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Posts posted by cmsm94

  1. -     warmmessage     -1{
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo+"";
    OnTimer1800000: // 30mins change this to whatever you want
    //mes "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";
    //dispbottom "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";
    //announce "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";

    Uncomment "mes" if you want it to be a dialog box (like when you click an npc)

    Uncomment "dispbottom" if you want it to display at the bottom of your screen (like a normal chat)

    Uncomment "announce" if you want it to announce to the whole server ( personally i don't recommend it since there will be a lot of players and frequent announcements are kind of irrirtating)





    So on his script 1800000 is in milliseconds.


    The computation there is : 

    ( milliseconds / 1000 ) / 60 = XX Minute


    Therefore : 

    ( 1800000 / 1000 ) / 60 = 30 Minutes ( https://www.google.com/search?q=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&oq=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&aqs=chrome..69i57.5715j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=(+1800000+%2F+1000+)+%2F+60 )


    Vice versa computation will be : 

    ( minute * 1000 ) * 60 = XX milliseconds


    Therefore if you want to know how many milliseconds there will be in 60 minutes : 

    ( 60 * 1000 ) * 60 = 3600000 millisecondshttps://www.google.com/search?q=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&oq=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&aqs=chrome..69i57.5715j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=(+60+*+1000+)+*+60 )





    This is not working. I waited for 1 minute. There is a Bug or Error, i not sure i cannot detected it.




    -    warmmessage    -1{
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo+"";
    OnTimer60000: // 30mins change this to whatever you want
    //mes "I have played 1 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";
    dispbottom "You have played 1 minutes and better slow down. We care about your health.";
    //announce "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";


    I dont know is it the time or the script

  2. /*

    change that to this




    OnMinute00: // meaning always?

