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Posts posted by Helly

  1. In the itemdb did you add the idview that you set in the accesoryid?


    19506,T_Valkyrie_Feather_Band,T Valkyrie Feather Band,4,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1024,,0,1,300,{},{},{}

    ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK[:MATK],DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }
  2. how my freiend says try to change the ro fold to other place like Desk or Game fold not direct on C: or Program, btw try to turn down your firewall (Windows Defender) or Antivirus some times this programs erase some files you need.

  3. Just ask them by PM if you want src mod and scripting and a part time there is Secrets, if you want script Emistry or Stolao are very good and others guys right there, if you want spriting, are others ones Haziel is very Good. All of then have paid works, and have a list of their terms and the prices of making things for you in their service Post n_n, just Ask them! 

  4. ~Ok first, i beg you that if you dont know anything about RO please try to learn a little because there are a lot of case where  Server Owner has been cheated by the devs(i have meet one last week that really now nothing and one of the team gone with 500 dlls of his donations) Dont give passwords... please STOP trying to make server without a little knowledge of start a server, compile, make items, recognize errors and etc, there are some VPS that give you all ready! like PONY VPS they even give you a grf with customs!, buy a web and pay the same person that sell to you to install it! or even there are some free Flux integrated panels that you can install by your self with guides. If you got doubts you can ask here, but yes if you want to contract some devs, do it just for the work you want, if you want support people or event gm or assistant try to talk with some Friends!... I dont whant you to feel bad about this comment but, when people whant something dont just pay for it, i think you have worked so hard for that money so use it well and when you have a popular server then try to invert in it! make it grow! and see it get mature! There are a loot of server that are started with a simple cpanel or flux panel and survive and others that star with a great web and beautiful design and dont survive a month. There are Daifuku and Lykos and others guys and girls that have a great portfolio for webs.  See you and GOOD LUCK!


  5. Thank you very much. I'll look in to in and get back here if anything comes up! :)

    Please make shure to use  Grf Editor this program automaticly decript to korean whe you put in the files and when you extract it change to a decripted languaje. For custom items is not necesary to add gibberish text on them, the only giberish is for add the genere in them ¿©_Helmet.spr(female) ³²_Helmet.spr(male), are you using iteminfo? or the old ver? check this guide Custom Items, and good luck. 

    I used the Grf Editor, I can see the lub files but I can't edit them. It says they're read only files. Any idea about that? Thanks!


    Yeah you cant edith there you must extract it, edit it and add it again(first erase the older one and save and then add the new edited and save)

    • Upvote 1
  6. Please make shure to use  Grf Editor this program automaticly decript to korean whe you put in the files and when you extract it change to a decripted languaje. For custom items is not necesary to add gibberish text on them, the only giberish is for add the genere in them ¿©_Helmet.spr(female) ³²_Helmet.spr(male), are you using iteminfo? or the old ver? check this guide Custom Items, and good luck. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Are you using a newest ver? cause i check it right now and there is the renewal file. If you are using an old ver then you will not have the renewal file cause dont exist.

    If you purchase it to Zephyrus must report to him, if you get it from a host you must ask them for an updated ver. If you have account you can update from here:



    there is no support forum and event no support from zephyrus.

