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Louis T Steinhil

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Everything posted by Louis T Steinhil

  1. Hey guys! Anyone encountering this? I've been auto-attacking monsters for about 30 mins then this shows up. I installed it on the latest rAthena version. What could be the cause? Code is originally from https://rathena.org/board/topic/71297-autoattack/ I Implemented this code: atcommand.cpp // Auto Attack --- put before all command static int buildin_autoattack_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int *target_id=va_arg(ap,int *); *target_id = bl->id; return 1; } void autoattack_motion(struct map_session_data* sd) { int i, target_id; if( pc_isdead(sd) || !sd->state.autoattack ) return; for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { target_id=0; map_foreachinarea(buildin_autoattack_sub, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x-i, sd->bl.y-i, sd->bl.x+i, sd->bl.y+i, BL_MOB, &target_id); if(target_id){ unit_attack(&sd->bl,target_id,1); break; } target_id=0; } if(!target_id && !pc_isdead(sd) && sd->state.autoattack){ unit_walktoxy(&sd->bl,sd->bl.x+(rand()%2==0?-1:1)*(rand()%25),sd->bl.y+(rand()%2==0?-1:1)*(rand()%25),0); } return; } static TIMER_FUNC(autoattack_timer) { struct map_session_data *sd=NULL; sd=map_id2sd(id); if(sd==NULL || pc_isdead(sd) || !sd->state.autoattack ) return 0; if(sd->state.autoattack) { unit_stop_attack(&sd->bl); autoattack_motion(sd); if(DIFF_TICK(sd->autoattack_delay,gettick())> 0){ clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 15); return 0; } else{ add_timer(gettick()+1000,autoattack_timer,sd->bl.id,0); // 1000 is delay sd->autoattack_delay = gettick() + 1000; // 1000 is delay } } return 0; } ACMD_FUNC(autoattack) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->state.autoattack) { sd->state.autoattack = 0; unit_stop_attack(&sd->bl); clif_displaymessage(fd, "Auto Attack has been deactivated."); } else { sd->state.autoattack = 1; add_timer(gettick()+1000,autoattack_timer,sd->bl.id,0); clif_displaymessage(fd, "Auto Attack activated."); } return 0; } ACMD_FUNC(accinfo) { char query[NAME_LENGTH]; @@ -8827,6 +8881,7 @@ * Command reference list, place the base of your commands here **/ AtCommandInfo atcommand_base[] = { + ACMD_DEF(autoattack), ACMD_DEF2("warp", mapmove), ACMD_DEF(where), ACMD_DEF(jumpto), status.hpp OPTION_OKTOBERFEST = 0x10000000, OPTION_SUMMER2 = 0x20000000, + OPTION_AUTOATTACK = 0x40000000, pc.hpp struct map_session_data { struct block_list bl; struct unit_data ud; struct view_data vd; struct status_data base_status, battle_status; struct status_change sc; struct regen_data regen; struct regen_data_sub sregen, ssregen; + unsigned int autoattack_delay; // autoattack timer unsigned int killable : 1; unsigned int doridori : 1; unsigned int ignoreAll : 1; + unsigned int autoattack : 1; // autoattack unsigned int debug_remove_map : 1; // temporary state to track double remove_map's [FlavioJS] unsigned int buyingstore : 1; unsigned int lesseffect : 1; unsigned int vending : 1;
  2. Hey guys! Anyone encountering this? I've been auto-attacking monsters for about 30 mins then this shows up. I installed it on the latest rAthena version. What could be the cause?
  3. I think your firewall is still up. I tried to disable mine and made it work.
  4. my ctrl + v. I was trying to sell this in discord.
  5. Good day sir / mam, what else am I missing in the code? Item link prints unknown item - script itemdescs -1,{ end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ii2",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; bindatcmd "itemdescription",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: mes "^3355FF[ Item Description Search ]^000000"; mes "What item are you looking for?"; input .@name$; .@qty = searchitem(.@matches[0],.@name$); mes "I found " + .@qty + " items:"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@qty; .@i++) // Display name (eg: "Apple[0]") mes "<ITEM>"+getitemname(.@matches[.@i]) +"<INFO>"+.@name$+"</INFO></ITEM> [" + getitemslots(.@matches[.@i]) + "]"; end; } -- This is not my original code. Code came from sir Nova. CTTO.
  6. Good day! I'm having some issues regarding Endless Tower wherein after I defeated Entweihen Crothen, there's a chance that Naght Sieger will not appear and it will just send you back to alberta. I tried entering the memorial dungeon again and on the 99th Floor I can't get past it but there's a warp it gives me ashes of darkness that can be exploit over and over by just stepping into the portal.