    OnMinute01: // meaning 1 minutes is it? how do u set the minute

  3. Hi all,


    How do you hmm........ make this auto start every 1 hour. pleeaseeee


    Do you have to use " OnTimer3600000: " ??? how do u fix that in there


    Lunette,53,50,5    script    Disguise Event    795,{
    //--- Basic Script Configuration Options ---//
    set .@npcname$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]"; //<- NPC Name.
    set $@GMLevel,3; //<- GM Level needed to be considered a GM.
    //--- The Script ---//
    if (getgmlevel()>=$@GMLevel){goto GM_Player;}
    if ($@EventON){end;}
    mes .@npcname$;
    mes "Welcome, how may i be of assistance.";
    menu "Information",iInfo,"Nothing, just passing through.",iNothing;
    mes .@npcname$;
    mes "This event is actually quite simple";
    mes "At the start of the event, I will disguise myself";
    mes "into a monster randomly. You will then merely have to shout that monsters name outloud.";
    mes "If you get it correct, you get a prize. If not, then keep trying.";
    mes "Thatis all there is to know about this event.";
    mes .@npcname$;
    mes "Please select an Option to modify.";
    menu "Turn ON/OFF Event",iEvent,"Event Settings",iSettings;
    mes .@npcname$;
    if ($@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]";
    mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?";}
    if (!$@EventON){mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]";
    mes "Would you like to turn it ON?";}
    menu "Yes",iYes,"No",iNothing;
    if ($@EventON)
    {set $@EventON,0; set $@Timer,0;
    setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer;
    announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue;
    deletepset 1;
    setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795;
    set $@EventON,1; set $@Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer;
    set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1;
    announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Talk to the Disguise Event Warper to join the event!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "The warper is available in the Event Area.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    mes .@npcname$;
    mes "Please select a setting to modify.";
    menu "Monster Display",iMonster,"Number of Rounds",iRounds,"Prize Settings",iPrize;
    callfunc "Monster_Display";
    callfunc "Rounds";
    callfunc "Prize";
    defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*OMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iCorrect";
    activatepset 1;
    set $@EventON,0;
    set $@Wait,0;
    set $@Winner,0;
    set $Points,$Points;
    set $@ResetCounter,0;
    set $Rounds,$Rounds;
    set $Prize,$Prize;
    set $PrizeAmt,$PrizeAmt;
    set $Rule,$Rule;
    setarray $@MVP[0],1038,1039,1046,1059,1086,1087,1112,1115,1147,1150,1157,1159,1190,1251,1252,1272,1312,1373,
    setarray $@BlackList[0], 1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168,1171,1172,1173,1181,1210,1217,1218,
    setarray $@BlackList2[0],2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496;
    set $@ResetCounter,$@ResetCounter+1;
    set $@EventON,1;
    set $@Timer,1;
    set $@Wait,1;
    announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Talk to the Disguise Event Warper to join the event!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "The warper is available in the Event Area.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    setnpctimer 0;
    if ($@Timer){end;}
    if ($@Change){end;}
    set $@Wait,0;
    goto iDisguise;
    //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise";
    if ($@Timer){end;}
    set $@Change,0;
    setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795;
    npctalk "You took too long to guess what i was. Please wait 10 seconds while i disguise again.";
    specialeffect 725;
    deletepset 1;
    setnpctimer 0;
    if ($@Timer!=1){end;}
    if ($@Timer==1)
    {announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Talk to the Disguise Event Warper to join the event!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "The warper is available in the Event Area.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    if ($@Timer!=1){end;}
    if ($@Timer==1)
    {announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Talk to the Disguise Event Warper to join the event!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "The warper is available in the Event Area.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    if ($@Timer!=1){end;}
    if ($@Timer==1)
    {announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Talk to the Disguise Event Warper to join the event!",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "The warper is available in the Event Area.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    set $@Timer,0; stopnpctimer;
    setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer;
    goto iDisguise;
    //donpcevent "DisguiseEvent::OnDisguise";
    announce "Something went wrong with the Disguise Event.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    announce "Please notify a GM ASAP. Thank you.",bc_all | bc_blue;
    if ($Rule==1)
    {set $@Winner,0;
    set $@Monster,1000+rand(1,995);
    for(set .@BL,0; .@BL<getarraysize($@BlackList); set .@BL,.@BL+1)
    {if ($@Monster==$@BlackList[.@BL] || $@Monster==$@BlackList2[.@BL])
    {goto iDisguise;}}
    if ($@Monster==$@LastMonster){goto iDisguise;}
    set $@LastMonster,$@Monster;
    set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@Monster,0);}
    if ($Rule==2)
    {set $@Winner,0;
    set $@Monster,rand(49);
    set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo($@MVP[$@Monster],0);}
    deletepset 1;
    defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.\\s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect";
    activatepset 1;
    if ($Rule==1){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@Monster;}
    if ($Rule==2){setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",$@MVP[$@Monster];}
    set $@Change,1;
    setnpctimer 0;
    //npctalk ""+$@Monster+", "+$MonsterName$+"";
    if ($@Winner){dispbottom "Someone has already won this round."; end;}
    set $@Winner,1;
    set $@RoundCount,$@RoundCount+1;
    deletepset 1;
    defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*\\sOMFGBBQLEETSAUCEGMOCEANRULESHAI!!.*", "iFailCheater";
    activatepset 1;
    getitem $Prize,$PrizeAmt;
    announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue;
    if ($@RoundCount>=$Rounds)
    {setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795;
    set $@RoundCount,0; set $@Change,0; set $@EventON,0;
    setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer;
    npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later.";
    setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795;
    set $@Change,0;
    setnpctimer 0;
    //--- The Functions ---//
    function    script    Rounds    {
    mes "Please Input the number of rounds you want the event to last.";
    mes "Current Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]";
    input .@Rounds;
    set $Rounds,.@Rounds;
    mes "The number of rounds has been changed successfully.";
    mes "Number of Rounds: [^0000FF"+$Rounds+"^000000]";
    mes "Come again.";
    function    script    Prize    {
    mes "Please Input the ItemID of the prize that will be given each round.";
    mes "Current Items is: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000] ItemID - ^0000FF"+$Prize+"^000000";
    input .@Prize;
    if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null")
    {next; mes "That item does not exist. Please try again."; close;}
    set $Prize,.@Prize;
    mes "Please Input the Ammount that is to be given.";
    input .@Ammount;
    if (.@Ammount<=0 || .@Ammount>=10000)
    {next; mes "That ammount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1.";}
    set $PrizeAmt,.@Ammount;
    mes "The Prize has been changed successfully.";
    mes "Prize: [^0000FF"+getitemname($Prize)+"^000000]x(^0000FF"+$PrizeAmt+"^000000)";
    function    script    Monster_Display    {
    setarray .@Rule[0],0,1,2;
    setarray .@Desc$[0],"","Transform as all monsters.","Transform as MvP's only.";
    mes "Please select a Disguise Rule.";
    mes "Rule 1 - Transform as all monsters.";
    mes "Rule 2 - Transform as MvP's only.";
    menu "Rule 1:Rule 2",iRule;
    set $Rule,.@Rule[@menu];
    mes "The Disguise Rule, has been changed successfully.";
    mes "Current Rule: ^0000FF"+$Rule+"^000000 - ^0000FF"+.@Desc$[@menu]+"^000000";

