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Everything posted by jpnazar

  1. here is my poring catcher how can i make this auto event every 1 hr //Made by Karul //==========Start/Announcer NPC quiz_02,323,234,3 script Poring Catcher Event 793,{ set .@name$,"^9932CC[Poring Catcher] ^000000"; if(getgmlevel() < 80) { mes .@name$; mes "Sorry you are no Level 80 GM"; close; } else { L_Main: mes .@name$; mes "What do you want to do?"; switch(select("Item [" + getitemname($@SatanReward) + "]:Start Event")) { case 1: next; mes .@name$; mes "What item do you want as the reward?"; input $@SatanReward; next; mes .@name$; mes "How many of that item(s) do you want to give?"; input $@SatanRewardItems; next; mes .@name$; mes "This is your amount:"; mes ""+$@SatanRewardItems+""; next; goto L_Main; case 2: next; mes .@name$; mes "Starting Event..."; close2; Announce "Poring Catcher Event is being held!",bc_all; sleep 5000; Announce "The warp portal has appeared in prontera!",bc_all; enablenpc "satanevent"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all; sleep 5000; Announce "Hurry to Prontera if you want to join!",bc_all; end; OnTimer40000: Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: Announce "5!",bc_all; sleep 1000; Announce "4!",bc_all; sleep 1000; Announce "3!",bc_all; sleep 1000; Announce "2!",bc_all; sleep 1000; Announce "1!",bc_all; sleep 1000; Announce "0!",bc_all; sleep 1000; disablenpc "satanevent"; donpcevent "Rewarder::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } } OnInit: disablenpc "satanevent"; hideonnpc "Rewarder"; } //=================Warp NPC prontera,155,180,0 warp satanevent 1,1,poring_w01,102,113 prontera,115,93,5 script DisguiseEvent 858,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Disguise Event",0; end; end; } //=================Reward NPC poring_w01,100,127,5 script Rewarder 793,{ set .@sname$,"[Rewarder]"; mes .@sname$; if(.@SATAN == 1) goto L_SATAN; mes "Please tell me your name."; next; input .@charname$; if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure that is your character name?"; close; } mes .@name$; mes "Congratulations You Have Won!"; Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward) + "(s)!",bc_all; getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems; atcommand "@go 0"; hideonnpc "Rewarder"; end; L_SATAN: mes .@sname$; mes "Please tell me your name"; next; input .@charname$; if(.@charname$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure that is your character name?"; close; } mes .@name$; mes "Congratulations You Have Won!"; Announce "Congratulations to " + .@charname$ + "! He / She has won " + $@SatanRewardItems + " " + getitemname($@SatanReward) + "(s)!",bc_all; getitem $@SatanReward,$@SatanRewardItems; set SATAN,0; atcommand "@go 0"; hideonnpc "Rewarder"; end; OnEnable: set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]"; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": I will be summoning 100 different kinds of Poring.",16; sleep 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": Only one of these Porings are the real one.",16; sleep 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": The correct one will be called 'Poring'.",16; sleep 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": Kill the wrong one, you're out. Kill the right one, you win.",16; sleep 5000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": Now let's play!",16; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]"; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": 5!",16; sleep 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": 4!",16; sleep 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": 3!",16; sleep 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": 2!",16; sleep 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": 1!",16; sleep 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + ": GO!",16; sleep 1000; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1002,1,"satanwin::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Pouring",1002,20,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Proing",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poiring",1002,20,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poing",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"I am not Poring",1002,5,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Gniriop",1002,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1113,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1062,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poriiing",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"PoriNg",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porong",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"P0ring",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Por1ng",1002,10,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porng",1002,1,"satanlose::OnMobKilled"; end; } //========Killed the right one - script satanwin -1,{ set .