  7. Good day guys! Anyone can help me convert this to rathena compatability? Thanks in advance! //================= Hercules Script ======================================= //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //================= License =============================================== //= This file is part of Hercules. //= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules //= //= Copyright (C) 2017 Hercules Dev Team //= Copyright (C) 2017 Smokexyz //= //= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //= (at your option) any later version. //= //= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //= MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //= GNU General Public License for more details. //= //= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //= along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //========================================================================= //= Option Master (Item Options NPC @see db/item_options.conf) //================= Description =========================================== //= Select from a list of your equipments, one to enhance with up to 5 options. //= A list of the first 10 options are provided in this npc. //================= Current Version ======================================= //= 1.0 //========================================================================= prontera,153,180,4 script Option Master 4_DOG01,{ callsub(StartTalking); end; OnInit: /** * General Configuration */ /* Chance of the enhancement process to fail. (0 - 99 in percent) */ .chance_of_failure = 10; /* Delete the item on failure? (true/false) */ .delete_on_failure = true; /* Required amount of zeny for a try. */ .zeny_requirement = 100; /* Minimum amount of the bonus value. * For negative effects or certain bonuses that require negative values * Maximum possible value is -INT16_MAX) */ .minimum_bonus_amount = -100; // usually used with delay bonus options, although not provided in the script. /* Maximum amount of the bonus value. * Maximum possible value is INT16_MAX */ .maximum_bonus_amount = 100; /* Disable selection of bonus value (true/false) */ .enable_random_bonus = false; /* Item Option Descriptions */ setarray(.options$[0], "Max HP", "Max SP", "STR", "AGI", "VIT", "INT", "DEX", "LUK"); /* Item Option Constants */ setarray(.option_constants[0], VAR_MAXHPAMOUNT, VAR_MAXSPAMOUNT, VAR_STRAMOUNT, VAR_AGIAMOUNT, VAR_VITAMOUNT, VAR_INTAMOUNT, VAR_DEXAMOUNT, VAR_LUKAMOUNT); end; StartTalking: .@name$ = _("[ ^990099Option Master^000000 ]"); disable_items(); mes(.@name$); mesf("Hey there %s", strcharinfo(PC_NAME)); mes("There's a new-found method of adding options to an equipment that I have been working on."); next(); if (.enable_random_bonus) { mes(.@name$); mes("Equipment bonuses are added randomly per slot!"); mes("So if you wind up with a low amount of bonus, don't hesitate to override the slot."); next(); } mes(.@name$); mes("Would you like me to add extra stats to your equipment?"); next(); if (select("Of course!", "Meh, not right now.") == 2) { mes(.@name$); mes("Alright then, catch you later."); close(); } // Build the Menu. setarray(.@position$[1], "Head", "Body", "Left Hand", "Right Hand", "Robe", "Shoes", "Accessory 1", "Accessory 2", "Head 2", "Head 3"); .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 1; .@i <= 10; ++.@i) .@menu$ += ((getequipisequiped(.@i)) ? getequipname(.@i) : .@position$[.@i] + "-[Not equipped]") + ":"; // Select the part. .@equip_index = select(.@menu$); // Check if it's worn. if (!getequipisequiped(.@equip_index)) { mes(.@name$); mes("Brah, your item ain't equipped."); close(); // Check if it allows options } else if (!getequipisenableopt(.@equip_index)) { mes(.@name$); mes("Brah, this equip can't have options."); close(); // Check if equipment is identified. } else if (!getequipisidentify(.@equip_index)) { mes(.@name$); mes("Brah, this equip ain't identified."); close(); } // Present a list of currently infused options. do { .@menu$ = ""; .@used = false; // Build the menu of current options. for (.@i = 1; .@i <= MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS; ++.@i) { // call getequipoption(<equip_index>, <type>, <slot>); // if the return is <0, it's a script error. // if the return is 0, the slot is empty. // if the return is >0, the slot is unavailable. .@opt = getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@i, IT_OPT_INDEX); if (.@opt > 0) .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") " + .options$[.@opt - 1] + ":"; else .@menu$ += (.@i) + ") ^999999Empty^000000" + ":"; } // Option Slot is the actual option slot 0-MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS (@see mmo.h) .@option_slot = select(.@menu$); // Check for used slot and request user action if found. if (getequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, IT_OPT_INDEX) > 0) { mes(.@name$); mes("This slot is already used up!"); if (select("^990000Override the slot.^000000", "Choose again.") == 2) .@used = true; next(); } } while (.@used); // loop if the slot is not to be overridden // Present a list of available bonuses. mes(.@name$); mes("Which of the following item bonuses would you like to add to this item?"); next(); // Build the Options! .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.options$); ++.@i) .@menu$ += (.@i + 1) + ") " + .options$[.@i] + ":"; do { // Select the options! .@option_variable = select(.@menu$); next(); mes(.@name$); mesf("You chose ^009900%s^000000!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]); mes("Are you sure?"); next(); } while (select("Fo Shizzle.", "I'ma re-evaluate, brah.") == 2); // Select a bonus or randomise. if (.enable_random_bonus) { .@value = rand(.maximum_bonus_amount); } else { do { mes(.@name$); mesf("Please input the bonus amount of ^009900%s^000000 you want to add!", .options$[.@option_variable - 1]); mesf("(Min: %d, Max: %d)", .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount); .@ok = input(.@value, .minimum_bonus_amount, .maximum_bonus_amount); next(); } while (.@ok); } // If there's a chance of failure, inform the user. if (.chance_of_failure) { mes(.@name$); mes("Alright so,"); mes("I'll have you know..."); mesf("There's a ^990000%d%% chance of failure^000000.", .chance_of_failure); mes("Because, well... I didn't go to school."); next(); mes(.@name$); if (.delete_on_failure) { mes("If I fail, your item will break and it ^990000will be destroyed^000000!"); } mes("Are you still ready to go forward with this?"); next(); if (select("Fo shizzle.", "Hells naw, go back to school.") == 2) { mes(.@name$); mes("Geez, you don't have to be so harsh about it."); close(); } next(); } // If there's a Zeny Requirement, perform the usual. if (.zeny_requirement > 0) { mes(.@name$); mesf("You also have to pay %dZ.", .zeny_requirement); next(); if (select("Of course!", "No way!") == 2) { mes(.@name$); mes("Well, see you around then..."); close(); } if (Zeny < .zeny_requirement) { mes(.@name$); mes("You don't have enough Zeny!"); close(); } Zeny -= .zeny_requirement; } // Check if there's a chance of failure, set and roll the dice. if (.chance_of_failure && rand(100) <= .chance_of_failure) { mes(.@name$); mes("^990000I failed!^000000"); mes("Guess I should go back to school."); // Delete the item if flagged. if (.delete_on_failure) failedrefitem(.@equip_index); // Simulate failed refinement of the item and delete. } else { // Set the Item Option bonuses in the slot see db/item_options.conf for more info. setequipoption(.@equip_index, .@option_slot, .option_constants[.@option_variable - 1], .@value); mes(.@name$); mes("^009900Praise Jesus^000000"); mes("I have added an option to your item."); mes("My skills are flawless!"); } next(); mes(.@name$); mes("See you around!"); close(); }
  8. Hi guys how can I edit it like this? ^ This one only got the exclamation graphic but it doesn't have the meteor sprite