    Credits to GMocean

    The strange thing is that this npc isnt starting by its own and there is no script above of this script i dont know whats the problem.

  4. OnTimer<milliseconds>:


    So on his script 1800000 is in milliseconds.


    The computation there is : 

    ( milliseconds / 1000 ) / 60 = XX Minute


    Therefore : 

    ( 1800000 / 1000 ) / 60 = 30 Minutes ( https://www.google.com/search?q=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&oq=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&aqs=chrome..69i57.5715j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=(+1800000+%2F+1000+)+%2F+60 )


    Vice versa computation will be : 

    ( minute * 1000 ) * 60 = XX milliseconds


    Therefore if you want to know how many milliseconds there will be in 60 minutes : 

    ( 60 * 1000 ) * 60 = 3600000 millisecondshttps://www.google.com/search?q=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&oq=1800000+milliseconds+to+minutes&aqs=chrome..69i57.5715j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=(+60+*+1000+)+*+60 )


    Yeah thank you so much. For clearing that up.

  5. -     warmmessage     -1{
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo+"";
    OnTimer1800000: // 30mins change this to whatever you want
    //mes "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";
    //dispbottom "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";
    //announce "I have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health";

    Uncomment "mes" if you want it to be a dialog box (like when you click an npc)

    Uncomment "dispbottom" if you want it to display at the bottom of your screen (like a normal chat)

    Uncomment "announce" if you want it to announce to the whole server ( personally i don't recommend it since there will be a lot of players and frequent announcements are kind of irrirtating)

    Awesome scripting bro.!!!!

    hmm where and how can i know about the time? How can i set it? Whats the number ahh T.T


    forexample u just posted OnTimer1800000: means 30 minutes. Meaning i have to 1800000 + 1800000 = 1 hour? 1 minute how many?

  6. Hi all,


    pleaseee I would like a announcer to a character. For example, let say i played for 30 minutes the npc will announced to me" i have played 30 minutes and please slow down. We care about your health. "


    Something like that a simple script. To all Character's, perfer if it works with id or ip.


    pretty please thank youuu very much.

  7. without case, just 


    { callfunc "coinbag",0; }


    and for any other

    { callfunc "coinbag",1; }
    { callfunc "coinbag",2; }

    and so on...





    Then for your this part~~



    function    script    coinbag {

        swtich(getarg(0,0)) //default to 0 to prevent errors


            case 0:

                //For B Grade e.g.

                setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;


                case 1: //C Grade

                setarray .@coins[1],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;  ---------------------------------------------------- @coins[1] <<<????? should i put it like this?






