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GM Mortal

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  1. Hi thanks for your reply. Its somthing a bit more advanced that that. The server works fine, I already have it online and with my players accesing it all day. Just that sometimes the map server crashes, 3 days can go by and it doesnt crash and 1 day it can crash about 10 times or more. No errors are shown , I have had to use gdb for windows, for it to tell me where the error is:
  2. Hi. My map server is crashing all the time. And its not letting on what is the matter, all I get is "Error, received crash signal attemtimp to save all ca....." But I get nothing before or after that. I use: rAthena (Of course) rev 17702 (latest) Just simply configured for custom drop and rates. I have not modified anything in the source. I am using a Windows Server 2008 Hosting 1000mbps conection speed, 2 GB RAM. 30mb/s disk I/O-
  3. i dont know if you read it carefully but i believe your problem is msgstringtable.txt and/or texture translation. better to post this on client side section or seek the right file for this issue... maybe a request my help you. It happens to me on storage only, not inventory. Would this still be still msgstring problem?
  4. Is this not automaticly fixed in the lastest revision alreadly? I have 17702, and it isnt fixed.
  5. I thought rAthena revision 17702 was released not long ago (Due to that in rathena svn there is version 17701, and in the git there is 17702), when was it release? About a month ago? And the ItemType was fixed 2 months ago, but why hasnt it been automaticly implemented instead of us all having to fix it manually?
  6. 1. For pre-renewal would be client date 2012-04-10, and a pre-renewal data. -For custom palletes just replace the old ones. -Latest version of rAthena has all maps included even if renewal deactivated (but no mobs implemented) 2. Renewal and then taking off some reneewal features, if you want to be more pre-re -No. -That doesnt change.
  7. Hi all, this script is good but I dont know why on certain ocations this happens: -Puts all members on same team. -Starts even if only 1 player available. I see that the "Join" commands, sets you to a random team. I was wondering if somebody could help me or point me in the right direction to make it like a battleground way of joining (2 chat room, then start when full), but I dont know how to set the teams. Here is the code: //Author Goddameit //Version 2012/06/09 - ''flag_event'' map //Web http://bit.ly/Ja4udHzzz guild_room,236,283,4 script CTF-Reward 100,{ getitem 675,5; warp "prontera",150,180; end; } prontera,150,185,4 script CTF 100,{ if(getgmlevel()) if(select("Activate","Join")==1) { initnpctimer; close; } function c_flagon { while(set(.@i,.@i+1)<=6) { if(getd("$@flag"+.@i+"_a")==getarg(0)) return .@i; } return 0; } if(!.game) { mes "No game now."; close; } if(.game==2) { mes "Starting."; close; } select("Join"); mes "OK"; set @ctf_tid,.join==0?1:.join==1?2:.join%2; setd ".join_j"+.join,getcharid(3); set .join,.join+1; close; OnTimer120000: set .w,0; if(.ctf_tp1!=.ctf_tp2) { announce "[CTF] Team "+set(.w,(.ctf_tp1>.ctf_tp2?1:2))+" win.",0; for(set .@io,0;.@io<=.join;set .@io,.@io+1) { if(attachrid(getd(".join_j"+.@io))) { getmapxy(@cm$,@cx,@cy,0); if(@cm$=="flag_event") { if(.w==@ctf_tid) { warp "guild_room",236,283; }else warp "prontera",150,180; } setd ".join_j"+.@io,0; deltimer "FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; } } set .join,0; } mapwarp "flag_event","prontera",150,180; announce "[CTF] Game Over",0; end; OnTimer1: OnStart: set .game,1; set .join,1; set .ctf_tn1,0; set .ctf_tn2,0; set .ctf_tp1,0; set .ctf_tp2,0; sleep2(30000); set .game,2; setmapflag "flag_event",mf_pvp; setmapflag "flag_event",mf_pvp_noguild; removemapflag "flag_event",mf_gvg; announce "[CTF]!!!",0; for(set .@io,0;.@io<=.join;set .@io,.@io+1) { if(attachrid(getd(".join_j"+.@io))) { if(@ctf_tid==2) warp "flag_event",180,87; else warp "flag_event",33,93; } } initnpctimer "CTF-Point#1"; initnpctimer "CTF-Point#2"; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@cm$,@cx,@cy,0); if(@cm$!="flag_event"||.game!