  9. Is it just me or I get kicked out of the server whenever I hit a wall. No errors on map server.
  10. Good day sir! Does it work on latest revision of rAthena? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/llchrisll/rAthena-Scripts/master/released/Systems/TrainingSystem.txt
  11. Is this really fixed? The latest revision still doesn't give any effect.
  12. Good day sir! Anyone can help me edit some of the lines wherein I can input an item name (not only item id) and then it will show at least 10 items with the same name or id with its corresponding items links? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= In-game Item Descriptions Script //===== By: ================================================== //= Nova http://www.novaragnarok.com //============================================================ - script itemdescs -1,{ end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ii2",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; bindatcmd "itemdesc",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: mes "^3355FF[ Item Description Search ]^000000"; .@item = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); mes "<ITEM>"+getitemname(.@item)+"<INFO>"+.@item+"</INFO></ITEM>"; mes ""; mes "Click on the name of the item above."; end; }
  13. Good day! I was wondering how can I make this code accept any costume item instead of limited costume id that is declared inside the code mal_in01,22,113,3 script Aver De Dosh#cos_ect 4_WHITETIGER,{ disable_items; mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Welcome to Fashion Stone!!"; next; mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "We take various costume items."; next; mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "If you want cool styling for your costume Hat, please come to me 'Aver De Dosh'!"; mes "Don't forget to bring ^ff0000your own costume Hat and costume stones^000000~"; next; if (select( "Apply ability.", "End Conversation." ) == 2) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Please check our other upgrading services~"; close; } if (checkweight(1119,3) == 0) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Kiaaaaach!!!"; mes "I hate bulging bags!"; mes "No matter how cool your hat looks, that fat bag of yours is a fashion terror you know!"; next; mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "It seems you have too many items on you."; mes "Come back after clearing some inventory spaces."; close; } .@eq_top = getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP); .@eq_mid = getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID); .@eq_low = getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW); if (.@eq_top == -1 && .@eq_mid == -1 && .@eq_low == -1) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "You must wear item you want to add ability."; mes "Then, I will be able to help you out."; close; } if (.@eq_top > -1) { .@part = EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP; .@equip_id = .@eq_top; } else if (.@eq_mid > -1) { .@part = EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID; .@equip_id = .@eq_mid; } else if (.@eq_low > -1) { .@part = EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW; .@equip_id = .@eq_low; } switch(.@part) { case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP: switch(.@equip_id) { // top case 18740: // C_Hair_Of_The_Strong case 18741: // C_Will_O_Wisp case 19294: // C_CatEars_Cyber_HeadP_R case 19507: // Fine_Sun case 19515: // Yellow_Hat case 19516: // Singing_Bird case 19517: // Cocks_Comb case 19518: // Rainbow case 19519: // Lightning_Cloud case 19520: // Rain_Cloud case 19521: // Charlie_Hat case 19522: // Mini_Crown1 case 19523: // Donation_Ribbon case 19524: // C_Green_Feeler case 19525: // C_Jack_A_Dandy case 19526: // C_Helm case 19527: // C_Sharp_Gear case 19529: // C_Angelic_Chain case 19537: // C_Gryphon_Hat case 19543: // Oliver_Wolf_Hood case 19544: // C_Tare_Neko_Cru case 19545: // C_Boys_Cap case 19546: // C_Valkyrie_Helm case 19547: // C_Deviruchi_Cap case 19548: // C_Frog_Cap case 19549: // C_Magestic_Goat case 19573: // C_Heart_Wing_Hairband case 19575: // C_Rising_Black_Dragon case 19576: // C_Tare_Pope case 19577: // 10th_Anni_Poring_Hat case 19585: // C_Feather_Beret case 19586: // C_Pink_Bunny_Band_J case 19587: // C_King_Poring_Hat case 19590: // C_Twin_Ribbon_J case 19592: // C_Hibiscus_J case 19599: // C_Imp_Hat case 19600: // Drooping_Kiehl case 19601: // Drooping_Aliot case 19602: // C_Invisible_Cap case 19608: // C_Chick_Hat case 19613: // C_Valkyrie_Feather_Band case 19618: // C_Mask_Of_Fox case 19625: // C_Bunny_Band case 19629: // C_Tiara case 19630: // C_Crown case 19632: // C_Hat case 19633: // C_Flower_Hairband case 19635: // C_Mini_Propeller case 19637: // C_Nurse_Cap case 19639: // C_Sahkkat case 19643: // C_Whikebain_Ears case 19646: // C_Ramen_Hat case 19647: // C_Red_Deviruchi_Cap case 19650: // C_Rainbow_Feather_Deco case 19653: // C_Marcher_Hat case 19654: // C_J_Captain_Hat case 19655: // C_Tiraya_Bonnet case 19656: // C_Minstrel_Hat case 19657: // C_Captain_Hat