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Everything posted by SyncMaster

  1. When I edit a map using browedit or make a new one and put it the game the things start to desapear with the floor. How can I fix it?
  2. How can I fix it? http://prntscr.com/2xw8of There is other item that don't appear...
  3. When I put the model inside the game the texture changes. What I have to do?
  4. When I put my rsm without parented information just appears a piece of the item, working appropriately. But when I put the parented information just show a with cube in browmap and the item just appear inside the game. How can I make this rsm file appear complete inside browedit?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSc9ZGG6e8M Try this tutorial.
  6. I want to know if there is anyway to put the same skills with diferent names depending your job. Don't need to be the name that you see when you press alt+s. If the name showed when you use the skills are different it's enought. I just need a diferent skill name for the same skill in different jobs. (Changing something ou duplicating the skill) I want to know if there is a way to remove "!!" in the end of the skill's name when you use too and if i can remove this name that appear when you use and put if the skill don't show the name.
  7. When I try to use a 2013 it appears when I click. Just appear that erro. What I have to do? I was using xdiff and this erro appears. But when I change to "nemo" the hexed work.
  8. I'm trying to found lhz_fild04 e lhz_fild05. (rsw,gat... models/texture, if they need.)
  9. I need the latest luafiles [.lua] with the skill zanzou (aboro) working. I've tryed to decompile IRO's lub but it didn't work. http://www.mediafire.com/download/4l9etsk394v1cnm/luafiles.rar
  10. I'm trying to put the IRO luafiles in order to use more ragnarok itens in my custom server and solve an aboro's skill error. I just found old luas. I tryed some tutorials but I didn't get it. When I use chunkspy appears : http://www.mediafire.com/download/4l9etsk394v1cnm/luafiles.rar
  11. There is "Remove Gravity Logo" when you diff your hexed. When you don't put it, how change the picture?
  12. http://prntscr.com/2az2q1 I'm using Rathena with BRO and, sometimes, that error apears. How i can fix it?
  13. Hexed 2012-04-10. Não tenho certeza se é essa a data mas é aquele que é mais usado... A data é a da MaminhA
  14. http://prntscr.com/28nkiy O meu hexed, depois que eu arrumei, começou a ficar desse jeito atras dos slots com personagens.
  15. Consegui arrumar, o problema era no Langtype que eu tinha mudado tentando arrumar o hexed.
  16. Funcionou com o antigo, o problema dos itens parou. Mas a tela que antes tinha um fundo nesse mesmo hexed agora está preta.
  17. Eu uso a data do Maminha, e é com ela que está dando esse erro. Eu mudei a data do hexed na source. Eu estou tentando entrar com um hexed mais atualizado (2013-08-07) mas quando eu digito login e senha o hexed fecha (independente de estarem certos ou errados).
  18. Arrumei. Aqui tem o link de alguma data atualizada com o emulador?
  19. sim, tanto que eu usava ela no outro emulador e mesmo mudando a data por outra que eu baixei aqui não deu certo
  20. Sim, antes eu usava o Cronus, a unica coisa que eu fiz foi mudar o emulador. Hexed 2012-04-10
  21. Os itens do jogo não vão para o inventario quando comprados em loja ou com @item. Mesmo sem fazer nenhuma atualização no Rathena, só baixei e compilei...
  22. O meu Hexed não está colocando o background custom e nem lendo o clientinfo. 2013-08-07
  23. Agora aparece esse arro antes do outro http://prntscr.com/282j9d Eu não achei uma área especifica para hexed, ai fiquei na duvida de onde postar :/ *Achei a parte de hexeds e datas do forum, vou tentar buscar uma data mais atualizada e customiza-la.
  24. There's no item in my server. They appears at shops but when you buy they don't appears in your inventary. The same with @item. I don't know if it's a Hexed problem :/
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