  8. Em no so much Info, but, here is a:
    Daily Monster Hunt v1.2:  You can set an item for reward.

    // Daily Monster Hunt
    // 1.2
    // Sandbox
    // This NPC allows your player to hunt a random amount
    // of a random monster, within a random time
    // *randomception!*
    // If the player successfully hunts the monster
    // within the time limit, he'll receive a reward!
    // KeyWorld, nanakiwurtz, NeoMind, Kido
    // Thanks for helping me out guize!
    prontera,100,200,3 script Hunting Challenge 78,{
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    if(Hunter) {
    mes "You have killed ^880000"+HuntCount+"^000000/^0000FF"+Amt
    +"^000000 "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"s, keep it up!";
    if(gettimetick(2) < HuntDelay) {
    mes "You can only do this quest once a day!";
    mes "Hello, do you want to take on the Monster Hunting Challenge?","I will give you a random time limit to kill a random amount of a monster, If you manage to kill them within the given time, you'll receive a reward!";
    if(select("Bring it on!:How about no?")==2) {
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    mes "Fine!";
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    Hunt = .Mob_List[rand(getarraysize(.Mob_List))];
    Time = rand(60,99); //Timer
    Amt = rand (50,100); //Amount of mob to hunt
    mes "You have to hunt ^0000FF"+Amt+" "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"^000000 in ^AA0000"+Time+"^000000 seconds!";
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    mes "Go go go!";
    showdigit Time,3;
    HuntDelay = gettimetick(2)+86400; //Once a day only.
    HuntStart = gettimetick(2)+Time;
    sleep2 1000*Time;
    if(Hunter) dispbottom strnpcinfo(1)+": I'm sorry, you didn't make it!";
    HuntStart = 0; //Reset all variables
    Hunt = 0;
    Hunter = 0;
    HuntCount = 0;
    Time = 0;
    Amt = 0;
    .Npc_Name$ = "[^0000FF NPC ^000000]";
    setarray .Mob_List[0],1002,1007,1063; //Mobs to hunt. Default: Poring, Fabre, Lunatic
    .Reward = 607; //Reward ID
    .RewAmt = 10; //Reward Amount
    if(Hunter > 0) {
    if(gettimetick(2) < HuntStart) {
    if(killedrid == Hunt) {
    dispbottom "You have killed "+HuntCount+"/"+Amt+" "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"s, keep it up!";
    if(HuntCount >= Amt) {
    dispbottom strnpcinfo(1)+": Congratulations! You did it!";
    getitem .Reward,.RewAmt;
    HuntStart = 0;
    Hunt = 0;
    Hunter = 0;
    HuntCount = 0;
    Time = 0;
    Amt = 0;
    showdigit 1,3;


    Rathena Hunting Quest: Have his own shop and reward point.


  9. Well, this is because you have oudated clienside files like ItemInfo.lua, try to downloadit from here:

    Ragnarok English Translation Project


    Here direct link to the GIT: LINK


    Dont know if the quest have been updated but try, for the mobs maybe is because you dont have and updated data.grf or rdata.grf file but are spawned by the emulator.


    Renewal mode implides that you must have all your files updated.



  10. @Helly


    if you use this one

    prontera,150,150,5	cashshop	-1,
    it automatically uses the cashpoints as a currency to buy an item with this specific shop NPC. What I mean is what would I need to use to replace the cashshop in order for the players to buy an item using the kafrapoints as a currency..

    So you want a shop where you can use both payment methods?(sorry im on the phone)

  11. well is more simply that you think cause the #cashpoint o #kafrapoint aire variables so if you have a shop where you buy with #cashpoint you only need to change it for #kafrapoints, verse is an Emistry shop script http://pastebin.com/raw/SSrWesuyyou can can change the #cashpoint forma every poit you wantbo crea te ir you make aun npc that give ser you i don know emm... #votepoint +1 every time you vote then you can crea te a shop for that xP that make a #votepoint -1 (The script work moré detailed ofcourse jaja i only gice you a general idea)

  12. did you try to add this into your mysql or local sql database?, you can add it manually or making a new file.sql an uploadit and run it in your mysql

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mission_board`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mission_board` (
    	`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
    	`title` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    	`desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    	`mob_list` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`mob_qty` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`item_list` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`item_qty` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`class_limitation` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`class_branch` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`min_lv` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
    	`max_lv` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '99',
    	`repeat` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`duration` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`reward_list` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`reward_qty` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`base_exp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`job_exp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`zeny` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`cash` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`aid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    	`time_update` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    	`npc_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    	`redo_delay` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `player_mission`;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_mission` (
    	`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
    	`mission_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
    	`aid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`cid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
    	`mob_hunt` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    	`expire` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    	`starting` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    	`completion` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    	PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
  13. How you add the items? cause its saying that you dont add it correctly, must be like this:


    // Type:   // 0: New   // 1: Hot   // 2: Limited   // 3: Rental   // 4: Gear   // 5: Buff   // 6: Heal   // 7: Other

    So if you want your ítem appear when you push the buff button, you mus add it  this way:



    not just the ítem id, well i think can be that... and btw what is ogh?

  14. Well, first, for the update, if you have a local test server and you download it by GIT that is more easy, you only open the folder, click right on the mouse to open the menu, and click svn update and you will have an updated rathena.