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; addtimer 5000,"CTF-Point#"+@ctf_tid+"::OnDie"; OnPCEnd: OnPCLogoutEvent: set @ctf_tu,0; set @CTF,0; if(set(.@i,c_flagon(getcharid(0)))) { deltimer "FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; callfunc "CTF_LimitSkillWhenCareFlag",0; getmapxy(.@cm$,.@cx,.@cy,0); hideoffnpc "Flag#"+.@i; stopnpctimer "Flag#"+.@i; setd "$@flag"+.@i+"_a",0; movenpc "Flag#"+.@i,.@cx,.@cy; if(@ctf_xt&&@ctf_tid) { specialeffect2 666; set @ctf_xt,0; mapannounce "flag_event","[CTF] Team "+@ctf_tid+" +1",0; setd ".ctf_tp"+@ctf_tid,getd(".ctf_tp"+@ctf_tid)+1; mapannounce "flag_event","[Sorce] "+.ctf_tp1+" : "+.ctf_tp2,0; movenpc "Flag#"+.@i,107,90; getmapxy(getvariableofnpc(.cm$,"Flag#"+.@i),getvariableofnpc(.cx,"Flag#"+.@i),getvariableofnpc(.cy,"Flag#"+.@i),1,"Flag#"+.@i); } end; } set @ctf_xt,0; end; } flag_event,107,90,4 script Flag#1 722,{ if(getvariableofnpc(.game,"CTF")!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; function flag_tid { if(getarg(0)<4) return 1; else return 2; } set .k,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); getmapxy(.cm$,.cx,.cy,1); getmapxy(.@cm$,.@cx,.@cy,0); if(pow(.cx-.@cx,2)>9||pow(.cy-.@cy,2)>9) { message strcharinfo(0),"Too far!!"+rand(1000)+""+rand(1000); end; } if(@CTF) end; set @CTF,1; setd "$@flag"+.k+"_a",getcharid(0); hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); callfunc "CTF_LimitSkillWhenCareFlag",1; addtimer 500,"FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; end; } - script FlagTimer -,{ OnTimerStart: set @ctf_tu,@ctf_tu+1; if(@ctf_tu>120) { unitskilluseid getcharid(3),173,1; doevent "CTF::OnPCEnd"; end; } specialeffect2 589; addtimer 500,"FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; end; } flag_event,33,93,4 script CTF-Point#1 111,3,3,{ end; OnDie: if(@ctf_tid==2) warp "flag_event",180,87; else warp "flag_event",33,93; end; OnTouch: if(getvariableofnpc(.game,"CTF")!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; if(@ctf_tid!=atoi(strnpcinfo(2))) end; set @ctf_xt,1; doevent "CTF::OnPCEnd"; end; OnTimer500: specialeffect 225; sleep(500); specialeffect 236; sleep(500); specialeffect 237; sleep(500); specialeffect 238; initnpctimer; end; } flag_event,180,87,4 duplicate(CTF-Point#1) CTF-Point#2 45,3,3 flag_event mapflag nowarpto flag_event mapflag nosave flag_event mapflag nobranch flag_event mapflag nopenalty flag_event mapflag noreturn flag_event mapflag nowarp flag_event mapflag noicewall flag_event mapflag nomemo flag_event mapflag pvp
  8. A script a bit like this: getmapxy(.@mapa$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@mapa$ == "pvp_n_1-5) //your map { // unequip <equipment slot>; } You would have to place this in a pvp script with a loop. It might not be the best way, but it should work.
  9. Hi all, this script is good but I dont know why on certain ocations this happens: -Puts all members on same team. -Starts even if only 1 player available. I see that the "Join" commands, sets you to a random team. I was wondering if somebody could help me or point me in the right direction to make it like a battleground way of joining (2 chat room, then start when full), but I dont know how to set the teams. Here is the code: //Author Goddameit //Version 2012/06/09 - ''flag_event'' map //Web http://bit.ly/Ja4udHzzz guild_room,236,283,4 script CTF-Reward 100,{ getitem 675,5; warp "prontera",150,180; end; } prontera,150,185,4 script CTF 100,{ if(getgmlevel()) if(select("Activate","Join")==1) { initnpctimer; close; } function c_flagon { while(set(.@i,.@i+1)<=6) { if(getd("$@flag"+.@i+"_a")==getarg(0)) return .@i; } return 0; } if(!.game) { mes "No game now."; close; } if(.game==2) { mes "Starting."; close; } select("Join"); mes "OK"; set @ctf_tid,.join==0?1:.join==1?2:.join%2; setd ".join_j"+.join,getcharid(3); set .join,.join+1; close; OnTimer120000: set .w,0; if(.ctf_tp1!=.ctf_tp2) { announce "[CTF] Team "+set(.w,(.ctf_tp1>.ctf_tp2?1:2))+" win.",0; for(set .@io,0;.@io<=.join;set .@io,.@io+1) { if(attachrid(getd(".join_j"+.@io))) { getmapxy(@cm$,@cx,@cy,0); if(@cm$=="flag_event") { if(.w==@ctf_tid) { warp "guild_room",236,283; }else warp "prontera",150,180; } setd ".join_j"+.