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Everything posted by deathscythe13

  1. ohh its because .@rewarditem has wrong value xD should suppose to be like this set .@rewarditem , .rewarditem[rand(getarraysize(.rewarditem))];
  2. OnTimer61000: disablenpc "All Job Manager"; enablenpc "Mr. Banker"; // <------- not enabled donpcevent "Mr. Banker::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end;
  3. - script Reward -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( #RD == gettime(8) ) end; set .@rewarditem, rand( getarraysize( .rewarditem ) ); query_sql "INSERT INTO `storage` VALUES (NULL, "+ getcharid(3) +", "+.@rewarditem+", 1 , 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)"; set #RD,gettime(8); end; Oinit: setarray .rewarditem[0],512,513,514; //reward item id end; }
  4. * getcharid <type>{,"character name"}; This function will return a unique ID number of the invoking character, or, if a character name is specified, of that character. Type is the kind of associated ID number required: 0 - Character ID number. 1 - Party ID number. 2 - Guild ID number. 3 - Account ID number. if (getcharid(2)) mes "Only members of a guild are allowed beyond this point!";
  5. add above if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck; OnClock0000: OnClock0500: OnClock1000: OnClock1500: OnClock2000: set $@startcluck, 1;
  6. deathscythe13


    how about checking some mapflags?
  7. - script PVPPOINTS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy.@map$,.@x,.@y,0; if(getcharid(3)==killedrid) end; if(.@map$ != "pvp_y_1-2") end; set .@player1, getcharid(3); set .@player2, killedrid; attachrid(.@player2); set .@player2points, #CASHPOINTS; if(.@player2points) { set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - 1; dispbottom "You Lost 1 Cash Point from "+rid2name(killerrid); } emotion e_sob,1; attachrid(.@player1); if(.@player2points) { set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 1; dispbottom "You Gained 1 Cash Points from "+rid2name(killedrid); } else dispbottom "Sorry no cash points on the "+rid2name(killedrid); emotion e_meh,1; end; }
  8. - script Reward -1,{ OnClock0000: query_sql "DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE str = '#done'"; OnPCLoginEvent: if(#done) end; setarray .rewarditem[0],512,513,514; //reward item id set .rewardamt, 1; //reward amount PICKREWARD: set .@rewarditem, .rewarditem[rand(getarraysize(.rewarditem))]; if(#lastreward == .@rewarditem) goto PICKREWARD; getitem .@rewarditem,.rewardamt; set #lastreward, .@rewarditem; set #done,1; end; }
  9. where? i don't see any.. it was released in eathena and not even working if you don't have the custom autobuy.
  10. remake by VoidLess, original by zephyrus_cr re-edit by deathscythe13 to work in rAthena Guys this is it enjoy! Download: whobuy.patch
  11. try foxxy's its way better
  12. Oops sorry my bad it should have been if(!getgmlevel())
  13. //Script by: BrianL - script IdleKick -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: set .interval, 1; // How often to check? (seconds) set .max_idle, 120; // Idle time before kicking? (seconds) getmapxy( @map$, @x, @y, 0 ); addtimer .interval *1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; end; OnCheck: getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if( .@map$ == "bat_c01" ) { if (.@map$==@map$ && .@x==@x && .@y==@y) { // same map,x,y (idle) set @idle_seconds, @idle_seconds + .interval; } else { // they moved, so reset idle timer set @idle_seconds, 0; } set @map$,.@map$; set @x,.@x; set @y,.@y; if (@idle_seconds >= .max_idle) { dispbottom "Idle characters are not allowed in Gold Room. Warping to save point..."; warp "SavePoint",0,0; // warp out // atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); // or kick } } addtimer .interval *1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; end; }
  14. change to if (!getgmlevel())
  15. npc cannot check if player is in idle mode i think >.<
  16. prontera,150,180,4 script GM ROOM 100,{ set .@reqitem, 512; //set required item for non-gm set .@reqitemamt, 1; //set required item amount for non-gm set .@gmroom$, "prontera"; //set gm map set .@gmx, 151; //set gm coordinates x set .@gmy, 180; //set gm coordinates y if(getgroupid() <= 1) { if(countitem(.@reqitem) < .@reqitemamt) { mes "[GM ROOM]"; mes "You don't have any "+.@reqitemamt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem); close; } delitem .@reqitem, .@reqitemamt; warp .@gmroom$,.@gmx,.@gmy; end; } warp .@gmroom$,.@gmx,.@gmy; end; }