@aname$,"[Rewarder]"; OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring: ASDFGHJKL; You found me."; set .@SATAN,1; atcommand "@doommap"; killmonster "poring_w01","All"; mapannounce "poring_w01","" + .@aname$ + " Come to me and tell me your name.",16; hideoffnpc "Rewarder"; end; } //========Killed the wrong one - script satanlose -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring: ASDFGHJKL; You haven't found my twin!"; atcommand "@go 0"; end; } // -- Mapflags (If Wanted) poring_w01 mapflag nowarp poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto poring_w01 mapflag noteleport poring_w01 mapflag nosave poring_w01 mapflag nomemo poring_w01 mapflag nobranch poring_w01 mapflag noloot poring_w01 mapflag noskill poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty
  2. can i have poring catcher
  3. how to make this automatic event every 1hr&30minute and broadcast when starting in 3mins turbo_room,128,97,5 script Counting Game 437,{ mes "This is a Monsters Counting Game"; mes "I will summon some Monsters here, and you have to count the Correct Amount of Monsters i summoned."; mes "^FF0000Only Count for the Monsters i mentioned^000000"; next; switch( select( "Information", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel || .Event )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Start Game", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel || !.Event )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 End Game" )){ Case 1: mes "When the Event Start, i will summon some Monsters at a small area, and players have to count the amount of the flowers."; mes "Whoever tell me the correct amount of Monsters i mentioned, he/she win the game."; break; Case 2: mes "Event will begin right now."; close2; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame"; end; Case 3: set .Event,0; set .Round,0; deletepset 1; delwaitingroom; set .Winner[0],0; set .Winner[1],0; npctalk "Counting Game Cancelled."; killmonster .Map$,"All"; mes "Game Cancelled."; break; } close; OnSpammed: set @Spam,0; end; iSpam: if( getgmlevel() > 90 ) end; set @Spam,@Spam + 1; if( @Spam >= .Spam ){ // 3 Continuos Answer will trigger... set @SpamDelay,gettimetick(2) + .Spam; dispbottom "SPAM Detected, your answer within next "+.Spam+" Seconds will be Ignored."; } deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed"; addtimer ( .Spam * 1000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed"; end; iRight: set @Spam,0; deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed"; if( !.Event ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, there is no Event right now."; }else if( @SpamDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"SPAM Protection : Remain "+( @SpamDelay - gettimetick(2) )+" seconds."; }else if( getcharid(0) == .Winner[0] && gettimetick(2) < .Winner[1] ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, Winner Time Penalty : Remain "+( .Winner[1] - gettimetick(2) )+" seconds."; }else{ delwaitingroom; set .Event,0; set .Round,.Round - 1; set .Winner[0],getcharid(0); set .Winner[1],gettimetick(2) + .Delay; npctalk "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] , You're Correct."; killmonster .Map$,"All"; deletepset 1; if( getarraysize( .Reward$ ) > 1 ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Reward$ ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) if( getitemname( atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ) ) == "null" ){ set getd( .Reward$[.@i] ),getd( .Reward$[.@i] ) + atoi( .Reward$[.@i+1] ); dispbottom "Reward : "+.Reward$[.@i]+" + "+.Reward$[.@i+1]; }else{ getitem atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ),atoi( .Reward$[.@i+1] ); dispbottom "Reward : "+getitemname( atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ) )+" x "+.Reward$[.@i+1]; } if( .Round ) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame"; } end; OnInit: // Min. GM Level to access GM Panel set .GMLevel,80; // Game Location set .Map$,"turbo_room"; // Monster ID Lists setarray .MonsterList[0],1084,1085; // Winners Answer Delay ( Not advised for High Value ) set .Delay,10; // Spam Prevention ( Not advised for High Value ) set .Spam,3; // How many rounds set .MaxRound,10; // Area Coordination <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>; setarray .Coordinate,125,88,131,95; // Rewards ... setarray .Reward$[0], "Zeny","5000000", "7227","10", "7539","100"; end; OnMinute30: for( set .