffconf[@skillon],0; set $gmconfiguration,1; } next; mes .npcname$; if ($buffconf[@skillon] == 1) mes "You have added ^3c9cff"+.buffstr$[@skillon]+"^000000."; if ($buffconf[@skillon] == 0) mes "You have removed ^ff0000"+.buffstr$[@skillon]+"^000000."; mes "Do you want to continue ?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) set @finish,1; } while (@finish == 0); end; h_default: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Are you sure to revert all the changes back to default ?"; mes "^ff0000NOTE : THIS WILL REMOVE ALL YOUR PREVIOUS CONFIGURATION."; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) end; set $gmconfiguration,0; setarray $buffconf[0],1,1; end; h_all: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Are you sure to turn ON all the Buff ?"; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) end; set $gmconfiguration,1; for(set @i,0; @i <= (getarraysize(.buffcode)-1); set @i,@i+1) setarray $buffconf[@i],1; end; h_skip: } for( set @i,0; @i <= (getarraysize(.buffcode)-1); set @i,@i+1 ) { if ($buffconf[@i] == 1) { sc_start .buffcode[@i],.buffduration*60*1000,.bufflevl[@i]; } } percentheal 100,100; end; }
  13. nothing will happen if you click on the waiting room.. you must click the NPC. not the waiting room. i did click the NPC not the waiting room . XD nothing happens. xD
  14. yep thanks. with one problem ( the npc that i put waitingroom is works but when i clicking them. nothing happens like the healer and buffer. XD) ill pm you. XD
  15. i didnt even touch my item_db XD yup thanks again cashshop working . ill check again the script on onInit:
  16. the cash shop is working well now. thank you. but i appear something. and this one appear on onInit waiting room i put.
  17. okay thanks. recompiling on process. bro. XD item from your server were 4 slots xD warnings everywhere on me xD
  18. use clif.c patch in the first post to be able to buy from cash shop.. but i think it is changed now and can be use.I'll try to make a clif.c if i have time. The quake effect. xD i think i forgot that in the diff xD sorry can wear custom item. not sure? wait try to make a clif.c okay bro. ill give a thanks vote. XD grr. thank you for your great HELP!
  19. it work sir. but when im buying in cash shop player 150003 sent incorrect cash shop buy packet <len 20-10> and also the critical explosion is still there. xD and now i cant use my custom item. it says " Forbidden to wear the state can not be worn" XD lol sorry for the headaches i gave to you. please bare with me.
  20. Testing it now. P.S. hey bro do you know how to put on npc like Waitingroom on their heads. ? so player can easly see them.
  21. XD LOL . i see. . yup ive checked it all . all correct. but still that clif.parse error XD PS. packet_ver 38 by shakto? XD working cashop? XD
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