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Lil Troll

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Everything posted by Lil Troll

  1. Wow thanks for the information! Although I dont know how to make that i will try doing it, going to find some @inventorylist scripts here so that i will try to disect it for further use. Thanks again! Uhmm can you explain to me what is this: @i,@i+1 In this? getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if(@inventorylist_id[.@i] == 512){ // 512 is the item id for apple mes "You have an apple with you!"; close; } } mes "You don't have an apple with you :("; close;
  2. Is after killing a monster can attach summon a monster? Like for example, poring killed, poring summons lunatic.
  3. How can i make it work? -------------------------- npc invinsible on map. case level not integer: -------------------------- case mob3000:
  4. Guys can anyone knows how to check this script and make it working? The idea is, switching items, i attached callfunc in items. Item 1: (17505) Menu Switching, here you can save your equip item in the slots so that you can instantly change what you desired. Item 2~4: (17506++) Switching Slot(You will save your switch in the slot you like and you can Name it.) Item_Db2.txt: 17505,Switch_MotorM,Switch Motor,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ doevent "Equip_Switch::OnCFMenu"; },{},{} 17506,Switch_Motor1,Switch #1,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 17506,1; callfunc("Switch_Equip::equip getarg(0)1"); },{},{} 17507,Switch_Motor2,Switch #2,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 17507,1; callfunc("Switch_Equip::equip getarg(0)2"); },{},{} 17508,Switch_Motor3,Switch #3,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ getitem 17508,1; callfunc("Switch_Equip::equip getarg(0)3"); },{},{} Now whats the script about is, When you click the 17505 item a menu will appear prompting: [save Switching Item] [switching Items]. And this is the whole script, i based it from Build_Manager.txt - script Switching_Equips -1,{ // Enable Slot Rename set .SwitchRename,1; // Max Switching Slots - To add another slot, make another ITEM. See [item_db2.txt]. set .MaxSlots,3; OnCFMenu: function Equip_Switch { getitem 17505,1; switch(prompt("[Save Switching Items]:[Switching Items]")) { Case 1: callfunc "Save_Switch"; next; break; Case 2: if (countitem(17508) == 0); getitem 17508,1; if (countitem(17508) > 1); delitem 17508,30000; if (countitem(17507) == 0); getitem 17507,1; if (countitem(17506) > 1); delitem 17507,30000; if (countitem(17506) == 0); getitem 17506,1; next; break; } } function Save_Switch; { mes "^0000FF_____________________________^000000"; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Upper Head - "+getitemname(getequipid(1)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Lower Head - "+getitemname(getequipid(10)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Middle Head - "+getitemname(getequipid(9)+""; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Foot Gear - "+getitemname(getequipid(6)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Armor - "+getitemname(getequipid(2)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Garment - "+getitemname(getequipid(5)+""; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Left Weapon - "+getitemname(getequipid(3)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Right Weapon - "+getitemname(getequipid(4)+""; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Left Accessory - "+getitemname(getequipid(7)+" ^FF0000@^000000 Right Accessory - "+getitemname(getequipid(8)+""; mes "^0000FF_____________________________^000000"; message strcharinfo(0),"Input 0 to Cancel"; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= .MaxSlots; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ input .@a,0,.MaxSlots; if( .@a != 0 ){ callfunc("SaveEquip",.@a,.SwitchRename); next; break; } } function Save_Equip; { setd ".itemid1"+getarg(0),getequipid(1); // HELM UPPER setd ".itemid2"+getarg(0),getequipid(9); // HELM MID setd ".itemid3"+getarg(0),getequipid(10); // HELM LOWER setd ".itemid4"+getarg(0),getequipid(2); // ARMOR setd ".itemid5"+getarg(0),getequipid(6); // FOOT setd ".itemid6"+getarg(0),getequipid(5); // GARM setd ".itemid7"+getarg(0),getequipid(3); // WEAP L setd ".itemid8"+getarg(0),getequipid(4); // WEAP R setd ".itemid9"+getarg(0),getequipid(7); // ACC L setd ".itemid10"+getarg(0),getequipid(8); // ACC_R if( getarg(1) ){ do{ message strcharinfo(0),"Input the Name for this Switch. [ Max. 12 Chars ]"; input getd( "Slot_"+getarg(0)+"$" ); } while( getstrlen( getd( "Slot_"+getarg(0)+"$" ) ) > 12 ); } else{ set getd( "Slot_"+getarg(0)+"$" ),".itemid$+ "+getarg(0); } return; } function Switch_Equip; { equip (getd(".itemid1"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid2"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid3"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid4"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid5"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid6"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid7"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid8"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid9"+getarg(0))-1); equip (getd(".itemid10"+getarg(0))-1); dispbottom "Equip change to ( "Slot_"+getarg(0)+"$" )"; return; } } } Is switching is possible attaching in items like this?
