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Everything posted by juanfu

  1. el error dice q hay un error en el tipo de bonus en el item 18001,9998,9691 seria util que revises esos item o almenos adjuntes el script q tienen para ver el error
  2. i think it is the filename put the grf in a empty folder try extract the grf ( grf factory) then apply unbollox to change all file names in sprite example data/sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/³².... etc etc etc instead korean after al changes add to grf with grf builder or editor
  3. juanfu

    item add

    Lua Files/DataInfo/Accname.lua line 1560 it may be a missing " , " or the id in line 1560 not exist in accesoryid.lua
  4. check the bmp file, open it with paint and save as bmp 256colors, then try in game
  5. maybe you have skill_unconditional: true in groups.conf
  6. las skills de warmth en pvp y woe no inflingen daño, sino que queman el sp del enemigo cuando el star gladiator esta cerca You can use this skill anytime in a map designated as "Place of the Moon" (in other maps the skill don't trigger and the SP is not spent).When this skill is used, it creates an offensive barrier around you, affecting 3x3 cells centered on you. It deals 100% damage to monsters right next to you, and push them back by 2 cells. Enemy players receive SP damage instead of HP, and no push back.Every time the barrier hits, it takes away 2 SP. If you do not have enough SP, the barrier will disappear without making damage.
  7. did you replace with the old izlude and THEN with weemapcache replace the izlude from mapcache.dat? or if you want to use the new izlude , load izlude's npc from npc/re
  8. Im adding monsters from divine-pride http://www.divine-pride.net/database/monster/3155/repair-robot it say attack speed 2.00 , how i should calculate the aDelay,Amotion and Dmotion?
  9. juanfu

    Guild emblem

    i had to remove white color but i think it look fine (using paint) spartan.bmp
  10. check your num2cardillustnametable in data folder
  11. que nivel de gm tienes? revisa en conf/groups.conf disable_pvm: false para habilitar player vs monster en los permisos de tu id de group
  12. are you using custom palletes?
  13. { sc_start SC_INVINCIBLE,5000,1; } itemDB id,nameA,NameB,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_INVINCIBLE,5000,1; },{},{} item type 11 = will not be consumed, if you will carry more than 1 and want them consume change to 2 item_delay id,600000//you custom potion with invincible all damage will be 1 or miss itemdelay 600000=10min
  14. try disable you firewall
  15. bmp 256 colors you can test with this ------------------------ bmp 256 colores te dejo los que use para probar petinfo.lub PetNameTable = { .... [jobtbl.JT_SPPO] = "Sppo", PetIllustNameTable = { .... [jobtbl.JT_SPPO] = "Sppo.bmp", PetIllustNameTable_Eng = { ..... [jobtbl.JT_SPPO] = "Sppo.bmp", PetStringTable = { ..... [jobtbl.JT_SPPO] = "Sppo", illust.rar
  16. this take me arround 3h find e.e..... pets portraits are now in texture\userinterface\illust and add the pet in PetIllustNameTable_Eng
  17. OnTimer90100000: stopnpctimer; set $@Aqua_Repeat,rand(1000); if ($@Aqua_Repeat <= 1000) goto Aqua1; // Posibilidades de que se reactive el evento en cada hora. (Por defecto 1/1000) setnpctimer 86500000; startnpctimer; end; } ay dice 90100000 (milisegundos) si esta activo aqua_repeat tiene posibilidad de activarse cada 1h luego pone el timer a 86500000 90100000 - 86500000 = 3600000 milisegundos (1h) por ende si ponemos el timer a setnpctimer 82900000; serian 2 horas fijate bien en la parte tambien de : OnTimer86480000: disablenpc "Señor de Amatsu"; if ($Aqua_Auto == 0) stopnpctimer; end; porque eso se ejecutaría al poner el timer mas bajo y desconosco su función (no lei el script completo, solo busque directo lo de la hora)
  18. for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { delitem getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ), getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ); //here is deleting items } } // but there is not any other delitem deleting the egg it shoud be here // no veo ningun otro delitem asi que deberia ir aqui antes de entregar el nuevo pet makepet .@get_pet_id = getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ rand( getarraysize( getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) ) +"]" ); mes "your "+ .@pet_name$[.@c] +" has reborn into "+ getmonsterinfo( .@get_pet_id, 0 ); mes "please rename your pet ~"; close; also in the post they say add in request same egg item for Evolution to delete egg , so you can add a second delete or add the egg in the required items
  19. 1) el teleport de los mvps me parece que es por la condicion rudeattacked, ej con el satan morroc \db\pre-re\mob_skill_db 1916,Satan Morroc@AL_TELEPORT,idle,26,1,10000,0,0,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 1916,Satan Morroc@AL_TELEPORT,chase,26,1,5000,0,5000,yes,self,rudeattacked,,,,,,,, 2) tendrias que modificar los src de esa skills en eso no te puedo ayudar mucho 3)snap y las de taekwondo esta en \db\pre-re\skill_nocast_db 264,8 //MO_BODYRELOCATION 411,8 //TK_RUN cambia a comentario las que quieras habilitar con // al comienzo
  20. Input For strings min and max specify the minimum and maximum string length. The return value is -1, if the string was too short, 1, if it was too long, otherwise 0. tu tabla tiene `reason` char(50) osea input .@reason$,1,50; //el max es del tamaño que permite tu tabla
  21. db/re(o pre-re)/item_db buscas la id del item 12125,Outdoor_Cooking_Kits,Outdoor Cooking Kit,2,500,,20,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ cooking 11; },{},{} 12126,Indoor_Cooking_Kits,Home Cooking Kit,2,1000,,30,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ cooking 12; },{},{} 12127,High_end_Cooking_Kits,Professional Cooking Kit,2,2000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ cooking 13; },{},{} 12128,Imperial_Cooking_Kits,Royal Cooking Kit,2,5000,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ cooking 14; },{},{} 12129,Fantastic_Cooking_Kits,Fantastic Cooking Kit,2,10000,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ cooking 15; },{},{} desconosco la formula de cooking, pero al parecer con cooking 15 tienen 100% de hacer las comidas, los refine en db/re(o pre-re)/refine_db ej en pre-re // Level 1 weapons 1,200,8,300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,60:0,40:0,20:0 tiene 100% de refinar hasta nivel 7 un arma de nivel 1
  22. en conf/battle/drops.txt alli puedes cambiar los rates del servidor, ahora si quieres editar un mob especifico tienes q ir a db/re(o pre-re dependiendo de tu servidor)/mob_db para cambiar por ej los items q dan algunos moustros como por ej mimic card { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,603,10; },{},{} cambias el id del item por el que tu gustes o agregas el bonus2 a algun item custom encuanto al comando who2 no sabria decirte
  23. \src\map\script.c find npctalk function and replace it then search for this line BUILDIN_DEF(npctalk,"s"), // [Valaris] and change it for this BUILDIN_DEF(npctalk,"s?"), // [Valaris] then recompile the emulator
  24. OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; ​L_Finish: close; change to end; instead close;
  25. lo de la party no sera por el /showname ? y encuanto a lo de las palabras no lo se, no tengo ese problema con un exe 2013
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