@i,60; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 10 ){ announce "Flower Counting Game : start within "+.@i+" Seconds in "+.Map$,0; sleep 10000; } OnStartGame: if( !.Round ) set .Round,.MaxRound; announce "Counting Game has started in "+.Map$,0; deletearray .MobCount[0],getarraysize( .MobCount ); for( set .@x,.Coordinate[0]; .@x <= .Coordinate[2]; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,.Coordinate[1]; .@y <= .Coordinate[3]; set .@y,.@y + 1 ){ set .@Summon,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); monster .Map$,.@x,.@y,"Count Me",.MonsterList[.@Summon],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; set .MobCount[.@Summon],.MobCount[.@Summon] + 1; sleep2 1; } set .@Target,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); deletepset 1; defpattern 1, "([^:]+): (\\|\\d{2})?"+.MobCount[.@Target]+ ".$", "iRight"; // defpattern 1,"([^:]+): "+.MobCount[.@Target], "iRight"; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*.*", "iSpam"; activatepset 1; delwaitingroom; waitingroom getmonsterinfo( .MonsterList[.@Target],0 ),0; npctalk "Count for the Targeted Monster's Amount to Win the Game."; set .Event,1; end; OnKilled: mes "You will be punished upon killing these Monsters and interupt the Game."; set @Spam,30; close2; npctalk "Round Restarted due to interruption."; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame"; end; }
  4. another npc how to make this automatic event every 1hr&15min with broadcasting the event is starting within 3minutes turbo_room,128,97,5 script Counting Game 437,{mes "This is a Monsters Counting Game";mes "I will summon some Monsters here, and you have to count the Correct Amount of Monsters i summoned.";mes "^FF0000Only Count for the Monsters i mentioned^000000";next;switch( select( "Information", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel || .Event )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Start Game", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel || !.Event )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 End Game" )){ Case 1: mes "When the Event Start, i will summon some Monsters at a small area, and players have to count the amount of the flowers."; mes "Whoever tell me the correct amount of Monsters i mentioned, he/she win the game."; break; Case 2: mes "Event will begin right now."; close2; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame"; end;Case 3: set .Event,0; set .Round,0; deletepset 1; delwaitingroom; set .Winner[0],0; set .Winner[1],0; npctalk "Counting Game Cancelled."; killmonster .Map$,"All"; mes "Game Cancelled."; break;}close;OnSpammed: set @Spam,0; end; iSpam: if( getgmlevel() > 90 ) end; set @Spam,@Spam + 1; if( @Spam >= .Spam ){ // 3 Continuos Answer will trigger... set @SpamDelay,gettimetick(2) + .Spam; dispbottom "SPAM Detected, your answer within next "+.Spam+" Seconds will be Ignored."; } deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed"; addtimer ( .Spam * 1000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed"; end; iRight:set @Spam,0;deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpammed";if( !.Event ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, there is no Event right now.";}else if( @SpamDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"SPAM Protection : Remain "+( @SpamDelay - gettimetick(2) )+" seconds.";}else if( getcharid(0) == .Winner[0] && gettimetick(2) < .Winner[1] ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, Winner Time Penalty : Remain "+( .Winner[1] - gettimetick(2) )+" seconds.";}else{ delwaitingroom; set .Event,0; set .Round,.Round - 1; set .Winner[0],getcharid(0); set .Winner[1],gettimetick(2) + .Delay; npctalk "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] , You're Correct."; killmonster .Map$,"All"; deletepset 1; if( getarraysize( .Reward$ ) > 1 ) for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Reward$ ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) if( getitemname( atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ) ) == "null" ){ set getd( .Reward$[.@i] ),getd( .Reward$[.@i] ) + atoi( .Reward$[.@i+1] ); dispbottom "Reward : "+.Reward$[.@i]+" + "+.Reward$[.@i+1]; }else{ getitem atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ),atoi( .Reward$[.@i+1] ); dispbottom "Reward : "+getitemname( atoi( .Reward$[.@i] ) )+" x "+.Reward$[.@i+1]; }if( .Round ) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame";}end;OnInit:// Min. GM Level to access GM Panelset .GMLevel,80;// Game Locationset .Map$,"turbo_room";// Monster ID Listssetarray .MonsterList[0],1084,1085;// Winners Answer Delay ( Not advised for High Value )set .Delay,10;// Spam Prevention ( Not advised for High Value )set .Spam,3;// How many roundsset .MaxRound,10;// Area Coordination <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>;setarray .Coordinate,125,88,131,95;// Rewards ...setarray .Reward$[0], "Zeny","5000000", "7227","10", "7539","100";end;OnMinute30:for( set .