  17. ohh is this wafflero? i like wafflero ok im gonna make mine: - script reborn1sttrigger -1,{ OnClock1200: OnClock0000: announce "I have arrived!",0; enablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; OnClock1210: OnClock0010: announce "If that's all ill be going now",0; disablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; } prontera,151,180,4 script FirstReborn 100,{ set .@maxblevel , 99; set .@maxjlevel , 70; set .@reqitem1, 512; set .@reqitem2, 513; set .@reqitem3, 514; set .@reqitem1amt, 1; set .@reqitem2amt, 1; set .@reqitem3amt, 1; mes "[FirstReborn]"; if(reborncount) { mes "You have finish reborn!"; close; } if(Upper != 1 || BaseLevel < .@maxblevel || JobLevel < .@maxjlevel || countitem(.@reqitem1) < .@reqitem1amt || countitem(.@reqitem2) < .@reqitem2amt || countitem(.@reqitem3) < .@reqitem3amt ) { mes "You need to be Base Lvl: "+.@maxblevel; mes "You need to be Job Lvl: "+.@maxjlevel; mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem1amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem1); mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem2amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem2); mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem3amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem3); mes "You dont have enough requirements!"; close; } mes "Congratulations you are now reborn!"; delitem .@reqitem1,.@reqitem1amt; delitem .@reqitem2,.@reqitem2amt; delitem .@reqitem3,.@reqitem3amt; jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; set reborncount, reborncount+1; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has been reborn.",0; close; } prontera,155,180,4 script SecondReborn 100,{ set .@maxblevel , 99; set .@maxjlevel , 70; set .@reqitem, 751; set .@reqitemamt, 5; set .@rebornmax, 10; mes "[secondReborn]"; if(reborncount < 1) { mes "You didn't take first reborn yet."; close; } if(reborncount >= .@rebornmax) { mes "You cannot reborn anymore."; close; } if(Upper != 1 || BaseLevel < .@maxblevel || JobLevel < .@maxjlevel || countitem(.@reqitem) < .@reqitemamt ) { mes "You need to be Base Lvl: "+.@maxblevel; mes "You need to be Job Lvl: "+.@maxjlevel; mes "You need to have "+.@reqitemamt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem); mes "You dont have enough requirements!"; close; } mes "Congratulations you are now reborn!"; delitem .@reqitem,.@reqitemamt; jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; set reborncount, reborncount+1; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has been reborn "+reborncount+" times.",0; close; } prontera,159,180,4 script RebornLadder 100,{ set .@count, query_sql ("SELECT char_id,value FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE str='reborncount' ORDER BY value DESC",.@charid,.@reborncount); mes "[RebornLadder]"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@count; set .@i, .@i+1) { query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id="+.@charid[.@i]+"",.@charname$; mes .@charname$+" "+.@reborncount[.@i]; } close; } prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ set .rskill,5000; // Set value in zeny for skill reset here set .rstat,5000; // Set value in zeny for stat reset here set .rboth,9000; // Set value for "package deal" (i.e.: reseting both) here. mes "[Reset Girl]"; mes "I am a Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .rstat +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ .rskill +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ .rboth +"z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Quit")) { case 1: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rskill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rskill; ResetSkill; close; case 2: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rstat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rstat; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); close; case 3: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rboth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rboth; ResetSkill; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); close; case 4: mes "Come again soon!"; close; } }
  18. hmm weird >.< mine has the third option i dont know why in yours has not
  19. if(Class != 4108) goto L_cant; means only Class "Baby Shadow Chaser" can enter the event otherwise it goes directly to L_cant; should be: if(Class!=0) goto L_cant; replace 4108 to 0 or try this: if(Class != 4108 || Class != 0)
  20. prontera,156,182,5 script Jobchanger 100,{ if(Class == Job_Novice && JobLevel == 10 && SkillPoint == 0) { jobchange Job_Knight; getitem 2237,1; getitem 1404,1; set BaseLevel, 1; } if(Class==Job_Knight) set BaseLevel, 1; end; }
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