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Everything posted by nelsontyh

  1. If you diff the client with a higher number of view ID's that won't be a problem. Have you tried @changelook 3000 to see if your client exits?
  2. Would it be something like this? Location,x,y,direction script name sprite,{ if (BaseLevel == 99 && Joblevel == 70} { warp “location”,0,0; } else { mes “[PvP Warper]”; mes “This pvp room is for level 99/70 only”; next; mes “[PvP Warper]”; mes “Would you like to decrease your level to 99/70 for this?”; mes “Note: You would have to level to 255/90 again.”; menu “Yes”,L_Yes,”No”,L_No; end; L_Yes: set Baselevel,99; set JobLevel,70; warp “location”,0,0; close; L_No: mes “[PvP Warper]”; mes “Very well then.” close; } } [/codeBOX]
  3. You need to use the blue setup.exe for this problem. The link provided by danker should solve the problem
  4. This is in your AccID ACCESSORY_ANGELS_WING = 1000, Change it to ACCESSORY_1000 = 1000, Should work
  5. Have you tried this in battle/player.conf? // Set to 1 if you want to enable falcons and wolves at a time. // NOTE: This is not allowed on official servers. // Default: 0. warg_can_falcon: 1
  6. How did you make it small in the first place?
  7. pvp_y_3-1,150,268,4, duplicate(Runes) Runes#12 403,2,2 Try deleting the "," after the 4 so it would be like pvp_y_3-1,150,268,4 duplicate(Runes) Runes#12 403,2,2 Also does your npc need the ,2,2 after the npc sprite? Are you using your npc to detect nearby players?
  8. What do you mean? You didn't add the map velika to warp
  9. Is there a limit to the maximum number of eventqueue that we can change? And will there be any side effects from making it too high?
  10. prontera,157,190,4[TAB]script[TAB]Garden[TAB]Entrance 793,{ OnInit: set .@garden$,maze // <Customizable> set .@x,50; // <Customizable> set .@y,55; // <Customizable> set .playersmax,15; // <Customizable> set .playersin,0; disablenpc "Garden Entrance"; end; if(gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==12) { enablenpc "Garden Entrance"; Announce "The Mystical Gate of the Secret Garden has opened! Fifteen players may enter.",bc_all || bc_blue; mes "Rumor has it that there was once an ancient secret garden located near prontera!"; if(countitem(7559) < 1) close; next; mes "I see that you have the key... Very well, since you have the key, I can warp you to the gate."; next; mes "Do you want me to? Only [" + .playersmax - .playersin + "] can enter."; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) close; if(.playersin == .playersmax) { mes "Sorry the max players has been reached."; } else { warp ".@garden$",.@x,.@y; set .playersin,.playersin + 1; close; } } else { disablenpc "Garden Entrance"; } } maze,60,60,4 script Ancient Hero of the Garden 793,{ OnInit: set .@spawn,1902; // <Customizable> set .@garden$,maze // <Customizable> disablenpc "Ancient Hero of the Garden"; end; if(getmapusers(maze) == 15) { monster "maze",0,0,"Treasure of the Secret Garden",.@spawn,10,"Ancient Hero of the Garden::L_MDeath"; } else { end; } if(getmapmobs(.@spawn) == 0) { mes "I see you have found the treasure ..."; next; if(.@first == 1 ) { goto L_First; end; } else if(.@second == 1 ) { goto L_Second; end; } else if(.@third == 1 ) { goto L_Third; end; } else if(.@rand > 3) { mes "I see that you did not get the sacred mark of the treasure..."; end; } } L_First: mes "Wow... You got the ultimate mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; getitem 2862; set zeny, zeny + 100000; close; L_Second: mes "Wow... You got the legendary mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; getitem 5682; set zeny, zeny + 50000; close; L_Third: mes "Wow... You got the holy mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; set zeny, zeny + 20000; close; L_MDeath: set .@rand, rand(1,15); if(.@rand == 1) { set .@first,1; end; } else if(.@rand == 2) { set .@second,1; end; } else if(.@rand == 3) { set .@third,1; end; } else if(.@rand > 3) { end; } } [/codeBOX] Haven't tested it yet though.
  11. I have problems with my Disguise Headgear script.. but I guess I'll explain how its supposed to work first. Basically it disguises your headgear(obviously) to a specific headgear from the list. The disguise you selected goes to a separate menu where you can choose to apply or delete the disguise. Normal disguise is limited to only a few headgears whereas premium will be able to choose all. Now this is where the problem occurs :- It seems I found that when other players choose the disguise, it may go to another player's list of selected disguise although the player had not chosen this disguise himself/herself. I tried limiting this to a disguise of 5 however it didn't work. Sometimes the selected headgear would still go to another person's list. I'll post the script here and if possible could anyone see any error's I might have made?
  12. Ah cheers, thanks very much! It's working now.
  13. I was told that disabling the auto warp in PvP maps after being killed twice is a source modification. I've been going through the source files and I can't seem to find anything for it. Any help on modifying this?
  14. Ah thanks, I got it working now. Btw isn't getarg(2) be getarg(1)?
  15. I thought of that as well but that would be quite troublesome for the players as they would have to rebuff inside the castle or in pvp, is there anyway round this to only remove the 3rd job buffs itself and leave the 2nd jobs on?
  16. I've made 3rd job skills not usable in PvP/Woe/Battleground maps by manually adding them into nocast_db. This however, does not prevent the buffs from being removed in PvP/WoE/Battleground at the moment. I'm wondering if it is possible to remove 3rd job buffs by script or is it most probably a source modification? I'm posting it in here because I'm guessing it's most probably a source modification ._.
  17. I made two channels, Support and Trading, and when I whisper to both of them it isn't the same as Main. In this case whispering to both support and trading respectively would bring up the PM box. Is there anyway to fix this?
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