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Everything posted by sietse11

  1. Hey folks. How do I make onNPCDieEvent work? I need to use it to count the kills by a specific player on a specific mob. And I have no idea how to use it
  2. Ah okay, I didnt use set hp Cause I thought that would have a different effect xD Anyways, heal works perfectly cause killing players is an intended side effect
  3. hey folks, I am trying to make an npc take off 20k hp. heres what I tried. sethp, hp-20000; --------------------------- hp hp,-20000; --------------------------- Hp Hp,-20000; --------------------------- gethp hp,-20000; what would be the right command for this xD hmmm, overlooked heal. gonne try heal -20000,0
  4. Hey folks, me again. My players are starting to complain about custom homAI not doing anything. So I just spend an hour testing AzzyAI 1.5 final It seems that everything that's useless is working. For instance, Attack time before thinking its bugged worked. - At first it would start attacking after forcing it too, then suddenly stop. Increasing it to 30 seconds worked. Idle movement, like walking in a circle, cross shape or square works. But it will not ever auto attack or use skills. Client version 2013-08-07. As always help would be appreciated. Any working custom AI that supports hom S is considered a fix.
  5. change log ---- npc replaced with script ------- closed replaced with end simple replaced with simply ------- Test in 45 minutes prontera,148,188,6 script Shaman Seer 720,{ mes "[Shaman Seer]"; mes "Hello adventurer."; mes "I can allign your spirit with the stars."; mes "Simply pay me 100.000 Zeny"; next; switch ( select ( "Sure take my money", "No thanks" ) ) { case 1: { switch ( basejob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; set Zeny, Zeny-100000; break; default: if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; end; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } } case 2: { close; } }
  6. I think the initial test failed cause of prontera,148,188,6 npc Shaman Seer 720,{ not being prontera,148,188,6 script Shaman Seer 720,{
  7. Heres the script prontera,148,188,6 npc Shaman Seer 720,{ mes "[Shaman Seer]"; mes "Hello adventurer."; mes "I can allign your spirit with the stars."; mes "Simple pay me 20.000 Zeny"; next; ( switch( select "Sure take my money", "No thanks" ) ) { case 1: { switch ( basejob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; Zeny, Zeny-20000; close; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } } case 2: { close; } } Will this work? I addapted it from this script. http://rathena.org/board/topic/69818-soul-link-skill-buff-script/#entry132448 Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  8. lol at that by the way, you should check this trunk/doc/script_commands.txt there are a lot of commands and how to use them plus, there is always the wiki hehe http://rathena.org/wiki/Main_Page Go check the wiki. Find a z in scripting commands. Then search on zeny. Catch my drift?
  9. Hey guys. I need to remove the 2seconds minimum cast time from the formula. Can anyone tell me what source file holds the renewal cast time formula? thanks you.
  10. Epic awesome thank you. you rock. Ill be thinking of you tonight
  11. hey folks. trying to get a script working. I am doing this. case 1: if (countzeny > 19999) { delzeny, 20000; //delitem zeny, 20000; set blabla,1; close; } not working obviously xD so 1. Check zeny to initiate mes ""; 2. Remove zeny to initiate quest advancement
  12. I do not want to just disable it. I want to mod it. As in, maybe I wanne give A bigger influence on aspd And maybe I want shields to lower aspd by 50 instead 5. etc..