        .@rnd = rand(getarraysize(.@coins)) / 2;

        getitem .@coins[(.@rnd*2)],.@coins[((.@rnd*2)+1)]


  8. you have to continue the cases for each bag

    function    script    coinbag {
        swtich(getarg(0,0)) //default to 0 to prevent errors
            case 0:
                //For B Grade e.g.
                setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;
            case 1: //C Grade
                setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;
            case 2: //D Grade
                setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;
        .@rnd = rand(getarraysize(.@coins)) / 2;
        getitem .@coins[(.@rnd*2)],.@coins[((.@rnd*2)+1)]

    what i am doing here:

    depending with which parameter you call the function, the array is filled with other values, e.g. callfunc "coinbag",1 calls the case for the C Grade Bag, callfunc "coinbag",2 the case for the D Grade Bag. you just have to fill the array with the right ids and values.

    after filling the array, all coin bags do the same: getting your item.

    What i am then doing is a bit tricky. I am dividing the random number I got by 2, then multiplied it by 2 again so that i have the even number, e.g: rand(getarraysize)) returns 3, divided by 2 equals 1 (because of rounding), then mult by 2 again is 2, which would be .@coins[2] which is the ID. the next element is .@coins[3], which is the amount of the item. then you just get the item with getitem.

    so { callfunc "coinbag",<id>; } the id should be like


    { callfunc "coinbag",case 0:; }?

  9. I played few game. Their games is very funtionable and very fun because they have a special rebirth system that once you reach max level you are allow to rebirth and there is a limit to rebirth. To rebirth you need probably voting points or donation points,


    Does anyone know how to do this or make it into fluxCP or a Rebirth NPC that does this with a Item requires or cash points/kafra?

  10. okay, if you want to copy the exact behavior of the script, you have to

    1. add the coin bag here: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/db/const.txt (after "IG_CardAlbum_Garment")
    2. increase the maximum MAX_ITEMGROUP here: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/itemdb.h (set it 1 higher then the last id in 1.)
    3. add the items which are in the bag here: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/db/re/item_misc.txt (format is described at the top, the groupid equals what you have set in const.txt, e.g IG_B_Grade_Coin_Bag 70, then your groupid is 70 and so on...)
    4. in the itemscript: getrandgroupitem(IG_B_Grade_Coin_Bag),1, so exactly what is in the script of the A Grade Bag.

    If you dont care about the exact implementation:

    function	script	coinbag {
    	swtich(getarg(0,0)) //default to 0 to prevent errors
    		case 0:
    			//For B Grade e.g.
    			setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;
    		case 1: //C Grade
    	.@rnd = rand(getarraysize(.@coins)) / 2;
    	getitem .@coins[(.@rnd*2)],.@coins[((.@rnd*2)+1)]

    then just call the function coinbag in the script (btw: not tested)

    { callfunc "coinbag",<id>; }



    I think I really dont understand what you are trying to tell O.o. From my point of view you said there is 2 choice A is those 1-4 steps, while Choice B is just a script command.


    If it is a script command i suggest to do that 1 but from what I understand you script only works for 1 bag.




    function    script    coinbag {

        swtich(getarg(0,0)) //default to 0 to prevent errors


            case 0:

                //For B Grade e.g.

                setarray .@coins[0],<id>,<amt>,<id>,<amt>,...;


            case 1: //C Grade





        .@rnd = rand(getarraysize(.@coins)) / 2;

        getitem .@coins[(.@rnd*2)],.@coins[((.@rnd*2)+1)]




    This how do you work with this I dont get it sir.

  11. this is very hard and time consuming. i can't possibly think someone would help but yourself. I you want it, why not do it by your own?

    Try modifying patskie's script. start from that.

    Lulu pm me, if you would help me in this i could pay you for this service.

  12. Do not bump too often on your topic. This may considered as a spam. Thank you


    I understand but did you look on those dates? Really need this script. What do you suggest me to do? remake a post identical like this?

    Do you want all the coin bags to behave as the Grade A Coin Bag? Or do you want to have another script on the coin bags? (so with the announce stuff?)

    I would like for example Grade B coin bag only gives B Grade coin thats it. It will random choose the number of coin a player will get when he/she clicks it/open it.