case 19659: // C_Gray_Fur_Hat case 19665: // C_Poring_Cake_Cap case 19667: // C_Helm_Of_Dragoon case 19668: // C_Wind_Milestone case 19677: // C_Soulless_Wing case 19682: // C_Santa_Poring_Hat case 19684: // C_Happy_Wig case 19694: // C_Vane_Hairpin case 19702: // C_Santa_Hat_1 case 19706: // C_Red_Dress_Hat case 19712: // C_Little_Angel_Doll case 19715: // C_Scarf case 19719: // C_Coronet case 19721: // C_Darkness_Helm case 19723: // C_Sacred_Torch_Coronet case 19728: // C_Tare_Zonda case 19729: // C_Neko_Mimi_Kafra case 19731: // C_Satanic_Chain case 19733: // C_Panda_Cap case 19737: // C_Corsair_K case 19738: // C_Detective_Hat_K case 19739: // C_Sleeping_Kitty_Cat case 19745: // C_Holy_Marching_Hat_J case 19750: // C_Saint_Frill_Ribbon case 19758: // C_King_Frog_Hat case 19761: // C_White_Lily case 19762: // C_Happy_Peace_Proof case 19763: // C_Leaf_Cat_Hat case 19771: // C_Butterfly_Hairpin case 19782: // C_Drooping_Kitty case 19784: // C_Morrigane's_Helm case 19786: // C_Mistress_Crown case 19789: // C_Sweet_Gents case 19790: // C_Wedding_Veil case 19795: // C_Lord_Circlet case 19796: // C_Bone_Helm case 19797: // C_Apple_Of_Archer case 19799: // C_Golden_Gear case 19800: // C_Carnation_Hairband case 19807: // C_Majestic_Helmet case 19818: // C_Droop_Morocc_Minion case 19824: // C_Evil_Druid_Hat case 19825: // C_Vicious_Stop_Bandage case 19827: // C_Amistr_Cap case 19828: // C_Fedora case 19829: // C_Straw_Hat case 19831: // C_Filir_Hat case 19833: // C_Fillet case 19835: // C_Lif_Doll_Hat case 19836: // C_L_Magestic_Goat case 19839: // C_Vanilmirth_Hat case 19842: // C_Puppy_Hat case 19843: // C_Cat_Hairband case 19844: // C_Turban case 19845: // C_Hair_Protector case 19847: // C_Big_Sis_Ribbon case 19848: // C_Angeling_Hat case 19851: // C_Brown_Bear_Cap case 19852: // C_Galapago_Cap case 19858: // C_Leaf_Headgear case 19859: // C_Flying_Angel case 19860: // C_Cryptura_Hair_Cap case 19861: // C_Heart_Hair_Pin case 19862: // C_Horn_Of_Succubus case 19863: // C_Inccubus_Horn case 19865: // C_Joker_Jester case 19866: // C_Blue_Pajamas_Hat case 19874: // C_Carnival_Circlet case 19876: // C_Rabbit_Ear_Hat case 19878: // C_Drooping_Bunny case 19883: // C_Piamette_Hood case 19884: // C_Vanargandr_Helm case 19913: // C_Poo_Poo_Hat case 19930: // C_Angel_Mini_Silk_Hat case 19931: // C_Lazy_Raccoon case 19932: // C_Cap_Of_Concentration case 19934: // C_10Gallon_Hat_Of_Flame case 19935: // C_Hunting_Cap_Of_Gust case 19936: // C_Knit_Cap_Of_Water case 19937: // C_Silk_Hat_Of_Earth case 19939: // C_Antler case 19941: // C_Ear_Mufs case 19953: // C_Parade_Cap case 19955: // C_Mini_Tree_J case 19977: // C_Golden_Exclamation case 19978: // C_Silver_Exclamation case 19979: // C_Golden_Question case 19980: // C_Silver_Question case 19983: // C_Flower_Hairpin case 19984: // C_Winter_Hat case 20017: // C_Marionette_Doll case 20036: // C_Sword_Master_Crown case 20046: // C_Decoration_bluerose case 20049: // C_Plaster case 20050: // C_Ph.D_Hat case 20057: // C_Feather_Bonnet case 20063: // C_Yellow_Brain_Hat case 20064: // Blue_Brain_Hat case 20070: // C_Alpaca_Hood case 20073: // C_Hair_Band case 20074: // C_Biretta case 20090: // C_Egg_Shell case 20092: // C_Sales_Signboard case 20093: // C_Star_Sparkling case 20094: // C_Fillet_Green case 20095: // C_Fillet_Red case 20096: // C_Fillet_Blue case 20097: // C_Fillet_White case 20114: // C_Funeral_Costume case 20118: // C_Hat_Of_Cake case 20119: // C_Fur_Hat case 20120: // C_Antenna case 20121: // C_Lotus_Flower_Hat case 20130: // C_Whisper_Tall_Hat case 20133: // C_Poring_Mascot_Costume case 20151: // C_Poison_Spore_Hat case 20157: // C_Fish_On_Head case 20158: // C_Circlet case 20159: // C_Blue_Hair_Band case 20160: // C_Fried_Egg case 20161: // C_Prontera_Army_Cap case 20175: // C_Diabolic_Headphone case 20179: // C_Monkey_On_Fur_Hat case 20180: // C_Westren_Grace case 20181: // C_Mistic_Rose case 20182: // C_Mottled_Egg_Shell case 20184: // C_Party_Hat case 20186: // C_Magni_Cap case 20197: // C_Amistr_Beret case 20199: // C_Evil_Marcher_Hat case 20200: // C_Rabbit_Head_Dress case 20203: // C_Bandana case 20204: // C_Hunting_Cap case 20205: // C_Fancy_Flower case 20207: // C_Stripe_Band case 20208: // C_Necktie case 20214: // C_Evil_Marcher_Hat_J case 20224: // C_Red_Tailed_Ribbon case 20225: // C_Pumpkin_Hat case 20226: // C_Hair_Brush case 20231: // C_Snowman_Hat case 20232: // C_Celines_Ribbon case 20233: // C_Gold_Angel_Sculpture case 20238: // C_Blue_Drooping_Kitty case 20242: // C_Snownow_Hat case 20248: // C_Black_Strong_Hair case 20249: // C_Red_Strong_Hair case 20250: // C_White_Strong_Hair case 20253: // C_Droopy_Alice_Doll case 20254: // C_Ribbon_Yellow case 20258: // C_Blue_Head_Dress case 20262: // C_Fox_Ears_Bell_Ribbon case 20263: // C_Hat_Of_Drowsy_Cat case 20266: // C_Secret_Zipper case 20269: // C_White_Fox_Ear_Ribbon case 20271: // C_Sunflower case 20272: // C_Snowy_Horn case 20273: // C_Soft_Sheep_Hat case 20277: // C_Balloon_Hat case 20278: // C_Man_Medal case 20283: // C_Over_Protector case 20383: // C_Magicdecoy_Doll case 20433: // C_Louise_Red_Hat case 20447: // C_Small_Poring_Band case 20452: // C_berry_Prince_Crown case 20458: // C_Wild_Poring_Rider case 20463: // C_Two_Tone_Beret case 20464: // C_Monochrome_RibbonHat case 20467: // C_Elemental_Crown case 20483: // C_Butterfly_Barrettes case 20489: // C_Pope_Crown case 20490: // C_Full_Bloom_Hp_Blue case 20491: // C_Laser_Of_Eagle case 20495: // C_Quati_Hat_J case 20498: // C_Elephant_Hat case 20508: // C_Poster_Girl_Hat case 31027: // C_Pretty_Bear case 31031: // C_Tare_Pope_Casual case 31032: // C_Tare_Luwmin case 31040: // C_Magical_Feather case 31062: // C_Eleanor_Wig case 31123: // C_Ghostring_Tall_Hat case 31125: // C_QueenAnzRevenge case 31137: // C_Blue_Rose_Ornament case 31139: // C_White_Rabbit_Ear case 31147: // C_Tare_Domovoi case 31149: // C_Nydhog_Wig case 31151: // C_Chasher_Ear case 31158: // C_Squirrel_Ear_Hat case 31176: // C_Looking case 31177: // C_Tail_Hat case 31180: // C_Shura_King_Pledge case 31200: // C_Wrapping_Ribbon case 31204: // C_Drooping_White_Kitty case 31249: // C_Rabbit_Hopping case 31252: // C_Cat_Ear_Hat_White case 31294: // C_Jirant_Circlet_Red case 31314: // C_Ghost_Holiday case 31318: // C_Gerhard_Von_Devi case 31329: // C_Alice_Wig case 31331: // C_Chung_E_Shinyon_Cap case 31332: // Khalitzburg_KN_Helm_BL case 31370: // C_Straight_Long_YLK case 31372: // C_Binit_Doll_Hat case 31582: // C_Jirant_Circlet case 31382: // C_Cat_Ears_Punkish case 31385: // C_Gothic_Pumpkin_Head case 31396: // C_Sorcerer_Hood case 31397: // C_Pope_Sitting_Head case 31405: // C_Eleanor_Wig_YL case 31406: // C_Nydhog_Wig_WH case 31407: // C_Alice_Wig_PK case 31412: // C_Virgo_Crown case 31414: // C_Cancer_Diadem case 31430: // C_Seppl_Hat_TW case 31431: // C_Curupira_Hat_TW case 31433: // C_Astro_Circle case 31439: // C_Fluffy_Heart_Earmuffs case 31440: // C_Snow_Bear_Food case 31451: // C_Blue_Frill_Ribbon case 31456: // C_Baby_Leopard_Cat case 20227: // C_Husky_Hat case 31474: // C_Straight_Long_BL case 31475: // C_Black_Fox_Ear_Ribbon case 31481: // C_CatCoffeeCup_TW case 31489: // C_Bouquet_Hat case 31504: // C_Starving_Fish_Hat case 31509: // C_Fawn_Ear case 31529: // C_Happy_Rabbit_Ribbon case 31546: // C_Clock_Casket_RD case 31564: // C_Variant_Veil case 31565: // C_Princess_Ribbon_Crown case 31573: // C_Mecha_Cat_Ears case 31598: // C_Forest_Guide case 31624: // C_HeartOfCat_TW case 31628: // C_Bogy_Cap_TW // top + mid case 19555: // C_Crescent_Helm case 19574: // C_Lord_of_Death case 19578: // C_Goggle case 19598: // C_Wondering_Wolf_Helm case 19612: // C_Headset_OST case 19710: // C_Wings_Of_Victory case 19760: // C_Rainbow_Veil case 19775: // C_Marvelous_Wig case 19823: // C_White_Cat_Hood case 19864: // C_Afro_Wig case 19928: // C_Gothic_Heart_Wing case 20402: // C_Holy_Klobuk case 20493: // C_Wing_Headphone case 31205: // C_L_Orc_Hero_Helm case 31415: // C_Wanderer_Sakkat // top + low case 20217: // C_Arabian_Veil // top + mid + low case 19556: // C_Kabuki_Mask case 19746: // C_Cap_Of_Blindness case 19821: // C_Hyegun_Hat case 19849: // C_Munak_Turban case 19850: // C_Bongun_Hat case 20481: // C_Mask_of_Ifrit case 31409: // C_Barrel_Helm break; default: mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Well..."; mes "This hat is currently not available for upgrade."; close; } break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID: switch(.@equip_id) { // mid case 18742: // C_MoonStar_Accessory case 18744: // C_World_Star case 19291: // C_Shiba_Inu case 19509: // Butterfly_Wing_Ear case 19510: // Nut_On_Head case 19511: // Heart_Eye_Patch1 case 19512: // Heart_Eye_Patch2 case 19550: // C_Blush case 19551: // C_Elven_Ears case 19603: // C_Invisible_Sunglasses case 19621: // C_Ear_Of_Devils_Wing case 19624: // C_Round_Eyes case 19734: // C_Binoculars case 19735: // C_Fin_Helm case 19752: // C_Shelter_Wing_Ears case 19755: // C_YinYang_Earring case 19781: // C_Ear_Of_Angel's_Wing_ case 19787: // C_Devoted_Eyes case 19826: // C_Ice_Wing_Ear case 19830: // C_Sunglasses case 19846: // C_Opera_Ghost_Mask case 19871: // C_Music_Decoration case 19885: // C_Blinker case 19886: // C_Luxury_Sunglasses case 19887: // C_One_Eyed_Glass case 19888: // C_Glasses case 19889: // C_Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon case 19912: // C_Cat_Eye case 19925: // C_One_Eyed_Glasses case 19954: // C_3D_Glasses case 19989: // C_Mouton_Life case 20115: // C_Under_Rim_Glasses case 20125: // C_Mini_Glasses case 20145: // C_Robo_Eye case 20146: // C_Angel_Spirit case 20147: // C_Bell_Pigeon case 20149: // C_Hexagon_Spectacles case 20215: // C_Black_Devil_Mask case 20221: // C_Eyes_Of_Ifrit case 20255: // C_Love_Cheek case 20270: // C_Gryphon_Wing_Ears case 20295: // C_Poring_Sunglasses_J case 20298: // C_Happy_Lunatic_Ear case 20318: // C_Charleston_Antenna case 20319: // C_Crimson_Booster case 20325: // C_Little_Aquarium case 20376: // C_Memories_Of_Lovers case 20399: // C_Crow_Tengu_Mask case 20404: // C_Blessing_Of_Angels case 20430: // C_Morocc_Kid_Servant case 31047: // C_First_Love_Cheek case 31122: // C_Bloody_Stop_Bandage case 31167: // C_Lunatic_Ear_Black case 31168: // C_Mouton_Life_BL case 31183: // C_Fallen_Angel_Blessing case 31186: // C_Black_Cat case 31299: // C_White_Rabbit case 31302: // C_Black_Magenta_Ribbon case 31308: // C_Protect_Feathers case 31327: // C_Stretched_Nose_M case 31391: // C_Floating_Stone_Of_Int case 31398: // C_Blinking_Thin_Eyes case 31437: // C_Baby_Penguin case 31452: // C_White_Cat case 31463: // C_Flying_Drone case 31472: // C_Fairy_Feathers case 31483: // C_CatEarRibbon_TW case 31488: // C_Mvp case 31512: // C_Panda_Rabbit case 31567: // C_Sheep_Horn case 31568: // C_Floating_Ball_TW case 31574: // C_Cyber_Income case 31600: // C_Kishu_Inu case 31614: // C_Fox case 31673: // C_Picnic_Basket case 31688: // C_Poring_On_Shoulder case 31699: // C_Smiling_Eyes // mid + low case 19554: // C_Hahoe_Mask case 19563: // C_Dragon_Arhat_Mask case 19564: // C_Tiger_Arhat_Mask case 19638: // C_Mr_Smile case 19732: // C_Goblin_Mask_04 case 19736: // C_Gas_Mask case 19791: // C_Alarm_Mask case 19792: // C_Goblin_Mask_01 case 19793: // C_Goblin_Mask_02 case 19794: // C_Goblin_Mask_03 case 19882: // C_Flowerpot_Mask case 20166: // C_Hockey_Mask case 20195: // C_Scratching_Cat case 20230: // C_Mask_Of_Bankrupt case 20299: // C_Face_Crusher case 31505: // C_Falcon_Mask break; default: mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Well..."; mes "This hat is currently not available for upgrade."; close; } break; case EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW: switch(.@equip_id) { case 19513: // Chicken_Beak case 19514: // Charlie_Beard case 19528: // C_Iron_Cane case 19552: // C_Centimental_Flower case 19553: // C_Assassin_Mask_ case 19566: // C_Samurai_Mask case 19604: // C_Invisible_Mask case 19606: // C_Ninja_Scroll case 19634: // C_Flu_Mask case 19636: // C_Pierrot_Nose case 19672: // C_Poring_Letter case 19783: // C_Granpa_Beard case 19785: // C_Well_Baked_Toast case 19798: // C_Angry_Mouth case 19902: // C_Cigar case 20034: // C_Jack_Castle_Bat case 20054: // C_Baby_Pacifier case 20071: // C_Worg_In_Mouth case 20091: // C_Smoking_Pipe case 20132: // C_Subject_Aura case 20156: // C_Fan_In_Mouth case 20169: // C_Long_Tongue case 20201: // C_Banshee_Master_Kiss case 20202: // C_Deviruchi_Balloon case 20223: // C_Centimental_Leaf case 20235: // C_Frozen_Land_Rose case 20239: // C_Large_Ribbon_Muffler case 20240: // C_Gift_Of_Snow case 20264: // C_Blood_Sucker case 20305: // C_NettyHeart_BalloonGum case 20340: // C_Straight_Pony_BL case 20342: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_BL case 20344: // C_Happy_Balloon_J case 20357: // C_Straight_Pony_YL case 20358: // C_Straight_Pony_GN case 20359: // C_Straight_Pony_PP case 20360: // C_Straight_Pony_RD case 20361: // C_Straight_Pony_OM case 20362: // C_Straight_Pony_BU case 20363: // C_Straight_Pony_WH case 20364: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_YL case 20365: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_GN case 20366: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_PP case 20367: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_RD case 20368: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_OM case 20369: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_BU case 20370: // C_Loose_Wave_Twin_WH case 20405: // C_Eremes_Scarf case 20407: // C_Subject_Aura_Red case 20429: // C_Piamette_BowTie case 20440: // C_Tone_Of_Gold case 20448: // C_Cons_Of_Water case 20462: // C_Cat_Ears_Cape case 20497: // C_Umbala_Spirit case 20798: // GrimReaper_Protection case 31029: // C_Pig_Nose case 31045: // C_Blue_Rear_Ribbon case 31057: // C_Eremes_Scarf_Black case 31063: // C_Hair_Bun_BU case 31064: // C_Hair_Bun_RD case 31065: // C_Hair_Bun_YL case 31066: // C_Hair_Bun_GN case 31067: // C_Hair_Bun_BL case 31068: // C_Hair_Bun_WH case 31069: // C_Hair_Bun_OM case 31070: // C_Hair_Bun_PP case 31079: // C_Long_Pony_BU case 31080: // C_Long_Pony_RD case 31081: // C_Long_Pony_YL case 31082: // C_Long_Pony_GN case 31083: // C_Long_Pony_BL case 31084: // C_Long_Pony_WH case 31085: // C_Long_Pony_OM case 31086: // C_Long_Pony_PP case 31152: // C_Piamette_BowTie_Red case 31178: // C_Flame_Muffler case 31189: // C_Cat_Ears_Cape_Red case 31210: // C_Side_Pigtail_BU case 31211: // C_Side_Pigtail_RD case 31212: // C_Side_Pigtail_YL case 31213: // C_Side_Pigtail_GN case 31214: // C_Side_Pigtail_BL case 31215: // C_Side_Pigtail_WH case 31216: // C_Side_Pigtail_OM case 31217: // C_Side_Pigtail_PP case 31226: // C_Long_Twin_BU case 31227: // C_Long_Twin_RD case 31228: // C_Long_Twin_YL case 31229: // C_Long_Twin_GN case 31230: // C_Long_Twin_BL case 31231: // C_Long_Twin_WH case 31232: // C_Long_Twin_OM case 31233: // C_Long_Twin_PP case 31251: // C_Cat_Mouth case 31296: // C_Strawberry_In_Mouth case 31300: // C_Warm_Cat_Muffler case 31315: // C_Stall_Of_Angel case 31330: // C_Fallen_Angel_Valletta case 31381: // C_Diabolic_Lapel case 31383: // C_Volume_Low_Twin case 31393: // C_Vajra case 31395: // C_Book_Of_Magic case 31404: // C_Poring_Traffic_Light case 31418: // C_Leek_In_Mouth case 31432: // C_Luwmin_Ice case 31438: // C_Fluffy_Angel_Cape case 31450: // C_Lolita_Two_Side_Up case 31453: // C_L_RibbonMuff_Black case 31460: // C_Blessing_Sky_Lantern case 31473: // C_Tipsy case 31490: // C_Poring_Muffler case 31492: // C_Cat_Ears_Cape_Brown case 31493: // C_Volume_Low_Twin_WH case 31498: // C_Elephangel_TH case 31533: // C_Warm_Cat_Muffler_BL case 31545: // C_Eremes_Scarf_BU case 31572: // C_Mobile_Pursuit_System case 31586: // C_Poporing_Muffler case 31611: // C_Dark_Snake_Lord_Stall case 31616: // C_Sleep_Sheep_TW case 31625: // C_Protect_Cloth case 31698: // C_Pigtail_Red_Hood break; default: mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Well..."; mes "This hat is currently not available for upgrade."; close; } break; default: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; } .@location = getiteminfo(.@equip_id, 5); .@equip_refine = getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); setarray .@card[0], getequipcardid(.@part, 0), getequipcardid(.@part, 1), getequipcardid(.@part, 2), getequipcardid(.@part, 3); mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Wow~ This ^0000FF" + getitemname(.@equip_id) + "^000000!!! looks great on you!!"; mes "What kind of stone do you want to use for the upgrade?"; next; if (.@part == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) .@slot = select( "Upper", "Middle", "Lower", "Cancel" ) - 1; // the slot enchanted changes according to the location else if (.@part == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) .@slot = select( "", "Middle", "Lower", "Cancel" ) - 1; else if (.@part == EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) .@slot = 2; switch(.@slot) { case 0: if (!(.@location & 1024)) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "The costume can't be enhanced at this location."; // custom close; } setarray .@stone_id[0], 6636, 4700, // STRStone_Top Strength1 6637, 4710, // INTStone_Top Inteligence1 6638, 4730, // AGIStone_Top Agility1 6639, 4720, // DEXStone_Top Dexterity1 6640, 4740, // VITStone_Top Vitality1 6641, 4750, // LUKStone_Top Luck1 6716, 4926, // Cri_Stone Critical1 6740, 4930, // HealStone_Top HEAL2 6741, 4805, // HealStone2_Top Heal_Amount2 6790, 4936, // BigStone_Top ATK_BIG1 6791, 4937, // MediumStone_Top ATK_MEDIUM1 6792, 4938, // SmallStone_Top ATK_SMALL1 6943, 29028, // ATKStone_Top Atk1p_Top 6944, 29030, // MATKStone_Top Matk1p_Top 6999, 29013, // HPdrainStone_Top HPdrain3 25000, 29032, // SPdrainStone_Top SPdrain1_Top 25068, 4807, // ASPDStone_Top Atk_Speed1 25069, 29053, // ReloadStone_Top Skill_Delay1_Top 25171, 29159, // EXPStone_Top EXP2TOP 25172, 29156, // CastingStone_Top Casting_Top 25304, 29359, // Critical_Stone_Top Fatal_Top 25413, 29428; // Ranger_Stone_Top Sniper_Stone_Top break; case 1: if (!(.@location & 2048)) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "The costume can't be enhanced at this location."; // custom close; } setarray .@stone_id[0], 6642, 4882, // ATKStone_Middle Atk1p 6643, 4883, // MATKStone_Middle Matk1p 6717, 4927, // MaxHP_Stone HP50 6742, 4931, // HealStone_Middle HEALHP1 6743, 4861, // HPStone_Middle MHP1 6744, 4929, // SPStone_Middle MSP1 6945, 4700, // STRStone_Middle Strength1 6946, 4710, // INTStone_Middle Inteligence1 6947, 4730, // AGIStone_Middle Agility1 6948, 4720, // DEXStone_Middle Dexterity1 6949, 4740, // VITStone_Middle Vitality1 6950, 4750, // LUKStone_Middle Luck1 25001, 29026, // DEFStone_Middle Def20 25002, 29024, // ChangeLUK_Middle LUK3STR 25003, 29014, // ChangeSTR_Middle STR3INT 25004, 29022, // ChangeAGI_Middle AGI3LUK 25005, 29016, // ChangeINT_Middle INT3DEX 25006, 29020, // ChangeVIT_Middle VIT3AGI 25007, 29018, // ChangeDEX_Middle DEX3VIT 25060, 29047, // Critical_Stone Fatal0 25061, 29048, // Range_Stone Expert_Archer0 25070, 29054, // ReloadStone_Middle Skill_Delay1_Middle 25141, 29145, // EXPStone_Middle EXP2MIDDLE 25173, 29157, // CastingStone_Middle Casting_Middle 25175, 29155; // LexAeternaStone_Middle LexAeterna break; case 2: if (!(.@location & 4096)) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "The costume can't be enhanced at this location."; // custom close; } setarray .@stone_id[0], 6644, 4884, // HITStone_Bottom HIT1 6645, 4859, // FLEEStone_Bottom Evasion1 6718, 4928, // MaxSP_Stone SP10 6745, 4932, // HealStone_Bottom HEALSP1 6951, 4861, // HPStone_Bottom MHP1 25008, 29021, // ChangeVIT_Bottom VIT3LUK 25009, 29023, // ChangeAGI_Bottom AGI3STR 25010, 29019, // ChangeDEX_Bottom DEX3AGI 25011, 29025, // ChangeLUK_Bottom LUK3INT 25012, 29015, // ChangeSTR_Bottom STR3DEX 25013, 29017, // ChangeINT_Bottom INT3VIT 25014, 29033, // MDEFStone_Bottom Mdef4_Bottom 25015, 29027, // EXPStone_Bottom EXP2 25016, 29029, // ATKStone_Bottom Atk1p_Bottom 25017, 29031, // MATKStone_Bottom Matk1p_Bottom 25062, 29046, // Greed_Stone Greed 25063, 29049, // MaxHP2_Stone HP100_ 25064, 29050, // MaxSP2_Stone SP50_ 25065, 29051, // Detoxify_Stone Detoxify 25066, 29052, // Recovery_Stone Recovery 25071, 29055, // ReloadStone_Bottom Skill_Delay1_Bottom 25072, 29057, // Kyrie_Stone Kyrie 25139, 29146, // Identify_Stone Identify 25174, 29158, // CastingStone_Bottom Casting_Bottom 25227, 29227, // Heal_Stone Heal 25228, 29229, // Teleport_Stone Teleport 25229, 29228, // Steal_Stone Steal 25305, 29360; // Critical_Stone_Bottom Fatal_Bottom break; default: mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Please check our other upgrading services~"; close; } .