  13. Hey folks, I am probably being an idiot but lets have a go. I am trying to have my TRIAD patcher add a grf file to my RO folder. This folder has no set location. So my question is. How do I make Triad patcher install the .grf into the RO folder? The wiki has this to say, Ajouter / Add Adds GPF patches and local files to the compile list. If a GPF file is selected, destination archive must be specified (ex. adata.grf), otherwise for local files, their final destination must be set (ex. myfolder\myfile.ext). Which leads me to believe if I add stylist.grf as a destination it will attempt to merge stylist.grf with a non existend.grf Since that didn't work xD
  14. Hey folks, I am using an SQL table for mob skills and I just made my 1st typo. Chocked, is the state I'm in. The skill_db does not have a unique key, and thus I can't replace my typo or delete the entry by conventional means. So I tried this UPDATE FROM 'ragnarok'.'mob_skill_db' CONDITION= 'longrangeattacked' WHERE CONDITION='longrangedattacked' I dunno how wrong my quarry is here but it ain't working, and I need it fixed asap. Help would be greatly appreciated Ugh no one has even seen this T_T
  15. Thank you!! I was looking in all the wrong places xD I am assuming I can alter it as well as disable it in this folder? Anyways you deserved your cup a coffee If anyone can tell me in which file I can modify the renewal system I can mark this as solved
  16. Ok, in depth example. Poring Test on a lvl 98 assassin. Below the regular card drop rate, 100 equals 0.01 % // The rate at which cards are dropped item_rate_card: 100 item_rate_card_boss: 100 item_drop_card_min: 1 item_drop_card_max: 10000 So to increase the item drop rate to say 0.5% I'd have to do this. // The rate at which cards are dropped item_rate_card: 5000 item_rate_card_boss: 5000 item_drop_card_min: 1 item_drop_card_max: 10000 50*0.01 = 0.5 in game result 0.25% The very same mob has a Jellopy drop chance of 70% I have increased all drop chances to 2500. 25*70=100% In game result 50% I will now check to see what happens if I drop my base level to 1 Card drop rate back to 0.5% Jellopy turned to 100% Please check this link and tell me how to remove the level factor Since the test proves this is my problem
  17. Oh so sorry people. I didn't notice any responses here. You really need to quote me to get my attention Well, Flywings are item type 11. And they are consumed. So after all your comments I still don't have my answer. If the item type is for usable items that aren't consumed how come a flywing(601) is consumed? itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; As you see the script only mentions the lvl 1 teleport Reins of Mount (12622) is also type 11 setmounting(); But as you can see the script doesn't call a skill So there's only two options here. There's a function to make items use a skill without the prefix itemskill, which I don't know xD Or there's a file telling itemskill which items to consume. which I also don't know. But the way I understood type11 Items that cast a player/mob skill. Consumed after skill trigger.
  18. Hey folks, me again. Using the 2013-8-7 client, My drop.conf folder seems to have some weird effects. With max being 10000 and min being 1, I set the drop rate from 100 to 2500. Items with a 3% droprate are now 37% Items that should be 100% are all at 50% Why does this happen, how do I "fix" it. Link to IRO WIKI DROP SYSTEM Is this enabled and thus the culprit? If so where do I disable this. Source files are a maze to me xD.
  19. erm, you can turn of the banking system in conf/battle/feature.conf // Banking (Note 1) // Requires: 2013-07-24aRagexe or later feature.banking: off the chat info is located in "I forgot" so youll have to look around a bit to find that one
  20. /monsterhp will hide the healthbar. // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 1 still doesn't work In effect /monsterhp leaves you with just a name nothing else.
  21. Hey peeps, 2013 8 7 client! I want to get rid of the annoying health bars mobs have. I seem to recall this was the only change needed, conf/battle/monster.conf // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 1 However, after a full reboot this data does not seem to be used. Why is that? This whole function doesn't work btw. Healthbars hardcoded?
  22. To add to the conversation in a constructive manner. I have not been able to translate the renewal formula to something I understand BUT, that is not the same for the old one sp += ( 1 + (low + 9) / MOD ); The higher the value you put in MOD the lower your stat cost. Hence if you want 3 max stats of 170 change MOD to 15or16 (yes I set it to high xD)
  23. Depending on who's hosting the server you can play from any pc since the server saves everything in mySQL. I you are hosting the server and you want to play on a different pc without being in the same network. You need to install wamp, and use that as MySQL - back up all your existing sql databases and remove MySQL. Check rathena's wiki on how to remove sql in the right way. So now run the installer. Click on wamp in the system tray and run phpmyadmin. Login is root no password Now import all sql files from the rathena folder as you did when you installed MySQL Now import your back up files. - this wil restore all your data Go to your wamp folder and find the apache folder, locate the httpd document and open it with a text editor. Find deny from all and change it into allow from all. Now open port 80,5121,6121,6900 in your router and connect it to the machine running the server. Now find your ro folder and open clientinfo.xml. <Address></address> needs to be replaced with your WAN something like <adress></address> Now go to your rathena folder/conf and open map and char.conf change the 1st localhost/127.0.01 to your WAN and the 3rd to your LAN Finding out your WAN, go to google and type in myIP press enter Finding out your LAN, in windows, go to your search/command window and type in cmd on the next screen type in ipconfig IPv4............................. whatever numbers and dots are filled in here is your LAN
  24. Hey, I am looking for the files to edit to change donation rewards. Somewhere in all these files there should be some form of code that adds donation credits. I wanne change that to add cashpoints instead. but I can't find it XD Also I am looking for the file that fetches the items for the item shop. I wanne change that one to locate the items in the cashshop database. Any help would be appreciated =D
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