  13. If you want this to be in n hours interval :

    if ( ( gettime(3) % n ) == 0 )


    if ( ( gettime(3) % 5 ) == 0 ) for 5 hours

    if ( ( gettime(3) % 12 ) == 0 ) for 12 hours

    if ( ( gettime(3) % 20 ) == 0 ) 20 hours

    if ( ( gettime(3) % 3 ) == 0 ) 3 hours am i right?



    Try  (spawn time is every 2 hours) :

    -    script    Sample    -1,{
        announce "Dark Lord has been summoned!",0;
        monster "prontera",0,0,"Dark Lord",1272,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKill";
        announce "Dark Lord has been killed by " +strcharinfo(0)+ "!",0;
        if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) == 0 )
            donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnInit";

    sir man you rock but how can you change the hours to 1 hours?

    Remove :

    if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) == 0 )

    How do you make it 3 hours then? or event 5 hours . I want to put a rare monster since this wont work for official mvp. 

  15. Try  (spawn time is every 2 hours) :

    -    script    Sample    -1,{
        announce "Dark Lord has been summoned!",0;
        monster "prontera",0,0,"Dark Lord",1272,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKill";
        announce "Dark Lord has been killed by " +strcharinfo(0)+ "!",0;
        if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) == 0 )
            donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnInit";

    sir man you rock but how can you change the hours to 1 hours?

  16. bumgggggg

    this is very hard and time consuming. i can't possibly think someone would help but yourself. I you want it, why not do it by your own?

    Try modifying patskie's script. start from that.

    LuLu I dont get it his script, his script is summoning a dark lord am i right? But i want to use the real tomb when a mvp dies. And when it raise the tomb is gone. Thats all. I think you can guide me just show me asimple 1 i will do the rest.

  17. Try  (spawn time is every 2 hours) :

    -    script    Sample    -1,{
        announce "Dark Lord has been summoned!",0;
        monster "prontera",0,0,"Dark Lord",1272,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKill";
        announce "Dark Lord has been killed by " +strcharinfo(0)+ "!",0;
        if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) == 0 )
            donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnInit";




    Try  (spawn time is every 2 hours) :

    -    script    Sample    -1,{
        announce "Dark Lord has been summoned!",0;
        monster "prontera",0,0,"Dark Lord",1272,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKill";
        announce "Dark Lord has been killed by " +strcharinfo(0)+ "!",0;
        if ( ( gettime(3) % 2 ) == 0 )
            donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnInit";

    I think he wants to apply it in all MVP's





    I want a announcer of a MVP, and miniboss spawn. Let say I kill 1 MVP(Dark Lord), respawn time is 1hour:20 minutes, when it respawn it will announce to all players of the map the mvp is in. Note the announcer is in blue colour. Onces it is dead, then it dead la. But Once it respawn again it will announce



    Please thank you


    Oh yeah 1 more, the killer's name of that mvp will be announced.



    This is very hard. You have to configure every monster that summons via official script. Add event to each on of them and then trigger the event if the MVP dies/revives.


    Patskie's scripts works but it will give you an extra Dark Lord at prontera which is not on the official mvp summon script but will have the announce you wanted

    Patskie ~~ is it possible for the script to follow the official spawn, this might help you. You know everytime a mvp is dead there is a tomb? I think can you help me with that kind? I mean Once the tomb gone it will announced, when the tomb is there(mvp just killed) the name in the tomb shows the killer and it will announce onces the mvp is dead. This dont applied on mini bosses, which i think i have to do it manually can you guide me?



    Karazu ~~ you are right sir.



    Lulu ~~ i have seen you have replied me, i saw you help few ppl with the announcing part but can you help me in this also sir? 

    Bump please helpppp ~ for the sake of ragnarok

  18. Pleaseeeeee


    I want a announcer of a MVP, and miniboss spawn. Let say I kill 1 MVP(Dark Lord), respawn time is 1hour:20 minutes, when it respawn it will announce to all players of the map the mvp is in. Note the announcer is in blue colour. Onces it is dead, then it dead la. But Once it respawn again it will announce



    Please thank you


    Oh yeah 1 more, the killer's name of that mvp will be announced.


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