  5. Did you add these to your SQL? CREATE TABLE `igb_anno` ( `anno_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Creation Fail', `text` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date` varchar(255) DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`anno_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `igb_com`; CREATE TABLE `igb_com` ( `anno_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `com_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `com_txt` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Test Message', `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None', `date` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `approved` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  6. Hi sir Myzter, is there any chance i can set the mining to specific maps only, for example, anthell, orcdun, etc.
  7. Sir Capauche can you help me on this topic please. http://rathena.org/board/topic/85688-help-at-command-script/
  8. These three will surely solve your problem, and also check if its on correct folder. idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt This file holds the item names, as displayed inside the client. Each item added as: ItemID#ItemName# ItemID is the number from your ID column inside the item db. If your item name contains spaces, replace those with _ (underscore). idnum2itemresnametable.txt This file sets the inventory and drop-sprite for an the item. Item is defined as follows: ItemID#SpriteName# The SpriteName is the name of the files in collection and item folders inside texture and the ones inside sprite folder. If you want to use the look of an another item, search for it's id and copy the sprite name from there. idnum2itemdesctable.txt This file contains the description of your item, when it is right-clicked. The syntax for an item is: ItemID# Item Description Line 1 Item Description Line 2 # You can use any amount of lines for the description. If your description contains a #, make sure it is followed by a space character.
  9. See this guide. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items
  10. @sir skorm: I havent tested it yet, going to modify the src now. @sir capauche: should i try this: if(getequipid(4) == 6010
  11. like this? - script sample { if(strcharinfo(0) == getequipid(4) == 6010) { set .nickname$,strcharinfo(0); query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET name='[Title] "+.nickname$+"' WHERE name='"+.nickname$+"'"); end; } How can i add SQL? I know how to put existing one but i dont know how to make one.
  12. Can anyone help me do this stuff, i dont have any preference for me to disect how to do it properly. Here is the script. function script Titles { setarray .@item$[0],6010,27307,27311; if(strcharinfo(0) == getequipid(4) == 6010 && getequipid(9) == 27307 &&getequipid(1) == 27311){ explode(.@item$,getitemname(getarg(0,0))," "); if(.@item$[0]!="") atcommand "@fakename [Novice Miner]"+strcharinfo(0); else atcommand "@fakename"; end; } Also in Item DB what should put? 6010,MiningPickaxe,Mining Pickaxe,3,0,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{callfunc("Titles",6010);},{atcommand @fakename;} 27307,MiningArmor,Mining Armor,3,0,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{callfunc("Titles",27307);},{atcommand @fakename;} 27311,MiningHelm,Mining Helm,3,0,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{callfunc("Titles",27311);},{atcommand @fakename;} And also anyone knows how to edit this? atcommand.c clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(1309)); // Fakename disabled I want to change the Fakename Disabled to Title has been removed.
  13. clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(1310)); // Fakename enabled Im trying to fix title system using @fakename attaching on item and achievement, i also did change the cliff.c so that guild name can be seen even you used fake names..
  14. Would you like using this? //====================================================== By mysterious, modified excluded maps by Xanvaroth //============================================================ prontera,0,0,0 script Death Angel 1192,{ // Desired Map Where the NPC located OnPCDieEvent: undisguise; deletearray .@ExcludedMaps$[ 0 ], getarraysize( .@ExcludedMaps$[ 0 ] ); setarray .@ExcludedMaps$[ 0 ], "pvpmap", "guild_vs3", "pvp_y-82","cell_game","prtg_cas01","payg_cas05","turbo_room","novice_grd"; // Add all the maps to be excluded here. for( set .@Index, 0; .@Index <= getarraysize( .@ExcludedMaps$ ); set .@Index, .@Index + 1 ) if( strcharinfo( 3 ) == .@ExcludedMaps$[ .@Index ] ) end; warp "map",0,0; // The Map where you will respawn sleep2 1000; announce "Hey "+strcharinfo(0)+", It seems you have died! Don't worry, you will be resurected in 3 Seconds!",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 3000; announce "10",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "9",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "8",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "7",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "6",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "5",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "4",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "3",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "2",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; sleep2 1000; announce "Respawning..",bc_blue|bc_self; atcommand "@alive "+strcharinfo(0); announce "1",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; atcommand "@load "+strcharinfo(0); }
  15. Wow i learn alot by just reading in these forums, can i ask out of the topic, is it possible to make a title system using fake names attach in achievement/items/empbreaker etc? Then he can choose his desirable title on a npc?