@io,0; deltimer "FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; } } set .join,0; } mapwarp "flag_event","prontera",150,180; announce "[CTF] Game Over",0; end; OnTimer1: OnStart: set .game,1; set .join,1; set .ctf_tn1,0; set .ctf_tn2,0; set .ctf_tp1,0; set .ctf_tp2,0; sleep2(30000); set .game,2; setmapflag "flag_event",mf_pvp; setmapflag "flag_event",mf_pvp_noguild; removemapflag "flag_event",mf_gvg; announce "[CTF]!!!",0; for(set .@io,0;.@io<=.join;set .@io,.@io+1) { if(attachrid(getd(".join_j"+.@io))) { if(@ctf_tid==2) warp "flag_event",180,87; else warp "flag_event",33,93; } } initnpctimer "CTF-Point#1"; initnpctimer "CTF-Point#2"; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(@cm$,@cx,@cy,0); if(@cm$!="flag_event"||.game!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; addtimer 5000,"CTF-Point#"+@ctf_tid+"::OnDie"; OnPCEnd: OnPCLogoutEvent: set @ctf_tu,0; set @CTF,0; if(set(.@i,c_flagon(getcharid(0)))) { deltimer "FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; callfunc "CTF_LimitSkillWhenCareFlag",0; getmapxy(.@cm$,.@cx,.@cy,0); hideoffnpc "Flag#"+.@i; stopnpctimer "Flag#"+.@i; setd "$@flag"+.@i+"_a",0; movenpc "Flag#"+.@i,.@cx,.@cy; if(@ctf_xt&&@ctf_tid) { specialeffect2 666; set @ctf_xt,0; mapannounce "flag_event","[CTF] Team "+@ctf_tid+" +1",0; setd ".ctf_tp"+@ctf_tid,getd(".ctf_tp"+@ctf_tid)+1; mapannounce "flag_event","[Sorce] "+.ctf_tp1+" : "+.ctf_tp2,0; movenpc "Flag#"+.@i,107,90; getmapxy(getvariableofnpc(.cm$,"Flag#"+.@i),getvariableofnpc(.cx,"Flag#"+.@i),getvariableofnpc(.cy,"Flag#"+.@i),1,"Flag#"+.@i); } end; } set @ctf_xt,0; end; } flag_event,107,90,4 script Flag#1 722,{ if(getvariableofnpc(.game,"CTF")!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; function flag_tid { if(getarg(0)<4) return 1; else return 2; } set .k,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); getmapxy(.cm$,.cx,.cy,1); getmapxy(.@cm$,.@cx,.@cy,0); if(pow(.cx-.@cx,2)>9||pow(.cy-.@cy,2)>9) { message strcharinfo(0),"Too far!!"+rand(1000)+""+rand(1000); end; } if(@CTF) end; set @CTF,1; setd "$@flag"+.k+"_a",getcharid(0); hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); callfunc "CTF_LimitSkillWhenCareFlag",1; addtimer 500,"FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; end; } - script FlagTimer -,{ OnTimerStart: set @ctf_tu,@ctf_tu+1; if(@ctf_tu>120) { unitskilluseid getcharid(3),173,1; doevent "CTF::OnPCEnd"; end; } specialeffect2 589; addtimer 500,"FlagTimer::OnTimerStart"; end; } flag_event,33,93,4 script CTF-Point#1 111,3,3,{ end; OnDie: if(@ctf_tid==2) warp "flag_event",180,87; else warp "flag_event",33,93; end; OnTouch: if(getvariableofnpc(.game,"CTF")!=2||!@ctf_tid) end; if(@ctf_tid!=atoi(strnpcinfo(2))) end; set @ctf_xt,1; doevent "CTF::OnPCEnd"; end; OnTimer500: specialeffect 225; sleep(500); specialeffect 236; sleep(500); specialeffect 237; sleep(500); specialeffect 238; initnpctimer; end; } flag_event,180,87,4 duplicate(CTF-Point#1) CTF-Point#2 45,3,3 flag_event mapflag nowarpto flag_event mapflag nosave flag_event mapflag nobranch flag_event mapflag nopenalty flag_event mapflag noreturn flag_event mapflag nowarp flag_event mapflag noicewall flag_event mapflag nomemo flag_event mapflag pvp
  10. I know the feeling (about the noise)... In the src/config/renewal.h Just comment out (//) all renewal lines. And I just replaced item and mob_db from re folder to the pre-re folder, all the items and mob appear but they all have renewal stats , that cant be.
  11. Hi thanks for the reply. But for instance, if I put missing items of re/item_db.txt into pre-re/item.db.txt won't I get syntax error messages? At the moment I have renewal enabled, so I have access to all monsters and items, but I have disabled renewal drop, renewal cast and renewal damage, due to that renewal formulas mess with flee and hit, I have left renewal aspds active. I have removed all renewal merchants (the ones that enchant in all slots, and refine over +10 All I want is the server to have this: The Players to have pre-renewal stats. The missings mobs like explained above. Max refine +10 No third Jobs. Access to all renewal maps. It cant be to hard, most of all of the servers I see online are pre-renewal but have the renewal maps and mobs. Thanks again.
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