@size = getarraysize(.@stone_id); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) .@menu$ += sprintf( "%d. %s [%d] left:", (.@i/2)+1, getitemname(.@stone_id[.@i]), countitem(.@stone_id[.@i]) ); .@s = (select(.@menu$) - 1) * 2; .@stone = .@stone_id[.@s]; .@enchant = .@stone_id[.@s+1]; if (getequipid(.@part) < 0 || countitem(.@stone) < 1) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Hmm? Think you are lack of ingredients."; mes "You must have both costume item and ability stone for this upgrading work."; close; } mes "^FF0000 !!! Caution !!!^000000"; mes "^FF0000This upgrade can be failed.^000000"; mes "^FF0000If the item already has extra ability,^000000"; mes "^FF0000we will reset item's ability.^000000"; mes "^FF0000Are you sure about upgrading this item?^000000"; next; if (select( "Yes.", "No." ) == 2) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Please check our other upgrading services~"; close; } delitem .@stone, 1; // anti-hack if (callfunc("F_IsEquipIDHack", .@part, .@equip_id) || callfunc("F_IsEquipCardHack", .@part, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3]) || callfunc("F_IsEquipRefineHack", .@part, .@equip_refine)) close; delequip .@part; if (rand(1,100) < 51) { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "Wow... Elegance!!"; mes "This is perfect... Wow!"; .@card[.@slot] = .@enchant; } else { mes "[Aver De Dosh]"; mes "History is known for its failure..."; mes "History of Fashion also is..."; mes "Sorry...to disappoint you..~ LoL."; .@card[.@slot] = 0; } getitem2 .@equip_id,1,1,.@equip_refine,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3]; close; }
  14. Good day! Can anyone help? I want to modify my @ii / @iteminfo atcommands to have an itemlink and doesn't have limit on showing the results. Thanks in advance! /*========================================== * Show Items DB Info v 1.0 * originally by [Lupus] *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(iteminfo) { struct item_data *item_array[MAX_SEARCH]; int i, count = 1; if (!message || !*message) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,1276)); // Please enter an item name/ID (usage: @ii/@iteminfo <item name/ID>). return -1; } if ((item_array[0] = itemdb_exists(atoi(message))) == NULL) count = itemdb_searchname_array(item_array, MAX_SEARCH, message); if (!count) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,19)); // Invalid item ID or name. return -1; } if (count == MAX_SEARCH) { sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,269), MAX_SEARCH); // Displaying first %d matches clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct item_data * item_data = item_array[i]; sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1277), // Item: '%s'/'%s'[%d] (%hu) Type: %s | Extra Effect: %s item_data->name,item_data->jname,item_data->slot,item_data->nameid, (item_data->type != IT_AMMO) ? itemdb_typename((enum item_types)item_data->type) : itemdb_typename_ammo((enum e_item_ammo)item_data->look), (item_data->script==NULL)? msg_txt(sd,1278) : msg_txt(sd,1279) // None / With script ); clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1280), item_data->value_buy, item_data->value_sell, item_data->weight/10. ); // NPC Buy:%dz, Sell:%dz | Weight: %.1f clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); if (item_data->maxchance == -1) { strcpy(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1281)); // - Available in the shops only. clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); } else if (!battle_config.atcommand_mobinfo_type) { if (item_data->maxchance) sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1282), (float)item_data->maxchance / 100 ); // - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%% else strcpy(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,1283)); // - Monsters don't drop this item. clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); } } return 0; }
  15. try mo to https://www.vultr.com/docs/setup-ragnarok-online-server-on-ubuntu-14-04-x64
  16. ay nakita ko kase yung ibang post nya sa english section, di daw kase sya makaconnect sa laro. kala ko same here haha
  17. ako vultr. Pero state mo muna mga clients exe mo packet version used how you installed yung IP's. may technicalities kase minsan. Lalo na kung 2020 gamit mong exe. sa 2020 yung char ip and map ip kelangan IP talaga nung server. d pwedeng gamitin. Di talaga sya naconnect. I don't think you need port forwarding if you need to connect to server only kase d ko ginawa yan pero nakakaconnect ako.
  18. can this become a script like autopots?
  19. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/diff
  20. How did you made it work? Mine's unknown item.
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