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Everything posted by Kido

  1. ah DD:! allright i will try on renewall then in my test server o:! sry for that ! well huh tonight i will try to give many more o:!
  2. i can do that too ! inspect elements? i just used paint lol
  3. I couldn't install it, i even didn't get any error it just doesn't show a thing D: i even did the update, i didn't get errors. i'm pretty sure that i did all good ): my fluxcp is the latest ! huhhh any idea ?
  4. Soup o: {what's up[waza(sup)] here are some locations, please let me know if i'm doing good so i can give more in the near future o:! prt_fild08,50,50 prt_fild01,355,194 prt_fild02,246,205 prt_fild03,192,272 prt_fild05,208,35 moc_fild04,220,329 moc_fild10,308,236 moc_fild11,199,215 moc_fild14,125,91 moc_fild17,270,105 regards~
  5. Do the seame DDD:! ~~
  6. cool o: i will still with the seame lol
  7. that would be so cool o:!!!!!! do it :33!
  8. do the sesame DD:! haha i can't believe it still continues to this numbers axtoi("101A") never mwahahaha it's easy do it sadasdasd!
  9. do the sesame DD:! haha i can't believe it still continues to this numbers
  10. basiclly a notepad++ that will make the first line not to scroll when scrolling down o:! and that when moving or clickin a field that may have options like "job" or "gender" or "refinable" pop a message that will give you the available options to o: it's pretty like what the data base editor that sandbox said, but somehow it does not load item_db just item_db2 (well i just exchange names) and the edits autosaves on the file so i can't just backup the line by copying it and then commenting it // D: the software is a little old but still amazing o:!
  11. Sesame street overload! oh god, i just wonder who and why LOL
  12. allrifht leave it to me o:! i will try this weekend night to give some cool hide points o:!!!
  13. this will kick any player who kills 2 times in a row another same player right? i'm looking for this feature DD:
  14. try /stateinfo or it's working!!!! thanks :DDDD now i can totally implement this >:3!!
  15. 4,5k of views un just some months o:! we all love your work :33333!
  16. my client doesn't even show info details when the mouse moves over the icon ):
  17. jajaja nice today we are learning the number 4106 hahaha 4107
  18. Where can i see al conditions and statements D:? http://rathena.org/wiki/If

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