@i,60; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 10 ){ announce "Flower Counting Game : start within "+.@i+" Seconds in "+.Map$,0; sleep 10000;} OnStartGame: if( !.Round ) set .Round,.MaxRound; announce "Counting Game has started in "+.Map$,0; deletearray .MobCount[0],getarraysize( .MobCount ); for( set .@x,.Coordinate[0]; .@x <= .Coordinate[2]; set .@x,.@x + 1 ) for( set .@y,.Coordinate[1]; .@y <= .Coordinate[3]; set .@y,.@y + 1 ){ set .@Summon,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); monster .Map$,.@x,.@y,"Count Me",.MonsterList[.@Summon],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; set .MobCount[.@Summon],.MobCount[.@Summon] + 1; sleep2 1; } set .@Target,rand( getarraysize( .MonsterList ) ); deletepset 1; defpattern 1, "([^:]+): (\\|\\d{2})?"+.MobCount[.@Target]+ ".$", "iRight"; // defpattern 1,"([^:]+): "+.MobCount[.@Target], "iRight"; defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.*.*", "iSpam"; activatepset 1; delwaitingroom; waitingroom getmonsterinfo( .MonsterList[.@Target],0 ),0; npctalk "Count for the Targeted Monster's Amount to Win the Game."; set .Event,1; end; OnKilled: mes "You will be punished upon killing these Monsters and interupt the Game."; set @Spam,30; close2; npctalk "Round Restarted due to interruption."; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStartGame"; end;} how to make this auto event 1hr&15minutes with broadcast the event is starting within 3minutes?
  5. how can to make my item to rent items example my proof of donation = rent item ?
  6. thx more question sir how to make my bossnia need a item example proof of donation not zenny //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Bossnia Warp NPCs //===== By: ================================================== //= Masao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena //===== Description: ========================================= //= Bossnia Warp NPC's. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Converted from the official script. //= 1.1 Optimized. [Euphy] //============================================================ new_5-4,100,25,6 script Bossnia Staff::bsw 908,{ mes "[Riss]"; mes "Hello?"; mes "I found some beautiful places"; mes "while I travelled all over the world."; mes "I am an adventurer."; mes "Haha~"; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "What? My name is..."; mes "'Bossnia Staff'?? No no..."; mes "Well, my name is not so important."; mes "Sometimes you should be generous."; mes "No time for considering that kind of small stuff"; mes "when you have to concentrate on more important things."; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "Hum... anyway I want to say... something.."; mes "While I was travelling through some places,"; mes "I found a really fearful place."; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "Most of the time when you come to a place,"; mes "there is one strong and fearful monster."; mes "Isn't it?"; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "But... but... in there..."; mes "There are lots of fearful and strong monsters in there..."; mes "That was really frightful."; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "If I had reacted a bit later... a few seconds..."; mes "I might have been killed."; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "What?"; mes "You want to go in there?"; mes "Oh~ Boy~ you didn't get me."; mes "In there......."; next; mes "[Riss]"; mes "Uh... you already know?"; mes "Although you know the place, you want to go in..."; mes "Good, I will send you there."; mes "But after you went there, don't hold"; mes "a grudge against me. Also it costs 5,000 zeny."; next; if (Zeny > 4999) { mes "[Riss]"; mes "Would you really like to take the challenge??"; mes "Ok, just choose the course."; next; set .@i, select("First","Second","Third","Fourth"); mes "[Riss]"; mes "Take care, boy~"; mes "Don't hold a grudge against me."; close2; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000; warp "bossnia_0"+.@i,rand(202,204),rand(202,204); end; } mes "[Riss]"; mes "You don't have enough money..."; mes "Come back when you have at least 5,000 zeny."; close; }
  7. how to add warps? new_5-2 45 172 going to new_5-2 76 106
  8. panu mag edit ng commands like @GO para sa normal player?
  9. okay na nmn ung sa conf/battle/skill pati sa src/config/renewal.h pero bkit hindi p din sya no cast ? kinocomfile ba dpat ung src? panu?
  10. i do this step but still have casting
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