  16. /ic /ic Wow thanks Skorm for replies im learning more. /no1 /no1
  17. Hello sorry for interupting, Hi Skorm! can you elaborate whats: "set #ticker, gettimetick(2)+60*60*24*7;" Because I wanted to make a own script using yours, thanks, and also can it be set a timer on account?
  18. Guys here is my situation, im trying to put callfunc on an item, the item does craft a stone but in a random chance, i cant get right the the script, when i load the script no error are found. function script Crafting Tool { dispbottom "" + strcharinfo(0) + " : Seems that the Crafting Tool is working...." set .@menu, select ("Crafting Tool:Close"); if (.@menu == 1); set .@r, rand(10); if( .@r < 10 ) specialeffect2 306; specialeffect2 183; delitem 7849,10; delitem 7758,10; if( .@r == 3 ) getitem 27301,1; delitem 7849,10; delitem 7758,10; specialeffect2 305; specialeffect2 113; close; if (.@menu == 2); close; } now here is my item: 27315,Crafting_Tool,Crafting Tool,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{},{},{ callfunc "Crafting_Tool"; }
  19. Ohh i didnt see that, am very sorry, thanks skorm! and thank you xynvaroth, im bit drowzy thats why i cant read properly, 47/7 of scripting my serv. thanks so much guys!
  20. ohhh, sorry i didnt mean it i didnt see your reply.. The script do teleport you to a certain place when you died, and wait for a certain sec whether how many sec do you like, ireally want to know who to add map exception to this scripts.
  21. This is Mysterious Script, anyone knows how to add map that will not affect by this script. example if I died in payon I will not be affected by this script like I will be resurected to my savepoint already can someone help me. prontera,99,120,4 script death 78 OnPCDieEvent: warp "prontera",x,x; sleep2 1000; announce "Hey "+strcharinfo(0)+", It seems you have died! Don't worry, you will be resurected in 3 Seconds!",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 3000; //announce "10",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "9",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "8",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "7",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "6",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "5",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; //announce "4",bc_blue|bc_self; //sleep2 1000; announce "3",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "2",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "1",bc_blue|bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "Respawning..",bc_blue|bc_self; atcommand "@alive "+strcharinfo(0); sleep2 1000; atcommand "@load "+strcharinfo(0); }
  22. Gm Menu doesnt appear to me, if(compare(@whispervar0$,"gm")) { if(getgmlevel() > 99) end; mes "[Map Of The Day]"; mes "What do you want to do GM "+strcharinfo(0)+"?"; switch(select("^00FF00-^000000Random MOTW","^00FF00-^000000Enter MOTW","^FF0000-^000000Destroy All Contracts","^FF0000-^000000Nothing")) { case 1: switch(rand(3)){ case 0: set $@MOTWS, rand(1,11); set $mapotw$, "pay_fild" + (($@MOTWS < 10)?"0":"") + $@MOTWS; set $MOTW$, "Payon Forest "+$@MOTWS; break; case 1: set $@MOTWS, rand(0,11); set $mapotw$, "prt_fild" + (($@MOTWS < 10)?"0":"") + $@MOTWS; set $MOTW$, "Prontera Field "+$@MOTWS; break; case 2: set $@MOTWS, rand(1,22); set $mapotw$, "moc_fild" + (($@MOTWS < 10)?"0":"") + $@MOTWS; set $MOTW$, "Sograt Desert "+$@MOTWS; break; } announce "MOTW : The Map Of The Day is "+$MOTW$+"!!!!",0; next; mes "[Map Of The Day]"; mes "The Map Of The Day is ^FF0000"+$MOTW$+"^000000!!!!"; close; case 2: goto MOTW_Name; case 3: next; mes "[Map Of The Day]"; mes "Destroyed All Contracts"; query_sql "DELETE FROM global_reg_value where str = '#MOTWC'"; query_sql "DELETE FROM global_reg_value where str = '#MOTWKI'"; close; case 4: next; mes "[Map Of The Day]"; mes "Come Back When You are free again"; close; } }
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