    For the map, well i have notice that the map is in the data but it didnt read it so, what i have do was extract the map and put it into my data folder and its work, try to put it in your grf or your data fold.(Check the attached files) Dont forget to update your mapcache, and compile, because the rathena mapcache is not updated.

    iz int.rar

  15. Well i dont know if is working, i hve found it in brAthena, so you can test it:

    SQL addons:

    ALTER TABLE `guild` ADD `pontos` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

    ​BTW is in Portuguese

    //====Script criador por Pixel 
    //====Adicionado comandos adicionais por Duka
    //====Adicionado tabela SQL na tabela guild por Duka
    //====Adicionado npc Saída e Entrada por Duka
    //====Adicionado barricadas , Rank por Duka
    //==================TREASURE WAR============================
    prontera,0,0,0	script	War of Treasure	-1,{
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] Os Báus surgirão em 10 minutos !",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    set .morto,0;
    setcell "arena",140,140,160,160,cell_walkable,1;
    setcell "arena",140,140,160,160,cell_walkable,1;
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] Portal para salas dos Baús ao Norte de Izlude ! Corra",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] Apressem-se os Báus aparecerão em 5 minutos !",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    disablenpc "exit";
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] Em 1 minutos os Báus do Tesouro surgirão , apressem-se !",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    set .@bau,1324;  //id Bau da Wot
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] Os Báus do tesouro apareceram !",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    monster "prt_are_in",178,140,"Bau do Tesouro",.@bau,1,"War of Treasure::OnThisMobDeath"; 
    monster "prt_are_in",22,89,"Bau do Tesouro",.@bau,1,"War of Treasure::OnThisMobDeath";
    set .morto,.morto+1;
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] O Jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+" do clã "+strcharinfo(2)+" acaba de destruir um dos Baús!",bc_all,0xADD8E6;
    Query_sql "UPDATE `guild` SET `pontos`=`pontos`+1 WHERE `guild_id`='"+getcharid(2)+"'";
    if (.morto == 2) {
    enablenpc "exit#tw";
    prt_are_in,105,21,3,3	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    prt_are_in,92,23,5,5	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    prt_are_in,87,12,2,2	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    prt_are_in,107,12,4,4	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    prt_are_in,100,16,6,6	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    prt_are_in,97,19,3,3	monster	Muro	1905,1,30,60,"War of Treasure::OnInit";
    //izlude,128,225,0	warp	War Of Treasure1	1,1,arena_room,100,25
    prt_are_in,55,13,0	warp	War Of Treasure#1	1,1,prt_are_in,177,129
    prt_are_in,177,127,0	warp	War Of Treasure#2	1,1,prt_are_in,57,13
    prt_are_in,21,75,0	warp	War Of Treasure#3	1,1,prt_are_in,140,13
    prt_are_in,142,13,0	warp	War Of Treasure#4	1,1,prt_are_in,21,77
    arena_room,76,87	warp	WarOfTreasure#5	1,1,prt_are_in,97,30
    izlude,128,225,1	script	entrada	45,2,2,{ 
    if (getcharid(2) > 0 ) {
    warp "arena_room",100,25;
    else {
    mes "^FF0000 Você precisa estar em um Clã para participar desse evento. ^000000";
    close; }
    prt_are_in,97,6,1	script	exit#tw	45,2,2,{
    warp "izlude",128,113;
    arena_room	mapflag	gvg
    arena_room	mapflag	nowarp
    arena_room	mapflag	nowarpto
    arena_room	mapflag	noreturn
    prt_are_in	mapflag	gvg
    prt_are_in	mapflag	nowarp
    prt_are_in	mapflag	nowarpto
    prt_are_in	mapflag	noreturn
    izlude,132,220,4	script	Guerra do Tesouro	857,{
    mes "^3366FF[Rank Guerra do Tesouro]^000000";
    mes "^999999Posição^000000  : ^339966Guild ^000000: ^000080Pontos^000000";
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < 10; set .@i,.@i+1){
    query_sql "select `name`,`pontos` from `guild` where `pontos` > 0 ORDER BY `pontos` DESC LIMIT 20",.@n$,.@p;
    mes "^999999"+(.@i+1)+"^000000 : ^339966"+.@n$[.@i]+"^000000 : ^000080"+.@p[.@i]+"^000000";
    if(.@p == 0) break;

    Hope is useful for you n.n.


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